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   Setting Up a BEA Tuxedo Application

Assigning a tlisten Network Address

To specify the network address used by the tlisten(1) process servicing the network on the machine identified by the LMID, set the NLSADDR parameter as follows.


The value of string is a network address in the same format as that specified for the NADDR parameter.

The tlisten address for NLSADDR may be specified in one of the following three forms:

In the first of these formats, is resolved to the address of the TCP/IP host address at the time the address is bound. This format is based on locally configured name resolution facilities accessed via an operating system command. The value of port_number can be a symbolic name or a decimal number.

In the second format, the string #.#.#.# represents four decimal numbers (each of which is between 0 and 255), separated by periods. The value of port_number is a decimal number in the range 0 to 65535 (the hexadecimal representations of the string specified). The value of port_number can be a symbolic name or a decimal number.

In the third format, the string 0xhex-digits or \\xhex-digits must contain an even number of valid hex digits. A string in either of these forms is translated internally into a character array containing TCP/IP addresses.

tmloadcf(1) prints an error if NLSADDR is missing from an entry for any machine besides the MASTER LMID, for which it prints a warning. If NLSADDR is missing from the MASTER LMID, tmadmin(1) cannot run in administrator mode on remote machines; it is limited to read-only operations. In addition, the backup site cannot reboot the MASTER site after failure.