Changing, Canceling, and Holding Orders

This chapter provides an overview of changing, canceling, or holding orders and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Changing, Canceling, and Holding Orders

In this chapter, we discuss how to change orders that are currently in your PeopleSoft Inventory system. These changes include:

Changing the Fulfillment State of an Order

An order can be moved from a Shipped, Confirmed, Released, or Releasable fulfillment state to any previous state using certain pages or processes within PeopleSoft Inventory.

Changing Information on an Order

The setup and use of PeopleSoft Inventory components to change the information on an order, includes:

Cancelling or Holding an Order

Use the Cancel/Hold Stock Requests component to cancel or hold unshipped orders from any source except PeopleSoft Order Management. For sales orders, use the PeopleSoft Order Management system to cancel or hold orders. The ability to cancel an order line is restricted by the change order rules or the Demand Change Configuration setup.

Click to jump to parent topicChanging the Fulfillment State of an Order to an Earlier State

In some cases, you must adjust orders after they have undergone some of the fulfillment steps. PeopleSoft Inventory enables you to move an order or a demand line to a previous fulfillment state. Possible reasons for reversing a fulfillment step include; to reallocate material to a higher-priority customer, to update the order when a customer decreases the requested quantity or changes the items ordered, to pick substitute items, to change the material storage location from which stock was picked, or to correct errors made during any of the demand fulfillment steps.

There are several places in PeopleSoft Inventory where you can undo the fulfillment state by using the Undo Fulfillment process (IN_FUL_UND). This process moves the demand lines to a previous fulfillment state, adjusts quantities, and changes many fields in order to reverse a fulfillment step. The following components and processes can call the Undo Fulfillment process in order to reverse an order or order line:

The Undo Fulfillment process has the following restrictions:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Change the Fulfillment State of an Order to an Earlier State

Page Name

Definition Name



Undo Fulfillment Request


Inventory, Fulfill Stock Orders, Undo Fulfillment Request

Use this process to move one or more demand lines to any previous fulfillment state.

Order Release Request


Inventory, Fulfill Stock Orders, Picking, Order Release Request

Use this process to release demand lines for picking and place the lines in the Released fulfillment state. The Order Release process can also move demand lines to the previous fulfillment states of Unfulfilled or Releasable.

See Using the Order Release Request Run Control.

Shipping/Issues - Order Summary


Inventory, Fulfill Stock Orders, Shipping, Shipping/Issues, Order Summary

Use this online component to confirm that orders are ready for shipment. The Shipping/Issues component can be use to unship an order or exclude a demand line or container from the shipment.

See Using the Shipping/Issues Component.

Kit Re-Explode


Inventory, Fulfill Stock Orders, Stock Requests, Kit Re-Explode Process

Run the Kit Re-Explode process (IN_KIT_EXPL) to review and change any differences between the product kit on an order and the current product kit definition. This process can undo fulfillment states in order to alter item quantities.

See Re-Exploding Product Kits.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Undo Fulfillment Process

Access the Undo Fulfillment Request process page (Inventory, Fulfill Stock Orders, Undo Fulfillment Request).

The Undo Fulfillment process enables you to move demand lines from the Shipped, Confirmed, Released, or Releasable fulfillment states to any previous state; however, there are some restrictions. These restrictions are:

When the Undo Fulfillment process picks up a line that cannot be moved to a previous fulfillment state, the line is skipped. Except for product kits, any other lines within the same order will be processed.

Business Unit

Enter the PeopleSoft Inventory business unit containing the demand lines that you want to move to an earlier fulfillment state.


Select the action to return demand lines to a previous fulfillment state. The actions include:

  • Return to Unfulfilled: Return the selected demand lines to the Unfulfilled fulfillment state. This action can only be used by demand lines in the Releasable, Released, Confirmed, and Shipped fulfillment states.

  • Return to Releasable: Return the selected demand lines to the Releasable fulfillment state. This action can only be used by demand lines in the Released, Confirmed, and Shipped fulfillment states.

  • Return to Released: Return the selected demand lines to the Released fulfillment state. This action can only be used by demand lines in the Confirmed and Shipped fulfillment states.

