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   Setting Up a BEA Tuxedo Application

Identifying the Master Machine

The MASTER machine controls the booting and administration of the entire application. You must specify a MASTER machine for every application by setting the MASTER parameter. The value of MASTER is the Logical Machine Identifier (LMID) for the appropriate computer. The LMID, in turn, is defined as an alphanumeric string, chosen by the administrator, that is assigned to the LMID parameter in the MACHINES section. Therefore, for example, if the value of the LMID parameter is SITE1, then the value of MASTER must also be SITE1.

If you want to be able to bring down the MASTER machine without shutting down the application, you must be able to migrate the MASTER. To enable migration, you must specify two values for LMID: the primary MASTER and the backup MASTER.

Characteristics of the MASTER Parameter

The MASTER parameter has the following characteristics:

Example Settings


Site1 is the MASTER machine; SITE2 is the backup machine.