Creating Requisitions in PeopleSoft eProcurement

This chapter provides an overview of requisitions and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Requisitions

A requisition in PeopleSoft eProcurement is an online form for requesting items or services. After you enter and submit a requisition, you can route it for approval. Approved requisitions are then sourced to a purchase order and dispatched to the vendor. The supplier fulfills the order by shipping the requested items.

Before you enter requisitions into the system, you must be authorized to process requisitions on the User Preferences page. Also, the user ID must be identified as a requester on the Requester Setup page, where you add defaults for requisitions.

See Defining User Preferences for PeopleSoft eProcurement.

Requisition Navigator

When you create or change a requisition, a group of links appear above the requisition page. The links display the different stages of requisition creation: Define Requisition, Add Items and Services, and Review and Submit. As you go through requisition creation, the stage that you are currently using is highlighted. To advance or return to a stage, select the stage.

Requisition Summary

The Requisition Summary, or shopping cart, appears as a sidebar to the left and below the PeopleSoft menu. The requisition summary displays all of the items that you have added to the requisition (item description, quantity ordered, unit of measure (UOM)), plus the number of line items on the order and the total amount expressed in the transaction currency.

Requisition Item Browse and Search

PeopleSoft eProcurement uses browse and search features to help you find items to include in requisitions. A basic search enables simple browsing and searching of requisition items. In addition, you can perform a more advanced search, as well as a parametric search of selected attributes. You can update search settings and perform exact word searches.

Item Favorites and Favorites Groups

Item favorites are items that are frequently ordered and are maintained in a single location. You can reduce the time that is needed to find an item by using item favorites. The list of favorite items that you create is private, accessible only to you, and is stored by your user ID.

Favorites groups enable you to group your favorite items, which enables you to find the items quickly when creating a requisition. Favorites groups can be shared with other users, and a user can copy the favorite groups of another user.

See Managing Favorite Groups for a Profile.

Item Templates

You can reduce the time that is needed to enter requisitions by creating item templates, which consist of sets of items that you frequently order together. During order entry, use the templates to add these items to the requisition without searching the item catalog.

PeopleSoft eProcurement offers these templates:

Personal templates

Personal templates are private and accessible only to the user who creates them.

Company templates

Company templates, also called Purchasing Kits, are used throughout the business. Only users with the correct authority can create or change company templates, but all users in the PeopleSoft Purchasing business unit have access to them. To maintain company templates for PeopleSoft eProcurement, use the Purchasing Kits feature. To access the feature, select eProcurement, Administer Procurement, Maintain Item, Purchasing Kits.

After a template has been added to a requisition, you can change the quantity of any item, delete items, or add additional items to the request. When you add a template to a requisition, the system adds only the active items in the template to the requisition. Click the Expand Section button to see more information about items within a template and how many of each item are to be added to the requisition.

Enter the number of sets to add to the requisition in the Qty field, and click the Add button.

Note. Item templates, which can include items from the standard item catalog, special request items, or items from PeopleSoft Services Procurement, are designed for groups of items. To save a single item, use the favorites lists.

See Also

Importing and Searching Supplier Catalogs

Attaching Role Actions to User Roles

Click to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Chapter

AM Unit (asset management unit)

Select a PeopleSoft Asset Management business unit to capitalize all items on this requisition in PeopleSoft Asset Management. This entry overrides values that otherwise appear by default from the item definitions.


Change this value only to change the standard accounting structure.


Click to access general ledger information and define accounting rules for items that you are adding to a requisition.


Displays the total item price in the transaction currency from the requisition.


Click to apply the changes that you've made, for example, changes to shipping or accounting information.

Asset Profile ID or Profile ID

Select an ID to capitalize all items on this requisition in PeopleSoft Asset Management. This entry overrides values that otherwise appear by default from the item definitions.


Select to indicate that the items on this requisition should be capitalized in PeopleSoft Asset Management. This check box is available only if a PeopleSoft Asset Management business unit is selected.


Displays the name of the PeopleSoft catalog in which this item is located. Define item catalogs with PeopleSoft Tree Manager.


Displays the item category from the Item Definition - General page.

Consolidate with other Reqs (consolidate with other requisitions)

Select to consolidate multiple requisitions for the same vendor into one purchase order.


Click to remove a selected item from a requisition.


Displays any default value from the requester definition.

Due Date

The date that the shipment is scheduled to arrive at the destination (ship to location).

Find Items

Click to add items to the requisition. As items are added to a requisition, they appear in the Requisition Cart component on the left side of the current page.

GL Unit (general ledger unit)

Displays the PeopleSoft General Ledger business unit that is defined on the Purchasing Definition - Business Unit Definition page.

IN Unit

The Inventory business unit where the items should be put away when they are received.

