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Administration Guide

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Creating Campaigns

Campaigns let you target your site visitors with three types of personalized actions: showing them specific pieces of Web content on a page or in a portlet, giving them a discount, or automatically sending them a predefined e-mail message.

Of the many personalization tools WebLogic Portal provides, campaigns offer the most options for targeting visitors with personalized actions. In addition to triggering personalization the same way other WebLogic Portal personalization tools do, campaigns can also trigger actions in other ways: with custom events created by your developers, based on the contents or value of items in a shopping cart, or by selecting visitors at random.

Campaigns not only let you target visitors with more pinpoint accuracy, they also let you trigger multiple actions—or even simultaneous actions—in a browsing session.

For example, when a visitor adds a particular item to the shopping cart or order, the visitor could see a targeted ad in a portlet, receive a discount on the order, and be sent an automatic e-mail message. The campaign could even be defined so that another visitor would receive the discount, but not see the ad or receive the e-mail message. In another example, when an employee clicks the Open Enrollment button on the Human Resources Intranet page, the employee could be shown a short video clip from the CEO in a portlet and be sent an automatic e-mail that describes a new fund in the 401K plan.

To see campaign functionality in action, run the WebLogic Portal Commerce Templates example and modify the existing campaigns.

This section includes information on the following subjects:


Campaign Prerequisites

The versatility and power of campaigns come from the pieces that make up campaigns. Before you create campaigns, which you do in the E-Business Control Center, you and your developers must create those prerequisite pieces. These pieces fall into the following basic categories, the names of which are presented for organizational purposes only.

Aside from the visible results of campaigns (targeted Web content displayed on a page or in a portlet, a discount, or an e-mail message), campaign functionality is transparent to your visitors. Campaign functionality is integrated in specific parts of your site in the form of JSP tags, events that are created and used in JSPs, and rules and properties defined in the E-Business Control Center that are made available to your portals through synchronization to the server.

With the proper infrastructure already created to support your campaigns, as described in the following sections, your developers incorporate that infrastructure into your portal's pages and portlets. For example, if you are using a shopping cart, support for using and displaying discounts must be built in to your shopping cart JSPs.

The following sections describe the triggers and content that must be created before you can define your campaigns in the E-Business Control Center.

Create Triggers

When visitors use your site, campaign actions can be triggered by a number of factors that you define. Follow the links in Table  9-1 to create the campaign triggers you want to use. In many cases, setting up triggers is a development task that involves coding and JSP work. Development tasks are implied by the links to the instructions.

If you want to trigger campaign actions based solely on dates, times, or random samples of visitors, you can skip this section.

Table 9-1 Creating Campaign Triggers  



...see these instructions

Create users and user profile properties

For triggering campaign actions based on specific information stored with users. When creating a campaign action, this task maps to The visitor has specific characteristics option.

Create Segments

For triggering campaign actions based on users who belong to a specific Segment. When creating a campaign action, this task maps to The visitor is a member of a predefined customer segment option.

Creating Groups to Target Content to Customers in this guide.

Create custom events

For triggering campaign actions based on events that occur, such as a mouse click or a user registering. WebLogic Portal comes with a set of predefined events you can use. When creating a campaign action, this task maps to the options dealing with events.

"Event and Behavior Tracking" section of the Development Guide at

Create HTTP Session and Request properties

For triggering campaign actions based on HTTP Session or Request properties, such as character encoding or the type of browser being used. When creating a campaign action, this task maps to the HTTP session and request options.

"Creating a Property Set Definition" in the "Implementing User Profiles" section of the Development Guide at

Create a catalog and set up a shopping cart

For triggering campaign actions based on shopping cart contents or value. When creating a campaign action, this task maps to the shopping cart options.


Create Content

Before you create campaigns, you must create the Web content and Placeholders, discounts, and e-mail messages you want to use in the campaigns. Follow the links in Table  9-2 for information on creating these. The links to the instructions imply which tasks are development and which are administrative.

Using graphics in campaigns requires connecting a content management system to WebLogic Portal or using WebLogic Portal's standard content management services. Once connected to a content management system, you will use the Web content metadata in drop-down lists in the E-Business Control Center to define the queries that put the Web content in Placeholders on JSPs.

