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Defining and Maintaining Workflows


The following sections introduce you to BEA WebLogic Process Integrator workflow templates and workflow template definitions. It also explains how to perform a number of workflow template definition and maintenance tasks.


Understanding Workflow Templates and Workflow Template Definitions

A workflow template is, in essence, a folder or a container for BEA WebLogic Process Integrator workflow template definitions. Each workflow template can hold one or more BEA WebLogic Process Integrator workflow template definitions. BEA WebLogic Process Integrator workflow template definitions are identified in the folder tree by an Effective and Expiry date. For details, see Understanding Effective and Expiry Dates.

Figure 5-1 Workflow Templates and Workflow Template Definitions


Creating a New Workflow Template

To create a new workflow template:

  1. Right-click on the Templates folder in the BEA WebLogic Process Integrator main window.

  2. Select Create Template from the pop-up menu to display the Template Properties dialog box.

    Figure 5-2 Template Properties Dialog Box


    Note: If a plug-in is defined for workflow templates, this properties dialog box contains a selection to access the functionality provided by the plug-in. For more information about plug-ins, see Working with Plug-Ins.

  3. In the Name field, enter a meaningful name for the workflow template. All workflow template definitions defined within this workflow template use this name for identification, once they are instantiated (placed into run time) and become workflow instances. The name must be unique.

  4. In the Organizations section of the dialog box, select the organization (or organizations) under which you will define this workflow template.

  5. To make the workflow template available to all organizations, click All Orgs; to make the workflow template available to no organizations, click Clear Orgs.

  6. Click OK. The new workflow template appears under Templates in the folder tree of the BEA WebLogic Process Integrator main window.

Creating a New Workflow Template Definition

To create a new workflow template definition, proceed as follows:

  1. Right-click the workflow template that will contain the new workflow template definition in the folder tree.

  2. Choose Create Template Definition from the pop-up menu to display the Template Definition dialog box.

    Figure 5-3 Template Definition Dialog Box


  3. In the Template Definition dialog box, specify the following:

  4. Click OK to save changes and display the workflow drawing area.

In the workflow drawing area, a default workflow template definition is presented along with a toolbar containing drawing shapes used for defining the workflow template. The default workflow template definition contains three shapes: Start, Task, and Done. Modify and define properties for the default workflow template definition as needed.

More than one workflow template definition diagram can be opened simultaneously, and you can toggle between these within BEA WebLogic Process Integrator.

Figure 5-4 Workflow Drawing Area


Specifying Workflow Template Definition Properties

To specify the properties of a workflow template definition:

  1. Right-click anywhere in the workflow drawing area, and choose Properties from the pop-up menu to display the Template Definition dialog box. Alternately, display the Template Definition dialog box by right-clicking the workflow template definition in the folder tree and selecting Properties from the pop-up menu.

    The Template Definition dialog box contains two tabs:

  2. In the General tab of the Template Definition dialog box, specify the following:

  3. In the Exception Handlers tab of the Template Definition dialog box, select a system or custom-defined exception handler to assign to the workflow template definition.

  4. Click OK to save changes. If you click Cancel, any pending changes to the fields in the Template Definition dialog box are discarded.

  5. Use the buttons situated to the right of the Exception Handlers tab as follows:

Note: For detailed instructions on using the Exception Handler Properties dialog box, see Handling Workflow Exceptions.


Opening Workflow Template Definitions

To open an existing workflow template definition:

  1. Right-click the workflow template definition in the folder tree, and choose Open from the pop-up menu.

    Figure 5-7 Workflow Template Definition Menu


    The Existing Instances dialog box is displayed, if there are existing instances of the selected workflow template definition, meaning that the selected workflow template definition has been started and an instance of the template definition exists in the server. Multiple instances of a single workflow template definition can exist.

    Figure 5-8 Existing Instances Dialog Box


    This message warns that changing a workflow template definition might cause a problem with the workflow template definitions currently in process.

  2. Select from the following options:


Saving and Closing Workflow Template Definitions

When you make changes within BEA WebLogic Process Integrator Studio, you must save them. If you make changes to a workflow template definition and attempt to close the workflow template definition in the drawing area without saving it, you will be prompted to save.

