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Installing BEA WebLogic Process Integrator


This section provides procedures for all the steps you must follow before you can run WebLogic Process Integrator. The required steps are:


Installing WebLogic Process Integrator Components

You can install WebLogic Process Integrator from the CD-ROM included in the product package, or you can download the software from the BEA Web site as described in Downloading the Software.

If you are installing WebLogic Process Integrator on a graphics (windowing) terminal or workstation, you should use the installation program. Follow the procedures given in the next section, Installing on UNIX or Windows Platforms in Graphics Mode.

If you want to install WebLogic Process Integrator on a UNIX system in text mode, see Installing on UNIX Platforms in Console Mode.

Note: If you are upgrading from a previous version of WebLogic Process Integrator, do not uninstall the older version until you have WebLogic Process Integrator 2.0 up and running. You will need files from your previous installation for database migration. For more information, see Migrating an Existing WebLogic Process Integrator Database.

Installing on UNIX or Windows Platforms in Graphics Mode

To run the BEA WebLogic Process Integrator installation program:

  1. Do one of the following:

  2. Click Next. The License Agreement window is displayed.

    Figure 2-1 License Agreement Window


  3. Review the license agreement, using the scroll bar to display the text.

  4. Select the Yes option to accept the license agreement.

  5. Click Next. The Important Information dialog box is displayed. Review the installation requirements, using the scroll bar to display the text.

  6. Click Next to acknowledge that you have read and understood the requirements for WebLogic Process Integrator. The Choose Install Set dialog box is displayed.

    Figure 2-2 Choose Install Set Dialog Box


    By default, the WebLogic Process Integrator installation program installs the following components:

  7. Do one of the following:

  8. Select or deselect the check boxes to request the installation of the components you want, and click Next. The Choose BEA Home Directory dialog box is displayed.

    Figure 2-4 Choose BEA Home Directory Dialog Box


    We recommend that you use the existing BEA Home directory. For a detailed description of how the BEA Home directory is used in WebLogic Server 6.0, see "BEA Home Directory" at the following URL:

    Note: You must select a drive or directory in which WebLogic Server 6.0 is installed.

  9. To specify the BEA Home directory and installation location, do one of the following:

  10. Click Next. The Choose Product Directory dialog box is displayed.

    Figure 2-5 Choose Product Directory Dialog Box


  11. Do one of the following:

  12. Click Next. One of the following is displayed:

  13. Select the option for the database you want to use for Mydomain.

  14. Click Next. One of the following is displayed:

  15. Do one of the following:

  16. When you have entered all the required information, click Next. The MailSession Configuration dialog box is displayed.

    Figure 2-8 MailSession Configuration Dialog Box


    The settings you specify in this screen enable WebLogic Process Integrator to send e-mail from workflow instances. If you do not have mail session information available, you can configure these settings after installation. For information, see Customizing Mail Session Settings.

  17. If you want to configure your mail session properties now, enter values in the fields as described in the following table.

    Table 2-2 Mail Session Configuration Information




    The e-mail address from which e-mail can be sent from a WebLogic Process Integrator workflow.

    Email Host

    The domain name for the default mail or SMTP server.


    Note: Depending on your e-mail server, you can also configure other mail session options after installation. For more information, see Customizing Mail Session Settings.

  18. Click Next. The Confirm Database Selection dialog box appears.

  19. Confirm your database selection and begin the installation by clicking Install. The Installation Status page is displayed.

    When installation is complete, the Installation Complete window is displayed.

  20. Click Done to dismiss the Installation Complete window.

  21. Go to Installing Your Software License.

Installing on UNIX Platforms in Console Mode

This section provides the information you need to install WebLogic Process Integrator on a UNIX system in console mode. The text-based console-mode program mimics the graphical installation program.

To install WebLogic Process Integrator on a UNIX system in console mode:

  1. Do one of the following:

  2. Start the installation by entering the following command at the prompt:

    sh install.bin -i console

    Introductory information is displayed.

  3. Press Enter to continue. The license agreement is displayed.

  4. Review the agreement, and then enter Y to accept the terms. You are prompted to select the components to be installed.

  5. Do one of the following:

  6. Enter 1 to create a new BEA Home directory or enter 2 (recommended) to use an existing BEA Home directory. You are prompted with one of the following:

  7. Do one of the following:

  8. Enter one of the following selections:

    1. At the Database Host Name prompt, enter the name of the server machine hosting the database.

    2. At the Database/Service Name prompt, enter the database or service name for the database that will contain all WebLogic Integration 2.0 tables.