Table 9-2 Creating Campaign Content



...see these instructions

Set content metadata, load content, and create Placeholders

To show visitors personalized Web content as part of a campaign, that Web content must be created and stored in a database or content management system; the graphics properties must be made available in the E-Business Control Center for defining queries that retrieve the graphics; and Placeholders must be defined in JSPs and in the E-Business Control Center.

Create Discounts

To use discounts in campaigns, the discounts must already be defined in the E-Business Control Center and designated as campaign discounts.

Administering Discounts in this guide.

Create e-mail messages

Developers create and store the e-mail messages that administrators use in campaigns.

"Creating Personalized E-mails for Campaigns" in the "Setting up Campaign Services" section of the Development Guide at



Defining Campaigns

After you have created all the pieces you want to use in your campaigns, as described in the previous sections, you are ready to define your campaigns in the E-Business Control Center. The campaign definitions you create provide the rules that map the triggers to the content.

With your campaign infrastructure in place and your campaign rules defined, your campaign becomes active when you synchronize your campaigns from the E-Business Control Center to the server.

Campaigns actually begin and end based on the criteria you set. For example, when you synchronize a campaign on July 1, but the campaign start date is not until July 4, the campaign will not begin until July 4.

When creating campaigns, you should create and synchronize them in a test environment to work out the bugs before deploying them on your production site.

Note: Because campaigns rely on Placeholders, Discounts, Segments, events, catalog details, and various property sets that are created independently of campaigns, changes to any of these can affect your campaigns. Coordinate with your developers about changes that are made to any of these stand-alone items.

This section includes information on defining a campaign, which includes the following subjects:

Step 1: Creating a Campaign File

When you define a campaign in the E-Business Control Center, the rules for the campaign are stored in an XML file. Use this procedure to create your campaign file.

  1. Open the E-Business Control Center; see Starting the E-Business Control Center.

  2. Open the E-Business Control Center project file for the enterprise application. In a new domain, the default project file is:

  3. Click the Business Logic tab of the E-Business Control Center Explorer window.

  4. In the E-Business Control Center Explorer window toolbar, click New —> Campaign, as shown in Figure  9-1. A new campaign editor window appears.

    Figure 9-1 Creating a New Campaign File


  5. Choose File —> Save As, and click OK in the Campaign Is Not Complete dialog box that appears.

  6. In the Save As window, enter the name of the campaign and click Save. The name of the new campaign appears in the Explorer window.

  7. Complete the following steps to define your campaign.

Creating and saving the file at the beginning of the process, even though the file is incomplete, allows you to save your work as you define the campaign.

Step 2: Entering General Campaign Information

  1. In the campaign editor, click the General bar.

  2. Enter the required Campaign Sponsor and Description information to describe the campaign.

  3. Optionally enter a Goal Description that describes a successful campaign.

  4. Click the General bar to close it.

Campaign sponsors are people or organizations that have commissioned a campaign and on whose behalf the campaign is run. In the E-Business Control Center, the campaign sponsor can be used as part of the search criteria to find a campaign when you click the Campaign Search icon in the Explorer window. The icon is available only on the Business Logic tab.

Step 3: Creating Scenarios and Actions

Campaigns contain one or more scenarios. Scenarios contain the actions that define the behavior of your campaigns. Use scenarios to create logical groupings of actions. For example, you can create a scenario to contain all your e-mail actions, or create one that contains different types of actions that support a common goal, such as open enrollment for benefits.

Creating Scenarios

Use the following procedure to create a scenario.

  1. In the campaign editor window, click the Scenarios bar.

  2. Click New Scenario. The New Scenario window appears, displaying a list of scenario templates, as shown in Figure  9-2. The following list describes each scenario:

    If you would rather create a scenario by copying an existing scenario, click an existing scenario name in the Scenarios list to select it and then click Duplicate. A copy of the scenario, along with its actions, appears in the Scenarios list. You can then click Edit to modify the scenario as appropriate.

    Figure 9-2 Scenario Templates


  3. Select the Default template and click OK. The Scenario Properties window appears, as shown in Figure  9-3.

    Figure 9-3 Scenario Properties Window


  4. Enter a name and description for the scenario.

  5. If you want all the campaign actions in the scenario to be triggered when members of one or more Segments visit the site, click Select Segments, choose the Segments you want, and click OK.

