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Post-Installation Considerations for All Releases


After you install WebLogic Portal and the E-Business Control Center tool, the software uses a default configuration that includes a Cloudscape database and sample data. When you need to use a database other than Cloudscape, and when you need to adjust configuration values for resources such as connection pools, servlets, and security parameters, read the Deployment Guide. It explains how to move beyond the initially installed product configuration.

This chapter contains the following post-installation considerations:


Licensing the Product Package(s)

After the installation completes and before you start the server the first time, you must apply the license file that you downloaded or purchased for WebLogic Portal to the centralized license.bea file.

The license.bea file resides in the BEA_HOME directory. It is an XML-format file. This license file is checked at run time and determines which features of WebLogic Portal you can use.

If you installed the E-Business Control Center client tool on a system that does not also have the server software (WebLogic Portal), copy the updated license file from your server system to the BEA_HOME directory on the client system. Before you save or copy the license file into BEA_HOME on the client, check that you are not overwriting an existing license.bea file.

The two types of standard licenses are:

For example, if you purchased the WebLogic Personalization Server license, attempts to use Commerce services features results in an error on the console when you attempt to run the wlcs Web application in a browser. For example:

LicenseException: A License for BEA product
<BEA WebLogic Commerce Server> has NOT been found."

When you register to download WebLogic Portal on the BEA Download Web site, you should also download a current evaluation license. The evaluation license is always a full license, enabling portal, campaign, commerce, personalization features for a limited time. If you received the product on a CD, you will receive a license file via e-mail to the account specified on the purchase order. In most cases, the purchased license file name will be prefixed with the BEA sales order number.

If you need a new evaluation license, go to the BEA Download site, go through the download process, and download only the evaluation license.

Note: Do not apply a pre-4.0 license file to the license.bea file. Instead, you must first upgrade any existing pre-4.0 license before you update your 4.0 license. The following procedures tell you how to upgrade and update your license.

Upgrading from a 3.5 License to a 4.0 License

To upgrade a 3.5 license to a 4.0 license:

  1. Go to the BEA Support site and log in.

  2. In the "Product Update and License Key Forms" section, click the "BEA WebLogic Commerce/Personalization Server 4.0 License Key Upgrade" link. (You may have to click "more" to see that link.)

  3. Complete the upgrade form. A new license file will be e-mailed to you.

  4. After you receive your new license file, follow the next procedure, Updating Your 4.0 License File, to merge it with your centralized BEA license file.

Updating Your 4.0 License File

  1. Create a backup copy of your existing license.bea file in BEA_HOME.

  2. When you copy the license file that you received for WebLogic Portal into the BEA_HOME directory, be sure to use a name other than license.bea. In other words, do not overwrite the existing license.bea file. On the BEA Download Web site, the default name for the license update file is license_wlportal400.bea.

  3. On Windows systems, open a command shell window.

  4. Go to the BEA_HOME directory that contains your existing license.bea file and the license update file.

  5. Add the JDK to your PATH by entering one of the following set of commands:

  6. Then enter the following command:

  7. Save a copy of your license.bea file in a safe place outside the WebLogic distribution. Although no one else can use your license file, you should save this information in a place protected from either malicious or innocent tampering by others.


Starting the Server

Follow these steps to start the server the first time and verify that the software was properly installed.

  1. Change to the installation directory and start the server by running StartPortal.bat ( for UNIX). The default installation path is PORTAL_HOME\StartPortal.bat or PORTAL_HOME/

    On Windows systems, another way to start the server is via the Start menu. For example:

    Start —> Programs —>BEA WebLogic E-Business Platform —> BEA WebLogic Portal 4.0 —> Start BEA WebLogic Portal

    The server opens a console window. Note that the fist time you start the server, this process will take several minutes. Subsequent server startups should be faster.

    Note: Additional server startup scripts are available in the PORTAL_HOME/config/<name>Domain directories. The scripts start other reference domains that include one or more Enterprise applications. For details, see the WebLogic Portal Architectural Overview.

  2. You are prompted for the system password:
    Enter password to boot WebLogic server: 

    Type the system account's password that you entered during the WebLogic Portal installation.

