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E-Business Control Center


Welcome to the BEA E-Business Control Center

The BEA E-Business Control Center is a tool designed to simplify the tasks necessary to create and maintain a truly personalized Web site. Building upon the functionality of BEA WebLogic Portal and the BEA WebLogic Personalization Server products that may already support your e-business, the E-Business Control Center can make business analysts, marketing professionals, and developers in your organization more productive and self-sufficient.




Introduction to the BEA E-Business Control Center

About the E-Business Control Center

About the E-Business Control Center Interface

Icons that Show Status

What the E-Business Control Center Provides

WebLogic Personalization Server 4.0 Customers

WebLogic Portal 4.0 Customers

Roles and Responsibilities

Establishing Organizational Policies

Recommended Reading

WebLogic Portal 4.0 Customers

WebLogic Personalization Server 4.0 Customers

Additional Resources

BEA E-Marketing Fieldbook

Sample Applications and Product Tours

Online Help

Using the E-Business Control Center

Starting the E-Business Control Center

Working with Application Data

Creating an Application Structure for E-Business Control Center Data

Opening Application Data

Directory Structure of an Application

About the Sample Applications

Creating a Web Application Folder for an Enterprise Application

Creating a Web Application Folder for Portal

Connecting to the Server

Modifying Connections

Advanced Connection Settings

Changing the Default Connection Setting URIs

Adding Application Names to the Application Name Drop-Down List

Working with Files

Creating Files (Other than Webflow/Pipeline)

Creating Webflow/Pipeline Files

Opening Files

Saving Files

Deleting Files

Renaming Files

Filtering Files

Working with E-Business Control Center Windows

Tips for Closing Windows and Tabs

Organizing Tabs

Minimizing Windows

Synchronizing Application Data

Error Logs


Building Conditions and Queries in the BEA E-Business Control Center

Listing of the Available Conditions

Important Note About Dates and Times

Using the Select Customer Segments Window

Using the Properties and Visitor Characteristics Windows

Using the Select Events Window

Using the Date/Time Entry Dialog Boxes

Using the Quantity Selector or Currency Selector Dialog Boxes

Using the Select Operator Dialog Box

Using the Select Product Categories/Items Windows

Using the Catalog Browser

Browsing a Catalog

Searching a Catalog

Using the Enter a Range Dialog Box

Constructing Queries

Select a Document Property

Describe Documents by Comparing the Property to a Value or Range of Values

Describe Documents by Comparing the Property with the Properties of Other Objects

Specify How to Handle Multiple Value Phrases and Descriptors

Adding Property Sets to Drop-Down Lists

System Attributes for Property Sets

Preview the Query Results


Creating and Managing Property Sets

Overview of Property Sets

Property Sets Serve as Namespaces for Properties

Where Property Sets Are Used

Property Definition Attributes

Possible Combinations of Properties

Synchronizing Property Sets

Using the E-Business Control Center

Starting the Property Set Editors

Using the Property Set Editors

Property Values and Setting the Default Value

Properties with Boolean or a Single Value and Single Default

Properties with Multiple Values and Single, Multiple,
or All Defaults

Properties with Date and Time Values

Updating a Registered Custom Event


Using Customer Segments to Target High-Value Markets

About Customer Segments

About Customer Profiles

Creating Customer Segments from Information Stored in Customer Profiles

Uses of Customer Segments

Targeting Content to Online Customers

Displaying Personalized Content Within Promotional Campaigns

When and When Not to Use Segments

Creating a Customer Segment

Modifying a Customer Segment

Deleting a Customer Segment


Retrieving Documents with Content Selectors

About Content Selectors

Describing Documents in Your Content Management System

Defining Content Selectors

Previewing Documents


Displaying Ads

About Ad Placeholders

Types of Queries That Ad Placeholders Run

Determining Which Ads Are Displayed

Determining Which Query Is Run

Determining Which Ad Is Chosen

Types of Documents That Ad Placeholders Display

Describing Ads in Your Content Management System

Specifying Display and Clickthrough Behavior

Creating Ad Placeholder Files

Previewing Documents

Alternatives to Ad Placeholders

Removing Queries from Placeholders

Removing Default Queries

Removing Campaign Queries


Defining Stand-Alone or Campaign Discounts

What Is a Discount?

Uses of Discounts

Using Discounts as Stand-Alone Discounts

Using Discounts in Promotional Campaigns

About Discount Definitions

Discount Duration

Discount Types

Per Item Discounts

Set-Based Discounts

Order Discounts

Discount Limits

Overall Limit

Order Limit

Minimum Purchase Requirement

Discount Priorities

Defining a New Discount With the Discount Terms Wizard

Discount Types Available in the Discount Terms Wizard

Simple Discount

Minimum Purchase Discount

Buy N, Get 1 Free Discount

Paired Discount

Paired Set Discount

Bundle Discount

Paired Bundle Discount

Order Discount

Using the Discount Terms Wizard

Catalog Browser

Browsing a Catalog

Searching a Catalog

Defining a New Discount With the Discount Editor

Specify General Discount Information

Specify Discount Terms

Per Item Discounts

Set-Based Discounts

Order Discounts

Establish the Discount Duration and Overall Limit

Saving, Finalizing, and Synchronizing a Discount

Requirements for Saving and Finalizing a Discount

Saving a Discount

Finalizing a Discount

Synchronizing a Discount

Locating an Existing Discount

Modifying an Existing Discount

Deactivating and Reactivating Discounts

Deleting an Existing Discount


Discount Examples

Per Item Discount Examples

A Simple Per Item Discount

A Simple Per Item Discount with a Limit

A Per Item Discount with a Minimum Purchase Requirement and Limit

Using Different Triggers and Targets

Discounting More Than One Target Item

Discounting an Exact Quantity of Target Items

Using Alternate Trigger Items

Requiring More Than One Trigger Item

Requiring More Than One Trigger (Each with Alternatives), and Having Alternate Targets