Location Code

Displays the internal location for the delivery of this requisition, for example, office number, lab name, and so on. The value comes from the requester setup definition.


Indicates the manufacturer of the item, which is assigned on the Manufacturer's Item page.

Manufacturer’s Item ID

Displays the item ID that the manufacturer uses, which is assigned on the Manufacturer's Item page.

Mfg ID (manufacturer’s ID)

Identifies the manufacturer of the item. This value is supplied from the Vendor's Manufacturer Info page.

Mfg Itm ID (manufacturer item ID)

Displays the identifier that the manufacturer uses for this item when the suggested vendor supplies the item. This value appears from the Vendor's Manufacturer Info page.

Modify Shipping Address

Click to access the Shipping Address page, where you can change the shipping address.


Enter a percentage of the quantity or the amount to distribute. The system updates either the Amount or Quantity field value, depending on the selection in the Distribute by field.


Displays the vendor’s unit price and currency for the item, which are assigned on the Vendor's UOM & Pricing Info (vendor’s UOM and pricing information) page.


Identifies a product.

Project ID

You can enter any information that is relevant to the project.


Enter the quantity of items that you want distributed on this distribution line. This field appears only if you select Qty as a distribution method in the Distribute by field. The system updates the value in the Percent field based on the entry.


The user ID of the person for whom the requisition is created.

Select All/Deselect All

Select to select all items or to clear all selections in a list. The check box appears beneath the list to which it pertains.

Ship To

Displays the organization ship location that the vendor should use for delivery for this requisition. This field is populated from the requester definition.

Standard Price

Displays the standard price from the Purchasing Attributes page for the item.


Displays the status of a requisition. Values are Open, Pending, Approved, and Complete.

Unit of Measure(UOM)

Displays the UOM from the Vendor's UOM & Pricing Info page for the item. The Units of Measure page (Items, Define Items and Attributes, Units of Measure) has a field labeled Default Req UOM. The UOM that appears to the requester is the one that is marked as the Requisition UOM. If this option is not selected, then the item vendor UOM or standard UOMappears.

See Using Item Quantity UOM.

Note. If the requester is assigned to the eProcurement role action of VIEW_ORDERING_UOM, and the item is set up with a default requisition UOM, the default requisition UOM will appear on the requisition.

See Attaching Role Actions to User Roles.

UPN ID (universal product number ID)

Enter the UPN ID that is assigned to a unique combination of item ID, manufacturer ID, and UOM. The UPN appears on the Item Description page when it is associated to an item manufacturer.


Displays the vendors that supply this item. This information appears by default from the Item Vendor page.

Vendor Item ID

Displays the ID that the vendor uses to identify this item on the Item Vendor page.

Vendor Loc (vendor location)

Displays the location of the vendor. The default is based on the value that is defined for the vendor.

Vendor Look Up

Click to access the Vendor Search page, where you can enter information to find a vendor.

Vndr Catlg (vendor catalog)

Displays the vendor catalog identifier that appears from the Purchasing Attributes - Item Vendor Priority page.

See Also

Defining Purchasing Item Attributes

Defining Purchasing Processing Options

Click to jump to parent topicCreating Requisitions

This section provides an overview of requisition creation and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Requisition Creation

PeopleSoft eProcurement enables users to create requisitions in an efficient manner. The key to entering requisitions quickly is defining a proper default structure which prevents you from changing information on the requisition. For a requisition with no changes to the default structure, you can enter the items, review the request, and submit it using two PeopleSoft pages: the Add Items and Services page and the Review and Submit page. For more complex requisitions, PeopleSoft eProcurement provides a number of links to additional information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Create Requisitions

Page Name

Object Name



Define Requisition


eProcurement, Create Requisition

Define requisitions, including the purchasing business unit and the requester for the requisition. You can also define default values for requisition lines.

Vendor Search


Click the Vendor Lookup button on the Define Requisition page.

Search for requisition vendors. This page is accessible from numerous requisition creation pages.

Shipping Address


Click the Modify Shipping Address link on the Define Requisition page.

Temporarily override shipping address information.

See Modifying Line, Shipping, and Accounting Information.



eProcurement, Create Requisition, Add Items and Services

Click the Add Items and Services link on the Define Requisitions page.

Find requisition items.

Search Settings


Click the Search Settings link on the Catalog page. This link appears only if you use the Verity search engine.

Define the number of rows of results that you want to display per page.

Item Description



  • Click the description link for the item on the Catalog page.

  • Click the description link for the item on the Review and Submit page.

  • Click the description link for the item on the Favorites page.

View item details.



eProcurement, Create Requisition, Add Items and Services

Select the Favorites tab.

Select favorite items and item groups to include in requisitions. Add items to your favorites list, and group favorite items into favorite groups.



eProcurement, Create Requisition, Add Items and Services

Select the Templates tab.

