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Developing Campaign Infrastructure


Welcome to BEA Campaign Manager for WebLogic Guide to Developing Campaign Infrastructure! This document describes how Commerce Business Engineers (CBEs) set up infrastructure for the features that Campaign Manager uses. For example, it describes setting up JSP tags and the Mail Service to support campaigns.

After a CBE sets up the infrastructure, a Business Analyst uses the E-Business Control Center GUI to create and maintain campaigns.




Roadmap for Developing Campaign Infrastructure

What Is a Campaign?

How Data Flows in a Campaign

How Placeholders Select and Display Ads for Campaigns

How Campaigns Use the Mail Service

How Campaigns Offer Discounts

Workflow for Developing Campaign Infrastructure

Viewing Campaign Messages in WebLogic Server Administration Console


Setting Up Ads for Campaigns

Describing the Ads in Your Content Management System

Specifying Display and Clickthrough Behavior

Loading Ads Into Your Content Management System

Loading Ads into a Third-Party Content Management System

Loading Ads into the Reference Content Management System

Set Up Attributes in HTML Documents

Set Up Attribute Files for Image and Shockwave Documents

Move Files Into the dmsBase/Ads Directory Tree

Run the loadads Script

Supporting Additional MIME Types

Add the New Type to the Deployment Descriptor

Create and Compile a Java Class to Generate HTML

Register the New Class in

Tip: Clearing Scenario Queries from an Ad Placeholder


Setting Up JSP Tags and Scriptlets for Campaigns

Creating User Profile Tags to Support Events

To Create a Get Profile Tag

Using Ad Placeholder Tags to Display Ads

To Create an Ad Placeholder Tag

Using the <ad:adTarget> JSP Tag to Display Ads

Creating Scriptlets to Display Discounts

The Sequence of Applying Discounts in the Shopping Cart

The DiscountPresentation Object

Statement to Import the Java Class

shoppingCartLine Method for Retrieving the Object

The DiscountPresentation Methods

Example of Discount for Items in the ShoppingCartLine

The OrderAdjustment and AdjustmentDetail Objects

Statements to Import the Java Classes

ShoppingCart Methods for Retrieving the Objects

The OrderAdjustment Methods

The AdjustmentDetail Methods

Example of a Discount for the Order

Example of a Discount for the Shipping Charges


Setting Up and Sending E-mail for Campaigns

How Campaigns Use the Mail Service

Setting Properties for the Mail Service

Creating E-mail JSPs

E-mail Parameters

Sample E-mail JSP

Sending Bulk Mail

Sending Mail from a Remote Host or in a Clustered Environment

Modifying the Send-Mail Script to Work from a Remote Host

Modifying the Send-Mail Script to Work in a Clustered Environment

To Send Bulk E-mail

To Delete E-mail Batches

Scheduling Bulk E-mail Delivery

MailManager Command Reference

Command Examples


Campaign Manager Database Schema

The Entity-Relation Diagram

List of Tables Comprising the BEA Campaign Manager

The Campaign Manager Data Dictionary

The CAMPAIGN Database Table


The MAIL_ADDRESS Database Table

The MAIL_BATCH Database Table

The MAIL_BATCH_ENTRY Database Table

The MAIL_HEADER Database Table

The MAIL_MESSAGE Database Table

The SCENARIO Database Table



The SQL Scripts Used to Create the Database



SQL Server

Defined Constraints


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