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   BEA Tuxedo FML Function Reference

Ffloatev, Ffloatev32, Fvfloatev, Fvfloatev32(3fml)


Ffloatev(), Ffloatev32(), Fvfloatev(), Fvfloatev32() - return value of expression as a double


#include <stdio.h> 
#include "fml.h"
Ffloatev(FBFR *fbfr, char *tree)
Fvfloatev(char *cstruct, char *tree, char *viewname)
#include "fml32.h"
Ffloatev32(FBFR32 *fbfr, char *tree)
Fvfloatev32(char *cstruct, char *tree, char *viewname)


Ffloatev() takes a pointer to a fielded buffer, fbfr, and a pointer to the evaluation tree returned from Fboolco(), tree, and returns the value of the (arithmetic) expression, represented by the tree, as a double. This function does not change either the fielded buffer or the evaluation tree.

Ffloatev32() is used with 32-bit FML.

Fvfloatev() and Fvfloatev32() provide the same functionality for views. The viewname parameter indicates the view from which the field offsets are taken, and should be the same view specified for Fvboolco() or Fvboolco32().

These functions are not supported on Workstation platforms.

A thread in a multithreaded application may issue a call to any of the functions documented here-Ffloatev(), Ffloatev32(), Fvfloatev(), or Fvfloatev32()-while running in any context state, including TPINVALIDCONTEXT.

Return Values

On success Ffloatev() returns the value of an expression as a double.

This function returns -1 on error and sets Ferror to indicate the error condition.


Under the following conditions, Ffloatev() fails and sets Ferror to:


"fielded buffer not aligned"
The buffer does not begin on the proper boundary.


"buffer not fielded"
The buffer is not a fielded buffer or has not been initialized by Finit().


"malloc failed"
Allocation of space dynamically using malloc() failed.


"bad syntax in Boolean expression"
A syntax error was found in a Boolean expression tree.


"cannot find or get view"
viewname was not found in the files specified by VIEWDIR or VIEWFILES.


"cannot find or open view file"
While trying to find viewname, the program failed to find one of the files specified by VIEWDIR or VIEWFILES.


"operating system error"
While trying to find viewname, the program failed to open one of the files specified by VIEWDIR or VIEWFILES for reading.


"bad viewfile"
While trying to find viewname, one of the files specified by VIEWDIR or VIEWFILES was corrupted or not a view file.


"malloc failed"
While trying to find viewname, malloc() failed while allocating space to hold the view information.

See Also

Introduction to FML Functions, Fboolco, Fboolco32, Fvboolco, Fvboolco32(3fml), Fboolev, Fboolev32, Fvboolev, Fvboolev32(3fml)