Use template items to create requisitions. Create new templates and add items to existing templates.



eProcurement, Create Requisition, Add Items and Services

Select the Services tab.

Include services in requisitions. This page is used for Service Procurement only.

See Creating a Services Resource Requisition Line.



eProcurement, Create Requisitions, Add Items and Services

Select the Forms tab.

Select forms to include in requisitions.



eProcurement, Create Requisition, Add Items and Services

Select the Web tab.

Select direct connect suppliers for requisitions.

Special Request


eProcurement, Create Requisitions, Add Items and Services

Select the Special Request tab.

Add special requests to requisitions.

See Also

Attaching Role Actions to User Roles


Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Requisitions

Access the Define Requisition page.

This page enables you to define information for a new requisition. To access the Business Unit and Requester fields, your user profile must include the CHANGEREQBU role action. The user profile determines the business unit and requester names that are available for selection. As you add items to the requisition, they appear in the Requisition Summary along with cost information.

Note. Requesters with the eProcurement role action of NOVICEREQSTR cannot access this page.


Enter the name of the person requesting these materials or services. This can be the name or you can purchase on behalf of another person. For you to purchase on behalf of another user, these requesters must be defined on the User Preferences page.

Requisition Name

(Optional) Enter a description of the request to help you identify this requisition as it flows through the system. You can also track the request using the requisition ID that is assigned when it is saved.


Displays the currency that is selected for the business unit. This can be overridden if the business unit allows for multicurrency processing.


Enter a priority for reporting or query purposes.

See Attaching Role Actions to User Roles.

Defining Requisition Line Default Values

The fields that you enter on this page apply to the entire requisition at the line, shipment, or distribution levels. Values that appear in these fields for a new requisition line come from the item definition, according to the item default hierarchy in PeopleSoft eProcurement and Purchasing. When no predefined values exist, the data that you enter in the line defaults section replaces blank fields as defaults.


Select the vendor for the items on this requisition. The default location for the selected vendor appears to the right of the Vendor field. You can select a different location. However, use caution when changing the vendor location. Purchase orders are not sent to marketplace unless the vendor ID and vendor location match those values that are defined on the Linked Supplier Setup page. To access the page, select eProcurement, Administer Procurement, Maintain Supplier Integration, Linked Suppliers.

Vendor Location

View the location of the vendor. The default is based on the value that is defined for the vendor.


Select a buyer for this requisition. At the requisition line level, the system uses the buyer from the item definition or item vendor.


Define a default category for this requisition.

Unit of Measure

Define the UOM for use on this requisition.

Ship To

Select the standard address to which most of the requisition is delivered.

Modify Shipping Address

Click to access the Shipping Address page, where you can override a shipping address that is not in the standard ship to location codes.

Due Date

The standard date in which the customer wants to receive the items on this requisition.


Enter the person from whom you want to receive notification about this shipment. The system includes this field value on outbound purchase orders to the Marketplace.

Accounting Defaults

Enter ChartField and asset management information.

Note. The ChartField values on this page are described further in the preface of this PeopleBook.

See Also

Defining and Using ChartFields

Setting Up Basic Commitment Control Options

Importing Vendor Information

Attaching Role Actions to User Roles

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicFinding Requisition Items

Access the Catalog page.

Use this page to find items for a new or existing requisition. You can search for items to include in a requisition by:


Enter a value to search on from the item description. The system searches all catalogs for items that match the criteria that you enter. Other fields that are defined for the item, such as vendor name, manufacturer name, item ID, manufacturer ID, vendor ID, vendor item ID, or manufacturer item ID, can also be located from here depending on the setup of the system.

Use any combination of letters, numbers, and spaces. The field is not case-sensitive. Don’t use quotation marks, Boolean search qualifiers, wildcards, punctuation marks (except for the apostrophe), or special characters, such as %, |, ^, #, @, $, (, and ). To initiate a search, click the Search button.

Note. Consecutive words are treated as a phrase, and the search finds words that appear in that order. For example, a search for bike frame finds results such as bike frame, steel and bike frame, and aluminum, but not auto frame or frame support.

Note. If you use the Verity search engine, you can use Boolean search terms such as AND, OR, and NOT as connectors.

Search Catalog

Enter search criteria in the appropriate search fields to search through the item catalogs.

Note. To use the browse functionality, you must create item catalogs using a PeopleSoft tree. Then attach the item catalog to each business unit or requester who should have access.

Show Additional Attributes

Click to display additional attributes based on category.

Note. Attributes must be loaded for both the item and the category for this link to work.

Hide Additional Attributes

Click to hide any additional attributes.

Include Images

Select if you have image files associated with the item, and you want to display the image during your search. If images are defined at the item vendor and at the purchasing attributes levels, the image that is displayed is the image that is defined at the item vendor level. If an image is defined at the purchasing attributes level only, then this image is displayed.

