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   Introducing the BEA Tuxedo System

Basic Architecture of the BEA Tuxedo System

The following figure illustrates the basic architectural elements of a BEA Tuxedo system: external interfaces to the system, the ATMI layer, the MIB, BEA Tuxedo system services, and the system's interface with standards-compliant resource managers.

The BEA Tuxedo System Basic Architecture

As shown in this illustration, the BEA Tuxedo system contains the following parts.

Architectural Part


External interface layer

This layer consists of interfaces between the user and the system. It includes both tools for application development, such as Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) agents, and tools for administration, such as the BEA Administration Console. The BEA Administration Console and SNMP agents can interact with standard management consoles. Thus a user can manage a BEA Tuxedo system and a network configuration from one console. In addition, application architects and developers can build their own administrative tools or application- or market-specific tools on top of the MIB.

ATMI (Application to Transaction Monitor Interface)

The interface between an application and the BEA Tuxedo system. The ATMI and the BEA Tuxedo system implement the X/Open DTP model of transaction processing. An abstract environment, the ATMI supports location transparency and hides implementation details. As a result, programmers are free to configure and deploy BEA Tuxedo applications to multiple platforms without modifying the application code.

Messaging paradigms

Different models of transferring messages between a client and a server. Examples include request/response mode, conversational mode, events and unsolicited notification.

MIB (Management Information Base)

The Management Information Base (MIB) is an interface that enables users to program and administer a BEA Tuxedo system easily. MIB operations enable you to perform all management tasks (monitoring, configuring, tuning, and so on). The MIB allows you to perform one task to one object at a time or to build tool kits with which you can batch tasks and/or objects. (For information about available MIBs, see Available BEA Tuxedo System MIBs.)

BEA Tuxedo Services (administrative services and application processing services)

Services and/or capabilities provided by the BEA Tuxedo system infrastructure for developing and administering applications. The application processing services available to developers include: data compression, data-dependent routing, data encoding, load balancing, and transaction management. The administrative services include: centralized application configuration, distributed application management, domains partitioning, dynamic reconfiguration, event and fault management, IPC message queues, and workstation management. (For information on administrative services, see the topic titled: Three Ways of Viewing the BEA Tuxedo System Infrastructure.)

Resource Manager

A software product in which data is stored and available for retrieval through application-based queries. The resource manager (RM) interacts with the BEA Tuxedo system and implements the XA standard interfaces. The most common example of a resource manager is a database. Resource managers provide transaction capabilities and permanence of actions; they are the entities accessed and controlled within a global transaction.

See Also