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   Setting Up a BEA Tuxedo Application

Defining the Routing Buffer Field and Field Type

The following table describes the routing buffer field and field type.




The name of the buffer field on which the routing is performed. It may contain up to 30 characters.

In BEA Tuxedo data-dependent routing, the value of this parameter is one of the following: the name of an FML field (for FML buffers); an XML element or attribute; a VIEW field name identified in an FML field table (using the FLDTBLDIR and FIELDTBLS environment variables); or an FML view table (using the VIEWDIR and VIEWFILES environment variables). This information is used to obtain the associated field value for data-dependent routing during message processing. If a field in an FML32 buffer is used for routing, it must have a field number less than or equal to 8191.

In routing XML documents, the FIELD syntax contains either a routing element type (or name) or a routing element attribute name. You must define the FIELD parameter with the following syntax.

root_element[/child_element][/child_element][/. . .][/@attribute_name]

The element is assumed to be an element type (or name) or an element attribute name of an XML document or datagram. This information is used to obtain the associated element content or element attribute value for data-dependent routing when a document or datagram is being sent. Because indexing is not supported, the BEA Tuxedo system recognizes only the first occurrence of a given element type when processing an XML buffer for data-dependent routing.


This parameter is used only for routing XML buffers. It indicates the type of the routing field specified in FIELD.The syntax is as follows.


where type is one of the following: string, char, short, long, float, or double.

The default type of the routing field is string.