In the BEA WebLogic Process Integrator Studio folder tree, an asterisk (*) appears to the left of each workflow template definition that needs to be saved. From the folder tree, you save by right-clicking the workflow template definition and choosing Save from the pop-up menu. From the workflow drawing area, you save by right-clicking in the drawing area and choosing Save.

A workflow template definition cannot be modified unless it is opened. When a definition is not open, you cannot modify its values. Once you open a definition, it is locked and cannot be opened by another user. When you close a definition, it is unlocked and available for use by another user.


Printing Workflow Template Definitions

You can print workflow template definition diagrams from WebLogic Process Integrator. There are two methods for invoking the print facility.

The Text tab contains information relevant to each workflow node, including action and node notes, as well as details on actions within tasks, events, decisions and done nodes, including subactions within actions.

Figure 5-9 Print Workflow Text


The Graphics tab contains a diagram of the workflow template definition.

Figure 5-10 Print Workflow Graphics


Click Print to print the information on the selected tab, or click Print All to print both the information contained in the Text tab and the diagram contained in the Graphics tab.

In the Print dialog box, select the appropriate settings to print the workflow.


Copying Workflow Template Definitions

BEA WebLogic Process Integrator allows you to take an existing workflow template definition, copy it, and paste it as a new workflow template definition into the folder tree. When this is done, all of the assigned workflow template definition properties are copied as well. This saves you time when you must create more than one workflow template definition with similar properties. The properties of the new workflow template definition can be modified as needed.

In addition, BEA WebLogic Process Integrator allows you to copy nodes (shapes) within workflow template definitions and paste them into the current workflow template definition or other open workflow template definitions. All properties assigned to nodes are copied as well.

Note: The copied (new) workflow template definition will not be marked active. You must mark it active in the workflow Template Definition Properties dialog box in order for it to be processed in the workflow.

Copying Entire Workflow Template Definitions

To create a new workflow template definition based on an existing workflow template definition and its assigned properties, in the folder tree, right-click the workflow template definition to be copied, and choose Copy from the pop-up menu. A copy of the selected workflow template definition is instantly pasted as the last workflow template definition in the folder tree, and the new workflow template definition is opened and displayed in the drawing area. The new workflow template definition contains the same effective and expiry dates as the original workflow template definition. See Understanding Effective and Expiry Dates for more information on this topic.

To rename the new workflow template definition, right-click anywhere in the drawing area, choose Properties from the pop-up menu to access the Template Definition dialog box, and make changes as needed. Modifying the Expiry and Effective dates changes the name of the workflow template definition in the folder tree and reflects the new dates.

Copying Nodes Within Workflow Template Definitions

You can copy a shape representing a node within a workflow template definition and paste it into the current workflow template definition or into another open workflow template definition. Any properties that have been defined within the node are also copied. To do so, proceed as follows:

  1. Click the node that you will copy.

  2. Right-click in the drawing area, and select Copy from the pop-up menu.

  3. Place your cursor in either the current workflow template definition or another open workflow template definition, depending on where you want to paste the shape, and right-click.

  4. From the pop-up menu, select Paste.

The shape is pasted in the indicated workflow template definition. Modify the properties of the node as needed.

Copying Actions Within or Between Workflow Node Shapes

BEA WebLogic Process Integrator also allows you to copy actions within or between shapes representing a node within a workflow template definition. Any properties that have been defined within the action are also copied. The ability to copy actions saves you time.

Copying Actions Within Workflow Nodes

The ability to copy actions within workflow nodes is useful when, for example, you must define a new action within a workflow task node that will contain properties similar to an already defined action within that task node. By copying the existing action and pasting it as a new action within the same task node, you save yourself time. Rather than having to define a whole new action, which might be a complex action, you might only have to make one or two modifications to the pasted action.

To copy actions within the same node, proceed as follows:

  1. From the drawing area, right-click the node shape containing the defined action that you will copy.

  2. Select Properties from the pop-up menu to display the Properties dialog box for that node shape.

  3. In the Actions portion of the window, select the appropriate tab containing the action to be copied: Created, Activated, Executed, or MarkedDone.