Match Case

Select if you want to have the search engine locate exact lower and upper case matching.

Note. This is valid only when you are using Verity.


Select if you want the system to match the exact wording of the requester when conducting a search.

Note. This is valid only when you are using Verity.


Click to perform a search using the catalog and categories that you selected. You can further define the search criteria using the fields in the Search Catalog group box. After you perform the search, you can use the results to incorporate into a requisition or add to the favorites list.

Search Settings

Defines how the search page appears. You can specify how many result lines appear, whether the search criteria appears, and whether to have a message appear that indicates when selection criteria will no longer be valid. If you have set up the installation options for Verity, you can also then select fields for searching. These fields vary depending on the setup.

See Implementing the Verity Search Engine.

Search Results

The search results appear after you enter criteria and click the Search button.

To view the items within a section, click the Expand button. You can also perform another search on this page.

Add Items

Click to add items to the requisition along with the item quantities that you defined. The items with a defined quantity are added to the requisition. Then you are automatically taken to the Review and Submit page.


Based on the setup for item searches, the system could display any express forms that meet the search criteria.


Based on the setup for item searches, the system could display any items from direct connect suppliers that meet the search criteria. You can link directly to their web sites and enter orders. The system transfers the orders back and automatically creates a PeopleSoft eProcurement requisition. Using a similar process, buyers can then create a purchase order from the requisition and source it to the supplier.

Sort Items

Select to sort the search results byItem Description, Manufacturer, Price, or Vendor.

Hide Image

Click to prevent item images with the description from appearing.

Show Image

Click to display item images with their description. Images appear only if they are available.

Items might appear in this area before a search is performed if they are in the All Items category.

Search results include:

Item Description

Click the description for the item to access the Item Description page, where you can view details about the item.


Displays the name of the vendor who supplies this item. The system uses the vendor’s default location. You can change to another location with the Requisition Defaults page. If more than one vendor supplies the same item, you might see multiple rows for the item. To view more than one vendor, you must have the eProcurement VIEW_ALL_VENDORS role action.

Preferred Vendor

Appears next to any row with a preferred vendor in the Vendor Name column.

Add Multiple Items

Click to add multiple items to requisitions. When you click the button, the system adds items to the requisition that has a check mark in its corresponding check box. Items with a defined quantity are added to the requisition. If you are using the PeopleSoft eProcurement role action of NOVICEREQSTR, then you are automatically taken to the Review and Submit page.

Add to Favorites

Click to add selected items to the favorite's list. A message appears confirming that the item has been added to the favorites list.


To compare two items side by side, select the check boxes to the left of the item descriptions and click this link. This enables you to compare the item results with other items from the selected category that share the same attributes.

Note. To use this feature, you must load or enter attributes into the PeopleSoft Item Master tables. After attributes are loaded or entered, users can view a comparison matrix at the bottom of the Search Catalog page.

See Also

Implementing the Verity Search Engine

Attaching Role Actions to User Roles

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Item Details

Access the Item Description page.

Use the Item Description page to view price, item ID, primary vendor, manufacturer, and item category. When you are adding an item using favorites, searching, or browsing, then you can also view all vendors and the available quantities in the Inventory business units. Click the Show Image link to display images if they are available.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Favorite Items and Item Groups to Include in Requisitions

Access the Favorites page.

The Favorites page has two functions:

Favorites are frequently ordered items and groups of items that you can maintain in a single location. You can create a list of items that are frequently ordered and you can organize them by creating favorites groups. You can use the list to add items to a requisition without searching the item catalog.

Ungrouped items are private, accessible only to you, and are stored under the user ID. The list can be built from items in PeopleSoft eProcurement or PeopleSoft Services Procurement.

Favorites groups can be shared with other roles and users, and are stored by user ID. You create favorites groups by using the Favorites tab on the Add Items and Services page.

This page displays the most current favorite items and favorites groups defined.

To add a favorite item or groups of items to this requisition, select the check box to the left of the item or item group, and click the Add button. You can update quantities when you access the Review and Submit page.

Note. To save a group of items that are ordered together, use the Add to Template(s) button.


Displays to the left of the Description column and indicates where the item originated. Types include catalog, templates, services, forms, and direct merchants. Drag the cursor across the button to see where the item originated. To view more information about an item, click the Item Description link.


Displays one of these values:

Active: the item is available for the user to order.

Inactive: the item is active at the business unit level, the set ID level, or both levels.

Unavailable: the user does not have access to the item.

Vendor Item Inactive: the item is inactive for the vendor.

Adding Items to a Favorites List

You can add items to the favorites list during requisition entry by using the Search field at the top of the page, the Search Catalog group box on the Catalog tab, or the Review and Submit page. After your search:

  1. Select one or more items using the check box to the left of the item description.

  2. Click the Add to Favorites button.

A message appears confirming that the items have been added to the favorites list.

