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   Setting Up a BEA Tuxedo Application

Specifying Range Criteria

The RANGES parameter allows you to map field values to a group name as follows.

RANGES="[val1[-val2]:group1] [,val3[-val4]:group2]...[,*:groupn]"

where val1, val2, and so on, are values of a field and groupn may be either a group name or the wildcard character (*) denoting that any group may be selected. The * character occupying the place of val at the end is a catch-all choice, that is, it specifies if the data does not fall into any range that has been specified then it goes to the default group on the other hand if the data fall into the range but there is no viable server in the group associated with the range entry, then the service request is forwarded to the default group specified on the wildcard "*" range entry. The value of val1 may be:

There is no limit to the number of ranges that may be specified, but routing information incurs a cost because it is stored in shared memory.

Note: Overlapping ranges are allowed, but values that belong to both ranges map to the first group. For example, if RANGES is specified as RANGES="0-5:Group1,3-5:Group2", then a range value of 4 routes to Group1.