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About Creating Workflows


The following sections describe key concepts for using WebLogic Process Integrator workflows in WebLogic Collaborate applications:


Architectural Overview

A fundamental step in defining a conversation is creating the workflow that executes each role in the conversation. WebLogic Collaborate provides a plug-in into the WebLogic Process Integrator Studio tools that allows you to create such collaborative workflows (also known as public workflows). By using the WebLogic Collaborate software together with WebLogic Process Integrator, you have access to the following:

Creating workflows using the BEA WebLogic Process Integrator plug-in requires a combination of design and administrative tasks, and optionally a set of programming tasks.

Architectural Components

The following figure shows how the WebLogic Process Integrator architecture incorporates the WebLogic Collaborate plug-in.


WebLogic Process Integrator and WebLogic Collaborate Components

The combined architecture of WebLogic Process Integrator and WebLogic Collaborate includes the following components.

Table 1-1 WebLogic Process Integrator and WebLogic Collaborate Components



WebLogic Process Integrator Process Engine

Run-time controller and workflow engine that executes and manages workflows and tracks workflow instances.

Workflow Instance

A running instance of a workflow template definition, which implements a role of a conversation definition that is configured in the WebLogic Collaborate repository. A workflow instance is created when a workflow template definition is instantiated at run time.

WebLogic Process Integrator Studio

Client application that is used at design time to define workflows and at run time to monitor running workflows.

WebLogic Process Integrator Worklist

Client application that is used to view and perform tasks that are currently assigned to a user or to roles to which the user belongs. Examples of such include reassigning tasks to other users, marking tasks as done, unmarking tasks done, viewing a workflow status, manually starting a workflow, and so on.

WebLogic Process Integrator Database

Database in which workflow templates and instances are stored.

This database can reside locally on the trading partner node, or it can reside on a different node that is network accessible to the WebLogic Process Integrator software. The database can be deployed so that it is accessible to a single trading partner in one organization or to multiple trading partners in different organizations.

WebLogic Process Integrator and WebLogic Collaborate can share the same database.

WebLogic Collaborate

Software that processes and routes messages among trading partners at run time.

WebLogic Collaborate Administration Console

Browser-based component that enables you to create, configure, administer, and monitor collaboration agreements, conversations, delivery channels, document exchanges, trading partners, and more.

WebLogic Collaborate Repository

Database that stores conversation definition information used by WebLogic Collaborate at run time, such as information about conversations, parties, conversation roles, and protocol bindings.

WebLogic Process Integrator and WebLogic Collaborate can share the same database.

WebLogic Process Integrator Plug-In Framework

Component that allows a specific set of BEA products—namely, WebLogic Collaborate, WebLogic Transformation Tool, Java Application-to-Mainframe (JAM), and WebLogic Application Integration, as well as user-written plug-ins to extend the functionality of the WebLogic Process Integrator Studio.

WebLogic Collaborate Plug-In

The WebLogic Collaborate plug-in extends the Studio to allow you to specify workflow nodes, actions, events, and other details that are geared toward creating collaborative workflows—that is, workflows that implement individual roles in a conversation definition.

Other Plug-Ins

The WebLogic Process Integrator plug-in framework supports the incorporation of additional plug-ins, as explained in the preceding description of the WebLogic Process Integrator Plug-In Framework.


For an introduction to the WebLogic Process Integrator components, see WebLogic Process Integrator Overview in Using the BEA WebLogic Process Integrator Studio.


Key Concepts

This section describes key concepts that you need to understand before using WebLogic Process Integrator workflows in WebLogic Collaborate applications.

Workflows, Collaborative Workflows, Workflow Templates, and Workflow Template Definitions

This section describes the following key WebLogic Process Integrator concepts:

For detailed information about these concepts, see WebLogic Process Integrator Overview in Using the BEA WebLogic Process Integrator Studio.

Conversations and Business Messages

This section defines the following key WebLogic Collaborate concepts:

For detailed information about these concepts, see Introducing BEA WebLogic Collaborate.

Initiators and Participants

A conversation involves an initiator who starts the conversation and participants who participate in the conversation once it has started. Each perspective requires a different kind of collaborative workflow.

Table 1-2 Types of Workflows

Workflow Type


Conversation initiator workflow

Defined to have conversation properties and a WebLogic Process Integrator start property. This type of workflow initiates and terminates the conversation.

Conversation participant workflow

Defined to have conversation properties and a business message start property. This type of workflow can join and exit the conversation but cannot initiate or terminate it.


In the context of a conversation, these two types of workflows are interlocking. For example, suppose a buyer wants to obtain bids from various suppliers. The resulting conversation might proceed as shown in the following figure.

Figure 1-1 Sample Business Collaboration with Two Workflows


  1. In the WebLogic Process Integrator Studio, the buyer (the initiating trading partner) starts a collaborative workflow instance (the business collaboration initiator workflow). This workflow constructs and sends the PriceAndAvailabilityQuote business message (containing a bid request in the form of an XML document) by way of WebLogic Collaborate to one or more qualified sellers (depending on the business protocol) and awaits a reply.

    Note: A workflow can be started in various ways; for example, programmatically or by a separate, local workflow.