  3. Review the output in the console window while the server initializes.

    By default, WebLogic Portal is configured to use a Cloudscape database that is already built and loaded with sample data. If you configure the server to use another database type such as Oracle, or you recreate a database, the console output includes a prompt for creating credit card encryption/decryption keys. For information about this prompt, see the Deployment Guide.

    When the server completes its startup process, it displays messages similar to the following in the console output:

    =============== Initializing Logger ======================
    <Oct 10, 2001 5:42:21 PM EDT> <Notice> <WebLogicServer>
    <ListenThread listening on port 7501>
    <Oct 10, 2001 5:42:21 PM EDT> <Notice> <WebLogicServer>
    <SSLListenThread listening on port 7502>
    <Oct 10, 2001 5:42:22 PM EDT> <Notice> <WebLogicServer>
    <Started WebLogic Admin Server "portalServer" for domain
    "portalDomain" running in Production Mode>

Notes: The first time you start the server, the startup may appear to stall when you see the "Initializing Logger" section. The next time you start the server, this portion of the startup will be faster.


Starting the Sample Applications

Using a browser, try the sample applications provided by WebLogic Portal to make sure the server is working correctly.

The samples use a Cloudscape database that ships with the system; therefore, you should not have to make any configuration changes to test the system. All you need to do is point your browser to the correct URL listed for the application.

In the samples, each page loads slowly the first time you access it because the Java compiler has to compile the JSP page source code. Subsequent loads and refreshes of the page go much faster than the initial load.

The sample Avitek Portal Webapp will introduce you to the portal features in the product. You can follow along with the Portal Tour documentation on the locally installed documentation kit, or at If the server is running on your local machine, you can start the Avitek Portal Web application by opening the following URL in a browser:


Note: The capitalization of the Web application name is case sensitive.

The Personalization Examples Webapp is included as a technical tour of the WebLogic Personalization Server features and development environment.

Use the following URL format if you started the server locally with PORTAL_HOME\startPortal.bat or PORTAL_HOME/


Use the following URL format if you started the server locally with PORTAL_HOME\config\p13nDomain\startP13N.bat or PORTAL_HOME/config/p13nDomain/


The WLCS Webapp includes a set of JSP templates and associated files that you can customize to match the branding and business logic requirements of your site. The JSPs present an electronic store catalog, order processing features, and user registration features. You can start your exploration of this application by reading the JSP Commerce and Campaign Tour. If the server is running on your local machine, you can start the WLCS Webapp by opening the following URL in a browser:



Starting the Administration Tools

Using a browser, start the WebLogic Portal Administration Tools. On Windows systems, you can access it when the server is running by selecting the following from the Start menu:

Start —> Programs —>BEA WebLogic E-Business Platform —> 
BEA WebLogic Portal 4.0 —> Administration Tools (Server must be running)

Or from the computer on which you installed and started the server, enter the following URL in a Web browser:


where <admin-tool-name> is one of the following:


From a remote computer, enter the following URL in a Web browser:

http://<host-name or IP-address>:7501/<admin-tool-name>/index.jsp

When you attempt to open one of the administration tools Web application, you are prompted for a user name and password. The default login for the Administration Tools is as follows:

User Name





Note: Do not confuse this administrator password with the password you set during the installation to start the server itself.

The following figure shows the sample login screen.

Figure 10-5


If the password you used does not work, please see the system administrator. It is possible that the system administrator changed the default password.

When you enter the correct account name and password, the tools Web application opens in the browser.


Starting the E-Business Control Center

You can use the E-Business Control Center to define and manage the characteristics of portals, webflow/pipeline, promotional campaigns, campaign discounts, stand-alone discounts, customer segments, content selectors, ad placeholders, custom events, and other entities of a Web application. If you have not already done so, see Installing the E-Business Control Center for the GA, for the installation details.

Follow these steps to start the E-Business Control Center the first time and verify that the software was properly installed.

  1. On the machine that will host the server Web application, start the server if it is not already running. This can be your local machine or a remote machine. (See Starting the Server.)

  2. On a supported client Windows system, use the Start menu to start the E-Business Control Center. For example:

    Start —> Programs —>BEA WebLogic E-Business Platform —> BEA E-Business Control Center 4.0 —> E-Business Control Center

    Figure 10-6 shows a full view of the E-Business Control Center.

