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Configuring Trading Partners


You can create, configure, and modify trading partners using the WebLogic Collaborate Administration Console.

Note: There are some advanced settings for configuring Trading Partners. For complete information, see Using Advanced Trading Partner Configuration Options.

You can modify a number of parameters for each trading partner or participant in a collaboration process.

This topic includes the following sections:


Creating a Trading Partner

To create a trading partner:

  1. Click Trading Partners in the navigation tree to display the Trading Partners page. The Trading Partner page is displayed.

  2. Click the Create a new Trading Partner link at the top of the list. The display is modified to allow you to define a new trading partner.

  3. Enter new values or modify the default values in the fields displayed. No other tabs are activated until you enter the required information.

    Table 3-1 Trading Partner Fields




    The name of a new trading partner you want to create or modify. Once the instance is created, this field is read-only. (Limit is 254 characters.)


    A brief description of the trading partner. (Limit is 254 characters.) (Optional)


    Choose either local or remote. Local indicates that the trading partner is running on the local machine. Remote means that the trading partner is running on a remote machine.


    The address for the trading partner. (Limit is 254 characters.) (Optional)


    The e-mail address for the trading partner. (Limit is 254 characters.) (Optional)


    The phone number for the trading partner. (Limit is 254 characters.) (Optional)


    The fax number for the trading partner. (Limit is 254 characters.) (Optional)

    WLS User Name

    Enter the WebLogic Server user name to which the trading partner certificate should be mapped while executing messages sent by that trading partner. This creates a WebLogic Server user account. The default password is the same as the username.

    This is a client-side security setting related to connections flowing from remote trading partners.

    For complete information about security in WebLogic Server and WebLogic Collaborate, see Configuring Security in Using BEA WebLogic Collaborate Security.


    Select a status field to specify whether you want the trading partner to be active or inactive.


    The trading partner is active and available for use by WebLogic Collaborate users.


    The trading partner is inactive and unavailable for use.


  4. Click Create. If the name of the trading partner is invalid, WebLogic Collaborate displays an error message. You must complete all required fields before you can create a new trading partner.

After you create a new trading partner, the General tab is refreshed and displays the new information you entered. The other configuration tabs are also activated and the Create button is replaced by two new buttons: Apply and Reset. You can now configure additional elements for the trading partner. The new trading partner is displayed in the list of all trading partners.


Modifying a Trading Partner

To modify an existing trading partner:

  1. Do one of the following:

  2. Click the name of an existing trading partner. This action populates the configuration fields in the page for that trading partner.

  3. Select the tab containing the information you want to modify. For more information, see Creating a Trading Partner.

When you complete your changes, click Add/Apply. After you modify an trading partner, the General tab is refreshed and displays the new information you entered. You can then modify other elements on other Configuration tabs as needed.


Removing a Trading Partner

To remove a trading partner from the repository:

  1. Click Trading Partners in the navigation tree to display the Trading Partners page. A list of Trading Partners is displayed.

  2. Click the check box next to the trading partner(s) you want to delete.

  3. At the bottom of the window, click Remove.


Configuring a Trading Partner Party ID

Use trading partner party IDs to specify the business entities that take part in a business conversation. A trading partner can have a number of party IDs to identify parties in different collaboration agreements. For example, company XYZ could create a trading partner named XYZTradingPartner; this trading partner could participate in a number of conversations, say, a request for a quote and a purchase order requisition.

Creating a New Party ID

Use the Party ID to define elements unique to your business. For example, you can enter a Dun and Bradstreet (DUNS) number as a party ID for a specific trading partner.

To create a new party ID:

  1. Do one of the following:

  2. Click the Configuration and the Party IDs tabs.

  3. Enter data in the required fields, as shown in the following table.

    Table 3-2 Party ID Fields



    Party ID

    A unique, descriptive party ID. Enter any combination of characters to describe your party ID. The party ID is used along with the trading partner name to identify the party in a collaboration agreement. For example, Dell DUNS. (Required)

    Business ID

    A descriptive name for the business ID you want to associate with this party ID. For example, DUNS. (Optional)

    Business ID Type

    A meaningful name for the business ID type that describes the relationship to the party ID. For example, a company's Dun & Bradstreet number. (Optional)

    Available Party IDs

    A list of all previously created party IDs.


