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Portlet Developer's Guide




What is a Portlet?

Creating a Portlet Application

Defining the Portlet JSP

Working Within the Portal Framework

Extending the PortalJspBase Class

Accessing Portal Session Information

Sending Requests Through the Portal Service Manager

Using URL Links in Your Portlet

HTML Form Processing

Retrieving the Home Page

Retrieving the Current Page

Setting the Request Destination

Tracking User Login Status

Loading Content from an External URL

Using Example Portlets

Portlet JSP Example



The BEA WebLogic Portal™ enables you to create your own Business-to-Business or Business-to-Consumer Internet portal solution. An integral part of any portal solution is the portlet application. This guide explains what you need to know to create a portlet application including:

  • The definition of a portlet and a portlet application

  • The steps necessary to develop a portlet application

  • Portlet examples

  • The code necessary to create a portlet application

To create a portlet application, you should be a J2EE developer with a background in JavaServer Pages™ (JSP), JavaScript and HTML, and have a knowledge of Enterprise Java Beans. Also, as a portlet developer, you need to read this document to learn about the BEA WebLogic Portal framework and have experience with configuring and running the WebLogic Server.

What is a Portlet?

From the end-user point-of-view, a portlet is a specialized content area that occupies a small 'window' in the portal page. For example, a portlet can contain travel itineraries, business news, local weather, or sports scores. The user can personalize the content, appearance, and position of the portlet according to the profile preferences set by the administrator and group to which the user belongs. The user can also edit, maximize, minimize, or float the portlet window.

The following figure shows how portlets appear in a portal home page:

From a server application point-of-view, a portlet is a content component implemented as a JSP that defines the static and dynamic content for a specific content subject (weather, business news, etc.) in the portal page. The portlet JSP generates dynamic HTML content from the server by accessing data entities or content adapters implemented using the J2EE platform. The Portlet JSP then displays the content in the portal.

The diagram shown above defines the portal application programming model. This programming model includes JSP, JSP tags, JavaBeans, EJBs, data stores, and content management stores. The portlet JSP contains static HTML and JSP code. This JSP code uses application or content specific JSP tags and/or JavaBeans to access dynamic application data through EJBs, content adapters, and legacy system interfaces. Once this data is retrieved, the portlet JSP applies HTML styling to it and the generated HTML is returned in the HTTP request to the client HTTP client.

Creating a Portlet Application

The portlet application is a JSP that contains code responsible for retrieving personalized content and rendering it as HTML.

Once you have created your portlets, you can associate them with one or more portals. Therefore, you must create your portlet applications before using the Portal Administration Tool to create and define your portal.

Defining the Portlet JSP

The portal treats portlets as components or HTML fragments, not as entire HTML documents. The portal relies on the portlet application to create an HTML fragment for its portlet content. The portal renders the portlet's content in the portal page according to the personalization rules (the row and column position, colors, etc.) for the portal, group, and user levels.

When creating a portlet application, keep the following items in mind to ensure that your portlets run efficiently:

  • Avoid using forms in a portlet that update the data within the portlet. This causes the entire portal to refresh its data which can be very time consuming. For more information on using an HTML form in a portlet, see HTML Form Processing.

  • Place items that require heavy processing in an edit page or a maximized URL. Otherwise, the portal must wait for the portlet to process which considerably slows down the painting of the portal.

To define your portlet JSP:

  1. Create a JSP for your portlet content. This page is referred to as the 'content URL' in this document and in the Portal Administrator's Guide.

  2. Create JSPs for the portlet banner, header, footer, alternate header, alternate footer, help page, and edit URL as needed. For more information on creating JSPs, see the Portal Administrator's Guide.

    Note: You do not need to create a JSP for the portlet title bar because it is included in the BEA WebLogic Portal (example/titlebar.jsp). The portlet title bar displays the appropriate portlet titlebar icons and the name of the portlet you defined in the Portal Administration Tool. See, Appendix A in the BEA Portal Administrator's Guide for a complete listing of the BEA WebLogic Portal framework JSP resources.