    Figure 10-6 Full View of the E-Business Control Center


  3. If you do not see the Explorer window along the left side of the E-Business Control Center, click the Open Explorer button in the main toolbar, as shown in Figure 10-7.

    Figure 10-7 Open Explorer Button


  4. The E-Business Control Center includes online Help. From the tool's top-level menu, click Help. For the convenience of people who have do not have access to the E-Business Control Center, a copy is provided in the documentation kit and on the BEA E-docs Web site at Please see the Introduction module for information about the subsequent steps to start using the E-Business Control Center.

Business analysts, marketing professionals, and Commerce Business Engineers (CBEs) should also follow the JSP Commerce and Campaign Tour. CBEs should also read the Guide to Developing Campaign Infrastructure and the Guide to Events and Behavior Tracking.


About the WebLogic Server Patch

When you installed WebLogic Portal 3.1.1, a file containing one or more software patches for WebLogic Server 6.1 sp3 (or sp1or sp2 if you installed Service Pack 1) was copied to:

PORTAL_HOME\lib\patches.jar (Windows)

PORTAL_HOME/lib/patches.jar (Unix)

Important: Please check the WebLogic Portal portion of the BEA Download site for the latest version of the patches.jar file. The starting location for the BEA Download site is The date of the most recent patches.jar is listed on the download page. Also, a create_date file in patches.jar identifies the date of the patches.

If a more recent version is available on the download site:

  1. Make a backup version of the existing PORTAL_HOME\lib\patches.jar file

  2. Shut down the server

  3. Download the new patches.jar to PORTAL_HOME\lib

  4. Restart the server

The patches.jar installed by the initial WebLogic Portal 4.0 installer (October 2001) included fixes to Change Request (CR) numbers 52478, 59958, and 60142. For details, please see the readme.txt file in patches.jar. The CR numbers are used by BEA to track issues. Additional CRs might be described in patches.jar.


Saving Customizations

If you have made customizations to key files, see "Saving Customizations" in the Service Pack 2 Release Notes.


NT Service Scripts

WebLogic Portal 3.1.1 installs scripts that add the startup of the portalDomain or wlcsDomain as an NT service. That is, the server is started during the Windows NT startup. This option is currently provided by WebLogic Portal on Windows NT but not on Windows 2000.

The script files are:



About the WebLogic Integration Installer

WebLogic Portal 4.0 and WebLogic Integration 2.1 include an integration example. For details, see the WebLogic Portal and WebLogic Integration Example.

Note: The InstallAnywhere installer for WebLogic Integration 2.1 is not bundled with a JRE. As explained in the WebLogic Integration Installation Guide, you must put the <jdk-install-directory>/bin directory in your system PATH environment variable. On Windows, you can update the PATH in the System ... Environment Variables control panel. On UNIX you can define:

%export PATH

Where <BEA_HOME> is the location of the BEA Home directory.


Using the Backup Copy of the Database

If the Cloudscape version of the WebLogic Portal database becomes corrupted, you can use the backup database copy that was created for you. The backup is located in the following directory:

PORTAL_HOME/db/data/CommerceBackup (UNIX)

PORTAL_HOME\db\data\CommerceBackup (Windows)

The backup Cloudscape database contains the initial set of sample data that was loaded when you either:

Using the backup copy of the database is simply a convenience feature and saves you the step of recreating the database by running the create_all.bat (Windows) or (UNIX) script in the PORTAL_HOME/db directory.


Recreating the Cloudscape Database

This section explains how to recreate the sample Cloudscape database.

Note: If you recreate a database, refer to the Deployment Guide for information about the credit card encryption/decryption prompt seen on the console window during the server startup.

You might need to recreate the default Cloudscape database if your Cloudscape database becomes corrupted or to reset the data in the tables. To recreate the database, run create_all.bat (Windows) or (UNIX) in the PORTAL_HOME/db directory. In the create_all.bat or script, edit the following parameters:

set USER_ID=myUser
set PASSWORD=myPassord
set SERVER=myServer

You can set the values to none (all lowercase letters) for the Cloudscape database.


Configuring Other Databases

WebLogic Portal installs scripts and files to support databases other than Cloudscape. For information on configuring support for Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server database types, refer to the Deployment Guide.

For information on using the installed files to configure support for other database types, refer to PORTAL_HOME/db/readme.html.


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