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WebLogic Utilities Tag Reference

This is a reference guide to the utility tags used in conjunction with the WebLogic server.


The <wltaglib> tag library




The <wltaglib> tag library

The <wltaglib> tag library contains custom jsp extension tags which are supplied as a part of the WebLogic server platform.


The <wl:process> tag is used for query parameter-based flow control. By using a combination of the four attributes, you can selectively execute the statements between the <wl:process> and </wl:process> tags. See the matrix below for details on execution.

Attribute Required? Default
name no
the name of a query parameter
notname no
the name of a query parameter
value no
the value of a query parameter
notvalue no
the value of a query parameter

Statements between the <wl:process> tags will be executed if:

value notvalue (none)
name named parameter is equal to the value named parameter does not equal the value named parameter is empty

named parameter is empty


<wl:process name="lastBookRead" value="A Man in Full">
<!-- This section of code will be executed
if lastBookRead exists and the value of lastBookRead is 
"A Man in Full" -->



The <wl:sqlquery> tag is used to send a SQL query to a database. The connection to the database is made by means of a connection pool within the WebLogic Server. You must set up this pool prior to starting WebLogic Server by specifying its connection parameters in the file. For details on setting up connection pools, see Using connection pools in the WebLogic Server documentation.

This tag returns a ResultSet, which contains the rows returned by the query. All of the code that accesses the result set must be placed between the <wl:sqlquery> and </wl:sqlquery> tags. The ResultSet can then be referenced by the "id" tag.

Attribute Required? Default
id no
Identifies the set of results returned from this query for use in later processing.
pool yes
The name of a connection pool specified in the file.
sql yes
The text of your SQL statement (query). Note: Issuing a SQL statement other than SELECT may cause unpredictable behavior.


<wl:sqlquery id="booklist" pool="bookPortal"