  2. Each qualified supplier (a participant trading partner) receives the business message, which triggers the start of an instance of a workflow (the conversation participant workflow) on that supplier's WebLogic Collaborate node.

    The collaborate workflow that implements the supplier role processes the incoming bid request, determines whether to submit a bid or not and, if it decides to submit a bid, constructs and sends the PriceAndAvailabilityResponse business message (containing a bid reply in the form of an XML document), and ends the workflow. This workflow instance has a business message start property; that is, this workflow is started when the buyer's PriceAndAvailabilityQuote business message is received at the supplier's node.

    Note: The collaborative workflow that implements the supplier role is defined with conversation properties and a Message Start property.

  3. On the buyer's side, the workflow receives bid replies from all qualified suppliers, processes the results of the bid, and then terminates the conversation.

Sending and Receiving Business Messages

When trading partners exchange business messages, both initiator and participant workflows typically send and receive business messages.

It is important to keep in mind which parts of the workflow send business messages and which parts receive them. For example, a buyer might submit a bid request (a business message) to a seller. In this case, the buyer workflow is sending the business message and the seller workflow is receiving it. When the seller replies to the request with a bid (another business message), then the roles are reversed: the seller workflow is the sender and the buyer is the recipient workflow.

The design tasks differ depending on whether the workflow sends or receives business messages. However, in both cases, you must define certain properties in the workflow template definition. The WebLogic Collaborate plug-in offers two means to work with business messages:

For more information, see Working with Business Messages.


Run-Time Prerequisites

Before messages can be exchanged at run time, you must make sure the following prerequisites are met:


Summary of Workflow Integration Tasks

Using WebLogic Process Integrator workflows to exchange business messages in WebLogic Collaborate requires a combination of administrative, design, and programming tasks.

Administrative Tasks

To integrate WebLogic Process Integrator workflows, you must complete the following administrative tasks:

  1. Install WebLogic Collaborate and WebLogic Process Integrator as described in the following documents:

  2. Configure WebLogic Process Integrator according to the instructions in Starting, Stopping, and Customizing WebLogic Collaborate in Administering BEA WebLogic Collaborate.

  3. Modify each instance of the file in the WebLogic Integration directory hierarchy as described in the following procedure:

    1. Locate each instance of this file. The number of instances depends on the specific WebLogic Integration components you have installed and the realms that you have configured. For example, the file might exist in the following locations on a Windows system, where bea_root represents the pathname of the directory in which your BEA software is installed:

    2. Add the following lines to each instance of the file, where user represents the WebLogic Server user name for each person who will use the WebLogic Collaborate plug-in to the Studio:

      For example:


  4. Add the file wlc.jar to the CLASSPATH for the Studio. To do this, complete the following steps:

    1. Go to the bin directory where WebLogic Process Integrator is installed.

    2. Using an editor, open the command script that starts the Studio. On Windows systems, this file is named studio.cmd. On UNIX systems, this file is named

    3. In the line that specifies the CLASSPATH, add the location of the file wlc.jar. This file is located in the lib directory where WebLogic Collaborate is installed.

  5. Using the WebLogic Collaborate Administration Console, create and configure the necessary entities in the WebLogic Collaborate repository, including collaboration agreements, delivery channels, trading partners, document exchanges, and so on. For more information, see Administering BEA WebLogic Collaborate.

    Note: Every collaborative workflow template definition requires a conversation definition.

  6. Using WebLogic Process Integrator Studio, specify the organizations, users, and roles in the WebLogic Process Integrator database, as described in Administering Data in Using the BEA WebLogic Process Integrator Studio.

Design Tasks

To integrate WebLogic Process Integrator workflows, complete the following design tasks in the WebLogic Process Integrator Studio:

  1. Create and design collaborative workflows that implement each role in a conversation definition, in one of the following ways:

  2. In addition to defining the standard workflow properties, you must also define properties that link the workflow to WebLogic Collaborate, which you do via the WebLogic Collaborate plug-in to the Studio. (The remaining tasks in this procedure apply to integrating workflows into WebLogic Collaborate.)

  3. For each workflow template, specify conversation properties as follows:

  4. For each workflow template definition, define start actions depending on the type of workflow:

  5. For each workflow template definition, define how the workflow will end. To do so, add a done shape and define its properties. Conversation initiator workflows typically terminate the conversation in the Done node, as described in Defining the Termination of Conversation Initiator Workflows.

    Note that conversation participant workflows do not have a custom Done node definition.

  6. Define any input or output variables used in the workflow, or in applications that interact with the workflow, in the workflow template definition, as described in About Working with WebLogic Process Integrator Variables for Workflows.

  7. For each workflow template definition, define how business messages are processed:

  8. Define how the conversation will terminate. The method of termination is protocol specific:

Note: You can run WebLogic Process Integrator workflows in the WebLogic Integration environment even if they are not integrated with WebLogic Collaborate features. For example, you can run workflows created in WebLogic Process Integrator without specifically adapting them to integrate with WebLogic Collaborate.

Programming Tasks

Programming tasks depend on the specific needs of each application that makes use of a workflow. The following tasks are required:


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