  4. Click Add/Apply. The new party ID you created is added to the list of available party IDs.

Modifying a Party ID

To modify an existing party ID:

  1. Do one of the following:

  2. Select the Configuration tab, then select the Party IDs tab if it is not active. Any available party IDs are listed.

  3. Click the party ID you want to modify. The configuration fields for that ID are populated.

  4. Modify the required fields.

  5. Click Add/Apply.

Removing a Party ID

To remove a party ID:

  1. Do one of the following:

  2. Select the Configuration tab, then select the Party IDs tab if it is not active. A list of available party IDs is displayed.

  3. Select the party ID(s) you want to delete.

  4. Click Remove.


Configuring a Security Certificate for a Trading Partner

Use digital security certificates to enable secure transactions among trading partners. These certificates, along with private keys, are used for three different purposes in WebLogic Collaborate:

Use the Certificates tab to define digital certificate information for use in the collaboration agreement. You can define one or more certificates for each collaboration agreement. You can add, modify, and remove certificates.

For complete information about security in WebLogic Server and WebLogic Collaborate, see Configuring Security in Using BEA WebLogic Collaborate Security.

Creating a Certificate

To create a new certificate:

  1. Do one of the following:

  2. Select the Configuration tab, then select the Certificates tab if it is not active.

  3. Enter data in the following fields as needed.

    Table 3-3 Trading Partner Security Certificate Fields



    Certificate Name

    A text entry field where you can provide the name for the certificate.

    Certificate Type

    Select the certificate type you want to use for mapping trading partner certificates to WebLogic Server users. If you do not make a selection, the default value is email.

    Client certificate

    Digital certificate for a remote or local trading partner. Configuration of the client certificate is required when the SSL protocol is used.

    Server certificate

    Digital certificate for a remote trading partner. Configuration of the server certificate is required when the SSL protocol is used.

    Signature certificate

    A certificate is required for each trading partner if nonrepudiation is configured for the conversation.

    Encryption certificate

    Certificate required of each trading partner when business message encryption is configured for the collaboration. Note that encryption support is available only with the RosettaNet protocols.

    Certificate Location

    The full pathname of the server certificate field (Required if Secure Socket Layer (SSL) is used; otherwise, optional).

    Available Signature Certificates

    List of available certificates.


Modifying a Certificate

To modify an existing certificate:

  1. Do one of the following:

  2. Select the Configuration tab, then select the Certificates tab. A list of available certificates is displayed.

  3. Select the Certificate you want to modify. The configuration fields for that certificate are populated.

  4. Modify the required fields and click Add/Apply.

Removing a Certificate

To remove a certificate:

  1. Do one of the following:

  2. Select the Configuration tab, then select the Certificates tab. A list of available certificates is displayed.

  3. Select the certificate(s) you want to delete and click Remove.


Configuring Document Exchange for a Trading Partner

Use the trading partner Document Exchange tab to define the business protocol binding information that the parties in a collaboration agreement use when exchanging documents with each other.

Depending on the binding you choose from the Business Protocol Binding drop-down list, the remaining options on the page change: RosettaNet 1.1, RosettaNet 2.0, XOCP 1.1, and cXML 1.1.

To create a trading partner document exchange:

  1. Do one of the following:

  2. Select the Configuration tab, then select the Doc Exchange tab.

  3. Select the Business Protocol Binding you want to use. The interface changes depending on the selection you choose. For more information, see the following sections:

For complete information about using certificates in document exchange IDs, see Configuring Security in Using BEA WebLogic Collaborate Security.

Configuring cXML for a Document Exchange

To create a trading partner document exchange ID using the cXML 1.1 or 1.2 binding:

  1. Do one of the following:

  2. Select the Configuration tab, then select the Doc Exchange tab.

  3. For Business Protocol Binding, select cXML 1.1. The cXML values are shown in the following table.

    Table 3-4 cXML Fields for Document Exchange ID



    Document Exchange Name

    Enter a unique name for the document exchange ID. This ID is used to associate business protocol binding information.

    Business Protocol Binding

    Select a value from the drop-down list for the business protocol that supports the digital signature or message encryption capabilities you want. You can associate one business protocol with each document exchange ID. Available business protocols are:

    The other fields related to business protocol binding depend on which business protocol binding you choose. The protocol you choose is bound to the trading partner document exchange name specified in the previous field.

    Business Protocol Definition

    The business protocol associated with the business protocol binding specified in the previous field.

    Shared Secret

    The shared secret is used to validate that the party sending the data is authentic.

