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Introduction to BPM Plug-In Development


This section provides an introduction to business process management (BPM) plug-ins and their development. It includes the following topics:


What Is a Plug-In?

A plug-in consists of a set of run-time loadable Java classes that extends the business process management (BPM) features and functionality of WebLogic Integration.

Using plug-ins, you can modify the design or run-time behavior of the following BPM workflow components:

For example, you may want to trigger the execution of a business process by sending an e-mail message or other nonXML event, rather than by using any of the standard Start node trigger methods available to you with the WebLogic Integration Studio. You can accomplish this by designing a plug-in that extends the behavior of the Start node to include support for this new nonXML trigger.

The following figure provides an example of a plug-in that modifies the design and run-time behavior of a Start node. It illustrates the plug-in-defined areas of the Start Properties dialog box.

Figure 1-1 Plug-In Example: Start Node


In this example:

Note: For more information about the Start node plug-in illustrated in the previous figure, see BPM Plug-In Sample.


How BPM Supports Plug-In Development

In addition to the standard framework for designing, executing, and monitoring business processes, WebLogic Integration supports a plug-in framework for BPM functionality, enabling you to create plug-ins that customize the existing software, and achieve powerful and seamless integration with other products and technologies.

The following figure illustrates the BPM plug-in framework within the overall BPM architecture.

Figure 1-2 BPM Plug-In Framework


Note the following in this figure:

The following sections describe these two components.

For additional information about the role of the process engine, see "WebLogic Integration Process Engine" in Business Process Management API Development in Programming BPM Client Applications.

Plug-In Manager

The Plug-in Manager is a dedicated part of the WebLogic Integration process engine that supports the configuration, design, and run-time management of plug-ins, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 1-3 Plug-In Manager


The Plug-in Manager oversees the loaded plug-ins and their interactions with the WebLogic Integration process engine and BPM clients, and routes all plug-in related requests.

For example, a subset of the configuration and design responsibilities of the Plug-in Manager includes:

For example, a subset of the run-time responsibilities of the Plug-in Manager includes:

When designing plug-ins, you access the management features of the Plug-in Manager using the following session EJBs:

These EJBs are part of the plug-in API described in the next section.

Plug-In API

The BPM API provides support for configuration, design, and run-time interactions between the process engine and a deployed plug-in.

The plug-in API consists of two session EJBs, a set of run-time management classes, and one package, as described in the following table.

Table 1-1 BPM Plug-In API Components




Stateless session EJB providing run-time management of plug-ins during workflow execution:


Stateless session EJB providing configuration and design management of plug-ins:


Classes providing run-time management of plug-ins during workflow execution.


Package providing client and process engine functions, including value object classes.

All members of this package are serializable to allow for exchanges between the client and process engine.


Note: For a complete description of the BPM API, see Programming BPM Client Applications or the BEA WebLogic Integration Javadoc.


How BPM Discovers a Deployed Plug-In

To make the plug-in available to BPM users, you simply package and deploy it as a session EJB on WebLogic Server.

If no additional installation is required on the process engine or BPM client, how does BPM discover a deployed plug-in and its implementation details? The plug-in is responsible for providing the functionality that enables BPM to:

Detecting the Plug-In

At startup, the process engine detects the plug-in via JNDI based on the plug-in's com.bea.wlpi.server.plugin.PluginHome home interface. All plug-in beans must use the PluginHome as their home interface.

For more information about the PluginHome interface, see Plug-In Home Interface.

Managing Lifecycle Tasks

Once the plug-in is detected, the Plug-in Manager performs the following tasks:

Each of the lifecycle methods listed in the previous list are remote interface methods that must be implemented by the plug-in bean. For more information, see Plug-In Remote Interface.

Accessing the Plug-In Implementation (Object Manufacturing)

The plug-in must implement the following classes for each component to define its functionality to the design client:

Because no additional installation is required on the BPM design client (for example, the Studio), the design client has no knowledge of the concrete classes that the plug-in defines. It is the responsibility of the plug-in to manufacture, upon request, instances of its defined classes. This process is called object manufacturing. To support object manufacturing the plug-in must implement the getObject() remote interface method, as described in Object Manufacturing Method.

The design client uses the value objects, obtained and cached by the Plug-in Manager at startup, to retrieve the plug-in Java class names based on the plug-in component name and ID, and subsequently initiate object manufacturing based on the returned values.

For example, in the figure Plug-In Example: Start Node, when a user selects the Start Order event as the Start node trigger, the Plug-in Manager obtains an instance of the plug-in panel class, StartNodePanel, from the plug-in using object manufacturing, and returns the data to the Studio client. The Studio client subsequently displays the plug-in GUI component in the Start Properties dialog box, and a message similar to the following appears in the log file:

SamplePlugin: getObject called with class name com.bea.wlpi.tour.po.plugin.StartNodePanel

Executing the Plug-In at Run Time (Context Passing)

To define plug-in execution characteristics, you must implement a run-time interface for the plug-in component. At run time, the plug-in communicates with the process engine and client using a process called context passing: the Plug-in Manager obtains an instance of the plug-in component run-time interface and passes the context to it.