  6. Click OK.

  7. Click OK in the confirmation window. The scenario name, along with any Segment names you selected, appear in the Scenarios list.

  8. Create actions in the scenario.

Creating Scenario Actions

After you create a scenario, you must add actions to it. There are three types of actions you can add to a scenario: ad actions, e-mail actions, and discount actions.

This section includes information on the following subjects:

Note: After you have created actions, you can save time creating future actions by duplicating actions you have already created. To do this, select the action you want to duplicate and click Duplicate.

Ad Actions

When you create an ad action, you are defining criteria that will select appropriate Web content from your content management system to be displayed on a page or in a portlet. Because you are defining a query, the query can return more than one set of Web content. If you want to pinpoint one specific piece of Web content rather than having WebLogic Portal select one from many returned pieces of content, define your query narrowly to pinpoint the exact content you want.

When you create this type of action, you must be able to log in to the running server.

Use the following procedure to create ad actions.

  1. Select the name of the scenario to which you want to add the action.

  2. Click New Action —> Ad. The New Ad Action window appears, as shown in Figure  9-4.

    Figure 9-4 New Ad Action Window


  3. In the New Ad Action window, click the check boxes in the Conditions section to select the condition(s) under which the Web content will be displayed. Text describing the conditions you selected appears in the Action portion of the window.

    The conditions correspond to the prerequisite tasks shown in Table  9-1.

  4. For each condition you select, you must specify values for any bracketed hyperlinked text that appears in the Action portion of the window. Click the hyperlinked text and set the appropriate values.

    For example, if you selected The visitor has specific characteristics, you must specify a value for the hyperlinked [characteristics] text in the visitor has these [characteristics] condition statement.

  5. If you selected more than one condition, set the When all of these conditions apply option. When you click the word all, it changes to any. When you use the any option, only one of the conditions must be met to trigger the action.

    The next steps rely on your having completed the content and placeholder prerequisite tasks described in Table  9-2.

  6. Now define the query that will determine which Web content from the content management system will be displayed. Click [empty ad search].

    If you are prompted to log in, by default you must log in as a WebLogic Server system administrator or a WebLogic Portal system administrator.

    The Ad Search window appears.

  7. In the Ad Search window, select a Web content property set and property for the query, as shown in Figure  9-5.

    Figure 9-5 Selecting a Property to Use for the Query


  8. Click Add. The Ad Search Values window appears.

  9. In the Ad Search Values window, set the property value(s) and appropriate options. After you add a value, click Add. When you are finished adding values, set the appropriate For multiple value phrases option and click OK. The values appear in the Descriptors list in the Ad Search window.

  10. Add any additional properties and values required.

  11. In the Ad Search window, select the appropriate For multiple descriptors option. If you select the ANY option, the query will return Web content matching any of the values you set. Selecting ALL narrows what the query will return, because any Web content to be displayed must match all of the criteria.

  12. Click OK. Your query is defined.

  13. Now determine where on the page or in a portlet the Web content will appear by selecting one or more predefined Placeholders for the query. Click [this placeholder]. The Select Placeholders window appears, as shown in Figure  9-6.

    Figure 9-6 Select Placeholders Window


  14. In the Select Placeholders window, move the placeholder(s) that will display the Web content into the Selected Placeholders list, and click OK.

  15. If other campaign actions use the placeholder(s) you selected, set the relative priority for your Web content to be displayed by setting the Give the ad a normal chance of being shown option. Click the normal link to change priority.

    You can also improve the chances that your Web content will be shown in a placeholder by automatically removing queries put in the placeholder by other scenarios or campaigns. To do this, click Do not remove any other ads and set the appropriate query-clearing option.

  16. If you want the Web content to stop being displayed in the placeholder before the campaign ends, click [the campaign ends] and set the end time.

    Any dates and times you set are for your time zone. Visitors in other time zones experience the expiration of the Web content relative to your time zone.

  17. If you want the scenario to run only once per visitor, for example, for display only when a visitor registers, select the Once this action is performed, do not run the scenario again for this visitor option.

