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New User Buys a Product


In this section of the tour, assume that you want to buy a hammer for a home improvement project. You have heard of a new e-commerce Web site with a huge selection and low prices, so you decide to visit it. Your trek through the site takes you along the following path:

Note: Consider opening the New User Roadmap link in a separate browser window; you may want to refer to it frequently during the tour.

Note: In this chapter, the product name is referred to as WebLogic Portal. If you are licensed for BEA Campaign services, this product package includes Commerce services. For a licensing and packaging overview, see the section About the Product Licenses and This Tour.


New User Roadmap

Before starting this section of the tour, review the following maps of the JSP templates (Figure 3-1, Figure 3-2, and Figure 3-3). The arrows in the maps represent navigation options on the site; the darker arrows show the path that this section of the tour describes.

Figure 3-1 JSPs for Finding and Selecting an Item


Figure 3-2 JSPs for the Shopping Cart and New User Registration


Figure 3-3 JSPs for Completing the Order



Step 1: Search for Products

When you first access the site's Home page, you notice that you could either browse or search through the product catalog. Because you are looking specifically for a hammer, and because you are unfamiliar with the scope of this new Web site, you decide to use the Quick Look-up box (see Figure 3-4).

Figure 3-4 Searching in main.jsp


To continue the tour...

On the Home page, enter hammer in the Quick Look-up box. Then click Find.


Step 2: Select an Item

When you click Find, the WebLogic Portal search engine queries the product catalog for items with keywords that match hammer and displays the results in searchresults.jsp (see Figure 3-5).

Features of searchresults.jsp

Figure 3-5 Search Results in searchresults.jsp


Notice the following features of searchresults.jsp:

To continue the tour...

Choose a hammer and click Add to Cart.


Step 3: View the Shopping Cart

When you click Add to Cart, WebLogic Portal lists all items you have selected during the current visit to the site in shoppingcart.jsp (see Figure 3-6).

Features of shoppingcart.jsp

Figure 3-6 Shopping Cart


Notice the following features of shoppingcart.jsp:

For details on the shopping cart, see Shopping Cart Management Services in the Guide to Managing Purchases and Processing Orders.

Technical Note: Pipeline Components, Pipeline Sessions, and Webflow

So far this tour has focused on HTML elements and JSP tags, which WebLogic Portal uses to present information in a format that Web browsers can display.

Behind this presentation layer, Pipeline components, Pipeline sessions, and Webflow exchange data with users, apply business logic and process data, maintain state in individual shopping sessions, and direct your users through the site based on a set of context-specific rules. The following list describes each of the mechanisms:

For example, Listing 3-1 shows JSP tags from shoppingcart.jsp that retrieve the contents of the shopping cart from the current Pipeline session.

Listing 3-1 JSP Tags for Retrieving Shopping Cart Content

<webflow:getProperty id="shoppingCart" property="<%=PipelineSessionConstants.SHOPPING_CART%>" type="com.beasys.commerce.ebusiness.shoppingcart.ShoppingCart" scope="session" namespace="sampleapp_main" />
<webflow:getProperty id="savedShoppingCart" property="<%=PipelineSessionConstants.SAVED_SHOPPING_CART%>" type="com.beasys.commerce.ebusiness.shoppingcart.ShoppingCart" scope="session" namespace="sampleapp_main" />

For more information on Pipelines and Webflow, see the Guide to Managing Presentation and Business Logic: Using Webflow and Pipeline.

To continue the tour...

Click Check Out.


Step 4: Create a New User Profile

When you click Check Out from the shopping cart, WebLogic Portal prompts you to log in from login.jsp. Because you are a new user, you must first create a user profile (see Figure 3-7).

Features of login.jsp

Figure 3-7 New User Logging In


To continue the tour...

Click Create to see the templates for creating a new user profile.

When you click Create on the Log In page, WebLogic Portal prompts you to provide information for your user profile in newuser.jsp (see Figure 3-8 and Figure 3-10).

Features of newuser.jsp (Part 1 of 3)

Figure 3-8 Entering Address Information


Notice the following features of the first half of newuser.jsp:

Technical Note: Input Processors

Input processors are Java classes that handle form submission. Some may perform validation of customer data, but the primary role of an input processor is to store customer data into the Pipeline session for subsequent use by a Pipeline component. Webflow determines whether user input is directed to an input processor and where the input processor directs its output.

For example, Listing 3-2 is an excerpt from newuser.jsp specifying that when a user clicks the Save button, the browser posts data to the Webflow.