    Note: Avoid using the following HTML tags in your portlet content page. The HTML generated by the portlet content page is an HTML fragment contained in a larger portal HTML page, not a separate HTML document.

    • <html></html>

    • <header></header>

    • <body></body>

    • <meta></meta>

    • <title></title>

  3. Use the following portlet layout guidelines.

Layout Attribute


Content Height

There are no restrictions on height as long as the content fits in your portal page.

Column Width

Take into account that the width of your portlet is controlled by the portal(s) it is associated with. A portal lays out your portlet content in a column based on portal, group, and user personalization rules. As a result the width of your portlet should be well behaved.

Content Wrapping

Allow wrapping for all portlet content. Do not use the NOWRAP attribute in table cells.

Titlebar Icon Height

The image height attribute in titlebar.jsp is set to 20.

Titlebar Icon Width

The image width in titlebar.jsp is set to 27.

Working Within the Portal Framework

The portal framework consists of JavaServer Pages, JSP tag libraries, EJBs, Java servlets, and other supporting Java objects. The main Java servlet is the Portal Service Manager, referred to as the 'traffic uri'. The Portal Service Manager receives all incoming HTTP requests and dispatches each request to the appropriate destination URL. As a result, all access to your portlet pages is controlled by the Portal Service Manager. The following diagram shows where the Portal Service Manager fits in the portal framework.

Extending the PortalJspBase Class

It is recommended that your portlet JSP extend the framework's PortalJspBase Java class. This class contains many convenience methods which perform general tasks for your portlet JSP page, such as accessing session information, the 'traffic uri', and user login information.

To extend the PortalJspBase class, include the following code at the top of your portlet JSP:

<%@ page extends="com.beasys.portal.admin.PortalJspBase"%>

Accessing Portal Session Information

The session information you can access from the PortalJspBase class are listed in the following table which lists the name, type, and description for each session value. For more information, see the Portal API Documentation.

Session Value Name





The name of the portal associated with the current request.



The name of the user associated with the current request.



The name of the user group associated with the current request.



The name of the user profile associated with the current request.



The name of the group profile associated with the current request.

You can retrieve the session information described above through the following PortalJspBase methods:

  • public Object getSessionValue(String aName, HttpServletRequest aRequest)

  • public void setSessionValue(String aName, Object aValue, HttpServletRequest aRequest)

  • public void removeSessionValue(String aName, HttpServletRequest aRequest)

Sending Requests Through the Portal Service Manager

Remember that all HTTP requests and responses are sent to the Portal Service Manager servlet. Therefore, your portlet HTML must refer to the Portal Service Manager's URL for URL links and HTML form processing.

Using URL Links in Your Portlet

If your portlet contains links to other portal pages, use the following PortalJspBase method to create your URL and to guarantee that the HTTP request is sent to the service manager URL:

public String createURL(HttpServletRequest aRequest, String destination, String parameters)

The destination should be a relative or qualified file location in the form such as example/mytodo.jsp, or /yourportal/example/mytodo.jsp. Parameters should be a string such as column=4&row=5.

Note: Parameter values should already be encoded - as you would for any HTTP request. For example, String parms = "column=" +"4");

Because of the way the JSP engine handles jsp:forward and jsp:include, you must 'fixup' the relative URLs in your portlet, especially relative links to images. The web browser thinks the root for relative links is the directory in which the Portal Service Manager resides and not your portlet's directory.

To fixup relative URLs use the following PortalJspBase method:

public static String fixupRelativeURL(String aURL, HttpServletRequest aRequest)

where aURL is the destination URL to fix up and aRequest is the current HTTP request.

For example, in your JSP page, use the following method to code a 'fixup':

<img src="<%=fixupRelativeURL("images/quote.gif", request)%>"
width="50" height="35" border="0">

HTML Form Processing

If your portlet contains an HTML form, send all requests to the Portal Service Manager and set the destination request parameter.