Adding Items to Favorites Groups

To add items to a favorite group, the items must be in your favorites list.

  1. Select the items from your favorites list.

  2. Click the Add to Favorites Group(s) button.

  3. Select a favorite group, or enter the group name and description to create a new favorite group.

  4. Click the OK button.

    Note. When an item is added to a favorites group, it no longer appears as an ungrouped item.

Deleting Items from a Favorites List

You can delete favorite items and favorites groups by using the Favorites page. To delete a favorite item or item group, select it and then click the Delete from Favorites button.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing Template Items to Create Requisitions

Access the Templates page.

Click the Expand Section button to view items that belong to the template.

Purchasing kits and templates are included in this list. Purchasing kits display the item, quantity and UOM. Templates display the same information as Purchasing Kits, plus the vendor, status, price, and currency.

After expanding the section, you can select the Description column heading to sort the items and view the quantity of each item. Use the Quantity field to enter the number of sets that you want.

Click the Add button to add all items in the template to the requisition.

Creating Personal Templates

To create a personal template:

  1. Access the Favorites page or the Review and Submit page.

  2. Select the items from your favorites list.

  3. Click the Add to Template(s) button.

  4. Select a template or enter the template name and description to create a new template.

  5. Click the OK button.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Forms to Include in Requisitions

Access the Forms page.

Express forms enable you to use a standardized form to order products that might need additional supporting information.

If you set the system up for express requisition, requesters with the eProcurement role action of EXPRESSREQ_ENTRY are able to access the express requisition links. These links enable the requester to create requisition lines by directly entering the item ID, description, category, quantity, UOM, price, vendor, vendor location, vendor item ID, vendor catalog, manufacture ID, and manufacture item ID

See Also

Understanding How to Create Express Forms

Ordering Items from Express Forms

Understanding Express Requisitions

Attaching Role Actions to User Roles

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Direct Connect Suppliers for Requisitions

Access the Web page.

Use this page to select a direct connect supplier from which you can select items to add to this requisition.

See Also

Integrating with Direct Connect Suppliers

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Special Requests to Requisitions

Access the Special Request page.

Use the Special Request page to create requisitions for items or goods that are not included in the standard catalog of items in PeopleSoft eProcurement and have no item ID. This special request can be for goods or services.

See Also

Understanding Special Requests and Express Forms

Requesting Special Items

Requesting Special Services

Click to jump to parent topicSubmitting Requisitions

After defining items for a requisition, use the Review and Submit link to review the contents of the requisition, make final adjustments, or add last-minute items to the requisition.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Submit Requisitions

Page Name

Object Name



Review and Submit


eProcurement, Create Requisition

Click the Review and Submit link.

Review, edit, and submit requisitions that have not been submitted for approval. Also, submit requisitions for approval.

Modify Line/Shipping/Accounting


Click the Modify Line/Shipping/Accounting button on the Review and Submit page.

Modify line, shipping instructions, and accounting details for requisition lines.

Maintain Requisitions - VAT Information for Schedule (value added tax information for schedule)


Click the Shipping VAT button on the Review and Submit page.

Maintain value added tax details for shipping lines.



Click the Save and Preview button on the Review and Submit page.

Confirm requisition checkout information.

Line Details


Click the Line Details button on the Review and Submit page.

Confirm requisition checkout information and edit additional details for a line, such as the buyer, vendor, and other line-specific information.

Line Comments


Click the Comments button on the Review and Submit page.

Record a comment about an item and add an attachment.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing, Editing, and Submitting Requisitions

Access the Review and Submit page.

Use this page to review, edit, and submit a requisition for approval.


Displays the name of the requester for this requisition. To purchase on behalf of another requester, you can change this field. However, you must have the CHANGEREQBU role action from the eProcurement Role Actions page assigned to the user roles in the user ID. Also, the user preferences for the user ID must specify that you are authorized to enter for other requesters.

Requisition Name

Enter a requisition name or number. If this field is blank, the system assigns a requisition ID that is based on the requisition sequence of the Purchasing business unit.


Select the base currency that is used to calculate pricing for each item on the requisition.


Select the urgency for a requisition workflow approval. Values are Low, Medium, and High.

Card Number

Select a valid procurement card.


Displays the line number for this requisition item.

Expand Selection

Displays information that pertains to this specific line.


Click the description of the item to view the Item Description page for more information about the item.

Vendor Name

Displays the name of the vendor who supplies this item.


Displays the units of this requisition item that you are ordering. You can change the value.

UOM (unit of measure)

The ordering UOM for this item.


Displays the price per unit.

