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Configuring WebLogic Collaborate


You can set some general messaging and security parameters in the WebLogic Collaborate Administration Console. You can also import and export XML files from the repository, and set preferences and other options.

This topic includes the following sections:


Defining WebLogic Collaborate Parameters

For complete information about configuring WebLogic Collaborate, see Advanced Configuration Tasks in Administering BEA WebLogic Collaborate..

To configure the WebLogic Collaborate Administration Console:

  1. Click WLC, the top-level node in the navigation tree. The Configuration tabs are displayed in the right pane.

  2. Select the General tab.

  3. Modify the fields shown in the following table, as required.

    Table 2-1 WebLogic Collaborate Parameters



    WLC Server Name

    This is a read-only field that displays the name of the current WebLogic Server.


    A brief description of the active WebLogic Collaborate instance. (Up to 254 characters permitted.) (Optional)

    Large Message Support

    Use Large Message Support

    Enable Large Message Support to improve throughput. By default, all messages are written to the database. Enabling Large Message Support writes all messages to the filesystem instead of the database.

    Note: Writing many large messages to the database can affect WebLogic Collaborate runtime performance.


    If you are using large message support, enter the directory containing the large message support system working files.

    Caution: The directory you enter must already exist and should be exclusively reserved for WebLogic Collaborate messages.

    Minimum Size

    If you are using large message support, indicate the minimum size for a message before large message support is enabled. (The default is 0 K.)

  4. Click Apply to enter the values into the repository.


Defining Security

For complete information about security in WebLogic Server and WebLogic Collaborate, see Configuring Security in Using BEA WebLogic Collaborate Security.

To configure the secure audit log:

  1. Click WLC, the top-level node in the navigation tree. The Configuration tabs are displayed.

  2. Select the Security tab. Modify the fields shown in the following table, as required.

    Table 2-2 Security Fields



    System Password

    The the user password for the WebLogic Collaborate runtime environment. For more information about the WebLogic Collaborate password, see Starting, Stopping, and Customizing WebLogic Collaborate in Administering BEA WebLogic Collaborate.

    Audit Log Class

    The fully qualified name of the Java class that implements the secure audit log.

    Certificate Verification Class

    The fully qualified name of the Java class that implements the security verification class.

    Secure Timestamp Class

    The fully qualified name of the Java class that implements the secure timestamp class.

    Certificate Authority Directory

    The directory containing the security certificates.


  3. Click Apply to enter the values into the repository.


Defining a Proxy Server

To define a proxy server:

  1. Click WLC, the top-level node in the navigation tree. The WebLogic Collaborate configuration and monitoring tabs are displayed.

  2. Select the Proxy tab.

  3. Modify the fields shown in the following table.

    Table 2-3 Proxy Server Data




    Enter the HTTP address of the proxy server used for WebLogic Collaborate. For example,


    Enter the port number for the proxy server.


  4. Click Apply to enter the values into the repository.


Importing Repository Data

Once you have installed WebLogic Collaborate, you can populate the database three ways:

Note: To import WebLogic Server users, you must use the WebLogic Collaborate Administration Console. If you import the data using the Bulk Loader, WebLogic Server users are not imported.

Note: Before importing repository data, you must shut down WebLogic Collaborate using the menu command. You cannot import data if WebLogic Collaborate is running.

Caution: If the Initialize Database check box is selected, importing repository data will wipe out existing data. Select the Initialize Database option carefully.

To import repository data:

  1. Click WLC, the top-level node in the navigation tree to display the Configuration tabs.

  2. Select the Import tab if it is not active.

  3. Enter values in the fields shown in the following table.

    Table 2-4 Importing Repository Data



    File Name

    Enter the full path of the repository data XML file you want to import. You can type the pathname directly into the field or click Browse and select the appropriate file.

    You can import either a type-specific file containing only trading partners, collaboration agreements, conversations, and so on, or a repository data file that contains all WebLogic Collaborate entities.

    Initialize Database

    Specify whether to initialize the repository data.