  • Return to Confirmed: Return the selected demand lines to the Confirmed fulfillment state. This action can only be used by demand lines in the Shipped fulfillment state.

Keep Lot Allocations

Select this check box to keep the lot allocations, if any, on the demand lines when using the Actions of Return to Releasable or Return to Unfulfilled.

Keep Pre-Allocations

Select this check box to keep the pre-allocations, if any, on the demand lines when using the Actions of Return to Releasable or Return to Unfulfilled.

Keep All Allocations

Select this check box to keep pre-allocations, lot allocations, and standard allocations, if any, on the demand lines when using the Actions of Return to Releasable or Return to Unfulfilled. Standard allocations are changed to pre-allocations in this process.

Keep Reservations

Select this check box to keep the reservation, if any, on the demand lines when using the Action of Return to Unfulfilled.

Remove from Ship ID

Select this check box to remove the demand lines from the shipping ID.

Remove Ship Serials

Select this check box to remove the ship serial ID assigned to the item on the demand line.

Selection Criteria

Use this group box to enter the criteria that this process uses to select the demand lines. A warning message displays if no selection criteria are entered since this can result in a larger group of demand lines that you desire.

Note. Work Orders from PeopleSoft Maintenance Management are not selected by the Undo Fulfillment process.

Selection Criteria

In the drop down box, select the type of search fields that you wish to display. The options are:

  • Advanced Selection Criteria: Displays all of the search criteria fields.

  • All: (default) Displays the following selection criteria, pick batch ID or range of pick batch IDs, release instance, shipping ID or range of shipping IDs, and last process instance.

  • Specific: Select this option to display a second field (Specific field) where you can choose to search by a single value on the demand lines. Use the Specific field to include only those demand lines associated with a specific carrier, item, load, order or range of orders, route code or route group, TMS ID, ship to customer or location, or ship method (ship via). You can also select Advanced Search Criteria to use a combination of numerous search fields.

Select Unfulfilled, Select Releasable, Select Released, Select Confirmed, and Select Shipped

Select these from state check boxes to limit your search criteria to demand lines in these fulfillment states. You must select at least one check box to retrieve demand lines in your search. The available from states are limited based on your selection in the Action field.

Demand Source

Restrict the orders selected for this process to one of the following sources:

  • Material Request: Material stock requests created in PeopleSoft Inventory.

  • Material Return: Material stock request originating from a return-to-vendor MSR.

  • Planning Requisition: Material stock requests originating from planning requisitions from PeopleSoft Supply Planning.

  • Purchasing Requisition: Material stock requests originating from requisitions from PeopleSoft Purchasing.

  • Sales Order: Sales orders created in PeopleSoft Order Management.

Source Unit

Enter the business unit where the order originated.

Order Number and To

Enter the order number or range of order numbers to be processed. If you enter a range of orders using the Order Number and To fields, then the system processes all orders, sorted in alphanumerical order, that fall between the starting and ending order numbers.

Order Line and Schedule Line

Enter the line number and schedule line number of the order number specified above.

Load ID

Enter to select orders assigned to a single load ID.

Route Group and Route Code

Enter to select orders grouped together for a particular transportation grouping and transportation route for delivery of the order.

Customer ID and Location

Enter to select orders that were entered for a particular customer and customer location.


Enter to select orders by the TMS reference ID assigned during the interface to the transportation management system.

Ship To Customer and Address Number

For sales orders, enter the Ship To Customer ID and address to select orders.

Carrier ID

Enter to select orders with one carrier.

Ship Method

Enter to select orders using one Ship Via code.

Priority and To

Enter a shipping priority code or range of codes that are assigned to sales orders in PeopleSoft Order Management or to interunit transfers coming from PeopleSoft Supply Planning.

Parent Product ID

Enter the parent of a product kit from PeopleSoft Order Management.

Item ID

Enter an item ID to select only demand lines using this item.

Product ID

Enter the product ID from PeopleSoft Order Management.

Pick Batch ID and To

Enter to select orders by a pick batch ID or range of pick batch IDs assigned by the Order Release process.

Release Instance

Enter the process instance for a specific run of the Order Release process. This field enables you to reverse all of the demand lines released in a previous run of the Order Release process, even if multiple pick batch IDs were generated.

