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BEA WebLogic Portal

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BEA WebLogic Portal and its framework of tools and prebuilt components allows e-commerce enterprises to create Portal Web pages that include Portlet Applications with personalized content for each portal user. Its easily extended, open standards-based interface provides for various broad categories of Portals, including B2C retail, B2B retail, gateway portals with personalized content management, Intranet/Extranet, and customer care applications.


Introduction to the WebLogic Portal



Portal Personalization

The Acme Demo Portal

Additional Resources

Getting Started


Running the Portal-in-a-Box

Setting Up a DBMS

Running with a DBMS

Creating a Portal

Appendix A - Installation Directory Structure

Appendix B - Jar Files

Portlet Developer's Guide


Creating Portlet Applications

Using Example Portlets

Using the Default Implementation

Portal Administrator's Guide


Getting Started

Logging On to the Portal Administration Tool

Administering Portlets

Administering Portals

Administering Portal Groups

Testing Your Portal

Creating a Portal Using the Demo Portal

BEA WebLogic Portal JSP Tag Libraries

Portal Tag Reference

Portal Administration Tag Reference

Portal Utilities Tag Reference

WebLogic Utilities Tag Reference


Portal API Documentation

Quick Overview

The BEA WebLogic Portal framework uses Java Server pages (JSP), a part of the Java 2 Enterprise Edition specification, in conjunction with a special library of JSP tags, standard HTML, Enterprise Java Beans, Portal end-user and Portal Administration tools, and a pre-configured database to create Portal components.

Portlet Applications (referred to as Portlets) are JSP and HTML pages that present personalized dynamic content in your portal application. This content is laid out in the portal page by the Portal framework according to the personalized information stored in the Portal framework's personalization components. See the Portlet Developer Guide for more information.

Portal-in-a-Box Example

Portal includes a fully operational demo portal called the ACME Corporation Portal. This reference portal implementation includes the following:

  • Portal page JSP templates - header, footer, and portal content layout JSP pages
  • Sample Portlet Applications including portlet JSP pages
  • A complete set of Portal End-User Portal Personalization tools
  • User login and new user registration forms
  • Change password and forget password web forms
  • All of the end user personalization tools your portal will require
  • Help pages

Use this example portal to Quick Start your portal development as described in the Portal Administrator's Guide.