    Signature Certificate

    Select the signature certificate type from the drop-down list.

    Available Document Exchanges

    List of available document exchanges.


  4. When you finish adding or updating the document exchange, click Add/Apply.

Configuring RosettaNet 1.1 for a Document Exchange

To create a trading partner document exchange ID using the RosettaNet 1.1 binding:

  1. Do one of the following:

  2. Select the Configuration tab, then select the Doc Exchange tab.

  3. For Business Protocol Binding, select RosettaNet 1.1. The default values are shown in the following table.

    Table 3-5 RosettaNet 1.1 Fields for Document Exchange ID



    Document Exchange Name

    Enter a unique name for the document exchange ID. This ID is used to associate business protocol binding information.

    Business Protocol Binding

    Select a value from the drop-down list for the business protocol that supports the digital signature or message encryption capabilities you want. You can associate one business protocol with each document exchange ID. Available business protocols are:

    The other fields related to business protocol binding depend on which business protocol binding you choose. The protocol you choose is bound to the trading partner document exchange name specified in the previous field.

    Business Protocol Definition

    The business protocol associated with the business protocol binding specified in the previous field.

    Digital Signature (Nonrepudiation)

    Select the required type of digital signature. For complete information about nonrepudiation, see Nonrepudiation in Using BEA WebLogic Collaborate Security.

    Signature Certificate

    Select the type of signature certificate from the drop-down list. This is an optional field. The list in this field is generated from the Certificates tab.

    Nonrepudiation Protocol

    Identifies the business protocol associated with the signature certificate. If Signature Certificate is selected, the value is PKCS7, otherwise the value is empty string. (Read-only)

    Hash Function

    Identifies the function used for encrypting passwords exchanged among trading partners. If Signature Certificate is selected, the value is SHA1, otherwise the value is null. The hash function used by both the RosettaNet and XOCP protocols in WebLogic Collaborate is SHA1. (Read-only)

    Signature Algorithm

    Identifies the algorithm used for encrypting the signature certificates exchanged among trading partners. If Signature Certificate is selected, the value is RSA, otherwise the value is null. The signature algorithm used by both the RosettaNet and XOCP protocols in WebLogic Collaborate is RSA. (Read-only field)

    Available Document Exchanges

    List of available document exchanges.


  4. When you finish adding or updating the document exchange, click Add/Apply.

Configuring RosettaNet 2.0 for a Document Exchange

To create a trading partner document exchange ID using the RosettaNet 2.0 binding:

  1. Do one of the following:

  2. Select the Configuration tab, then select the Doc Exchange tab.

  3. For Business Protocol Binding, select RosettaNet 2.0. The default values are shown in the following table.

    For complete information about using certificates in document exchange IDs, see Configuring Security in Using BEA WebLogic Collaborate Security.


    Table 3-6 RosettaNet 2.0 Fields for Document Exchange ID



    Document Exchange Name

    Enter a unique name for the document exchange ID. This ID is used to associate business protocol binding information.

    Business Protocol Binding

    Select a value from the drop-down list for the business protocol that supports the digital signature or message encryption capabilities you want. You can associate one business protocol with each document exchange ID. Available business protocols are:

    The other fields related to business protocol binding depend on which business protocol binding you choose. The protocol you choose is bound to the trading partner document exchange name specified in the previous field.

    Business Protocol Definition

    The business protocol associated with the business protocol binding specified in the previous field.


    The encryption values.

    Encryption Certificate

    Certificate required for each trading partner when business message encryption is configured. Note that encryption support is available only with the RosettaNet protocols.

    Encryption Level

    If Encryption Certificate is selected, you can select the parts of the business message that you want to have encrypted.

    Choose PAYLOAD if you want to encrypt only the XML business document(s) part of the message.

    Choose ENTIRE_PAYLOAD if you want to encrypt the business documents and all attachments in the message.

    Cipher Strength

    If Encryption Certificate is selected, you can select 56- or 128-bit cipher strength. Note that 128-bit encryption is not available in all countries.

    Cipher Algorithm

    A read-only field containing the name of the algorithm. WebLogic Collaborate Release 2.0 only supports RSA.

    Digital Signature (Nonrepudiation)

    Select the required type of digital signature. For complete information about nonrepudiation, see Nonrepudiation in Using BEA WebLogic Collaborate Security.

