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Installing the Server on UNIX Systems for the GA


For installation instructions for the latest release, see Installing Service Pack 1.

This chapter explains how to install the WebLogic Portal 4.0 software on supported UNIX systems.

Note that WebLogic Portal is used as a product suite name that refers to all portal, campaign, commerce, and personalization features. If you purchased the full WebLogic Portal license, you can use all the features of the product suite. If you purchased the WebLogic Personalization Server license, you can use only the personalization features. The common installation procedure installs all the product software. Run-time license checks determine which features you may use. Text in this document that refers to WebLogic Portal also applies to WebLogic Personalization Server.

This topic includes the following sections:

Note: There is a separate installation procedure for the BEA E-Business Control Center, that works with all WebLogic Portal product packages. For the client installation details, see Installing the E-Business Control Center for the GA.


The Installation Procedure on UNIX

This section steps you through the installation procedure for WebLogic Portal on supported UNIX systems.

The product software installation procedure uses InstallAnywhere and can be run in graphical or console mode.

To launch the graphical version of the installer (for UNIX systems that support a windowing environment) enter the following command:

$ sh wlportal400_sol.bin

To launch the console version of the installer, add the -i console option after the kit's file name:

$ sh wlportal400_sol.bin -i console

For instructions on the procedures, refer to the appropriate subsections:

Graphical Version of the Installer

To run InstallAnywhere, the procedure bundles its own copy of the JRE. After the installation, the WebLogic Portal software uses the Java 2 SDK 1.3.1 that was installed with WebLogic Server.

Warning: If you are re-installing the WebLogic Portal 4.0 software on the target system, make sure you first create backup copies of any files that you customized, such as the file in the PORTAL_HOME directory.

  1. Stop any running WebLogic Portal servers.

  2. Start the installation by opening the software installation package. As noted earlier, to launch the graphical version of the installer (for UNIX systems that support a windowing environment) enter the following command:
    $ sh wlportal400_sol.bin

    If your UNIX system does not support a windowing environment, see the next section, Console Version of the Installer.

  3. The installation procedure displays an InstallAnywhere startup screen, and then displays the product splash screen.

    Note: Regardless of whether you downloaded or purchased a full WebLogic Portal license or the WebLogic Personalization Server only license, the installation procedure copies all server files to the target system. After the installation completes, run-time license checks determine which features you can use at server startup time.

  4. The installation procedure displays the Introduction screen. Click the Next button.

  5. On the License Agreement screen, please read the entire license agreement. If you agree, click the Yes radio button and then click the Next button.

  6. On the Important Information screen, read the text about the database configuration. WebLogic Portal is designed to work with multiple types of databases. By default it is installed and configured for an evaluation Cloudscape database that is shipped with this product.

    Note: Currently Cloudscape 3.5.1 is not certified for use on UNIX systems. For information about changing the database type from Cloudscape to another database such as Oracle, refer to Configuring Other Databases

    To proceed with the installation, click the Next button.

  7. On the Choose BEA Home Directory screen, select the BEA Home directory that you want to use. The required, prior installation of BEA WebLogic Server established a parent directory known as BEA_HOME. The installation procedure will detect the location of your BEA_HOME directory and prompt you to install in that location or an alternative location. By default, this location is /bea. After you select the BEA Home Directory, click the Next button.

    If a message appears that says a previous installation exists at BEA_HOME\wlportal4.0, click Continue.

  8. On the Choose Product Directory screen, select the subdirectory name under BEA_HOME where you want to install the software files for WebLogic Portal. By default, this location is /bea/wlportal4.0. After you select the target directory, click the Next button.

  9. On the Create System Password screen, enter the password that will be used with the system account to boot the server. The password must be at least eight characters in length. After you re-enter the password on the screen, click the Install button.

    Note: Do not confuse this password that you will use to start the server with the separate administrator account and its password. See the section Starting the Administration Tools for information about the default administrator account.

  10. The installation procedure then transfers the product files to your UNIX system.

  11. After the installation completes, InstallAnywhere displays the Install Complete screen. Notice the message about installing the separate documentation kit after you complete the software installation. For more information, see Installing the Documentation Files for All Releases.

    Note: Also, do not forget to run the separate E-Business Control Center client installation procedure. For details, see Installing the E-Business Control Center for the GA.

  12. Click the Done button to complete the software installation.

Console Version of the Installer

This section explains how to run the console version of the UNIX installer.

Warning: If you are re-installing the WebLogic Portal 4.0 software on the target system, make sure you first create backup copies of any files that you customized, such as the file in the PORTAL_HOME directory.

  1. Stop any running WebLogic Portal servers.

  2. Start the installation by opening the software installation package. As noted earlier, to launch the console version of the installer (for UNIX systems that do not support a windowing environment) enter the following command:
    $ sh wlportal400_sol.bin -i console

  3. The installation script displays a banner and the Introduction text. For example:
    BEA WebLogic Portal 4.0 (created with InstallAnywhere by Zero G)
    This installer will guide you through the installation of 'BEA
    WebLogic Portal'. On each step, answer the questions provided.
    Type "quit" at any time to exit the installer.