Ship ID and To

Enter the shipping ID or range of shipping IDs to select orders using a previously assigned shipping ID.

Delivery ID and To Delivery ID

Enter a single delivery ID or range of delivery IDs to select order lines assigned to the delivery IDs. Deliveries are logical groupings of order lines that can be shipped together. PeopleSoft Inventory and Order Management can use these groupings for pricing sales orders, adding freight charges, and packing shipping containers. Each delivery is assigned a unique delivery ID.

See Understanding PeopleSoft Delivery Management and Freight Calculations.

Last Process Instance

Enter the process instance of a particular process run. Demand lines matching this process instance and still in the specified fulfillment state can be selected by the Undo Fulfillment process. For example, if you want to reverse all the lines processed in a specific Picking Confirmation process run, then enter that process instance.

Select Orders

The Order Release Selection group box can limit your selection to a subset of the orders meeting the selection criteria. Click the Select Orders button to retrieve all orders that match the search criteria entered above on this Undo Fulfillment Request process page, then you can select individual orders to be processed. Click the Order No link to access detailed information for each order displayed in this group box; only demand lines that meet the selection criteria are displayed on this detailed page.

When you save this process page after selecting individual orders in the Order Release Selection group box, the Undo Fulfillment run control will process only the available demand lines of these individual orders. If you do not select individual orders in the Order Release Selection group box, the run control processes all demand lines that meet the selection criteria above.

You have the flexibility to exit and reenter the Undo Fulfillment Request process page without reselecting orders. When you click the Select Orders button, the system retrieves any previously selected orders in addition to those matching the current search criteria.

Select Orders

Click this button to search for orders that meet the selection criteria and place them in the Order Release Selection group box where you can select to process a subset.


Select the check box for each order that you want to process.

Order Group

This information appears if the installation includes PeopleSoft Order Management and the order source is OM.

Fulfillment State

Displays the current state of the order.

Click to jump to parent topicChanging Information on an Order

You can view and update order information at any point in the fulfillment cycle until an order is shipped. Depending on the order status and the order source, you can:

Rules governing the types of changes you can make to an order and the way you implement those changes are determined by:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSales Orders

The Demand Change Configuration feature determines what field changes are allowed by fulfillment state and whether the changes are allowed in Inventory components or Order Management components. If given a choice, changes or holds to sales orders should always originate in PeopleSoft Order Management using the:

See Also

Setting up the Demand Change Configuration

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMaterial Stock Requests

Until you reserve the request, you can change order data using the Create/Update Stock Request component in PeopleSoft Inventory (except for sales order from PeopleSoft Order Management). You can only add lines or schedules to a material stock request with this component.

Note. Changes to material stock requests originating from PeopleSoft Purchasing do not update the original requisition in PeopleSoft Purchasing.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPromised Orders

You can create sales orders and material stock requests for items that require ATP-reservation processing. The order line quantity for these lines is promised to ship by a scheduled shipment date based on available-to-promise (ATP) calculations of future supply and demand. While most fields for promised order lines are subject to the same rules as other changes for sales orders and material stock requests, quantity changes are handled slightly differently.

For stock requests only, you can increase the requested quantity for an ATP-reserved order line only until the line has been promised. To increase order quantity for promised orders, enter a new order line or schedule. The requested quantity on an ATP-reserved order line can be decreased until the order is shipped. For promised sales orders that have not been associated with a pick batch ID, you can decrease the order lines.

For promised order lines from any source, you can:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicInterunit Transfer Orders

After you have saved an interunit transfer order using the Create/Update Stock Request component, you cannot change the destination business unit; however, you can change the location code.

If the destination business unit requires closure-calendar validation for receiving activities, the system validates the order's scheduled arrival date and time against the calendar. If the date and time are not valid for receiving activities at the destination business unit, a warning message appears when you save the change. You can either ignore the warning or reschedule the shipment date (in which case the system returns the next valid date for receiving activities at the destination business unit).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPacked Orders

Sales orders and material stock requests packed into shipping containers cannot be changed. To change one of these orders, unpack the order in PeopleSoft Inventory. In the Create/Update Stock Request component, packed orders have a status of Confirmed and fields are unavailable for entry.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicItems on Orders

For eligible sales order and material stock request lines, you can make item substitutions during picking and record them on the Material Picking Feedback page.