    Signature Certificate

    Select the type of signature certificate from the drop-down list. This is an optional field. The list in this field is generated from the Certificates tab.

    Nonrepudiation Protocol

    Identifies the business protocol associated with the signature certificate. If Signature Certificate is selected, the value is PKCS7, otherwise the value is empty string. (Read-only field)

    Hash Function

    Identifies the function used for encrypting passwords exchanged among trading partners. If Signature Certificate is selected, the value is SHA1, otherwise the value is null. The hash function used by both the RosettaNet and XOCP protocols in WebLogic Collaborate is SHA1. (Read-only field)

    Signature Algorithm

    Identifies the algorithm used for encrypting the signature certificates exchanged among trading partners. If Signature Certificate is selected, the value is RSA, otherwise the value is null. The signature algorithm used by both the RosettaNet and XOCP protocols in WebLogic Collaborate is RSA. (Read-only field)

    Available Document Exchanges

    List of existing document exchanges.


  4. When you finish adding or updating the document exchange, click Add/Apply.

Configuring XOCP 1.1 for a Document Exchange

To create a trading partner document exchange ID using the XOCP binding:

  1. Do one of the following:

  2. Select the Configuration tab, then select the Doc Exchange tab.

  3. For Business Protocol Binding, select XOCP 1.1. The default values are shown in the following table.

    For complete information about using certificates in document exchange IDs, see Configuring Security in Using BEA WebLogic Collaborate Security.


    Table 3-7 XOCP Fields for Document Exchange ID



    Document Exchange Name

    Enter a unique name for the document exchange ID. This ID is used to associate business protocol binding information.

    Business Protocol Binding

    Select a value from the drop-down list for the business protocol that supports the digital signature or message encryption capabilities you want. You can associate one business protocol with each document exchange ID. Available business protocols are:

    The other fields related to business protocol binding depend on which business protocol binding you choose. The protocol you choose is bound to the trading partner document exchange name specified in the previous field.

    Business Protocol Definition

    The business protocol associated with the business protocol binding specified in the previous field.

    End Point Type

    Select the type of connection to be used between this trading partner and other WebLogic Collaborate instances, either Hub or Spoke. For more information, see Configuration Requirements in the Administering BEA WebLogic Collaborate.

    Confirmed Delivery

    When you select this option, the system returns a receipt when the selected message delivery type is confirmed: hub_receipt, hub_routed, or destination.

    Note: When active, this feature affects the performance of the WebLogic Collaborate runtime.

    For more information, see Configuration Requirements in the Administering BEA WebLogic Collaborate.


    The sender receives confirmation when the hub receives the message


    The sender receives confirmation when the message is routed on the hub.


    The sender receives confirmation when the message is sent to the designated recipient.

    Message History

    Stores old messages enabling the system to compare new messages and validate whether they should be sent again. See the Retries field for more information. Valid values are 0-99; the default is 30.

    Note: When active, this feature affects the performance of the WebLogic Collaborate run time.


    Enter a value in the text field for the desired retry values. For more information, see Setting Preferences.

    Default Retry Value

    The number of times you want WebLogic Collaborate to try to send a message. The default is 3.

    Default retry interval

    If a message cannot be sent, this is the amount of time you want WebLogic Collaborate to wait before trying to send the same message again. The default is 5000 milliseconds.

    Default timeout value

    The amount of time a transaction remains valid (in days, hours, minutes, and seconds). After this amount of time, WebLogic Collaborate terminates the transaction even if there are outstanding messages. The default is 5000 milliseconds. (Optional)

    Digital Signature (Nonrepudiation)

    Select the type of digital signature desired. For complete information about nonrepudiation, see Nonrepudiation in Using BEA WebLogic Collaborate Security.

    Signature Certificate

    Select the type of signature certificate from the drop-down list. The list in this field is generated from the Certificates tab. If none is selected here, the other fields in this group box are not visible. (Optional)

    Nonrepudiation Protocol

    Identifies the business protocol associated with the signature certificate. (Read-only field)

    Hash Function

    Identifies the function used for encrypting passwords exchanged among trading partners.Thehash function used by both the RosettaNet and XOCP protocols in WebLogic Collaborate is SHA1. (Read-only field)

    Signature Algorithm

    Identifies the algorithm used for encrypting the signature certificates exchanged among trading partners. The signature algorithm used by both the RosettaNet and XOCP protocols in WebLogic Collaborate is RSA. (Read-only field)

    Available Document Exchanges

    List of available document exchanges.


