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Registered User Adds a Credit Card


In this section of the tour, assume that you want to access the Web site to add credit card information to your user profile and to see the status of your last order. (This probably is not a realistic scenario for your customers, but it highlights additional features that are available in the JSP templates.) This section of the tour takes you along the following path:

Note: Consider opening the User Profile Roadmap link in a separate browser window; you may want to refer to it frequently during the tour.

Note: In this chapter, the product name is referred to as WebLogic Portal. If you are licensed for BEA Campaign services, this product package includes Commerce services. For a licensing and packaging overview, see the section About the Product Licenses and This Tour.


User Profile Roadmap

Before starting this section of the tour, review Figure 5-1, which is a map of the user profile JSP templates. The arrows in the map represent navigation options that Webflow provides; the darker arrows show the path that this section of the tour describes.

Figure 5-1 JSPs for Modifying the User Profile



Step 1: Access Your User Profile

You can access your user profile from any page on the Web site by clicking View Profile in the left side of the display (see Figure 5-2). This portion of each page comes from the include file. If you are accessing the site anonymously WebLogic Portal prompts you to log in before it displays your profile.

Figure 5-2 Click View Profile


To continue the tour...

From any page on the site, click View Profile in the header. Log in if WebLogic Portal prompts you.

For information about WebLogic Portal security, see Technical Note: The Security Model.


Step 2: Review Your User Profile

When you click View Profile as an authenticated user, or when you click Log In from login.jsp, WebLogic Portal displays viewprofile.jsp (see Figure 5-3).

Features of viewprofile.jsp

Figure 5-3 Your User Profile


Notice the following features of viewprofile.jsp:

Technical Note: The Database for Commerce Services

Commerce services and WebLogic Personalization Server store their data in a single Cloudscape or Oracle database. For a description of the database schema and tables, refer to the following topics:

To continue the tour...

Click Add Card.


Step 3: Add a Credit Card

When you click Add Card, WebLogic Portal prompts you to enter credit card information in profilenewcc.jsp (see Figure 5-4).

Features of profilenewcc.jsp

Figure 5-4 Adding a Credit Card


Notice the following features of profilenewcc.jsp:

To continue the tour...

  1. Enter information for a credit card.

  2. Complete the remaining required fields. Then click Save.

    The next part of the tour shows your order history and status, which you access from the Home page for authenticated users.

  3. Click Home in the header.


Step 4: View Your Order History and Status

When you click Home, WebLogic Portal displays main.jsp, which is the site's Home page (see Figure 5-5). Notice that main.jsp uses the HTTP protocol through port 7501; WebLogic Portal does not use SSL for the Home page.

Figure 5-5 Click View Order History


For details about main.jsp for authenticated users, see Features of main.jsp for Authenticated Users.

To continue the tour...

Click View Order History, WebLogic Portal displays orderhistory.jsp (see Figure 5-6).

Features of orderhistory.jsp

Figure 5-6 Order History


Notice the following features of orderhistory.jsp:

To continue the tour...

Click View to see the order status.

When you click View, WebLogic Portal displays orderstatus.jsp (see Figure 5-7).

Features of orderstatus.jsp

Figure 5-7 Order Status


Notice the following features of orderhistory.jsp:

Note: The Pipeline assigns only the New or Submitted state to an order. If you want to add states, you must modify the Pipeline.

To continue the tour...

Click Home.


Step 5: Log Out

To end your authenticated session, click Logout. Logging out ends the Pipeline session, clearing your shopping cart and disassociating your username from subsequent events on the site (until you log in again).

What's next?

To see an example of how to modify the JSP templates and the Webflow, see Example of Customizing the Templates.


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