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Installing Service Pack 1


This chapter explains how to install WebLogic Portal 4.0 Service Pack 1 on supported systems.

Service Pack 1 consists of two installers:

The installation instructions tell where to download these installers.

This topic includes the following sections:


Installing Service Pack 1 of the WebLogic Portal 4.0 Server

To install Service Pack 1 of the WebLogic Portal 4.0 server, follow the instructions for your platform in the following sections.

The following installation instructions tell you which Service Pack 1 installers to download and where to get them.

Windows - Installing Service Pack 1 of the WebLogic Portal 4.0 Server

For installation of Service Pack 1 of the WebLogic Portal 4.0 server on supported Windows systems, you can choose between running a full installation or an upgrade installation of Service Pack 1:

Full Installation of the Server on Windows

  1. On the BEA WebLogic Portal Download site, download the following Service Pack 1 installer: wlportal400_with_sp1_win.exe.

  2. Install WebLogic Portal 4.0 server with Service Pack 1 of the WebLogic Portal 4.0 server by running wlportal400_with_sp1_win.exe. Follow the instructions in the installation wizard.

    For more information on the server installation process, see The Installation Procedure on Windows.

  3. Make sure that all preexisting E-Business Control Center installations are updated to Service Pack 1. For new E-Business Control Center installations, use the full E-Business Control Center with Service Pack 1 installation. See Installing Service Pack 1 of the E-Business Control Center.

Upgrade Installation of the Server on Windows

WebLogic Portal 4.0 Service Pack 1 includes modifications to default Webflow namespace files. Because the upgrade installer does not replace these modified Webflow namespaces in the server database, you must re-synchronize your E-Business Control Center data to put the modified Webflow namespaces in the server database after you install Service Pack 1 of the server and the E-Business Control Center.

Warning: Because the upgrade installation of Service Pack 1 involves re-synchronization of data from the E-Business Control Center to the server, it is important to fully test your applications prior to putting them back into production.

  1. Stop any running WebLogic Portal servers.

  2. Back up your WebLogic Portal 4.0 files.

    Note: When you run the upgrade installation, the installer automatically backs up files that it replaces in the following directory:


  3. Log in to the BEA Customer Support site. In the Support Downloads section, click the link to the WebLogic Portal service packs, and download the following Service Pack 1 upgrade installer: wlportal400sp1_win.exe.

  4. Install the WebLogic Portal 4.0 server with Service Pack 1 upgrade by running wlportal400sp1_win.exe. Follow the instructions in the installation wizard.

  5. Make sure that all preexisting E-Business Control Center installations are updated to Service Pack 1. For new E-Business Control Center installations, use the full E-Business Control Center with Service Pack 1 installation. See Installing Service Pack 1 of the E-Business Control Center.

Solaris - Installing Service Pack 1 of the WebLogic Portal 4.0 Server

For installation of Service Pack 1 of the WebLogic Portal 4.0 server on supported Solaris systems, you can choose between running a full installation or an upgrade installation of Service Pack 1:

Full Installation of the Server on Solaris

  1. On the BEA WebLogic Portal Download site, download the following Service Pack 1 installer: wlportal400_with_sp1_sol.bin.

  2. Install WebLogic Portal 4.0 server with Service Pack 1 by running wlportal400_with_sp1_sol.bin. Follow the instructions in the installation wizard.

    You can also run Service Pack 1 installation on Solaris in console mode. For more information on the server installation process and installing in console mode, see The Installation Procedure on UNIX.

Upgrade Installation of the Server on Solaris

WebLogic Portal 4.0 Service Pack 1 includes modifications to default Webflow namespace files. Because the upgrade installer does not replace these modified Webflow namespaces in the server database, you must re-synchronize your E-Business Control Center data to put the modified Webflow namespaces in the server database after you install Service Pack 1 of the server and the E-Business Control Center.