  4. When you finish adding or updating the document exchange, click Add/Apply.

Removing a Document Exchange

To remove a trading partner document exchange:

  1. Do one of the following:

  2. Select the Configuration tab, then select the Doc Exchange tab if it is not active.

  3. In the Business Protocol Binding field, select the protocol type that you want to remove.

  4. In the list of Available Doc Exchanges, select the document exchange(s) you want to delete. Click Remove.


Configuring a Trading Partner Transport

The document exchange transports are referenced in the delivery channels for each trading partner. The trading partner document exchange defines the business protocol binding information that the parties in a collaboration agreement use when exchanging documents with each other.

The WebLogic Collaborate transport entity that you configure here defines the transport protocol and security parameters for the business transaction. Each transport has a unique ID.

Creating a New Transport

When you configure a transport for a trading partner, you bind the trading partner's transport to a transport security protocol.

To create a new transport:

  1. Do one of the following:

  2. Select the Configuration tab, then select the Transport tab.

  3. Enter data in the fields required, as shown in the following table.

    For complete information about using certificates in document exchange IDs, see Configuring Security in Using BEA WebLogic Collaborate Security.


    Table 3-8 Trading Partner Transport Protocol Fields



    Transport Name

    Enter a unique transport name in the text entry field.

    Transport Protocol

    The security protocol for the transport, either HTTP-1.1 and HTTPS-1.1. The HTTPS-1.1 protocol uses SSL.


    Enter Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) to create a chain of configured endpoints for the trading partner transport.

    URI Endpoint

    To specify the URI endpoint, enter a URI in this field. Click Set to establish the URI.

    Endpoint Chain

    Displays an ordered list of configured endpoints. Use the up and down arrows to order the chain. To remove an endpoint, select it and click Remove.

    Security Protocol

    Enter the security protocol you require. If you select HTTPS-11, the security protocol is SSL-3.0. (Read-only)

    Available Transport IDs

    Lists available transports created using this tab.


  4. When you finish adding or updating the transport protocol, click Add/Apply.

Modifying a Transport

To modify an existing transport:

  1. Do one of the following:

  2. Select the Configuration tab, then select the Transport tab.

  3. From the list of Available Transports, click the transport protocol ID you want to modify. The configuration fields for the ID of the specified protocol are populated.

  4. Modify the required fields and click Add/Apply.

Removing a Transport

To remove a new transport:

  1. Do one of the following:

  2. Select the Configuration tab, then select the Transport tab.

  3. From the list of Available Transports, select the transport protocol(s) you want to delete and click Remove.


Configuring Delivery Channel for a Trading Partner

A delivery channel describes how a trading partner sends and receives messages. It is configured by referencing the of transport and document exchange elements. For more information, see Configuring Document Exchange for a Trading Partner and Configuring a Trading Partner Transport.

To create a new delivery channel:

  1. Do one of the following:

  2. Select the Configuration tab, then select the Delivery Channels tab. Enter data in the fields required, as shown in the following table.

    Table 3-9 Trading Partner Delivery Channel Fields



    Delivery Channel Name

    Enter a unique name for the delivery channel. This name is used to associate transport, document exchange, and security characteristics.


    Select from the drop-down list the transport for the delivery channel. You can associate one transport with each delivery channel.

    Document Exchange

    Select from the drop-down list the document exchange for the delivery channel. You can associate one transport with each delivery channel.

    Routing Proxy

    If you select the document exchange protocol binding Endpoint type as Hub, the Routing Proxy check box is selected. For more information, see Configuration Tasks in Administering BEA WebLogic Collaborate. (Read-only)

    Available Delivery Channels

    This list box displays all available delivery channels.


  3. Click Add/Apply.

Modifying a Delivery Channel

To modify an existing delivery channel:

  1. Do one of the following:

  2. Select the Configuration tab. Then select the Delivery Channels tab. A list of available delivery channels is displayed.

  3. Select the delivery channel you want to modify. The configuration fields for the protocol associated with the specified ID are populated.

  4. Modify the required fields and click Add/Apply.

Removing a Delivery Channel

To remove a delivery channel:

  1. Do one of the following:

  2. Select the Configuration tab, then select the Delivery Channels tab.

  3. From the list of Available Delivery Channels, select the delivery channel ID(s) you want to delete. Click Remove.


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