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   Setting Up a BEA Tuxedo Application

How to Create the GROUPS Section of the Configuration File

Use the GROUPS section to designate logically grouped sets of servers, which can later be used to access resource managers, and facilitate server group migration. The GROUPS section of the configuration file contains definitions of server groups. You must define at least one server group for a machine to have application servers running on it. If no group is defined for a machine, the group can still be part of the application and you can run the administrative command tmadmin(1) from that site.

For nontransactional, nondistributed systems, groups are relatively simple. You only need to map the group name to the number and logical machine ID for each group. Additional flexibility is available to support distributed transactional systems.

For each parameter in the GROUPS section, the following table provides a description and links to reference pages and additional information.

To Specify This Information in the GROUPS Section . . .

Set This Parameter (Required/Optional)

For More Information, Click the Following

The logical name of the group

GROUPNAME (required)

group name

The group number associated with this server group. This number must be greater than 0 and less than 30000, and must be unique among all entries in the GROUPS section.

GRPNO (required)

group number

The resource manager dependent information needed when closing the resource manager

CLOSEINFO (optional)

information for closing the resource manager

The resource manager dependent information needed when opening the resource manager

OPENINFO (optional)

information for opening the resource manager

The number of transaction manager servers to start for the associated group, if TMSNAME is specified

TMSCOUNT (optional)

number of TMS servers in the group

Principal name of the process used for identification, location of private key of principal user, and the environment variable containing the password


security attributes

A value that specifies that all servers in the group are to be executed with the environment specified in the named file

ENVFILE (optional)

server group environment

A value that specifies that this group of servers resides on the machine symbolically named by string_value1 in the MACHINES section (or the default in SHM mode)

LMID (required)

server group location

The name of the transaction manager server process associated with this group

TMSNAME (optional)

transaction manager server for group

Sample GROUPS Section


BANKB1GRPNO=1 OPENINFO="TUXEDO/SQL:APPDIR1/bankdl1:bankdb:readwrite"
BANKB2GRPNO=2 OPENINFO="TUXEDO/SQL:APPDIR1/bankdl2:bankdb:readwrite"
BANKB3GRPNO=3 OPENINFO="TUXEDO/SQL:APPDIR1/bankdl3:bankdb:readwrite"

See Also