Warning: Because the upgrade installation of Service Pack 1 involves re-synchronization of data from the E-Business Control Center to the server, it is important to fully test your applications prior to putting them back into production.

  1. Stop any running WebLogic Portal servers.

  2. Back up your WebLogic Portal 4.0 files.

    Note: When you run the upgrade installation, the installer automatically backs up files that it replaces in the following directory:


  3. Log in to the BEA Customer Support site. In the Support Downloads section, click the link to the WebLogic Portal service packs, and download the following Service Pack 1 upgrade installer: wlportal400sp1_sol.bin.

  4. Install the WebLogic Portal 4.0 server with Service Pack 1 upgrade by running wlportal400sp1_win.exe. Follow the instructions in the installation wizard.

    You can also run Service Pack 1 upgrade installation on Solaris in console mode. For more information on the server installation process, see Console Version of the Installer.

UNIX - Installing Service Pack 1 of the WebLogic Portal 4.0 Server

Because there was no previous release of WebLogic Portal 4.0 on UNIX platforms other than Solaris, the UNIX installation of WebLogic Portal server Service Pack 1 is available only as a full product installation.

  1. In your system PATH, add the location of your JDK. For example:
    $ set PATH=<BEA_HOME>/jdk131/bin:$PATH
    $ export PATH 

    where <BEA_HOME> is the home directory of your BEA installation.

  2. On the BEA WebLogic Portal Download site, download the following Service Pack 1 installer: wlportal400_with_sp1_unix.bin.

  3. Install Service Pack 1 of the WebLogic Portal 4.0 server by running wlportal400_with_sp1_unix.bin. Follow the instructions in the installation wizard. For more information on the server installation process and installing in console mode, see The Installation Procedure on UNIX.

  4. In the PORTAL_HOME/bin/unix/set-environment.bat file, specify the location of your JDK in the SET JDK HOME= line.

  5. Update preexisting E-Business Control Center installations to Service Pack 1. For new E-Business Control Center installations, use the full E-Business Control Center with Service Pack 1 installation.


Installing Service Pack 1 of the E-Business Control Center

The following installation instructions tell you which Service Pack 1 installers to download and where to get them.

For installation of Service Pack 1 of the E-Business Control Center on supported systems, you can run a full installation (Windows and Solaris) or an upgrade installation (Windows only) of Service Pack 1:

To install the E-Business Control Center:

  1. Make sure you have installed Service Pack 1 of the WebLogic Portal 4.0 server. See Installing Service Pack 1 of the WebLogic Portal 4.0 Server.

  2. Exit the E-Business Control Center if it is running.

  3. Back up any existing E-Business Control Center files.

  4. On the BEA WebLogic Portal Download site, download one of the following Service Pack 1 installers:

    Windows Full Installer - ebcc400_with_sp1_win.exe

    Solaris Full Installer - ebcc400_with_sp1_sol.bin

    To download the Windows upgrade installer, log in to the BEA Customer Support site. In the Support Downloads section, click the link to the WebLogic Portal service packs, and download the following Service Pack 1 upgrade installer: ebcc400sp1_win.exe.

  5. On each client system, run the appropriate installation program.

  6. Perform this and subsequent steps only if you installed the upgrade version of Service Pack 1 of the WebLogic Portal server (as opposed to the full installer). The upgrade installers are described in Installing Service Pack 1 of the WebLogic Portal 4.0 Server.

    After installation of the E-Business Control Center with Service Pack 1, re-synchronize your E-Business Control Center data for all applications to a test server that also has WebLogic Portal 4.0 with Service Pack 1 installed, making sure your synchronization settings (Tools > Synchronization Settings in the E-Business Control Center) are set to "Update all files in the application," as shown in Figure 5-3.

    Figure 5-3 Synchronization settings


    Warning: When you synchronize, make sure that all necessary application data files are loaded in the E-Business Control Center, especially if you have stored your data files in a content management or version control system. If any necessary files are not loaded in the E-Business Control Center, the synchronization process will treat them as deleted files and remove them from the server.

