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Documentation Roadmap for WebLogic Portal


WebLogic Portal provides a set of documents to guide your team through the process of developing an e-business Web site. One group of documents provide summaries and guided tours of WebLogic Portal features and are intended for all members of your development team.

Another group of documents address tasks that require specific skill sets, which developers in different roles may perform.

This topic summarizes the development process and indicates which document supports each major milestone. It includes the following sections:


Documents for Development Milestones

Table 2-1 provides a quick look at the milestones and roles that are needed to build your personalized e-business presence on the Internet. The next section, Development Roles, describes each role in detail.

Table 2-1 Milestones and Roles




Milestone 1: Analyze Business Needs and Design a Prototype

Milestone 2: Create a Base Configuration

Milestone 3: Place Files Under Source Control

Milestone 4: Set Up a Development Site

Milestone 5: Set Up Basic Services

Milestone 6: Set Up Personalization, Commerce, and Campaign Services

Milestone 7: Deploy in a Test Environment

Milestone 8: Tune Performance for a Production Environment

Milestone 9: Deploy in a Production Environment



Development Roles

Each milestone in the workflow requires a distinct set of skills. To help you identify these skill sets and match them with developers on your team, we refer to each skill set as one of the following roles:

Web or User Interface Designer (WD)

Web and User Interface Designers design the user experience and interaction with a Web application. This role may merge with that of the HTML/JSP developer or Business Engineer, depending on the size of your organization or project. The WebLogic Portal tools allow the design or implementation of a Web application based on a library of web component metadata, including skins, layouts, buttons, and graphics. The designer or creative role can add to this library or modify existing components. For more information see the Guide to Developing and Managing Portals documentation.

A WD may also want to map out the larger design elements, working with the BA to scope a robust Web application that addresses both the business objectives and the visitor usability.

Business Analyst (BA)

Business analysts, marketing professionals, line-of-business managers, and other non-technical professionals are people who implement customized e-business strategies to capture and maintain sizable online audiences. As such, the Business Analyst (BA) is typically responsible for business-level changes to a site including campaign management, customer profile management, customer segmentation, catalog management, order management and content targeting, and will use the documentation to learn about and perform activities associated with these topics.

A BA's strength lies in conceiving and executing effective models for e-business, and therefore is not required to understand the technical details of how a Web site is implemented. Business analysts may need to collaborate with technical resources, but should remain in control of e-business efforts through tools with intuitive graphical user interfaces, such as the E-Business Control Center (EBCC).

Business Engineer (BE)

The Business Engineer (BE) is the resource BAs most often collaborate with when they require technical assistance. The BE is a person in an organization who is part BA and part Developer. The BE may:


Developer is a generic role name used to describe any technical individuals in your organization who participate in creating or modifying Web applications by writing code. In the Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition (J2EE) Specification, these individuals are referred to as Application Component Providers. Developers have special access privileges that allow them to perform these tasks—privileges that individuals in other organizational roles may not have.

Because there are numerous technical specialties within the Developer role, this role has a number of distinctions:

Java/EJB Developer

The Java/EJB Developer is a technical resource with in-depth knowledge of Java and/or other object-oriented programming languages who may be responsible for extending a BEA product's out-of-the-box capabilities. For example, the Java/EJB Developer may extend the Webflow and Pipeline mechanisms by creating new Pipeline components or input processors and making them available to other Developers.

HTML/JSP Developer

The HTML/JSP Developer is an individual primarily focused on the front-end aspects of Web applications. HTML/JSP Developers may be engineers or technical Web designers that collaborate with graphic designers and use various tools to create a site design that meets their organization's marketing requirements. HTML/JSP Developers are proficient in HTML and scripting languages such as JavaServer Pages (JSP), although they may not have in-depth knowledge of Java/EJB programming or the J2EE specification. As such, HTML/JSP Developers may collaborate with other Developers to ensure that information is passed appropriately to back-end components.

Application Assembler/Deployer

The Application Assembler/Deployer is responsible for assembling components created by other Developers into complete J2EE applications delivered in the form of a Enterprise ARchive (.EAR) files, and for deploying Web applications and Enterprise JavaBeans components into a specific operational environment. This process may involve moving the media to a server, generating the additional container-specific classes and interfaces that enable the container to manage the application components at runtime, and installing the application components, additional classes, and interfaces into the J2EE containers. The Application Assembler/Deployer may also resolve external dependencies and map security roles to the user groups and accounts that exist in the operational environment into which the application components are deployed.

System Administrator

The System Administrator is responsible for starting up, configuring, administering, and maintaining the J2EE applications as part of the enterprise's computing and networking infrastructure. The System Administrator is also responsible for overseeing the runtime well-being of the deployed J2EE applications, and typically uses runtime monitoring and management tools to accomplish these tasks.

Note: The distinctions made for the Developer role are taken from the Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition 1.3 Specification Final Draft Proposal.


Visitor, Customer, and User Roles

In addition to development roles, BEA documentation and user interfaces use the following terms to describe customers with specific characteristics:


Visitor describes anyone who interacts with a Web site your organization builds using BEA products. Visitors may arrive at your site at their own initiative or as a result of a targeted e-business effort (for example, a recipient of a campaign e-mail). Visitors interact with your Web sites primarily to locate information. In other words, a visitor's primary intent is in performing some type of information-gathering activity, which may be performed prior to a purchase, or may not involve purchases at all.


Customers are in the process of purchasing products or services from your e-business Web sites. Depending on the context, customers may be further qualified anonymous or authenticated. Anonymous customers have not registered or logged in; therefore their identity is unknown. Alternatively, authenticated customers have previously completed a registration process by filling out an online form, have selected a username and password combination, and have logged in or have otherwise been authenticated.


User is a generic role name that typically refers to users of BEA products (that is, it refers to you, a BEA customer), in places like the Javadoc and code samples. However, sometimes a technology or implementation will use the role "user" in a different context, in accordance with industry standards. An example of this alternate usage would be in discussions of the Unified User Profile (UUP), references to "user" in the context of security realms (as in users and groups), and so on.


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