Using Multiple Required Targets

Set-Based Discount Examples

Buy Two Get One Free

Percentage Off Discounting of a Set of Items

Amount Off Discounting of a Set of Items

Fixed Price Discounting of a Set of Items

Using Multiple Trigger Sets

Using Multiple Trigger Sets, with Quantities of Target Items Greater Than One

Using Multiple Trigger Sets, with an Exact Quantity of Target Items


Roadmap for Creating Promotional Campaigns


Examples of Campaign Types

Combining Campaigns with Discounts to Sell Products

Generating Revenue with Ad Clickthroughs

Notifying Employees of New Benefits

Creating Customer Segments

Using Scenario Templates

Designing Campaign Scenario Actions

Specifying General Campaign Information

Campaign Attributes

Campaign Duration and End Criteria

Customer Segments in Scenario Actions

When and When Not to Use Segments

Order and Logic of Evaluation

Usefulness of Chaining Segments

Cautionary Notes

What if You Only Need to Target One Segment?

About Probability-Based Branching

Setting a Scenario to Run Just Once for a Visitor

Authoring Campaign Messages

Authoring Ads

Placing Ads in Your Web Site

Authoring E-mails

Defining Discounts

Campaign Maintenance

Extending the Services That Support the E-Business Control Center

Deciding on Campaign and Scenario Scope

Approach A

Approach B

Approach C

A Note About These Approaches


Creating and Managing Promotional Campaigns

Creating a New Promotional Campaign

Specifying General Campaign Information

Adding Scenarios to the Campaign

Adding Actions to Your Scenarios

Duplicating Actions

Ad Actions

E-mail Actions

Discount Actions

Entering the Campaign Duration and End Criteria

Specifying Campaign End Criteria

Locating Existing Campaigns

Modifying Existing Campaigns

Deactivating and Reactivating Campaigns

Deleting Existing Campaigns

Debugging Campaigns

Reactivating Campaigns That Have Ended Because of Goals Being Met


Webflow Components and Concepts

Introduction to Webflow Components

Presentation and Processor Nodes

Input Processors and Pipelines

The Pipeline Session



Special Webflow Components

The Begin Node

The Root Component Node

The Wildcard Nodes

The Configuration Error Page

Chaining and Branching with Processor Nodes

Using Webflow Components in Your Web Pages

Using Webflow Components with Portals

Webflow Execution Order

Presentation Nodes

Processor Nodes


Using the Webflow and Pipeline Editors


Starting the Webflow and Pipeline Editors

Important Notes About Using the Webflow and Pipeline Editors

Next Steps

Learning to Use the Webflow and Pipeline Editors

Webflow and Pipeline Editor Essentials

Webflow Namespaces

Pipelines Versus Pipeline Namespaces

Information Displayed in the Editors' Title Bars

Webflow and Pipeline Files in Your Content Management System

Webflow Component Representations

Understanding the Webflow and Pipeline Editor Palettes

Tools in the Webflow Editor Palette

Tools in the Pipeline Editor Palette

Understanding the Webflow and Pipeline Editor Toolbars

Display and Behavior Buttons

Command Buttons

Organizing Webflow Components in an Editor Canvas

How to Select Webflow Components

How to Add Webflow Components

How to Edit a Webflow Component's Name (Label)

How to Designate or Remove a Begin (Root) Node

How to Move a Webflow Component

How to Connect Nodes with Event or Exception Transitions

How to Reposition Connection Ports on a Node

How to Work with Elbows in Transitions

How to Move an Existing Elbow

How to Create a New Elbow

How to Delete a Elbow

Using the Webflow and Pipeline Editor Toolbars

How to Print a Webflow Namespace or Pipeline

How to Delete Webflow Components

How to Use the Zoomed Overview

How to Show/Hide the Grid

How to Snap Objects to the Grid

How to Enable and Disable Link Optimization

How to Show and Hide Exception Transitions

How to Validate the Selected Node

How to Validate All Nodes

How to Set the Configuration Error Page Name

How to Use the Pipeline Component Editor

How To View Pipeline Component Details

How to Add Pipeline Components

How to Edit Pipeline Components

How to Delete Pipeline Components

How to Make the Pipeline Transactional

How to Include the Pipeline Session in a Transaction

Using the Properties Editors

Viewing Component Properties

Description of Webflow Component Properties

Modifying Component Property Values

Migrating An Existing Webflow

Creating or Modifying a Webflow: Breadth-First Versus Depth-First

About the Webflow and Pipeline Editors' Validation Features

Validation Error Messages in a Properties Editor

What Do the Editors Validate?

Saving Invalid Webflows

Synchronizing Webflow Data for Your Application


Using the E-Business Control Center Portal Tool

Using the E-Business Control Center

E-Business Control Center Portal Concepts

Getting Started

Portal Web Applications

Importing Data for a New Portal Web Application


Designating a New Portal

Editing a Portal

Deleting a Portal


Defining a New Portlet

Editing a Portlet

Deleting a Portlet

Entitlement Segments

Accessing the Entitlement Segment Definition Tool


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