To enable substitutions on a sales order, select the Allow Product Substitutes option on the Sold-To Data page. This setting becomes the default for the sales order in PeopleSoft Order Management. You can change this option until a substitution has been recorded for the corresponding demand line on the Material Picking Feedback page or until the demand line has been shipped. After the demand line has been added to a pick batch ID and before the demand line has been shipped, enter any changes made to the Allow Item Substitutes setting in PeopleSoft Order Management on the Maintain Stock Request page in PeopleSoft Inventory.

For material stock requests created using the Create/Update Stock Request component or the PO sourcing processes, the Allow Item Substitutes setting comes from the Setup Item Fulfillment page or the Setup Fulfillment page. The default Allow Item Substitutes setting on orders created by the Create Par Replenishment Requests process and through planning messages is the disabled setting. You can override the Allow Item Substitutes setting for all material stock requests on the Maintain Stock Request page until the order line has been shipped.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicOrders Released to WMS and TMS

If you have activated the warehouse management system (WMS) integration with the PeopleSoft Inventory business unit, then order line data is sent to the WMS when the order is released for picking. When you implement a change to a sales order or material stock request in the PeopleSoft system and that order has already been released to a WMS application, the change is not sent to the WMS. You must enter the change manually in the WMS application to affect fulfillment processing.

If you have activated the transportation management system (TMS) integration with the PeopleSoft Inventory business unit, then order line data is sent to the TMS application to optimize shipments for the orders. When you implement a change to a sales order or material stock request in the PeopleSoft system and that order has already been released to a TMS application, the change is not sent to the TMS. You must enter the change manually in the TMS application to affect fulfillment processing.

See Also

Creating Orders for Fulfillment

Understanding Order Fulfillment Processing

Promising and Reserving Inventory

Maintaining Order Schedule Information

Substituting Items

Understanding Warehouse Management Systems

Click to jump to parent topicSetting up the Demand Change Configuration

The Demand Change Configuration feature enables you to configure the fulfillment process and control where and when sales orders from PeopleSoft Order Management can be changed. Change configuration is defined by field. When a user attempts to change a field on an existing sales order in PeopleSoft Order Management or in PeopleSoft Inventory, the system checks the demand change configuration setup to determine if the change is allowed.

The demand change configuration can be:

  1. Viewed at the system level using the Demand Change Configuration component.

    This component contains the default configuration values including defaults defined only at the system-level. These defaults are applied to all new inventory business units that you create.

  2. Changed at the inventory business unit level using the Setup Fulfillment-Demand Change Configuration page.

    Using this page you can change the system-defined default values for a specific PeopleSoft Inventory business unit.

Important! The Demand Change Configuration component and the Setup Fulfillment-Demand Change Configuration page are important setup for your order processing. Any changes to the initial setup should be done with caution and only by authorized personnel.

The ability to change fields on a sales order is restricted not just by the Demand Change Configuration feature but also by the order's state in the fulfillment process. For example, for orders in the shipped state you cannot change the fields related to reservations and order release since these stages are in the past. The Demand Change Configuration restricts you to the appropriate states.

When changing the system-defined default values on the Setup Fulfillment-Demand Change Configuration page, keep in mind the following rules:

Increasing or Decreasing Quantities

Based on your setup, the Demand Change Configuration feature enables you to make the following changes to the requested quantity of a sales order:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Demand Change Configuration

Page Name

Definition Name



Demand Change Configuration


Set Up Financials/ Supply Chain, Product Related, Inventory, Demand Change Configuration

At the system level, view the default values defining the ability to change fields on a sales order during the fulfillment process.

Setup Fulfillment- Demand Change Configuration


Inventory, Fulfill Stock Orders, Fulfillment Rules, Setup Fulfillment, Demand Change Configuration

At the inventory business unit level, view or change the system-level default values for the individual Inventory business unit. This page defines the user's ability to change fields on a sales order during the fulfillment process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the System-Level Demand Change Configurations

Access the Demand Change Configuration page (Set Up Financials/ Supply Chain, Product Related, Inventory, Demand Change Configuration).