To process HTML forms:

  1. Set the form action to action=getTrafficURI(request). This sends the form action request to the Portal Service Manager. This calls the PortalJspBase method:

    public String getTrafficURI(HttpServletRequest aRequest)

    The following example shows the use of the HTML form action to send a form request to the Portal Service Manager:

    <form method="post" action="<%=getTrafficURI(request)%>">

  2. Set the destination request parameter in the HTTP post request. This tells the Portal Service Manager where to dispatch the request. For more information, see Setting the Request Destination.

Note: Do not go through the Portal Service Manager for HTTP requests to other servers.

Retrieving the Home Page

The Portal Service Manager sets the home page for each portal in the Portal Framework session information. Use the following PortalJspBase method call to retrieve the home page:

public String getHomePage(HttpServletRequest aRequest)

Retrieving the Current Page

You can also retrieve the current page from the Portal Framework session information by using the following PortalJspBase method:

public String getCurrentPage(HttpServletRequest aRequest)

Note: When you maximize a portlet, the current page changes to fullscreenportlet.jsp.

Setting the Request Destination

When routing a request through the Portal Service Manager, you must specify the destination that should receive the request. The destination can be relative to the current page or a fully qualified path from the document root.

For HTML forms, to set the request destination, enter the following code within your form in your JSP page:

<input type="hidden" name="<%=DESTINATION_TAG%>" value="example/mytodo.jsp">

Note: The DESTINATION_TAG constant is available in PortalJspBase.

If your portlet contains links to other portal pages, use the following PortalJspBase method to create your URL and to guarantee that the HTTP request is sent to the service manager URL:

public String createURL(HttpServletRequest aRequest, String destination, String parameters)

The destination should be a relative or qualified file location in the form such as example/mytodo.jsp, or /yourportal/example/mytodo.jsp.

In some cases you may need to override the request parameter used by the Portal Service Manager. For example, use an override destination if your page contains a form that needs to be validated and forwarded elsewhere after validation. Use the following method in your JSP page:

    public void setOverrideDestination(HttpServletRequest req, String dest)

Tracking User Login Status

You can log the user in or out and track whether a user is currently logged in.

Use the following method to track the user login status of a portal session:

public void setLoggedIn(HttpServletRequest aRequest, HttpServletResponse aResponse, boolean aBool)

public Boolean getLoggedIn(HttpServletRequest aRequest)

Loading Content from an External URL

According to the JSP specification, a JSP processed by a JSP engine must be relative to the server in which the JSP engine is running, requiring that all of your portlets reside in your portal server and not on an external web site. However, you can use the 'uricontent' tag to download the contents of an external URL into your portlet. If you download the contents of a URL into your portlet, you need to fully qualify the images located on the remote server because the relative links contained within the remote URL will not be found unless fully qualified.

Use the following method to load content from an external URL:

<es:uricontent id="uriContent" uri="">

Note: The sample 'uricontent' tag is available in example/portlets/_uri_example.jsp.

Using Example Portlets

The /portlets/example/portlets directory of the BEA WebLogic Portal contains example portlets. The following table lists the name of each example portlet, its description, and its associated files.

Caution: The example portlets are intended for illustration purposes only and should not be used for production code.

Example Portlet



Demonstrates how to implement the 'uricontent' tag to import contents from another URL on the Internet.


Displays the bookmarks associated to the current user.

  • bookmarks_edit.jsp – Edit screen for the bookmarks.

  • images/pt_bookmark.gif – Bookmark icon for the portlet titlebar.


Displays the portals defined in the system. Uses the <es:foreachinarray>, <es:simplereport>, and <wb:sqlquery tags>.


Displays the portlets defined in the system. Uses the <es:foreachinarray>, <es:simplereport>, and <wb:sqlquery tags>.


Demonstrates how to redirect a portlet to an external site.

  • images/pt_dictionary.gif – 'Dictionary' icon for the portlet titlebar


For a complete generic_todo.jsp example, see Using the Default Implementation.