  4. Right-click the defined action that you will copy, and select Copy from the pop-up menu.

    Figure 5-11 Copy Action


  5. In the Actions portion of the window, select the appropriate tab where you will paste the action: Created, Activated, Executed, or MarkedDone.

  6. Right-click anywhere in the Actions portion of the window.

  7. Select Paste from the pop-up menu.

  8. Depending on the copied action, a dialog box appears that corresponds to the copied action.

  9. Make changes, if needed, to the action definition, and Click OK. The action is copied into the Actions portion of the window.

Copying Actions Between Workflow Nodes

The ability to copy actions between workflow nodes benefits you in the same manner as the ability to copy actions within workflow nodes. However, rather than copying actions within the same workflow node, you copy actions within one node and paste them into another node within the same workflow template definition. The ability to copy actions between nodes simplifies and speeds up the workflow definition process. When an action is copied, all of its properties are also copied, so you do not need to redefine all of the properties in the pasted node.

To copy actions between nodes, proceed as follows:

  1. From the drawing area, right-click the node shape containing the defined action that you will copy.

  2. Select Properties from the pop-up menu to display the Properties dialog box for that node shape.

  3. In the Actions portion of the window, select the appropriate tab containing the action to be copied: Created, Activated, Executed, or MarkedDone.

  4. Right-click the defined action that you will copy, and select Copy from the pop-up menu.

    Figure 5-12 Copy Action


  5. From the drawing area, right-click the node shape to which you will paste the defined action.

  6. Select Properties from the pop-up menu to display the Properties dialog box for that node shape.

  7. In the Actions portion of the window, select the appropriate tab to which the action is to be copied: Created, Activated, Executed, or MarkedDone.

  8. Right-click anywhere in the Actions portion of the screen, and select Paste from the pop-up menu.

    Figure 5-13 Paste Action


  9. Depending on the pasted action, a dialog box appears that corresponds to the action.

  10. Make changes, if needed, to the action definition, and Click OK. The action is pasted into the Actions portion of the window.


Deleting Workflow Template Definitions

To delete a workflow template definition, right-click the workflow template definition name in the folder tree, and choose Delete from the pop-up menu. The Delete Workflow dialog box asks you to confirm or cancel the delete.

Note: The workflow template definition must be closed in the drawing area before you delete it, or you will receive an error message.

Figure 5-14 Delete Workflow Dialog Box


When a workflow template definition is deleted, the following also occurs:


Deleting Workflow Templates

You can delete a workflow template from BEA WebLogic Process Integrator, in which case all workflow template definitions within the workflow template are also deleted. To delete a workflow template (and all of its workflow template definitions), proceed as follows:

  1. Right-click on the workflow template name in the folder tree.

    Figure 5-15 Delete Workflow Template


  2. Choose Delete to display the Delete Template dialog box.

    Figure 5-16 Delete Template Dialog Box


  3. Click Yes to delete the workflow template and all of its workflow template definitions, or click No to cancel the delete.


Understanding Effective and Expiry Dates

In the folder tree, a workflow template definition name consists simply of its Expiry and Effective dates. The effective and expiry dates represent the range of time within which the workflow template definition is available for instantiation.

The Effective and Expiry Date features are useful in that they allow you to make workflow template definitions valid for exact periods of time. Perhaps you have a cyclical business, which requires you to run a particular workflow template definition for the first six months of the year, followed by a second workflow template definition having different tasks or variables the remaining six months of the year.

Rather than having to manually inactivate one workflow template definition and activate another at different times, you can define separate workflow template definitions having different properties and make them available at the right time by managing the effective and expiry dates.

Within a single workflow template, a workflow template definition's timeline cannot overlap that of another workflow template definition. In other words, only one workflow template definition can run at a time within one workflow template.

You cannot have two active definitions with the same effective date. When trying to make a workflow template definition active, WebLogic Process Integrator prevents you from doing so, if another definition with the same effective date exists.