During inventory fulfillment, any changes to sales orders entered in PeopleSoft Order Management must conform to the Demand Change Configuration parameters. The Demand Change Configuration page enables the user to view the system-level default values. This page is display only except for the Message Number field under the General tab. These settings are overridden by entries on the Setup Fulfillment- Demand Change Configuration page.

OM Flags


Identifies the fields on a sales order from PeopleSoft Order Management that can be configured to be changed during inventory demand fulfillment.

Allow OM Changes Thru

For sales orders, view the last state of the demand line for this field to be changed from within PeopleSoft Order Management.

OM Fieldname

Displays the name of the PeopleSoft Order Management field.

Allow OM Update Past OM State

If selected, the system allows changes to this field after the state defined in the Allow OM Changes Thru column. The system notifies an inventory manager when a change is made.

IN Flags


Identifies the fields on a sales order from PeopleSoft Order Management that can be configured to be changed during inventory demand fulfillment.

Allow INV Changes Thru

Displays the last state of the demand line that this field can be changed from the Maintain Stock Requests component.

INV Fieldname

Displays the name of the PeopleSoft Inventory field.



Identifies the fields on a sales order from PeopleSoft Order Management that can be configured to be changed during inventory demand fulfillment.

Change Applies to All Demand

If selected, the system allows a change made to this field to be applied to related demand lines. For example, if a user changes line number 40 of a 100 line sales order, then the system applies the change to all demand lines of order line number 40 but not any other line in the sales order.

Change Order Sequence Number

Displays the sequence in which changes are applied. Field changes are done in a prescribed order. For example, for sales orders, changes to the Ship From (inventory business unit) or the supply source information are done first since these fields drive other field changes. Fields that derived their value from entries in other fields (derived fields) are processed last. For example, your entry in the Carrier ID field can change the value in the Scheduled Ship Date/Time field. Also keep in mind, that a change is not allowed in a derived field if the main field does not allow changes. For example, a change to the Scheduled Ship Date/Time field is not allowed if the Carrier ID field cannot be changed. This provides sequencing at each change level; header, line, schedule, demand line, and product/item.

Message Set

Displays the message set number. Each message set consists of a category of messages that are stored in the Message Catalog. This field helps provide labeling for the business unit-level configuration page.

Message Number

Enter or view the message number for changing this field. Each message set consists of one or more rows of messages that are identified by a message number. You add and maintain system messages by using the Message Catalog page. This field helps provide labeling for the business unit-level configuration page.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: System and Server Administration, "Using PeopleTools Utilities"

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the Business Unit-Level Demand Change Configurations

Access the Setup Fulfillment- Demand Change Configuration page (Inventory, Fulfill Stock Orders, Fulfillment Rules, Setup Fulfillment, Demand Change Configuration).

During inventory fulfillment, any changes to sales orders entered in PeopleSoft Order Management must conform to the Demand Change Configuration parameters. The Setup Fulfillment- Demand Change Configuration page allow the user to change the system-defined default values to control which fields are restricted and when they are restricted within the inventory business unit.

Configuration tab


Identifies the fields on a sales order and other settings from PeopleSoft Order Management that can be configured to be changed during inventory demand fulfillment.

Allow OM Changes Thru

Select the last state of the demand line that this field can be changed from the sales order.

Allow INV Changes Thru

Select the last state of the demand line that this field can be changed from the Maintain Stock Requests component.

Allow OM Update Past OM State

Select to enable changes to this field after the state defined in the Allow OM Changes Thru column. The system notifies an inventory manager when a change is made.

Note. The Maintain Stock Request component will not allow changes to sales orders unless the demand line is past the last state defined here, except for the Ship To Address field and product kit component demand.

Change Applies to All Demand

Select if a change made to this field should be applied to all demand lines in the order.

Contact Information tab

Notification State

The earliest state at which an inventory manager would be notified of updates to demand from PeopleSoft Order Management. For example, if this field specifies the released state, then any change to a sales order in the released, releasable, confirmed, shipped, or deleted states will send a notification.

Inventory Manager

Identify the person to be notified for changes made to a sales order after the last state allowed defined in the Allow OM Changes Thru column. These changes launch a notification using the Message Dashboard.