  18. Click OK. The New Ad Action window closes. In the campaign editor window, the conditions and corresponding actions you selected appear beneath the scenario name, as shown in Figure  9-7.

    Figure 9-7 New Scenario


E-mail Actions

As part of specifying an e-mail action—an action that automatically sends an e-mail to a visitor when the action is triggered—you will need to reference a previously developed e-mail message. See the prerequisite tasks in Table  9-2 for more information.

When you create this type of action, you must be able to log in to the running server.

Use the following procedure to create e-mail actions.

  1. Select the name of the scenario to which you want to add the action.

  2. Click New Action —> E-mail. The New E-mail Action window appears, as shown in Figure  9-8.

    Figure 9-8 New E-mail Action Window


  3. In the New E-mail Action window, click the check boxes in the Conditions section to select the condition(s) under which the automatic e-mail will be sent. Text describing the conditions you selected appears in the Action portion of the window.

    The conditions correspond to the prerequisite tasks shown in Table  9-1.

  4. For each condition you select, you must specify values for any bracketed hyperlinked text that appears in the Action portion of the window. Click the hyperlinked text and set the appropriate values.

    For example, if you selected The visitor has specific characteristics, you must specify a value for the hyperlinked [characteristics] text in the visitor has these [characteristics] condition statement.

  5. If you selected more than one condition, set the When all of these conditions apply option. When you click the word all, it changes to any. When you use the any option, only one of the conditions must be met to trigger the action.

  6. Now select the e-mail message to send. Click [server url], [subject], or [sender address].

    If you are prompted to log in, by default you must log in as a WebLogic Server system administrator or a WebLogic Portal system administrator.

    The Enter E-mail Information window appears, as shown in Figure  9-9.

    Figure 9-9 Enter E-mail Information Window


  7. In the URL for E-mail Content field, click Browse. In the Select E-Mail Content window, select the e-mail file to use, and click OK, as shown in Figure  9-10.

    Figure 9-10 Select E-mail Content Window


  8. In the Enter E-Mail Information window, enter a subject for the e-mail and an optional sender's e-mail address. If visitors have e-mail information stored in their user profiles, the e-mail will be sent to those addresses.

    Note: If you click Preview to see the e-mail message, you are prompted for a User ID. This is not a login requirement. The name you enter is the name that will appear in the greeting line of the preview.

  9. Click OK.

  10. If you want the scenario to run only once per visitor, select the Once this action is performed, do not run the scenario again for this visitor option.

    For example, if you wanted a given customer to receive only one e-mail, regardless of how many times that customer entered the site or matched the relevant conditions, you would select this option.

  11. Click OK. The New E-mail Action window closes. In the campaign editor window, the conditions and corresponding actions you selected appear beneath the scenario name.

Discount Actions

Discount actions give visitors a discount during a purchasing session when certain conditions are met. For example, if a visitor puts a particular item in the shopping cart or logs in on a specific date, the visitor will receive a discount.

As part of specifying a discount action, you will need to select from a list of predefined discounts. Be sure that you have already defined the discounts you want to use. See the prerequisite tasks in Table  9-2 for more information.

Use the following procedure to create discount actions.

  1. Select the name of the scenario to which you want to add the action.

  2. Click New Action —> Discount. The New Discount Action window appears, as shown in Figure  9-11.

    Figure 9-11 New Discount Action Window


  3. In the New Discount Action window, click the check boxes in the Conditions section to select the condition(s) under which the discount will be given. Text describing the conditions you selected appears in the Action portion of the window.

    The conditions correspond to the prerequisite tasks shown in Table  9-1.

  4. For each condition you select, you must specify values for any bracketed hyperlinked text that appears in the Action portion of the window. Click the hyperlinked text and set the appropriate values.

    For example, if you selected The visitor has specific characteristics, you must specify a value for the hyperlinked [characteristics] text in the visitor has these [characteristics] condition statement.

  5. If you selected more than one condition, set the When all of these conditions apply option. When you click the word all, it changes to any. When you use the any option, only one of the conditions must be met to trigger the action.

  6. Now select the discount you want to use. Click [discount] or [explanation]. The Select Discount window appears, as shown in Figure  9-12.