When a workflow template definition is started, the WebLogic Process Integrator server creates a new instance (or session) of that workflow template definition. Regardless of how many workflow template definitions exist for a given workflow template, the WebLogic Process Integrator server chooses only one of these definitions to instantiate. It chooses the most effective of the active workflow template definitions. For example, consider three definitions defined with the following effective dates:

If you instantiate your workflow in February, the most effective of the active workflow template definitions for the workflow template is selected, in this case, the one with the effective date of January to March.


Exporting and Importing Workflow Packages

WebLogic Process Integrator provides the capability of exporting and importing workflow objects as Java Archive (JAR) files. This capability allows you to export and import templates, template definitions, business operations, business calendars, plug-ins, event key tables, and XML repository items. Organizations, users, and roles cannot be exported or imported.

Exported packages can be marked as published packages. When a published package is imported, the objects in the package cannot be edited. In addition, you cannot create a new template definition in a published template. You can, however, delete published templates and template definitions.

You can also assign password protection to exported packages to prevent them from unauthorized import.

Exporting Packages

  1. Choose Tools—>Export Package to display the Export: Select File dialog box.

    Figure 5-17 Export: Select File Dialog Box


  2. Specify the full pathname of the JAR file to which you want to export the package. If you know the full pathname, you can type it directly in the File: field. Alternatively, click Browse to navigate through the file system and select the desired file.

  3. Click Next.

    If you specified an existing JAR file that is not password protected, the Export: Select Components to Export dialog box is displayed.

    If you specified an existing JAR file that is password protected, the Export: Enter Password dialog box is displayed. Enter the necessary password and click Next to display to display the Export: Select Components to Export dialog box, or click Back to specify an alternate file.

    Figure 5-18 Export: Select Components to Export Dialog Box


  4. Complete the fields as described in the following table.

    In this field . . .

    Do this . . .

    Select components

    Specify the components to be exported by selecting or deselecting the appropriate check boxes. The export feature does not enforce template definition integrity so you can deselect any object to exclude it from the exported package.

    This field displays a tree-view of all the workflow objects in the system. If, in the Export: Selecte File dialog box, you selected an existing JAR file on your system in which to export the package, the items in the tree are prechecked, based on the contents of the selected JAR file.

    Note: Check boxes at the folder level have the following three states:

    If you select a template definition to be exported, any subworkflows or business operations referenced by the template definition are automatically selected. However, business calendars, event keys, and XML entities are not automatically selected. Therefore, you must manually select these items if you want them to be included in the exported package.

    If you export a template definition that specifies a due date for a task, and the due date is set using a business calendar, be sure to export the calendar along with the template definition.

    Similarly, if you export a template definition that uses the XSL Transform action, be sure to export the XML entities in the XML repository required by the XSL Transform action. The XML entities could be the XSLT template document or the XML input document.

    Export File

    Leave as is. This field is populated with the full pathname of the JAR file you specified in step 2. If you want to change the content of this field, click Back to return to the Export: Select File dialog box, and enter the new information in the File field.

    Published Package

    Select this check box to export the package as a published package. The objects of a published package are read-only and cannot be edited after they are imported to the target system.

    Password Protect

    1. Select this check box if you want to assign a password to protect the package from unauthorized import.

    2. Enter the password in the Password: and Confirm: fields.

    When you assign a password to a package, the user on the target system must specify this password before they can import the package.


  5. Click Export to begin the export.

    After the export operation is complete, a Review Export Summary report is displayed indicating if the export operation was successful.

  6. Click Close to close the Review Export Summary dialog box, or Back to return to the previous screen.

Importing Packages

  1. Choose Tools—>Import Package to display the Import: Select File dialog box.

    Figure 5-19 Import: Select File Dialog Box


  2. Specify the full pathname of the JAR file to import. If you know the full pathname, you can type it directly in the File: field. Alternatively, click Browse to navigate through the file system and select the desired file.

  3. Click Next.

    If the package you want to import is not password protected, the Import: Select Components to Import dialog box is displayed.

    If the package you want to import is password protected, the Import: Enter Password dialog box is displayed. Enter the necessary password and click Next to display the Import: Select Components to Import dialog box.