Each context interface provides restricted access to the Plug-in Manager, enabling the plug-in to execute and manage its own application logic, and introduce the plug-in instance data into the BPM run-time environment.

For more information about implementing the run-time interface, see Executing the Plug-In. For more information about implementing context interfaces, see Using Plug-In Run-Time Contexts.


BPM Plug-In Development Tasks

To develop a BPM plug-in, you need to first create a session EJB that defines the required plug-in classes and interfaces, and then package and deploy the session EJB on WebLogic Server.

The following steps outline the BPM plug-in development tasks in more detail.

Note: In addition to accomplishing the steps outlined below, you should also review the plug-in development fundamentals described in Plug-In Development Fundamentals.

Step 1:

Identify design-time and run-time customization requirements.

Keep in mind that you can modify the design and run-time behavior of the following workflow components using plug-ins:

The plug-in sample provides a set of plug-in classes that represent common plug-in scenarios. For more information, see BPM Plug-In Sample.

Step 2:

Define the plug-in session EJB:

  1. Implement the javax.ejb.SessionBean interface methods, including:
    setSessionContext(SessionContext ctx)

  2. Implement the com.bea.wlpi.server.plugin.PluginHome home interface ejbCreate() method.

    The home interface has been defined for you by the BPM plug-in framework via the com.bea.wlpi.server.plugin.PluginHome interface. The BPM home interface is described in detail in Plug-In Home Interface.

    Note: At this time, you can set up a custom plug-in icon for the Studio interface view when implementing the ejbCreate() method, as described in the table Home Interface Method.

  3. Implement the com.bea.wlpi.server.plugin.Plugin remote interface methods.

    The remote interface has been defined for you by the BPM plug-in framework via the com.bea.wlpi.server.plugin.Plugin interface. The BPM remote interface is described in detail in Plug-In Remote Interface.

    Note: At this time, you must define the plug-in component value objects, and customize the action tree (if defining a plug-in action) when implementing the getPluginCapabilitiesInfo() method, as described in the table Remote Interface Plug-In Information Methods.

This step is described in detail in Defining the Plug-In Session EJB.

Step 3:

Define the plug-in component:

  1. Implement the plug-in data interface to define the methods used for reading and saving the plug-in data.

  2. Define the plug-in panel class to display the plug-in GUI component within the design client.

  3. Define the plug-in run-time component class to define the run-time execution characteristics.

This step is described in detail in Defining Plug-In Components.

Step 4:

Set up notification management.

This step is described in detail in Using Plug-In Notifications.

Step 5:

Implement and register an event handler to process incoming plug-in events.

This step is described in detail in Processing Plug-In Events.

Step 6:

Manage the plug-in, customizing the plug-in configuration requirements, if desired.

This step is described in detail in Managing Plug-Ins.

Step 7:

Develop context-sensitive online help for the plug-in.

This step is described in detail in Defining Plug-In Online Help.

Step 8:

Package all plug-in Java classes in EJB JAR and WAR files, and deploy the plug-in.

This step is described in detail in Deploying the Plug-In.


BPM Plug-In Sample

The BPM plug-in sample provides a set of plug-in classes that represent common plug-in scenarios, and is provided with the software. The sample includes two workflow templates, Plug-in Order Processing and Plug-in Order Fulfillment, which are stored in the WLI_HOME/samples/bpm_api/plugin/sample_plug_in.jar file.

Note: The plug-in sample is loosely based on a generic Web-based sales order scenario that is described in detail in Introduction to WebLogic Integration and the Example Workflows in Learning to Use BPM with WebLogic Integration.

The following figure shows the plug-in sample workflow templates and identifies the plug-ins that have been added.

Figure 1-4 Plug-In Sample Workflow Templates


The previous example illustrates the following:

Note: The Order Processing Trigger workflow template provided as part of the generic example (described in Learning to Use BPM with WebLogic Integration) is not used by the plug-in. Instead, the Plug-in Order Processing workflow template is triggered via a plug-in-defined XML event.

Excerpts from the plug-in sample are included throughout this document. For complete information about the BPM plug-in sample and its directory structure, and instructions for importing and running the sample, see BPM Plug-In Sample. For more information on the generic Web-based sales order scenario, see Learning to Use BPM with WebLogic Integration.

Note: In the previous figure, the following custom icon is shown in the upper-right corner of the Start and Event nodes to indicate that they contain customized plug-in properties.

Icons such as this are displayed when the Studio interface view is enabled. For information about how to enable the interface view, see Using the Studio Interface in Using the WebLogic Integration Studio.

To specify a custom plug-in icon when creating a remote plug-in object interface, see the create() method description in Plug-In Home Interface.


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