Line Details

Click to access the Line Details page, where you can modify additional details on the line, such as the buyer, vendor, and other line-specific information.

Amount Only

Select to indicate that the line is an amount-only line. If you select this option, the requisition quantity is set to 1 and the field becomes unavailable for entry. The Amount field on the line becomes available for entry. The line amount that you enter becomes the shipping line price and amount. Amount only lines can have only one shipping line.


Click to access the Line Comments page, where you can record a comment about this item or attach a file to this requisition line. You can send comments and attachments to the vendor.

VAT Amount (value added tax amount)

Displays the amount of value added taxes (VAT)for this requisition.

Recalculate Source

Click to have the system recalculate and update VAT amounts for the requisition.

Total Amount

Displays the extended price for this requisition line, which the system calculates by multiplying the unit price by the quantity that you order.

Add to Favorites

Click to add selected items to the favorites list. A message appears confirming that the item has been added to the favorites list.

Add to Template(s)

Click to add selected items to a template. The Add Selected Items to Template(s) page appears, where you can select an existing template or create a new template.

Modify Line/Shipping/Accounting

Click to access the Modify Shipping/Accounting page, where you can change the shipping location, delivery date, quantity in the shipment, and so on. You can also change the accounting information for this requisition line.


Click to delete selected items from this requisition. You select items using the check box to the left of the item description.


(Optional) Enter an explanation for this requisition. The buyer can view this field, and it appears on the internal copy of the purchase order. It also appears on the workflow approval pages for the approver. The vendor’s copy of the purchase order does not include the justification.

Send to Vendor

Select if you want comments to appear on POs that are dispatched to vendors. If the comments are for internal use only, leave the check box clear. The Send to Vendor check box applies to comments in the comment text box only, not to the documents that you attach using the associated document fields.

Show at Receipt

Select if you want comments to appear on the receipt documents.

Show at Voucher

Select if you want comments to appear on the vouchers.

Save & submit

Click to save the requisition and submit it for approval, sourcing, and dispatching to a vendor. It remains editable while the status is Open or Pending. When you click this button, the system displays the Confirmation page to inform you that the request has been successfully saved and provide summarized information about the request including the requisition ID and total price.

Save & preview approvals

Click to access the Confirmation page, where you can view requisition details and approvers.

Note. The approval monitor may not reflect the most current approver status until the requisition is actually saved and submitted.

Cancel Requisition

Click to cancel the entire requisition. The system displays a warning message before the cancellation.

Add Request Document

Click to access the Add a Document page, which provides information about the requisition. You must then select the document type that you want to use to create the document and respond to wizard questions concerning the new requisition document. A requisition document is one that contains responses to wizard questions. Contract specialists can use these responses to determine proper terms and conditions for a contract document when the requisition becomes a contract.

This link is available when PeopleSoft Supplier Contract Management has been installed and the application installation options have been set to use document types and to use documents with purchase order requisitions. You must also setup document types to use only with purchase order requisitions and must also be set up.

After you create the document, use the Modify Request Document link to update and edit the document.

See Adding Requisition Documents and Wizard Responses.

Find More Items

Click to access the Catalog page, where you can browse and search for additional items.

Cancel Changes

This button is active only if you have saved the requisition and have edited it to make changes. Click the Cancel Changes button to revert to the last previously saved version.

Reviewing and Modifying Requisition Line Information

Click the Expand Selection link on the Review and Submit page.

The requisition line section displays information that is specific to the expanded line.

Modify Shipping Address

From this link, you can elect to change the shipping address for this specific line. Click the Load Default Shipping Address button to revert back to the default shipping address.

See Modifying Line, Shipping, and Accounting Information.

Maintenance WO

Associate a work order for maintenance repairs or service for the requisition line item.

Pegging Workbench

Use to link to items that are being received into an inventory business unit.

Accounting Lines

Use this section to create multiple ChartFields for a specific line.

See Also

Attaching Role Actions to User Roles

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicModifying Line, Shipping, and Accounting Information

Access the Modify Line/Shipping/Accounting page.

The requisition line number that you selected on the Review and Submit page appears for you to work with.

Vendor ID

Change the vendor for this specific line. When you click the Apply button, the vendor ID replaces the data on the selected lines.

Vendor Location

Change the vendor location for this specific line. When you click the Apply button, the vendor location replaces the data on the selected lines.


Change the buyer for this specific line. When you click the Apply button, the buyer replaces the data on the selected lines.


Change the category for this specific line. When you click the Apply button, the category replaces the data on the selected lines.

Ship To

Review or change the ship to location code. This code identifies the shipping address for this request.

Due Date

Review or change the arrival date of this shipment. The date that you enter here is a suggested date. When the purchase order is created, the system or buyer attempts to meet this date or changes it to a realistic due date.


Select the name of the individual who should receive the items. This name appears on the shipping documents.