    To see which data files need to be loaded in the E-Business Control Center, look in the PORTAL_HOME\applications\<application_name>-project folder on the server to see the currently synchronized application files.

  7. Test and debug your applications on your test server, then synchronize to your live production server that is also running WebLogic Portal 4.0 with Service Pack 1.

Table 5-1 shows the Webflow namespace files that are replaced by the Service Pack 1 installation. These files appear in the E-Business Control Center Explorer window for each given application.

Table 5-1 Webflow namespace files replaced in Service Pack 1



Webflow Namespace








The Webflow namespace files that were replaced by the E-Business Control Center Service Pack 1 installer are moved into the following backup folders on the client systems:


If you had modified any of these default Webflow namespaces, see the following section for instructions on manually adding your modifications to the new Webflow namespace files.

Reapplying Modifications to Webflow Namespace Files That Were Replaced

If you have made modifications to any of the default Webflow namespaces that were replaced by the upgrade installation, we recommend reapplying those modifications to the newly installed Webflow namespace files using the following method:

  1. In the backup directory to which the older Webflow namespace files were moved, rename those files, maintaining the .wf extension.

  2. Copy the renamed files to the application folders from which they were moved. For example, if you renamed the to, copy it from the backup directory to EBCC_HOME\applications\wlcsApp\application-sync\webapps\tools, where the new version of resides.

  3. In the E-Business Control Center, open the application containing the renamed and the new Webflow namespace files.

  4. Open the renamed and the new Webflow namespace files in the E-Business Control Center, and switch back and forth between the two files, adding your previous modifications to the new Webflow namespace file.

  5. When you are finished modifying the new Webflow namespace files, delete the renamed .wf files from the application directory, and then synchronize your E-Business Control Center data to a test server to test the modifications. When testing is complete, synchronize to your live production server.


Updating the License File

If your installation of WebLogic Portal 4.0 Service Pack 1 is a new installation, you must update the product license file. See the following sections for information on updating your license:


WLP Patch and WLS SP Versions

It only takes a small modification to run WebLogic Portal 4.0 with Service Pack 1 on WLS 6.1 with Service Pack 2.

To Run WebLogic Portal with Service Pack 1 on WLS 6.1 with Service Pack 2

Step 1: Remove patches.jar

  1. Edit the set-environment.bat (Windows) or the (Solaris) to exclude reference to patches.jar.

  2. Delete patches.jar from the BEA_HOME/lib directory.

Step 2: Change the CapacityIncrement Setting

  1. Open the config.xml file for edit.

  2. Change the CapacityIncrement setting in the P13N domain from 0 to 1

To Run WebLogic Portal with Service Pack 1 on WLS 6.1 with Service Pack 1

When you install WebLogic Portal 4.0 with Service Pack 1, a file containing one or more software patches for WebLogic Server 6.1 with Service Pack 1 is copied to:

Please check the WebLogic Portal area of the BEA Download site ( for possible updates to the patches.jar file. The date of the most recent patches.jar file is listed on the download page, if any have been posted since the initial release. Also, a create_date file in patches.jar identifies the date of the change.

To install a more recent version of patches.jar:

  1. Make a backup version of the existing PORTAL_HOME/lib/patches.jar file.

  2. Shut down the server.

  3. Download the new patches.jar to PORTAL_HOME/lib.

  4. Restart the server.


System Account Password

The initial password for the system account is not set properly by the WebLogic Portal 4.0 GA installation procedure for the non-default domains.

During the WebLogic Portal 4.0 installation procedure, you are prompted to set the system account's password. When you start the server for one of the four domains provided with WebLogic Portal, you enter the password. The four domains and their corresponding server startup scripts are:

The WebLogic Portal 4.0 with Service Pack 1 installation procedure properly sets the system account's password for the portalDomain server startup. However, the initial password for the system account used with p13nDomain, wlcsDomain, and petflowDomain is always the word weblogic, even if a different value was entered during installation.

