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   Using the BEA Tuxedo System on Windows NT

Configuring tlisten Processes to Start Automatically

The Listener page of the BEA Tuxedo control panel enables you to configure one or more tlisten(1) processes to start automatically when you boot up your system.

The following figure shows the Listener page.

Listener Page

To add a listener, enter a port number in the Port Number field and click Add. After you click OK or Apply, and reopen the BEA Tuxedo control panel, you can start or stop tlisten(1) services right on the Listener page. You can also use the Windows NT Services control panel to start or stop a tlisten service or to configure a tlisten service to start automatically.

You can use the tlisten(1) program to perform administrative actions in an application distributed across multiple computers. You must start the tlisten program on each computer before running the application. Generally, you need one tlisten for each BEA Tuxedo application running on the computer.