Name, Employee ID, and Email ID

Displays the information of the inventory manager.

Click to jump to parent topicUsing Change Order Rules

The following sections describe change rules for specific fields on the a demand line from any source besides PeopleSoft Order Management.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicShipping Information Fields

Shipping information fields control when an order is shipped, where it is shipped, and how it is transported. These fields also control shipping documentation printing and freight calculation.

Ship Via, Carrier ID, and Load ID

You can change the Ship Via, Carrier ID, and Load ID fields on a material stock request until the order is shipped. For material stock requests associated with a pick batch ID, use the Maintain Stock Request component.

If you change any of these fields for unpicked material stock requests assigned to a route in PeopleSoft Inventory, a message indicates that the order may be automatically reassigned to a new route when the change is saved, depending on the definition of the existing route. If you change the ship via for an interunit transfer, the transfer yield and the interunit arrival date are also recalculated when you save the change.

When you change any of these fields on material stock requests that have been released for picking, a message warns that the route may be unassigned. However, a new route is not automatically reassigned; instead, you must manually reassign a route.

Note. If you change the load ID, you cannot modify the ship via or carrier ID, regardless of order source or fulfillment status.

Route Codes and Stops

If the Inventory business unit uses routes, you can change route and stop data for material stock requests. For material stock requests that have not been associated with a pick batch ID:

For material stock requests that have been associated with a pick batch ID, the route can be overridden, but route-related information (such as schedule shipment date and time, ship via, carrier, load ID, and so forth) is not changed.

Note. If you override the location, ship to, address sequence number, carrier, ship via, or scheduled ship date for a demand line that already has a route assignment, the original assignment is canceled.

Schedule Shipment Date and Time

You can modify the schedule shipment date and time for material stock requests until the order is shipped. If the business unit requires closure-calendar validation for shipping activities, the new scheduled shipment date and time are validated against the calendar. If the scheduled shipment date and time are not valid for shipping activities at the business unit, a warning message appears when you save the change. You can ignore the warning or reschedule the shipment date. If you reschedule, the system calculates and returns the next valid date for shipping operations at the source business unit.

If you change schedule shipment date and time for unpicked material stock requests assigned to a route in PeopleSoft Inventory, a message indicates that the order may be automatically reassigned to a new route when the change is saved, depending on the definition of the existing route. When you change the schedule shipment date and time on material stock request lines that have been released for picking, a message warns that the route may be unassigned. However, a new route is not automatically reassigned; you must do this manually.

You can also modify the shipment date for promised order lines (those that have been ATP-reserved). If you select an earlier shipment date, the system warns you that the date change may drive the ATP quantity balance negative. If you receive a warning that an order change may have driven the ATP balance negative, confirm the ATP balance on the Item/Product Availability page. If the change has driven the ATP balance negative, you will not have enough quantity to fulfill the promised order line. You can unpromise the order or decrease the pick quantity on other order lines using the Picking Adjustments page.

See Also

Establishing Operation Closure Dates

Using Routes and Loads in Fulfillment Processing

Promising and Reserving Inventory

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAccounting Information Fields

Account information fields determine how debits and credits for the order line are posted in PeopleSoft General Ledger. You can modify these fields on an order line until the line has been depleted.

You can change the Distribution Type field for material stock requests until the order is depleted. You can override ChartFields for a material stock request until the order is depleted. You cannot override ChartFields for interunit transfers.

See Also

Setting Up the Accounting Rules Structure

Defining and Using ChartFields

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicOrder Processing Fields

Order processing fields determine whether you can:

The following fields are located in several places and default from the system setup, such as the Setup Fulfillment component and the Setup Item Fulfillment component.

Reservation and Backorder Rules

The line-level reservation rule, line reservation-backorder rule, and order-level reservation rule can be changed before the demand line is set to the releasable state. Demand lines in the releasable state no longer use the reservation rules.

The backorder rule is applied to the demand line by reservations processing and then later during the shipping process. The backorder rule can be changed anytime before shipping.