To secure the system account for each non-default domain:

  1. Start the server script in PORTAL_HOME/config/<domain name>/start <domain>.sh or .bat.

  2. During the startup, specify weblogic when prompted for the system password.

  3. In a browser, start the WebLogic Server console by entering:

  4. In the console, find the Security item in the tree view and select the Users screen.

  5. On the Change User dialog, change the password for the system account.


Required Database Configuration Changes

Two database configuration actions are required for this release:

And one is required for Sybase users:

Triggers and Behavior Tracking Fix

The triggers that update the MODIFIED_DATE column to the current data and time are not being added correctly to the database via create_all. MODIFIED_DATE is only used by Behavior Tracking.

Add one of the following steps to the process of applying the upgrade:

JDBC Helper Service Fix for CLOB Data

After installing the installation of WebLogic Portal with Service Pack 1, the following configuration steps are required.

The JDBC Helper service must be set for each deployed application that uses JDBC. To set the JDBC Helper service, take the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the WebLogic Server Administration Console: http://<hostname>:7501/console

  2. In the left pane of the Console, click:
    Deployments > MyApplication > Service Configuration > JDBC Helper Service

  3. Enter the Delegate Class Name:



  4. Click apply to save your changes.

What to do if the Pool Connect Fails and a JDBC 2.0 SQLException is Received

This error appears because WebLogic Server 6.1 Service Pack 1 does not implement getFetchDirection() method, meaning a JDBC 2.0 method is not supported by the Driver.

Configuration: WebLogic Portal 4.0 with Service Pack 1 on WebLogic Server 6.1 with Service Pack 2 on Windows2000, Windows2000 Advanced Server / MSSQL Server 2000.

Using a TxDataSource to obtain a connection requires an active transaction. Without one, the jts driver creates an expensive, non-transactional connection instead of returning one from the pool. This can cause anomalous pool driver behavior when connections are not closed.

Sybase-Specific Trigger Fix

Following the installation of WebLogic Portal with Service Pack 1, two scripts need to be edited:

  1. In p13n_create_triggers.sql, make the following modifications:
     create trigger TU_ENTL_RULESET

Replace This:

declare @id1 int, @id2 int

With This:

declare @id1 varchar, @id2 varchar

    select @id1 = APPLICATION_NAME, @id2 = RULESET_URI from inserted

  1. In portal_create_triggers.sql, make the following modifications:
               create trigger TU_RESOURCE_GROUP_ADMIN
               on RESOURCE_GROUP_ADMIN for UPDATE as

Replace this:

declare @id1 int

With This:

declare @id1 varchar, @id2 varchar

        select @id1 = RESOURCE_GROUP_TAXONOMY,
        from inserted
         create trigger TU_P13N_LAYOUT
         on PORTAL_P13N_LAYOUT for UPDATE as

Replace this:

declare @id1 int

With This:

declare @id1 int, @id2 int

       select @id1 = LAYOUT_ID,
       @id2 = PORTAL_P13N_ID from inserted
       update PORTAL_P13N_LAYOUT
     set PORTAL_P13N_LAYOUT.MODIFIED_DATE = getdate()
       PORTAL_P13N_LAYOUT.LAYOUT_ID = @id1 and


Next Steps

After you complete the product's server installation and you update the license file:

If you need to uninstall the server software, see the next section.


Uninstalling Service Pack 1

The following sections tell you how to uninstall Service Pack 1 of the WebLogic Portal server and the E-Business Control Center.

Uninstalling Service Pack 1 of the WebLogic Portal Server

To uninstall your particular version of WebLogic Portal 4.0 server with Service Pack 1, follow the instructions in the following section.

Windows Upgrade Uninstall

  1. Stop the server if it is running.

  2. Create a backup copy of any files you modified in the PORTAL_HOME directory structure.

  3. Choose Start —> Programs —> BEA WebLogic E-Business Platform —> BEA WebLogic Portal 4.0 —> Uninstall BEA WebLogic Portal 4.0 SP1.