    3. At the Database User prompt, enter the account login name required for connecting to the database server.

    4. At the Database Password prompt, enter the password required for connecting to the database server.

    5. At the Database Port prompt, enter the port to be used to connect to the server.

  9. At the Email prompt, enter the e-mail address from which e-mail can be sent from a WebLogic Process Integrator workflow.

  10. At the EmailHost prompt, enter the domain name for the default mail or SMTP server.

    The installation program copies the necessary files and updates the configuration as required. A message indicating that the installation is complete is displayed when the process is complete.

  11. Press Enter to exit the console-mode installation program.

  12. Go to Installing Your Software License.


Installing Your Software License

The components of WebLogic Integration cannot be used without a valid software license. A 30-day license file is automatically installed when you install the first WebLogic Integration component. When you purchase the software, a permanent WebLogic Integration license file will be provided to you by BEA. Follow the directions below to update your license file on the target system.

To install your software license:

  1. Save the license file from the appropriate diskette or e-mail attachment with a name other than license.bea, in the BEA Home directory.

  2. Open a command prompt and go to the BEA Home directory.

  3. Run the Update License utility by entering one of the following:

  4. Save a copy of your updated license file in a safe place outside the application installation directories.

  5. Go to Setting Up the WebLogic Process Integrator Tables.


Setting Up the WebLogic Process Integrator Tables

Before you can run WebLogic Process Integrator from Mydomain, you must set up the database tables for WebLogic Process Integrator.

Note: If you choose Cloudscape for your development domain during the installation process, the domain uses the same tables that are automatically created in the Samples domain, and you do not need to configure them. If you want to set up an alternate Cloudscape database, see Setting Up an Alternate Cloudscape Database. If for any reason you need to recreate the default Samples database, you can run the createCloudscape.cmd (on Windows) or (on UNIX) script, found in the bin directory of the WebLogic Process Integrator installation.

If you are installing WebLogic Process Integrator for the first time, go to the next section, Creating a New WebLogic Process Integrator Database.

If you are upgrading from a previous version of WebLogic Process Integrator, you need to migrate your database tables. Proceed to Migrating an Existing WebLogic Process Integrator Database.

If you have not yet set up the repository tables during another WebLogic Integration 2.0 installation, you also need to set these up. See the procedure in Setting Up the WebLogic Integration XML Repository Tables.

Note: Your WebLogic Process Integrator and repository tables must be in the same database.

Creating a New WebLogic Process Integrator Database

Before you can run BEA WebLogic Process Integrator, you must first create the required database tables on your database server.

The ddl subdirectory of the WebLogic Process Integrator product directory contains SQL Data Definition Language (DDL) files that are used to create the required tables.

For information on creating an alternate Cloudscape development domain database, see Setting Up an Alternate Cloudscape Database.

To create the WebLogic Process Integrator database tables:

  1. On your database server, start your database administration tool, and do one of the following:

  2. Execute the appropriate DDL file listed in the table below. Consult your database administrator for the procedure.

    Table 2-3 WebLogic Process Integrator Database Creation Scripts

    To create WebLogic Process Integrator tables for this database . . .

    use this DDL file . . .

    Oracle 8.1.6


    Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 with Service Pack 3 or Microsoft SQL Server 2000


    Sybase System 11.9.2



  3. If you have not installed another WebLogic Integration 2.0 product, go to Setting Up the WebLogic Integration XML Repository Tables.

Migrating an Existing WebLogic Process Integrator Database

WebLogic Process Integrator 2.0 uses a new database schema and security model. If you are using a previous version of WebLogic Process Integrator, you must migrate your existing database and security realm for compatibility with WebLogic Process Integrator 2.0.

Warning: It is strongly recommended that you migrate your WebLogic Process Integrator database before configuring any WebLogic Process Integrator 2.0 settings.

The migrate/ddl subdirectory of the WebLogic Process Integrator product directory contains SQL Data Definition Language (DDL) files that are used to migrate your WebLogic Process Integrator tables.

Migrating your database involves three steps:

Note: Once you have migrated your database and security realm, you will also need to assign permissions to previously existing users and roles. This task is done in the Studio application. For basic information on default permission groups and their member users, see Configuring Security Realms for WebLogic Process Integrator of this document. For more detailed information and procedures on assigning permissions to users and roles, see Administering Data in Using the BEA WebLogic Process Integrator Studio.

Migrating the Database Schema

To migrate your database schema:

  1. Using your database administration tool, back up your existing WebLogic Process Integrator database.

  2. With the WebLogic Process Integrator database open, execute the appropriate DDL file listed in the following table. Consult your database administrator for the procedure.