  4. The installation script displays the License Agreement text, only a portion of which is shown here. Please read the entire agreement. If you agree, press the Enter key. If you disagree, type quit at a prompt and then press the Enter key to exit the installer.
    License Agreement

    Please read before installing:


    Please read this software evaluation agreement ("Agreement") carefully...
    3.   COPYRIGHT
    You acknowledge that the Software provided hereunder is owned by
    BEA and that you shall not acquire any rights to the Software
    except as explicitly granted under Section 1 of this Agreement.

    If you agree, press the Enter key. If you disagree, type quit at the prompt and then press the Enter key to exit the installer.

    This Agreement shall not be construed as creating an agency,
    partnership or any other form of legal association between
    This Agreement shall be governed by California law.

    If you agree with the terms of the license, press the Enter key.

  5. The installer then prompts you to choose the BEA Home directory. The required, prior installation of BEA WebLogic Server established a parent directory known as BEA_HOME. The installation procedure will detect the location of your BEA_HOME directory and prompt you to install in that location or an alternative location.

    In the following example, the existing /home/johnsmith/bea directory is selected. For example:

    Choose BEA Home Directory

    1- Create a New BEA Home
    2- Use Existing BEA Home

    Enter a number: 2
    1- /home/johnsmith/bea

    Existing BEA Home: 1

  6. The installer then prompts for the name of the subdirectory under BEA_HOME where you want to install the software files for WebLogic Portal 4.0. By default, this location is /bea/wlportal4.0.

    In the following example, the person performing the installation accepts the default choice (2), /home/johnsmith/bea/wlportal4.0.

    Choose Product Directory
        1- Modify Current Selection (/home/johnsmith/bea/wlportal4.0)
    2- Use Current Selection (/home/johnsmith/bea/wlportal4.0)

    Enter a number: 2

  7. The installer then prompts for the system password. Enter the password that will be used with the system account to boot the server. The password must be at least eight characters in length. For example:
    Create System Password

    Password: weblogic
    Good Password! Press "Enter" to continue....

    Note: Do not confuse this password that you will use to boot the server with the separate Administrator account and its password. See the Release Notes for information about the default Administrator account.

  8. The installation procedure then transfers the product files to your UNIX system. During this step, it displays informational messages and then a confirmation message. For example:
    Install Complete

    Congratulations. 'BEA WebLogic Portal' has been successfully installed to:



After the software installation completes, remember to install the separate documentation kit. For more information, see Installing the Documentation Files for All Releases. Also, do not forget to run the separate E-Business Control Center client installation procedure. For details, see Installing the E-Business Control Center for the GA.


Updating the License File

After you finish the product software installation and before you start the server, apply the license file that you downloaded or purchased for WebLogic Portal 4.0 to the centralized license.bea file. The license.bea file resides in the BEA_HOME directory. It is an XML-format file.

Read the following steps carefully:

  1. Create a backup copy of your existing license.bea file in BEA_HOME. By default, BEA_HOME is a directory that was created when you installed WebLogic Server 6.1.

  2. When you copy the license file that you received for WebLogic Portal 4.0 into the BEA_HOME directory, be sure to use a name other than license.bea. In other words, do not overwrite the existing license.bea file. On the BEA Download Web site, the default name for the license update file is license_wlportal400.bea.

  3. Go to the BEA_HOME directory that contains your existing license.bea file and the license update file.

  4. Add the JDK to your PATH by entering:
    $ set PATH=./jdk131/bin:$PATH
    $ export PATH 

  5. Then enter the following command:
    $ sh license_update_file 

    license_update_file is the name to which you saved the license update file that you received via e-mail or download. On the BEA Download Web site, the default name for the license update file is license_wlportal400.bea. Running the UpdateLicense script updates your license.bea file.

  6. Save a copy of your license.bea file in a safe place outside the WebLogic distribution. Although no one else can use your license file, you should save this information in a place protected from either malicious or innocent tampering by others.


Next Steps

After you complete the product's server installation and you update the license file:

If you need to uninstall the server software, see the next section.


Uninstalling the Server Software on UNIX

The steps to uninstall (remove) the WebLogic Portal software on UNIX systems are as follows.

Note: If you installed the separate WebLogic Portal documentation files in PORTAL_HOME/applications/wlpDocsApp/wlpDocs..., as explained in Manually Integrated Documentation Option Instructions, you may want to copy or remove the documentation files in advance of the WebLogic Portal software uninstall operation.

  1. Shut down the server, if it is running.

  2. Create a backup copy of any files you modified in the PORTAL_HOME/... directory structure. The InstallAnywhere Uninstaller program should leave those files on your system after the uninstall; thus, the backup copy is just in case any unexpected errors occur.

  3. Run the following script:
    $ sh uninstaller/uninstaller.bin

    Note: The previous command invokes the graphical version of the uninstaller. To invoke the console version, add -i console to the command. For example:

    $ sh uninstaller/uninstaller.bin -i console

  4. When the uninstall operation completes, the InstallAnywhere Uninstaller program displays a screen that details which folders could not be removed. Not removing certain directories or files is intentional; InstallAnywhere will not remove any directories that contain files that you modified or added to the PORTAL_HOME directories.

  5. Click the Exit button.

After the uninstall, check any remaining files in the PORTAL_HOME directory structure and decide whether you need to set those files aside for subsequent use. If desired, remove the wlportal4.0 folder under the BEA_HOME directory.


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