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   Setting Up a BEA Tuxedo Application

How to Create the MACHINES Section of the Configuration File

The second section of every configuration file must be the MACHINES section. The MACHINES section defines parameters for each machine in an application. These parameters provide the following information:

For each parameter in the MACHINES section, the following table provides a description and links to reference pages and additional information.

To Specify This Information in the MACHINES Section . . .

Set This Parameter (Required/Optional)

For More Information, Click the Following

The number of entries in the cache used for ACL entries when SECURITY is set to ACL or MANDATORY_ACL.

MAXACLCACHE (optional)

ACL entries in the cache

The additional load to be added when computing the cost of sending a service request from this machine to another machine.

NETLOAD (optional)

additional loads

The address is the name of the physical processor, which all other entries describe. The LMID parameter specifies the logical name of the computer.

LMID (required)

Address and machine ID

The number of attempts that should be made at user level to lock the bulletin board before blocking processes on a UNIX semaphore.

SPINCOUNT (optional)

bulletin board locking limit

A value used for grouping machines into classes.

TYPE (optional)

class grouping value

The absolute path name of the file or device where the binary TUXCONFIG file is found on this machine.

Note: The path name specified for this parameter must match exactly (including case) the path name specified for the TUXCONFIG environment variable. Otherwise, tmloadcf(1) cannot be run successfully.

TUXCONFIG (required)

configuration file location

The maximum number of simultaneous conversations in which processes on a particular machine can be involved.

MAXCONV (optional)

conversation limits

The numeric size, in pages, of the DTP transaction log for this machine.

TLOGSIZE (optional)


The name of the DTP transaction log for this machine.

TLOGNAME (optional)

DTP transaction log name

A value that specifies that all clients and servers on the machine are to be executed with the environment specified in the named file.

ENVFILE (optional)

environment variable settings

The BEA Tuxedo file system that contains the DTP transaction log (TLOG) for this machine.

TLOGDEVICE (optional)

file system containing the TLOG

The maximum number of processes that can have access to the bulletin board on this processor at any one time.


IPC limits

The maximum number of simultaneous global transactions in which a particular machine can be involved.

MAXGTT (optional)

limit of simultaneous global transactions

The number of accesser entries on this processor to be reserved for Workstation clients. The parameter is only used when the BEA Tuxedo system Workstation component is used.


limit of workstation accesser entries

A limit for the amount of space that can be allocated for messages waiting to be transmitted by the bridge process.


message space limits

The numeric offset in pages (from the beginning of the device) to the start of the BEA Tuxedo file system that contains the DTP transaction log for this machine.

TLOGOFFSET (optional)

numeric offset containing the DTP TLOG

The numeric offset in pages (from the beginning of the device) to the start of the BEA Tuxedo file system that contains the TUXCONFIG file for this machine.

TUXOFFSET (optional)

numeric offset containing the TUXCONFIG

The numeric group ID to be associated with the IPC structures created for the bulletin board. The valid range is 0-2147483647. If not specified, the default is the value specified in the RESOURCES section.

GID (optional)

security access

The numeric permissions associated with the IPC structures that implement the bulletin board. This parameter is used to specify the read/write permissions for processes in the usual UNIX system fashion (that is, with an octal number such as 0600). The value can be between 0001 and 0777, inclusive. If not specified, the default is the value specified in the RESOURCES section.

PERM (optional)

security access

The numeric user ID to be associated with the IPC structures created for the bulletin board. The valid range is 0-2147483647. If not specified, the default is the value specified in the RESOURCES section.

UID (optional)

security access

Principal name of the process used for identification, location of private key of principal user, and the environment variable containing the password


security attributes

The absolute path name of the application directory (APPDIR), which is the current directory for all application and administrative servers booted on this machine; and the absolute path name of the directory where the BEA Tuxedo system software is found on this machine.

TUXDIR (required)

system and application software locations

The threshold message size for messages-bound to remote processes (string_value1) and local processes (string_value2), respectively-on which automatic data compression will be performed.

CMPLIMIT (optional)

threshold message size

The full path name to be used as the prefix of the name of the userlog(3c) message file on this machine.

ULOGPFX (optional)

ULOG path name

Sample MACHINES Section

Following is a sample MACHINES section of a configuration file.

gumby LMID=SITE1

Sample MACHINES Parameters

In the preceding sample MACHINES section, the following parameters and values are specified.




The machine name obtained with the command uname -n on UNIX systems. On a Windows NT system, the value can be set using the Computer Name value in the Network Control Panel and must be specified in upper case.


The logical machine identifier of the machine gumby.


The full path to the installed BEA Tuxedo software (shown in double quotation marks).


The full path to the application directory (shown in double quotation marks).


The full path name of the configuration file (shown in double quotation marks).

Note: The path name specified for this parameter must match exactly (including case) the path name specified for the TUXCONFIG environment variable. Otherwise, tmloadcf(1) cannot be run successfully.


The full path name of a file containing environment information (shown in double quotation marks).


The full path name to be used as the prefix of the name of the log file (shown in double quotation marks).


For this machine, override the system-wide value (defined in the RESOURCES section) with 100.


For this machine, override the system-wide value (defined in the RESOURCES section) with 15.

How to Customize the Sample MACHINES Section

You can customize the MACHINES section by indicating the following:

See Also