    You can also run the following uninstall program: PORTAL_HOME\uninstaller_servicepack\uninstall_wlportal40sp1.exe

    The Service Pack 1 files are removed and replaced with the original files.

  4. Uninstall E-Business Control Center with Service Pack 1 upgrade installations on all client systems.

  5. Re-synchronize your E-Business Control Center data for all applications to a test server that also has WebLogic Portal 4.0 with Service Pack 1 installed, making sure your synchronization settings (Tools > Synchronization Settings in the E-Business Control Center) are set to "Update all files in the application," as shown in Figure 5-3.

    If your E-Business Control Center installations are full installations of E-Business Control Center with Service Pack 1 (rather than upgrade installations), completely uninstall the E-Business Control Center and reinstall the general release version of the E-Business Control Center from the BEA Support download site. After reinstallation, re-synchronize your E-Business Control Center data to the server.

    Warning: When you synchronize, make sure that all necessary application data files are loaded in the E-Business Control Center, especially if you have stored your data files in a content management or version control system. If any necessary files are not loaded in the E-Business Control Center, the synchronization process will treat them as deleted files and remove them from the server.

    To see which data files need to be loaded in the E-Business Control Center, look in the PORTAL_HOME\applications\<application_name>-project folder on the server to see the currently synchronized application files.

Windows Full Installation Uninstall

  1. Stop the server if it is running.

  2. Create a backup copy of any files you modified in the PORTAL_HOME\... directory structure.

  3. Choose Start —> Programs —> BEA WebLogic E-Business Platform —> BEA WebLogic Portal 4.0 —> Uninstall BEA WebLogic Portal 4.0.

    You can also run the following uninstall program: PORTAL_HOME\uninstaller\uninstall.exe

    The entire WebLogic Portal 4.0 server is uninstalled.

Solaris Upgrade Uninstall

  1. Stop the server if it is running.

  2. Create a backup copy of any files you modified in the PORTAL_HOME\... directory structure.

  3. Run the following uninstall program:

    The Service Pack 1 files are removed and replaced with the original files.

  4. Uninstall E-Business Control Center with Service Pack 1 upgrade installations on all client systems.

  5. Re-synchronize your E-Business Control Center data for all applications to a test server that also has WebLogic Portal 4.0 with Service Pack 1 installed, making sure your synchronization settings (Tools > Synchronization Settings in the E-Business Control Center) are set to "Update all files in the application," as shown in Figure 5-3.

    If your E-Business Control Center installations are full installations of E-Business Control Center with Service Pack 1 (rather than upgrade installations), completely uninstall the E-Business Control Center and reinstall the general release version of the E-Business Control Center from the BEA Support download site. After reinstallation, re-synchronize your E-Business Control Center data to the server.

    Warning: When you synchronize, make sure that all necessary application data files are loaded in the E-Business Control Center, especially if you have stored your data files in a content management or version control system. If any necessary files are not loaded in the E-Business Control Center, the synchronization process will treat them as deleted files and remove them from the server.

    To see which data files need to be loaded in the E-Business Control Center, look in the PORTAL_HOME/applications/<application_name>-project folder on the server to see the currently synchronized application files.

Solaris Full Installation Uninstall

  1. Stop the server if it is running.

  2. Create a backup copy of any files you modified in the PORTAL_HOME\... directory structure.

  3. Run the following uninstall program:

    The entire WebLogic Portal 4.0 server is uninstalled.

Uninstalling Service Pack 1 of the E-Business Control Center

  1. Exit the E-Business Control Center if it is running.

  2. Create a backup copy of any files you modified in the EBCC_HOME\... directory structure.

  3. Use the uninstall procedure from the following list that matches your installation of E-Business Control Center 4.0 server Service Pack 1.


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