Modify Shipping Address

Select to access the Shipping Address Default page, where you can enter a shipping address that is not currently defined in the system as a ship to location. The system uses this feature for shipments to a location that will not be used again, for example, shipments to a construction site or other temporary location.

Note. If you have the Ship To field defined, you can click the Modify Shipping Address button to display the address for that ship to ID. From this link, you can override the address and create a one-time shipping address that is used only for this shipment. Use this page to enter a temporary shipping address that has not been defined as a ship to location, for example, a temporary construction site.

Click OK to save the address.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicChanging Distribution Information

Access the Modify Line/Shipping/Accounting page.

Use this page only if you need to change the accounting information for the selected requisition lines. The default structure is derived from the user profile, the item category, and the Define Requisition page.

Select the appropriate values for the requisition line if you must deviate from the default accounting structure.

Note. The ChartField values on the Distributions, More Details, and More Details 2 tabs are described further in the preface of this PeopleBook.

Asset Information Tab

Select the Asset Information tab.

AM Business Unit

Identify the Asset Management business unit that is responsible for tracking asset transactions.

Profile ID

Select a value that represents the default value from the Item Categories - Category Definition page. An asset profile ID on a purchase order, in conjunction with an asset business unit, indicates that PeopleSoft Asset Management is to be notified of the purchase of this item when it is received. To access the Category Definition page, select Items, Define Controls, Item Categories, Category Definition.


Select to indicate that the requisition item is capitalized.

Cost Type

Select the asset cost type, such as materials, labor, and overhead. Cost types are used with asset category and transaction codes to determine into which accounts the costs are entered in the general ledger.

Load Values from Defaults

Click this link to complete the fields with new default information after you add defaults on the Define Requisition page,

Changing the Distribution Option

When changing distribution information, you must click the Apply button, which displays the Distribution Change Options window. The options that appear in this window are dependant on the changes that you make. Select one of the following options, and click the OK button to apply the change.

All Distribution Lines

Select to apply changes to all existing distribution lies.

Matching Distribution Lines

Select to apply changes to each existing distribution lines by matching the distribution line numbers.

Replace Distribution Lines

Select to remove the existing distribution lines and replace them with the distribution line changes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMaintaining Value Added Tax Details for Shipping Lines

Access the Maintain Requisitions - VAT Information for Schedule page.

Use this page to make adjustments to VAT shipping details. Information that appears on the page relates to the item on the line number of the requisition and the shipping line that you selected on the Review and Submit page.

Before you can review VAT details on this page, make sure that you are an administrator:

  1. Define VAT default value settings for the business unit.

    To access the field, select eProcurement, Administer Procurement, Maintain Business Units, Processing Options, and click the VAT Default link.

  2. Select the Calculate VAT on Req (calculate value added tax on requisition) check box.

    To access the check box, select eProcurement, Administer Procurement, Maintain Business Units, Purchasing Definition, Business Unit Options.

  3. Assign the user role action VAT Details to the role name.

    To access the check box, select eProcurement, Administer Procurement, Maintain System Users and Roles, eProcurement Role Action, select VAT Details as the Action Name, and add the user role for the role action.

    See Attaching Role Actions to User Roles.

  4. Select the View/Override VAT Details check box to authorize a requester to view and update VAT information.

    To access the check box, select eProcurement, Administer Procurement, Maintain Procurement Users, User Preferences, click the Procurement link, and then click Requisition Authorizations.

  5. (Optionally) Select a value in the Allow Override Recovery/Rebate field to enable a requester to override system-created VAT recovery and rebate percentage values.

    To access the field, select eProcurement, Administer Procurement, Maintain Business Units, Processing Options, click the VAT Default link, and select a value.

    Values include:


Displays the line number to which VAT information on this page pertains.


Displays the schedule number from the requisition.

Return to Schedule Page

Click to access the Review and Submit page, where you can update shipping information.

Physical Nature

Displays whether the requisition is for goods or services. This is determined by the type of requisition that you created.

VAT Locations

Ship From Country

Select the seller's country from which the requisition item for this line is to be shipped.

Ship From State

Select the state, province, or area from which the item is to be shipped.

Ship to Country

Displays the buyer's country where the item is being shipped. You define this value on the shipping address.

Ship to State

Displays the state, province, or area where the item is being shipped. You define this value on the shipping address.

VAT Defaults

Reporting Country

Select the VAT registration country in which this transaction takes place.

Defaulting State

Select the state for recording VAT details.

Vendor Registration Country

Select the VAT registration country in which the seller does business.

Vendor Registration ID

Enter the VAT registration identifier for this vendor.

Exception Type

Select a value to indicate that an exception to the VAT was issued. Exception values are None, Exonerated, and Suspended.

Certificate ID

Enter a certificate ID if an exception was issued for the VAT.