    Warning: If the Initialize Database check box is selected, importing repository data will wipe out existing data. Choose the Initialize Database option carefully.


    Clears the existing WebLogic Collaborate data from the repository during the import. In this case, the imported data overwrites all existing data, unless that data does not exist, when the new data is appended to the existing data.

    If you select Yes, you are required to verify your choice during the import.


    Retains existing WebLogic Collaborate data during import. In this case, the imported data is added to the existing data. However, if the data is for elements and attributes that already exist in the repository, then the imported data overwrites the existing data for those specific values. (No is the default.)

    Transaction Level

    The transaction level you select determines how the system rolls back the import if an error occurs during the import.


    Imports the repository data, including configuration data, in a single transaction. (This option is appropriate for small repositories.)

    If invalid data is detected in any of the WebLogic Collaborate entities as represented in the data file, the Bulk Loader utility rolls back the entire transaction and stops. The repository is left in exactly the same condition as it was before you started the import, with no data removed or added.


    Imports the repository data, including configuration data, using multiple transactions. (This option is appropriate for large repositories.)

    If you choose this option, the import initiates a transaction for each of the following entities: trading partners, conversation definitions, collaboration agreements, business protocol definitions, and logic plug-ins. If invalid data is detected during any one of these transactions, the import is rolled back to the current transaction only and continues processing for the next transaction.


  4. Click Import to import the data into the repository.

  5. If you stopped WebLogic Collaborate, restart it now. Select the menu command

Setting the Transaction Level

The transaction level controls how repository data is imported and determines how the system rolls back the import if an error occurs during the import.

To set the transaction level:

  1. Click WLC, the top-level node in the navigation tree to display the Configuration tabs.

  2. Select the Import tab. In the transaction-level group box, select Default or All. For more information about the values of Default and All, see Table 2-4.


Exporting Repository Data

You can export your existing data from the repository as an XML file. This is useful if you want to import the data into another repository, or use the data in another database.

To import repository data:

  1. Click WLC, the top-level node in the navigation tree to display the Configuration tab.

  2. Select the Export tab. Enter values in the fields shown in the following table.

    Table 2-5 Exporting Repository Data



    Scope of Export

    Select the data you want to export. When you export data, you can create only one XML file at a time. Depending on your selection, the XML file you create will have all repository data or only the data related to the entity you selected.


    All data entities contained in the WebLogic Collaborate repository, including configuration data. Click Browse to select the specific instances of each type of entity you want to export.


    The configuration elements described on the Configuration tabs. Click Browse to select the specific instances of each type of entity you want to export.

    Trading Partners

    All trading partner-related data elements. Click Browse to select the specific instances of each type of entity you want to export.

    Conversation Definitions

    All conversation definition-related data elements. Click Browse to select the specific instances of each type of entity you want to export.

    Collaboration Agreements

    All collaboration agreement-related data elements. Click Browse to select the specific instances of each type of entity you want to export.

    Business Protocol Definitions

    All business protocol definition-related data elements. Click Browse to select the specific instances of each type of entity you want to export.

    Logic Plug-ins

    All logic plug-in-related data elements.


    Indicate the format by selecting on either Extensive or Standard. Use the Extensive format if you plan to migrate the data to another system or environment. Extensive includes system info such as update-count and timestamps. Standard is suitable if you are making a backup of the repository or will re-import the repository into another database.

    For more information about the Bulk Loader, see Working with the Bulk Loader in the WebLogic Collaborate Administration Guide.

    Export all referenced entities

    When you export the WebLogic Collaborate repository, you can control the types of entities included. You can choose to select all entities and elements, or browse and select specific, named entities. If one entity refers to another, you can also choose whether to export those related entities. For more information, see Selecting the Scope of Export.


  3. Click Export to export the data.

You can export different elements in the repository. First select one element and give the exported XML file a unique filename. Do the same for each exported element.

Note: The Reset button at the bottom of the dialog box resets the scope of export for all settings to the default, which is All.