    Figure 5-20 Import: Select Components to Import Dialog Bo


  4. Complete the fields as described in the following table.

    In this field . . .

    Do this . . .

    Select components

    This field displays a tree-view of all the workflow objects in the JAR file to be imported. All tree items are selected by default. Clear the check box for any object that you do not want to import.

    If you import a template definition that specifies a due date for a task, and the due date is set using a business calendar, be sure to import the calendar along with the template definition.

    Note: Since business calendars are referenced indirectly by organizations, users, and roles, the references are not maintained during the import process. After importing the package, be sure to reassign the necessary organizations, users, and roles to the business calendar.

    Similarly, if you import a template definition that uses the XSL Transform action, be sure to import the XML entities in the XML repository required by the XSL Transform action. The XML entities could be the XSLT template document or the XML input document.

    Import File

    Leave as is. This field is populated with the full pathname of the JAR file you specified in step 2. If you want to change the content of this field, click Back to return to the previous dialog box, where you can enter new information in the File field.


    From the drop-down menu, select the organization to which the imported template definition should be assigned.

    Activate after import

    Select this check box if you want the imported template definitions to be activated automatically after they are imported.

    Note: If a template definition has unresolved references to objects, it cannot be activated.


  5. Click Import to begin the import operation, or Cancel to cancel the operation.

    Note: During the import process, a warning is displayed if you are attempting to import an object with the same name as an object that already exists on your system. You can overwrite templates, business operations, and business calendars. You are not permitted to overwrite template definitions.

    If you are importing a template definition from a published package (that is, a package that you previously exported and marked as published), and a template does not exist on the target system, a published template is automatically created. If, however, you are importing a published template definition into an existing template, the existing template must also be published. You can not import a published template definition into an unpublished template.

    Similarly, if you are importing a template definition from an unpublished package and a template does not exist on the target system, an unpublished template is automatically created. To import an unpublished template definition into an existing template, the existing template must also be unpublished. You can not import an unpublished template definition into an published template.

    After the import operation is complete, a Review Import Summary report is displayed. The report lists all the objects that were imported and any problems that were encountered during the import operation.

Click Close to close the Review Export Summary dialog box, or Back to return to the previous screen.


Exporting Workflow Template Definitions

For compatibility with earlier versions of BEA WebLogic Process Integrator, you can export a workflow template definition, in XML format, from BEA WebLogic Process Integrator to any drive mapped in your computer.

To export a workflow template definition:

  1. In the folder tree, right-click the template definition to be exported.

  2. Choose Export from the pop-up menu.The Save dialog box is displayed.

    Figure 5-21 Save Dialog Box


  3. Select the drive and the directory in which you want to save the exported workflow template definition.

  4. Click Save to export the template definition, or Cancel to cancel the operation.


Importing Workflow Template Definitions

For compatibility with earlier versions of BEA WebLogic Process Integrator, you can import a workflow template definition (that was previously exported), in XML format, into BEA WebLogic Process Integrator to create a new workflow template definition.

Note: Imported workflow template definitions are always marked as "inactive." Before an imported workflow template definition can be instantiated, you must change the definition to "active" in the Template Definition dialog box. For details, see Creating a New Workflow Template Definition.

To import a workflow template definition, proceed as follows:

  1. In the BEA WebLogic Process Integrator folder tree, right-click the workflow template into which you will import the workflow template definition.

    Note: If a template does not exist, you must create one before you can import a template definition. For details about creating a template, see Creating a New Workflow Template.

  2. From the pop-up menu, select Import Template Definition to display the Open dialog box.

    Figure 5-22 Open Dialog Box


  3. In the Open dialog box, select the current location of the exported workflow template definition file on your hard drive, and click Open.

    Note: You cannot import a workflow template definition using a name that is different from the one that it was assigned when it was exported. If you attempt to do so, you will receive a warning message.

  4. After the file is imported, an import confirmation dialog box is displayed that asks you to confirm the import. Click Yes to import the workflow template definition.

    Note: In some cases, importing workflows may display warning messages. When a workflow template definition contains a Perform Business Operation or Start Workflow action, the action must be redefined when the it is imported in a workflow.


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