Cancel Backorder Flag

The Cancel Backorder check box on the demand line is used if there is no backorder rule on the line. You can always change the Cancel Backorder setting from No to Yes for material stock requests before shipping. You can change the option from Yes to No only for demand lines in the pending or unfulfilled states. You can also change the Cancel Backorder setting for backorder demand lines (those with a demand line greater than 1). If a backorder associated with the material stock request line exists, a warning message indicates that the backorder line must be canceled manually. You can cancel backorders for both sales orders and material stock requests using the Cancel/Hold Stock Requests page in PeopleSoft Inventory.

Partial Qtys Can Ship Flag

You can always change the Partial Qtys Can Ship setting from No to Yes for material stock requests before shipping. You can change the setting from Yes to No only if backorders do not exist for the order.

Partial Orders Can Ship Flag

The Partial Orders Can Ship setting is an order-header level option; therefore, a change made at the schedule or demand-line level is automatically duplicated for all other lines associated with the order. You can change this setting before the order is in the shipped state.

Allow Item Substitutes Flag

For material stock requests created using the Create/Update Stock Request component or the PO sourcing processes, the default Allow Item Substitutes setting comes from the Setup Item Fulfillment page, if defined, or the Setup Fulfillment page. The default on orders created by the Create Par Replenishment Requests process and through planning messages is the disabled setting. You can override the Allow Item Substitutes setting for all material stock requests on the Maintain Stock Request page until the order line has been shipped.

The Allow Item Substitutes flag is located on the Setup Fulfillment page.

Ship Prior to Sched Date Flag

The Ship Prior to Sched Date (ship prior to schedule date) option, which enables an order to ship before scheduled, is not evaluated until a sales order or material stock request is shipped. Therefore, it can be changed at any time until the order is marked as shipped. Changing the Ship Prior to Sched Date setting from Yes to No only affects the demand lines of the order that have not yet shipped.

Note. The shipment date is not checked by the shipping programs unless the Verify Ship Date check box is selected on the Setup Fulfillment-Shipping page.

See Also

Working with Items

Picking Inventory

Creating Orders for Fulfillment

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicOrder Quantity Fields

Increases or decreases to the originally requested quantity are common types of changes made to demand lines.

Increasing Requested Quantity

For material stock requests, you can increase the requested quantity only if the demand line is not in the releasable state, reserved, promised, or if no backorders exist. After reservation processing, you can increase order quantity by creating a new schedule or demand line for the order.

Note. In some cases, reducing the quantity cancels backorders. Under these circumstances, you cannot increase the quantity after it is reduced even though the demand line is not in the releasable state. If you cancel backorders in response to a quantity reduction, you cannot change the Cancel Backorder setting, the Ship Partial setting, or the lot allocation.

In the Maintain Stock Requests component, changes to the requested quantity must be entered in the existing ordering unit of measure. You cannot change the unit of measure.

Decreasing Requested Quantity

You can reduce the requested quantity on a material stock request by the quantity that has not been shipped. For example, if the requested quantity for an order is 100 each and 40 each have been shipped; you can reduce the order quantity up to 60 each (the portion of the requested quantity that has not been shipped). The order quantity cannot be reduced to less than 40 each.

When you reduce the quantity for material stock requests, all unpicked demand quantity is automatically canceled. If the full requested reduction cannot be satisfied, a warning appears indicating the quantity that was canceled. To account for the remaining portion of the reduction quantity, you can underpick or short ship the order in PeopleSoft Inventory.

Note. Underpicking and short shipping do not change the quantity requested. Before shipping an underpicked or short-shipped line, confirm that a demand line has a backorder rule defined to cancel backorders or the Cancel Backorder check box is Yes so that backorders are not created at shipment. You can change the backorder settings for material stock requests and sales orders associated with a pick batch ID in the Maintain Stock Requests component.

Depending on the amount of the reduction and the backorder settings, when you decrease the quantity for an order, the system determines whether to cancel existing backorders, create canceled backorders, or deallocate existing allocations. You cannot directly reduce backorder quantity; it is decreased only as a result of a quantity decrease for a demand line.

In the Maintain Stock Requests components, you must enter changes to the requested quantity in the existing ordering unit of measure. You cannot change the unit of measure.