For more information, see Working with the Bulk Loader in the WebLogic Collaborate Administration Guide.

Selecting the Scope of Export

When you export data from the repository,WebLogic Collaborate searches for dependant data. For example, if you want to export collaboration agreements, and then you also choose export referenced objects on the Browse dialog, the export will include the selected collaboration agreements, referenced trading partners, and business protocol definitions referenced by the trading partners. In this scenario, on the Scope of Export field, only Collaboration Agreements are selected but the referenced objects are also exported.

When exporting WebLogic Collaborate data, you can create more than one XML file containing different data. Depending on your selection, the XML file you create will have all repository data or only the data related to the entity you selected.

On the Export tab, click Browse to select the specific instances you want to export. Depending on the type of data you select, specific options may be active or inactive.

Choosing the Export Format

You can control how the repository data is exported. Select either Extensive or Standard. Extensive includes system information such as update-count and timestamps.

Note: Use the Extensive format only if you plan to migrate the data to another system or environment.


Setting Preferences

The Preferences tab allows you to configure how entities are displayed in the WebLogic Collaborate Administration Console.

To set preferences:

  1. Click WLC, the top-level node in the navigation tree to display the Configuration tabs.

  2. Select the Preferences tab. Modify the fields as desired.

    Table 2-6 WebLogic Collaborate Preferences



    Number of items displayed per page
    (1 - 50)

    Some pages of the WebLogic Collaborate Administration Console display lists of items. For example, you can control the number of trading partners displayed.

    The value displayed is the number of records that appear on each page. The default is 5. The maximum limit is 50, the minimum is 1.

    Default Retry Value

    The number of times you want WebLogic Collaborate to try to send a message. The default is 3.

    Default retry interval

    The amount of time you want WebLogic Collaborate to wait before trying to re-send the message. The default is 5000 milliseconds.

    Default time-out value

    The amount of time a transaction remains valid (in days, hours, minutes, and seconds). After this amount of time, WebLogic Collaborate terminates the transaction even if there are outstanding messages. The default is 5000 milliseconds. (Optional)

    Hide advanced system-level configuration features

    Select the check box to hide or show logic plug-ins on the configuration tabs. When you select Hide, the following features are hidden:

    Display entities on the navigation tree

    Select this check box to control whether individual entities, like all Trading Partners, are displayed as branches under the top-level nodes in the navigation tree.

    Note: Displaying a long list of entities in the navigation tree like individual Trading Partners can affect performance of the WebLogic Collaborate console. Displaying entities on the navigation tree is by default disabled.


  3. Click Apply to save your changes.

Preferences are persistent between sessions of the WebLogic Collaborate Administration Console.

Hiding Advanced System Configuration Features

You can disable or enable display of certain WebLogic Collaborate Administration Console features:

To change the visibility of these features:

  1. Click WLC, the top-level node in the navigation tree.

  2. Select the Configuration tab and then the Preferences tab.

  3. Select the Hide Advanced Configuration Controls check box to hide or show the features described above.

  4. Click Apply to save your changes.

Controlling the Number of Items Displayed Per Page

Some pages of the WebLogic Collaborate Administration Console display lists of items. You can control the number of items displayed on each of these types of pages.

To change the number of items displayed:

  1. Click WLC, the top-level node in the navigation tree.

  2. Select the Configuration tab and then the Preferences tab.

  3. In the Number of Records Displayed Per Page field, enter the desired value. The default is 5.

  4. Click Apply to save your changes.

Displaying Items in the Navigation Tree

You can control whether individual items are displayed under the top-level nodes in the navigation tree.

Note: Displaying a long list of entities in the navigation tree, such as individual Trading Partners, can affect performance of the WebLogic Collaborate console. Displaying entities on the navigation tree is by default disabled.

To enable or disable display of individual items:

  1. Click WLC, the top-level node in the navigation tree.

  2. Select the Configuration tab and then the Preferences tab.

  3. Select the Display Items on Navigation Tree check box to hide or show individual items in the navigation tree. The default is unchecked (hide).

