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   Administering a BEA Tuxedo Application at Run Time

Ways to Monitor Your Application

As an administrator, you must ensure that once an application is up and running, it continues to meet the performance, availability, and security requirements set by your company. To perform this task, you need to monitor the resources (such as shared memory), activities (such as transactions), and potential problems (such as security breaches) in your configuration, and take any necessary corrective actions.

To help you meet this responsibility, the BEA Tuxedo system provides several methods for monitoring system and application events, and dynamically reconfiguring your system to improve performance. The BEA Administration Console, command-line utilities, log files, the ATMI, the MIB, and a run-time tracing facility offer an excellent view of how a system is working. They help make your application capable of responding quickly and efficiently to changing business needs or failure conditions. You can use these tools to keep your application performing fast, well, and securely.

Monitoring Tools

The BEA Tuxedo system offers the following tools to monitor your application:

See Also