    Table 2-4 WebLogic Process Integrator Database Migration Scripts

    To migrate WebLogic Process Integrator tables for this database...

    ...use this DDL file

    Oracle 8.1.6


    Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 with Service Pack 3 or Microsoft SQL Server 2000


    Sybase System 11.9.2



  3. Migrate the WebLogic Process Integrator security realm, as described in the following section.

Migrating the Security Realm

WebLogic Process Integrator 2.0 uses a new security model which you need to adopt in order to access Studio and Worklist functions. (For more information, see "Understanding Security" in Using the BEA WebLogic Process Integrator Studio.)

The migrate/bin directory of your WebLogic Process Integrator installation includes a utility you can use to upgrade your security realm, and an additional utility that allows you run the tutorial example without any additional setup. (For more information, see Learning to Use BEA WebLogic Process Integrator.)

To use the realm migration utilities, first specify appropriate settings for your environment in two scripts and one Java properties file (all of which are provided in the migrate/bin directory) as described in the following procedure. Then follow the procedures for running the utility according to the version and security realm from which you are migrating.

To configure the realm migration utility scripts:

  1. In the migrate/bin directory of your WebLogic Process Integrator 2.0 installation, open the file migrate_realm.cmd (for Windows) or (for UNIX) in a text editor.

  2. Specify the appropriate values for the JAVA_HOME, WL_HOME and WLPI_HOME variables. (Instructions are provided in the file.)

  3. Save and close the file.

  4. Optionally, from the migrate/bin subdirectory, open the file to customize the DEBUG, URL, WLS_SYSTEM_PASSWORD, and WLPI_SUPER_USERS variables. (Instructions are provided in the file.)

    Note: If you need to assign all permissions to any existing users of your system, you can add them to the WLPI_SUPER_USERS variable in the file, or assign permissions in the Studio client application after migration. For information on the default users and passwords provided in a new WebLogic Process Integrator 2.0 installation, see WebLogic Process Integrator Default Users and Passwords. For information on permission groups, see Configuring Security Realms for WebLogic Process Integrator.

  5. Save and close the file.

  6. Optionally, if you would like to be able to run the WebLogic Process Integrator 2.0 tutorial example, go to the migrate/bin directory of your WebLogic Process Integrator 2.0 installation, open the file enable_tutorial.cmd (for Windows) or (for UNIX) in a text editor, and specify the appropriate values for the JAVA_HOME, WL_HOME, and WLPI_HOME variables. (Instructions are provided in the file.)

  7. To run the realm migration utility, choose one of the following options:

Note: The following procedures assume knowledge of WebLogic Server 6.0 Service Pack 2 and the WebLogic Server Administration Console. For more information, see your WebLogic Server documentation.

Migrating from WebLogic.Properties Realm (WebLogic Process Integrator 1.2 Only)

To migrate from WebLogic.Properties Realm:

  1. Start WebLogic Process Integrator server from Mydomain, as described in Starting the WebLogic Process Integrator Server.

  2. Start the WebLogic Server Administration Console.

  3. Choose Services—>JDBC—>Connection Pools—>wliPool and, in the right pane, select the Configuration and General tabs.

  4. Verify that the Database URL specifies your WebLogic Process Integrator 1.2 database, and modify any settings that are incorrect for this database. If you make any modifications, restart the WebLogic Process Integrator 2.0 server.

  5. In the WebLogic Server Administration Console, convert the file found in the WebLogic Process Integrator 1.2 home directory into a new domain. Use the WebLogic Server 6.0 documentation for the required procedures. After the conversion, WebLogic Server creates a new domain.

  6. Shut down the WebLogic Process Integrator server.

  7. Copy the file found in the new domain to the config/mydomain directory of your WebLogic Process Integrator 2.0 installation.

  8. Start the WebLogic Process Integrator 2.0 server. Ignore any error messages you receive.

  9. Run the realm migration utility by doing one of the following:

  10. Optionally, delete the domain generated in step 5.

  11. Optionally, run the tutorial enabler utility by doing one of the following:

  12. If you have not yet set up the WebLogic Integration repository tables, shut down the WebLogic Process Integrator server, and go to Setting Up the WebLogic Integration XML Repository Tables.

Migrating from RDBMS Realm (WebLogic Process Integrator 1.2 or 1.2.1)

To migrate from RDBMS Realm:

  1. Start the WebLogic Process Integrator server in Mydomain, as described in Starting the WebLogic Process Integrator Server.