Listing 3-2 Form that Sends Data to an Input Processor

<!-- begin form to input customer data.
This form posts to the Webflow Advisor a "button(save)" event from origin "newuser.jsp" -->
<form method="post" action="<webflow:createWebflowURL event="" httpsInd="calculate" namespace="sampleapp_user" />">
<input type=hidden name=origin value="newuser.jsp">
<input type=hidden name=event value="">
<input type=hidden name=httpsInd value="calculate">
<input type=hidden name=namespace value="sampleapp_user">

For a description of input processors that WebLogic Portal provides, refer to the following documents:

Demographics in newuser.jsp (Part 2 of 3)

newuser.jsp collects demographic information about your customers. (See Figure 3-9.) You can use this information to create customer segments, which are used by scenarios and content selectors.

A scenario identifies patterns of events, system states, and customer segments and carries out specific actions. Content selectors to display personalized information to a customer or customer segment.

For information, refer to the following topics in Using the BEA E-Business Control Center:

More Features of newuser.jsp (Part 3 of 3)

Figure 3-10 Entering username and Password


Notice the following features of the second half of newuser.jsp:

To continue the tour...

Complete the required fields and click Save.


Step 5: Log In as a Registered User

When you click Save, WebLogic Portal prompts you to log in from login.jsp (see Figure 3-11).

Features of login.jsp

Figure 3-11 Logging In


For a description of login.jsp, see Features of login.jsp.

To continue the tour...

Type the username and password you entered with your new user profile. Then click Log In.

Click the Checkout button.


Step 6: Choose Shipping Options

When you click Checkout, WebLogic Portal starts the checkout process by displaying shipping options in shipping.jsp (see Figure 3-12).

Features of shipping.jsp

Figure 3-12 Choose Shipping Options


Notice the following features of shipping.jsp:

To continue the tour...

  1. Select shipping options. You may also enter a comment in the Special Instructions box.

  2. Click Continue.

When you click Continue, WebLogic Portal displays your shipping addresses in selectaddress.jsp (see Figure 3-13).

Features of selectaddress.jsp

Figure 3-13 Select Shipping Address


Notice the following features of selectaddress.jsp:

To continue the tour...

Click Use.


Step 7: Enter Payment Information

When you click Use, WebLogic Portal displays payment.jsp, which lists any credit cards that are in your user profile (see Figure 3-14).

Features of payment.jsp

Figure 3-14 Select Add Credit Card


Notice the following features of payment.jsp:

To continue the tour...

Click Add Card.

Features of paymentnewcc.jsp

When you click Add Card, WebLogic Portal prompts you to enter payment information in paymentnewcc.jsp (see Figure 3-15).

Figure 3-15 Enter Credit Card Information


Notice the following features of paymentnewcc.jsp:

Technical Note: Templates Included Within Templates

Rather than repeating input fields and other information across several files, the WebLogic Portal JSP templates assign re-used JSP tags and HTML elements to a set of include files, which are, in turn, JSP templates that you can use to develop your site. For example, paymentnewcc.jsp (described in the previous section), profilenewcc.jsp, and newuser.jsp are parent JSP pages that include newcctemplate.jsp as a child page to provide consistent input fields for credit card information. You can include newcctemplate.jsp in other JSP files that you create.

Why doesn't Webflow specify in all locations that request credit card information instead of using three files, paymentnewcc.jsp, profilenewcc.jsp, and newuser.jsp? Webflow uses the three parent JSP pages to determine a user's context and to determine which pages to display after a user enters new credit card information. For example, Figure 3-16 shows that after a user completes paymentnewcc.jsp, Webflow displays payment.jsp; after a user completes profilenewcc.jsp, Webflow displays viewprofile.jsp, and after a user completes newuser.jsp, login.jsp is displayed.

Figure 3-16 Template Include Files


For a list of include files and the JSP templates that use them, see the Guide to Building a Product Catalog and the Guide to Managing Purchases and Processing Orders.

To continue the tour...

  1. Enter information for a credit card.

  2. Complete the remaining required fields and click Save.


Step 8: Select a Credit Card

When you click Save in paymentnewcc.jsp, WebLogic Portal displays your newly added credit card information in payment.jsp (see Figure 3-17).

More Features of payment.jsp

Figure 3-17 Select Credit Card


Notice the following features of payment.jsp:

To continue the tour...

Click Use.


Step 9: Purchase the Item

When you click Use in payment.jsp, WebLogic Portal displays checkout.jsp, from which you review the tax information and complete the purchase.

Features of checkout.jsp

Figure 3-18 Purchase the Item


Notice the following features of checkout.jsp:

To continue the tour...

Click Complete Purchase.


Step 10: Review the Order Confirmation

When you click Complete Purchase, WebLogic Portal completes the purchase and displays the confirmation number in confirmorder.jsp (see Figure 3-19).

Features of confirmorder.jsp

Figure 3-19 Review the Order Confirmation


Notice the following features of confirmorder.jsp:

To continue the tour...

This concludes the tour for new users. To continue the tour of the JSP templates, click Home in the navigation bar and go to the next section, Registered User Buys a Product.


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