    Figure 9-12 Select Discount Window


  7. In the Select Discount window, select the discount you want, and optionally enter an optional explanation for the discount.

    The discount explanation can be displayed to customers receiving the discount if the shopping cart JSP supports this.

  8. Click OK.

  9. If you want the scenario to run only once per visitor, select the Once this action is performed, do not run the scenario again for this visitor option.

    For example, if you want your customers to receive the discount only when they register, regardless of how many times they have entered the site or matched the relevant conditions, you would select this option.

  10. Click OK. The New Discount Action window closes. In the campaign editor window, the conditions and corresponding actions you selected appear beneath the scenario name.

Modifying and Deleting Scenarios and Actions

To modify a scenario or action, double-click it in the campaign editor window and modify its characteristics.

To delete a scenario or action, select it in the campaign editor window and click Delete.

Step 4: Defining Campaign Start and Stop Criteria

You can set a start date for a campaign, and you can end the campaign on a date and time or when certain campaign goals are met. Campaign goals are determined by the number of times Web content is viewed or clicked.

Notes: The dates and times you set are for your time zone. Visitors in other time zones experience the campaign start and stop relative to your time zone.

You may want to coordinate the start and stop times of your campaign with the start and stop times of your discounts.

Setting the Campaign Start Date and Time

  1. In the campaign editor window, click the Start/Stop bar, as shown in Figure  9-13.

    Figure 9-13 Campaign Start/Stop Pane


  2. Click the down arrow in the Start date field, and set the campaign start date, as shown in Figure  9-14.

  3. Enter a Start time.

    Figure 9-14 Setting the Campaign Start Date


Ending a Campaign Using Dates and Times

In the Start/Stop pane (Figure  9-13), enter the appropriate Stop date and Stop time.

Using Goals to End a Campaign

If you plan on using ad actions in your scenarios and want to end your campaign when certain Web-content-related goals are reached, you can end campaigns before the stop date when your goals are met.

You can specify campaign end criteria based on the number of impressions (views) associated with the Web content, the number of Web content clickthroughs, or a combination of both.

Use the following procedure to end campaigns when a certain number of impressions or clickthroughs occur:

  1. In the End Criteria section of the Start/Stop pane, click New. The Goal Detail window appears, as shown in Figure  9-15.

    Figure 9-15 Goal Detail Window


  2. In the Goal Type field, select whether you want this end criterion to be based on Ad Impressions or Ad Clickthroughs.

  3. In the Target number field, enter the number of impressions or clickthroughs required to meet the goal.

  4. Now select the Web content that will be used to count impressions or clickthroughs. In the Specify Ads region, click Get Ad IDs. The Get Ad IDs window appears, as shown in Figure  9-16.

    The window lets you access only the scenarios and ad queries you have already defined.

    Figure 9-16 The Get Ad IDs Window


  5. In the Applicable scenarios from this campaign field, select the scenario containing the ad query that will display the Web content you want.

  6. In the Ad searches field, select the number of the query that will retrieve the Web content you want.

  7. Click Retrieve Ad IDs. The Web content retrieved by the query appear in the Ad IDs pane.

    If you are prompted to log in, by default you must log in as a WebLogic Server system administrator or WebLogic Portal system administrator.

  8. Select the Web content you want to use for the campaign end criteria, and click OK.

  9. If necessary, repeat the previous steps until all the Web content you want to use for end criteria is listed.

    Note: If you want to remove an ad identifier from the list, select it and click Remove.

  10. In the Target Basis region of the Goal Detail window, select whether the number you entered in the Target Number field can be reached by a total of All ads in the Tracking List, or when Any ad in the list reaches that number of clickthroughs or impressions.

  11. In the Target Scope region, select whether you want to count the ads only within this campaign or across multiple campaigns.

  12. Click OK.

    Note: To modify a goal, select it in the Start/Stop pane and click Edit. To remove a goal, select it and click Delete.

  13. If you set more than one goal, set the appropriate End the campaign option at the bottom of the window.

  14. Save the campaign.

Step 5: Synchronizing the Campaign

After you create, modify, or delete a campaign, you must synchronize from the E-Business Control Center to the server for the changes to take place. Click the Synchronize button on the E-Business Control Center toolbar, as shown in Figure  9-17. If you are prompted to log in, you must log in as a WebLogic Server system administrator or a WebLogic Portal system administrator.

