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   Using BEA Jolt

Creating a Jolt Client to Access BEA Tuxedo Applications

The main steps for creating and deploying a Jolt client, are described in the following procedure and in the figure Creating a Jolt Application.

  1. Make sure you have created a BEA Tuxedo system application.

    For information about installing BEA Tuxedo and creating a BEA Tuxedo application, refer to Installing the BEA Tuxedo System and Setting Up a BEA Tuxedo Application.

  2. Install the Jolt system.

    Refer to Installing the BEA Tuxedo System.

  3. Use the Bulk Loader utility to load Tuxedo services into the Jolt Repository Database.

    For information on using this utility, see "Bulk Loading Tuxedo Services."

  4. Configure and define services by using the Jolt Repository Editor.

    For information about configuring the Jolt Repository Editor and making BEA Tuxedo services available to Jolt, see Using the Jolt Repository Editor.

  5. Create a client application by using the Jolt Class Library.

    The following documentation shows you how to program your client application using the Jolt Class Library:

  6. Run the Jolt-based client applet or application.

    Creating a Jolt Application