  4. Click Apply to save your changes.

Controlling WebLogic Collaborate Performance

You can set several parameters within WebLogic Collaborate that affect runtime performance or the performance of the administration console.

For information about WebLogic Collaborate runtime performance, see the following sections:

In addition, how entities are displayed in the navigation tree affects WebLogic Collaborate Administration Console performance. For information, see Using the Navigation Tree.


Using Advanced Trading Partner Configuration Options

You can use the advanced trading partner configuration options to modify a trading partner's XOCP filter and router, and extended properties. Most users do not need to modify these settings.

Configuring a Trading Partner XOCP Filter and Router

To view the advanced settings:

  1. Do one of the following:

  2. Select the Advanced tab. The XOCP Filter and Routers tab is displayed.

This tab is the same as one displayed for business protocol definitions, but when invoked in this way, the list of these filters and routers that is displayed is trading partner-specific. For details about fields, see Configuring Business Protocols.

For more information about XOCP filter and router in WebLogic Collaborate, see Advanced Configuration Tasks in Administering BEA WebLogic Collaborate.

Removing Trading Partner XOCP Filter or Router

To remove an XOCP filter or router from a trading partner:

  1. Do one of the following:

  2. Select the Advanced tab. Select the XOCP Filters and Routers tab if it is not active.

  3. In the list labeled XOCP Filter Chain or XOCP Router Chain, select the one(s) you want to delete. Click Remove.

For more information about XOCP filter and router in WebLogic Collaborate, see Advanced Configuration Tasks in Administering BEA WebLogic Collaborate.

Configuring Trading Partner Extended Properties

Use the Extended Properties tab to define special conditions for processing a trading partner definition. For example, you can use an XPath expression to modify filtering and routing rules. These properties are included in the message-context documents generated by the business protocol router and filter logic plug-ins. They are referenced using the named extended-property-set your give it.

To view Extended Properties settings:

  1. Do one of the following:

  2. Click on the Configuration tab if it is not active. Select the Advanced tab, and then the Extended Properties tab.

  3. Modify the fields in the following table as needed.

    Table 2-7 Extended Properties for a Trading Partner



    Property Name

    Name for the new extended property you want to create for this trading partner.

    Property Value

    Value for the extended property.


    Custom attributes you can add to WebLogic Collaborate.


    The name of the attribute you want to add.


    The value for the attribute you are adding.


    List of available attributes (shown as name/value pairs in the form name=value).

    Extended Properties

    Lists all existing extended properties for this trading partner. If you click a property in the list, the rest of the fields on this tab are propagated with the information for that property.


  4. Click Add/Apply to commit the modifications you made.

For more information about XOCP filter and router in WebLogic Collaborate, see Advanced Configuration Tasks in Administering BEA WebLogic Collaborate.

Adding Extended Properties to a Trading Partner

You can add extended attributes to a trading partner. These extended attributes are in the form of name/value pairs.

To view the Extended Properties settings:

  1. Do one of the following:

  2. Select the Advanced tab.

  3. Select the Extended Properties tab if it is not active.

  4. Enter a name, value, and name/value pairs for the new property as desired. See Using Advanced Trading Partner Configuration Options for a complete description of the extended properties fields.

  5. Click Add/Apply to add your new property to the repository.

For more information about XOCP filter and router in WebLogic Collaborate, see Advanced Configuration Tasks in Administering BEA WebLogic Collaborate.

Removing Extended Properties from a Trading Partner

You can remove extended attributes from a trading partner. These extended attributes are in the form of name/value pairs.

To view the Extended Properties settings:

  1. Do one of the following:

  2. Select the Advanced tab. Select the Extended Properties tab.

  3. In the list of extended properties, select the one(s) you want to delete. Click Remove.

For more information about XOCP filter and router in WebLogic Collaborate, see Advanced Configuration Tasks in Administering BEA WebLogic Collaborate.


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