  2. Start the WebLogic Server Administration Console.

  3. Choose Security—>Realms—>wlpiRDBMSRealm—> and in the right pane, select the Configuration and Schema tabs.

  4. Back up the Schema Properties by copying the text to a temporary file.

  5. In the migrate directory of your WebLogic Process Integrator installation, open the file rdbmsrealm_migration_schema.txt in a text editor.

  6. Copy the text from the rdbmsrealm_migration_schema.txt file and paste it into the Schema Properties window in the Administration Console, overwriting the original text. Click Apply.

  7. In the right pane, select the Database tab.

  8. Verify that the Database URL specifies your WebLogic Process Integrator 1.2 or 1.2.1 database, and modify any settings that are incorrect for this database. If you make any modifications, restart the WebLogic Process Integrator 2.0 server.

  9. Choose Security—>Realms—>wlpiRDBMSRealm, and in the right pane, select the Configuration and Schema tabs.

  10. In the Basic Realm drop-down list, select wlpiCachingRealm.

  11. Choose Services—>JDBC—>Connection Pools—>wliPool and, in the right pane, select the Configuration and General tabs.

  12. Verify that the Database URL specifies your WebLogic Process Integrator 1.2 or 1.2.1 database, and modify any settings that are incorrect for this database.

  13. Shut down the WebLogic Process Integrator 2.0 server.

  14. From the config/mydomain subdirectory of your WebLogic Process Integrator installation, open the startup script file, startmydomain.cmd (on Windows) or (on UNIX), in a text editor.

  15. Before the %WLPI_HOME%\lib\rdbmsrealm.jar section of the CLASSPATH setting, add the following:


  16. Save the file.

  17. Start the WebLogic Process Integrator 2.0 server. Ignore any error messages you may receive.

  18. Run the realm migration utility by doing one of the following:

  19. Start the WebLogic Server Administration Console.

  20. Choose Security—>Realms—>wlpiRDBMSRealm, and in the right pane, select the Configuration and Schema tabs.

  21. Copy the text from the temporary file you created in step 4 and paste it into the Schema Properties in the Administration Console, overwriting the original text. Click Apply.

  22. Shut down the WebLogic Process Integrator 2.0 server.

  23. In the server startup script file, remove the text you added to the CLASSPATH setting in step 15, and save the file.

  24. Start the WebLogic Process Integrator 2.0 server.

  25. Optionally, run the tutorial enabler utility by doing one of the following:

  26. If you have not yet set up the WebLogic Integration repository tables, shut down WebLogic Process Integrator server, and go to Setting Up the WebLogic Integration XML Repository Tables.

Migrating from File Realm (WebLogic Process Integrator 1.2.1 Only)

To migrate from File Realm:

  1. Start the WebLogic Process Integrator server in Mydomain, as described in Starting the WebLogic Process Integrator Server.

  2. Start the WebLogic Server Administration Console.

  3. Choose Services—>JDBC—>Connection Pools—>wliPool and, in the right pane, select the Configuration and General tabs.

  4. Verify that the Database URL specifies your WebLogic Process Integrator 1.2.1 database, and modify any settings that are incorrect for this database.

  5. Shut down the WebLogic Process Integrator 2.0 server.

  6. Copy the file from the WebLogic Process Integrator 1.2.1 domain to the config/mydomain directory of your WebLogic Process Integrator 2.0 installation.

  7. Start the WebLogic Process Integrator 2.0 server. Ignore any messages you may receive.

  8. Run the realm migration utility by doing one of the following:

  9. Optionally, run the tutorial enabler utility by doing one of the following:

  10. If you have not yet set up the WebLogic Integration repository tables, shut down WebLogic Process Integrator server, and go to Setting Up the WebLogic Integration XML Repository Tables.


Setting Up the WebLogic Integration XML Repository Tables

If WebLogic Process Integrator is the first WebLogic Integration 2.0 product you are installing, you also need to create the tables for the common XML repository for your development domain, regardless of whether you have created a new WebLogic Process Integrator database or migrated from an existing one.

If you have already configured the XML repository tables during a previous WebLogic Integration installation, you do not need to perform this step.

Note: If you chose Cloudscape as the database for your development domain, this step has already been done for you automatically by the installation program.

Your WebLogic Integration 2.0 installation includes scripts you can run to create the repository tables automatically.

To create the XML repository database tables:

  1. On your database server, use your database administration tool to open your WebLogic Integration database.

  2. Execute the appropriate script by doing one of the following:

When the script has finished running, the tables are created.

You are now ready to start running the WebLogic Process Integrator components. For information on starting and logging on to the WebLogic Process Integrator server and client applications, go to the next section, Starting and Stopping BEA WebLogic Process Integrator Components.


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