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   Setting Up a BEA Tuxedo Application

How to Create the SERVERS Section of the Configuration File

The SERVERS section of the configuration file contains information specific to a server process. While this section is not required, an application without this section has no application servers and little functionality. Each entry in this section represents a server process to be booted in the application and includes the following information:

For each parameter in the SERVERS section, the following table provides a description and links to reference pages and additional information.

To Specify This Information in the SERVERS Section (Optional)

Set This Parameter (Required/Optional)

For More Information, Click the Following

Whether the server is a conversational server. Connections can be made only to conversational servers, and rpc requests (via tpacall(3c) or tpcall(3c)) can be made only to non-conversational servers.

CONV (optional run-time parameter)

conversational server

Principal name of the process used for identification, location of the principal user's private key, and the environment variable containing the password


security attributes

When this server should be booted or shut down relative to other servers.

SEQUENCE (optional boot parameter)

server boot order

The minimum number of occurrences of the server to be booted by tmboot.

MIN (optional boot parameter)

server boot order

The maximum number of occurrences of the server that can be booted.

MAX (optional boot parameter)

server boot order

A list of servopts(5) options to be passed to a server process at boot time. If none are specified, the default is -A. string_value may contain up to 256 characters.

CLOPT (optional boot parameter)

server command-line options

A request for the addition of the values in this file to the environment of the server during its initialization. If a server is associated with a server group that can be migrated to a second machine, the ENVFILE must be in the same location on both machines.

ENVFILE (optional run-time parameter)

server environment file

The name of the group in which the server is to run. string_value must be the logical name associated with a server group in the GROUPS section.

SRVGRP (required)

server group

An integer that uniquely identifies a server within a group. Identifiers must be between 1 and 30,000 inclusive.

SRVID (required)

server ID

The symbolic name of the request queue for the process.

RQADDR (optional run-time parameter)

server queue information

The numeric permissions on the request queue.

RQPERM (optional run-time parameter)

server queue information

Whether a reply queue should be established for the process.

REPLYQ (optional run-time parameter)

server queue information

The numeric permissions on the reply queue.

RPPERM (optional run-time parameter)

server queue information

The command that should be executed when the process abnormally terminates, if the process is restartable.

RCMD (optional run-time parameter)

server restart information

The maximum number minus one time that the process can be restarted within the period specified by GRACE, if the process is restartable.

MAXGEN (optional run-time parameter)

server restart information

A parameter that specifies that the process can have up to MAXGEN lives within the specified number of seconds, if the process is restartable.

GRACE (optional run-time parameter)

server restart information

Whether the process is restartable. Default is N. If server migration is specified, RESTART must be set to Y. (A server terminated with a SIGTERM signal must be rebooted.)

RESTART (optional run-time parameter)

server restart information

The default mode used by BEA Tuxedo system libraries within application processes to gain access to BEA Tuxedo system internal tables.

SYSTEM_ACCESS (optional run-time parameter)

system access to servers

The minimum number of server dispatch threads started on initial server boot. The separate dispatched thread that is used when MAXDISPATCHTHREADS>1 is not counted as part of the MAXDISPATCHTHREADS value. It is required that MINDISPATCHTHREADS<=
MAXDISPATCHTHREADS. The default for this parameter is 0.



The maximum number of concurrently dispatched threads that each server process may spawn. If MAXDISPATCHTHREADS>1, then a separate dispatcher thread is used and does not count against this limit. It is required that MINDISPATCHTHREADS<=
MAXDISPATCHTHREADS. The default for this parameter is 1.



The stack size in bytes for each server thread after the initial thread. If not specified or specified as 0, the operating system default is used. This option has an affect on the server only when a value greater than 1 is specified for MAXDISPATCHTHREADS.



Sample SERVERS Section

Following is a sample SERVERS section of a configuration file.



Note: Omitted from this sample are SEQUENCE (the order of booting is 1 to 6), REPLYQ and RPPERM (the server does not receive replies), RCMD (no special commands are desired on restart), and CONV (servers are not conversational). Defaults are applied to all servers unless a different setting is specified for a specific server.

Sample SERVERS Section Parameters

In the preceding sample SERVERS section, the following parameters and values are specified.



RESTART=Y (default)

Restart the servers.

MAXGEN=5 (default)

The MAXGEN parameter specifies a number greater than 0 and less than 256 that controls the number of times a server can be started within the period specified by the GRACE parameter. The default is 1. If the server is to be restartable, MAXGEN must be >= 2. The number of restarts is at most number - 1 times. RESTART must be Y or MAXGEN is ignored.

GRACE=3600 (default)

If RESTART is Y, the GRACE parameter specifies the time period (in seconds) during which this server can be restarted as MAXGEN - 1 times. The number assigned must be equal to or greater than 0. The maximum is 2,147,483,648 seconds (or a little more than 68 years). If GRACE is not specified, the default is 86,400 seconds (24 hours). As soon as one GRACE period is over, the next grace period begins. Setting the grace period to 0 removes all limitations; the server can be restarted an unlimited number of times.

REPLYQ=N (default)

There is no reply queue.

CLOPT="-A" (default)

Specify -A on the command line of each server.

ENVFILE="/usr/home/envfile" (default)

Read environment settings from the file ENVFILE.


Deny access to internal tables outside system code.


Sample name of the first server to be booted.



Three instances of the sample server will be booted in group GROUP1 with server IDs of 1, 2, and 3, respectively. The three servers will form an MSSQ set and will read requests from queue ring1.

Note: RQADDR assigns a symbolic name to the request queue of this server. MSSQ sets are established by using the same symbolic queue name for more than one server, as well as same executable name for all the servers (and by specifying a value greater than 1 for MIN).


Name of the second sample server to be booted.

See Also