Figure 9-17 Synchronizing to the Server


For information on setting up the E-Business Control Center to connect with the server, see Setting up the E-Business Control Center in the "System Administration" section of this guide.


Debugging and Modifying Campaigns

While testing the campaigns you have created, it is helpful to debug campaigns by resetting the campaigns so they behave as if they have been deployed for the first time. Then you can have a better idea of how to modify those campaigns.

Debugging Campaigns

The E-Business Control Center has an option, designed primarily for debugging, that lets you do the following:

Use the following procedure to reset campaign states. To use this procedure, you must be able to log in to the running server as a WebLogic Server system administrator or a WebLogic Portal system administrator.

  1. In the E-Business Control Center, choose Tools —> Reset Campaigns. The Reset Campaign States window appears, as shown in Figure  9-18.

    Figure 9-18 The Reset Campaign States Window


  2. In the Active Campaigns list, select the campaign you want to reset.

    Even Campaigns that have ended can be considered active and appear in the list. Only when the Deactivate This Campaign option is selected in the Start/Stop pane of a campaign does it not appear in the Active Campaigns list.

  3. Select the appropriate reset options for the selected campaign.

  4. Repeat the previous steps for all campaigns you want to reset.

  5. Click OK.

    If you are prompted to log in, by default you must log in as a WebLogic Server system administrator or WebLogic Portal system administrator.

  6. The Clearing Campaigns window appears, showing you the progress of the reset.

  7. When the reset is complete, as displayed in the Clearing Campaigns window, click OK. You can begin debugging your campaign(s).

You can also set the E-Business Control Center to automatically display the Reset Campaign States window after you synchronize. To do this, choose Tools —> Project Settings. On the Synchronization tab, select the Show reset options for active campaigns option and click OK. Each time you synchronize, after clicking the Close button in the Synchronizing status window when synchronization is complete, the Reset Campaign States window appears, letting you clear campaign states.

Modifying Campaigns

To modify a campaign, click the Campaigns icon in the E-Business Control Center Explorer window, and double-click the campaign you want to modify. Be sure to synchronize any changes you make by saving the campaign and clicking the Synchronize button on the E-Business Control Center toolbar.

For information on setting up the E-Business Control Center to connect with the server, see Setting up the E-Business Control Center in the "System Administration" section of this guide.

Deleting Campaigns

Before you delete a campaign, consider the following alternatives that may address your needs:

To delete a campaign, click the Campaigns icon in the E-Business Control Center Explorer window, select the campaign you want to delete, and click the Delete icon in the Explorer window toolbar.


Deactivating and Reactivating Campaigns

Once campaigns are saved, they are considered active. In other words, after synchronization, the campaign will be ready to run between the start/stop times you specified and when the appropriate conditions are met.

If for some reason you want to disqualify an active campaign from running or stop a running campaign prior to the specified stop date (or before end goals are reached, if your campaign contains them), follow this procedure.

  1. Open the campaign.

  2. Select the Deactivate this campaign option in the Start/Stop pane.

  3. In the warning dialog box that appears, click OK.

  4. Save the campaign.

  5. Synchronize to the server by clicking the Synchronize button on the E-Business Control Center toolbar.

If at any time you want to reactivate a campaign, deselect the Deactivate this campaign option, click OK at the prompt, save the campaign, and synchronize.

Reactivating Campaigns That Have Ended
Because of Goals Being Met

If a campaign that has ended because its goals were met prior to the end date of the campaign, you can reactivate that campaign by resetting the ad impressions or clickthroughs that caused it to reach its goals and end.

To use this procedure, you must be able to log in to the running server as a WebLogic Server system administrator or a WebLogic Portal system administrator.

  1. In the E-Business Control Center, choose Tools —> Reset Campaigns. The Reset Campaign States window appears, as shown in Figure  9-18.

  2. In the Active Campaigns list, select the campaign you want to reset.

  3. Select the Reset counts of ad impressions and clickthroughs option.

  4. Click OK.

  5. After the campaign states are reset, you must re-synchronize for the campaign to be reactivated by clicking the Synchronize button on the E-Business Control Center toolbar.


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