Calculate at Gross or Net

Select to calculate the VAT. Values include:

Net: When this option is selected, the early payment discount is applied to the goods amount before the VAT is calculated. The amount of VAT that is calculated using this method is the amount that is to be paid, regardless of whether the early payment discount is actually taken at the time of payment.

Gross: When this option is selected, the VAT is initially calculated based on the gross transaction amount. The early payment discount is not taken into account at this point. However, in some countries an adjustment is made to the VAT amount at the time of payment if the early payment discount is taken.

Recalculate at Payment

Select to have the system recalculate VAT at the time of payment if a discount has been taken. This field value appears by default from the VAT entity.

If the Calculate at Gross or Net field value is Gross, the check box is selected. If the field value is Net, the check box is cleared.

Include Freight

Select if the freight amount needs to be taxed. The system adds the freight amount to the gross or net amount before calculating VAT. This setting appears by default from the VAT entity.

Include Miscellaneous

Select if miscellaneous charges need to be taxed. The system adds the miscellaneous charges to the gross or net amount before calculating VAT. This setting appears by default from the VAT entity.

Declaration Point

Select when to declare VAT. Values are:

Delivery: Declares VAT when shipments are received.

Invoice: Declares VAT when a transaction is invoiced.

Payment: Declares VAT when payment is tendered

Rounding Rule

Select the rounding rule for VAT amounts. Values are:

Natural Round: Amounts are rounded normally (up or down) to the precision that is specified for the currency code.

Up: Rounds up and limits rounding precision to one additional decimal place.

Down: Rounds down.

Rounding only affects VAT amounts, the currency numbers stored in the system, and how currency numbers are printed on reports.

Use Type

Determines VAT recoverability. The field value is retrieved from the VAT default hierarchy, but you can override this value.

Use type is a type of activity in which a purchased good or service is to be used, and therefore, you use it to determine a recoverability percent and a rebate percent (when applicable) that is to be applied to a transaction line. Activities are categorized as taxable, exempt, or mixed. Where activity is mixed, you can associate either the ratio of taxable activity to exempt activity directly with the use type, or you can indicate that this ratio is determined at the ChartField level.


Select a value that controls VAT default and transaction behavior. It is a description of how the transaction must be treated for VAT purposes. This is used to determine how VAT defaults are applied, what accounting entries are required, and how and whether the transaction is reported on the VAT return. You can override the value in this field.

Values are:

Domestic Goods Purchase

Domestic Service Purchase

EU Goods Purchase (European Union goods purchase)

EU Service Purchase (European Union service purchase)

No VAT Processing

Outside of Scope

Self-Assess Goods Import

Self-Assess Service Import

Zero-Rated Goods Import


Select whether VAT should be calculated for this schedule. While most requisitions may be subject to VAT for any VAT countries, some items or item categories may be exempt or outside of scope for VAT. You can override the default value here.

VAT Code

Select the tax code that is used to define a percentage that the system uses to determine the VAT amount. The VAT code is similar to the sales and use tax code, with a few exceptions.

The tax authority that is associated with the VAT code generally consists of a single authority, and the ChartFields for a VAT code don't reside with the tax authority but are determined by the combination of the VAT code, VAT account type, and VAT transaction type.

Record Output VAT

Select to have tax for this transaction charged on the supply of goods or services. You may want to select this check box for drop shipments.

Tax Rate

Displays the rate at which this item is taxed.

Transaction Type

Select a value to categorize VAT transactions according to particular VAT accounting and reporting requirements. The system uses the VAT code and transaction type in conjunction with the VAT account type to obtain the ChartFields for accounting entries.

Adjust Affected VAT Defaults

Click to adjust the VAT defaults on this page that are affected by changes that you have made on the page. Changes that you have made to the defaults that affect other VAT defaults are retained.


Displays the level of information (obligation) that intracommunity sales and purchases require. This information is used mainly in France to reduce the declarative workload for small- and medium-sized industries. PeopleSoft delivers the Intrastat form with the most restrictive level (Level 1), which covers all levels of obligation. This is an informational field that determines the level that is checked on certain Intrastat reporting forms.

Reset All VAT Defaults

Click to reset all the VAT defaults. Changes that you have made to VAT defaults are reset to their original values.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicConfirming Requisition Checkout Information

Access the Confirmation page.

The Confirmation page displays basic information about the requisition and the number of items that it contains. It appears when you either submit a requisition or save it for later use.


Click to submit requisition for further processing.

Edit Requisition

Click to access the Eruditions Checkout page, where you can make changes to the requisition and submit it again.

View a printable version

Click to preview and print the requisition.

Manage Requisitions

Click to go to the Manage Requisitions component, where you can further process the requisition.

Create New Requisition

Click to add a new requisition.