Displays a 'Group To Do List'.

  • todo.jsp – Statically included file that does not run by itself. It requires user information from grouptodo.jsp.

  • grouptodo_edit.jsp – Edit URL for grouptodo.jsp.

    • todo_edit.jsp – Statically included file that does not run by itself. It requires user information from grouptodo_edit.jsp.

  • grouptodobanner.jsp – Banner for the grouptodo.jsp.

  • images/pt_group_list.gif – 'Group To Do List' icon for the portlet titlebar.


Displays a 'My To Do List".

  • todo.jsp – Statically included file that does not run by itself. It requires user information from mytodo.jsp.

  • mytodo_edit.jsp – 'Edit URL' for mytodo.jsp.

    • todo_edit.jsp – Statically included file that does not run by itself. It requires user information from mytodo_edit.jsp.

  • images/pt_my_list.gif – 'My To Do List' icon for the portlet titlebar.



Demonstrates how to redirect a portlet to an external site.

  • images/pt_quote.gif – 'Quote' icon for the portlet titlebar.


Demonstrates how to redirect a portlet to an external site.

  • images/pt_search.gif – 'Search icon for the portlet titlebar.


Portlet JSP Example

The following example shows many of the defined method calls and tags mentioned in this document. Each tag is a file in the default implementation directory portals/example/portlets, named generic_todo.jsp. The bean associated with this file is example.portlet.bean.TodoBean. Using these files, you can recreate each example in your JSP file.

Set up the tag libraries for tag references.
Also have the page extends PortalJspBase, so that you can have access
to helper methods.

<%@ taglib uri="lib/esjsp.jar" prefix="es" %>
<%@ page extends="com.beasys.portal.admin.PortalJspBase"%>
<jsp:useBean id="todoBean" class="example.portlet.bean.TodoBean" scope="request"/>
<jsp:setProperty name="todoBean" property="*"/>
// Get the user name out of the session
String owner = (String)getSessionValue(com.beasys.portal.tags.PortalTagConstants.PORTAL_USER,
<%-- Use the preparedstatement tag to execute a query --%>
<es:preparedstatement id="ps" sql="<%=todoBean.QUERY%>" pool="jdbcPool">
todoBean.createQuery(ps, owner);
java.sql.ResultSet resultSet = ps.executeQuery();
String target = request.getParameter("target");
// Use this method to validate that the request that is being
// processed is actually for this jsp page.

if ( target != null && target.equals(getRequestURI(request)))
<es:preparedstatement id="ps" SQL="<%=todoBean.UPDATE%>" pool="jdbcPool">
todoBean.process(request, owner, ps);
// Get the enclosing window out of the session
// Get the current page out of the session.
// For this example, this value will be the
// fullscreenportlet.jsp (with args) or portal.jsp.

String value = getCurrentPage(request);
set the action on the form to send the post back to the 'traffic cop'

<form method="post" action="<%=getTrafficURI(request)%>">
<table width="100%" border="1">
<table width="100%" border="0">
String[][] results = todoBean.asTable();
Use the foreachinarray tag to iterate over the query results.

<es:foreachinarray id="nextRow" array="results" type="String[]">
<td width="10%">
<div align="center">
<input type="checkbox" <%=nextRow[0]%> name="<%=todoBean.CHECKBOX+nextRow[2]%>" value="ON">
<td width="10%" align="center"><%=nextRow[1]%></td>
<td width="80%"> <%=nextRow[2]%></td>
<div align="center">
<input type="submit" name="updateButton" value="Update">
<input type="hidden" name="owner" value="<%=owner%>">
Tell the 'traffic cop' that you want the post to come back to this page.

<input type="hidden" name="<%=DESTINATION_TAG%>" value="<%=value%>">
Use getRequestURI(request)to get this page's name and location.
Also use it if you want to verify that the request is for this page,
by setting a param for the target.

<input type="hidden" name="target" value="<getRequestURI(request)%>">