Decreasing Requested Quantity for Promised Demand Lines

When you decrease the requested quantity for a demand line that has been fully promised, the promised quantity for the demand line is also decreased. When you decrease the quantity for a demand line that has been partially promised and allows backorders, the unpromised part of the demand line quantity is decreased first on the associated backorder; any remainder of the total decrease quantity is then subtracted from the promised quantity. If backorders are not allowed (by the backorder rule or Cancel Backorder check box is yes) for the partially promised order line, then unpromised quantities do not exist. In this case, the decrease in quantity is added to the backorder quantity and a canceled backorder with this quantity is created. The promised quantity is also decreased as necessary.

For example, suppose the original demand line quantity is 10 each and 7 each were promised. The demand line's backorder rule was set to cancel backorders, so unpromised quantity does not exist. If you decrease the demand line to 8 each, the backorder quantity is set to 2 each and a canceled backorder with requested quantity of 2 each is created, regardless of the definition in the backorder rule. The promised quantity is updated because it is less than the difference between the original order quantity (10 each) and the backordered quantity (2 each). If you decrease the order quantity to 5 each, however, the system also decreases the promised quantity to 5 each because the original promised quantity of 7 each is greater than the difference between the original quantity (10 each) and the backorder quantity. In this case, the backorder quantity of the demand line is set to 5 each and a canceled backorder for 5 each is created.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicOrder Change Rules by Field Summary

This section summarizes the changes to material stock requests that you can perform, based on the component you are using and the fulfillment state of the demand line.

The table below includes the following column headings:

Field or Change Type

The field modification or type of change.


A fulfillment state indicating that the demand line has not been processed by any type of reservation processing. This can include soft reserve, non-soft reserve, ATP reserve (promised), and lot allocated orders.


A fulfillment state indicating that the demand line have passed reservation processing and can be released for picking. This can include soft reserve, non-soft reserve, ATP reserve (promised), and lot allocated orders.


A fulfillment state indicating that the demand line has been associated with a pick batch ID.


A fulfillment state indicating that the demand line has been shipped.

If an order change is allowed, or if it is not allowed only under certain conditions, the table includes a reference number to a footnote detailing those conditions.

Field or Change Type





Quantity Information Changes


Decrease Schedule Qty



Not Allowed (1)

Not Allowed

Increase Schedule Qty

Allowed for non-lot allocated lines without backorders

Not allowed (2)

Not allowed (2)

Not allowed (2)

Shipping Information Changes


Ship to Cust ID



Not Allowed

Not Allowed

Ship Via




Not Allowed

Carrier ID




Not Allowed

Freight Terms




Not Allowed

Route Code




Not Allowed

Load ID




Not Allowed

Cancel Backorder




Not Allowed

Ship Partial Qty

Allowed (3)

Allowed (3)

Allowed (3)

Not Allowed

Ship Partial Order




Not Allowed

Ship Prior Flag




Not Allowed

ChartField Overrides




Allowed (4)

Distrib Type




Allowed (4)

Project Fields




Allowed (4)

Ship-To Name




Not Allowed





Not Allowed

Sched Shipment Date




Not Allowed

Allow Item Substitutes




Not Allowed




Not Allowed

Not Allowed

Export Flag




Not Allowed





Not Allowed

Other Types of Changes



Not Allowed

Not Allowed

Not Allowed

Not Allowed


Not Allowed

Not Allowed

Not Allowed

Not Allowed

Delete (5)

Not Allowed

Not Allowed

Not Allowed

Not Allowed

(1) If the demand line has been released for picking but not confirmed as picked, you can implement the decrease in the quantity shipped by underpicking using the Material Picking Feedback component. If the demand line has been confirmed as picked, you can short ship the demand line using the Shipping/Issues component until the demand line is depleted.

(2) To add a demand line to a material stock request, use the Create/Update Stock Request component in PeopleSoft Inventory.

(3) This modification is permitted only if the Ship Partial Order setting is Yes.

(4) This modification is permitted only if the demand line has not been depleted.

(5) You can delete canceled or depleted order and schedule lines from PeopleSoft Inventory tables using purge routines.

See Also

Creating Orders for Fulfillment

Promising and Reserving Inventory

Purging and Archiving Inventory Data

Maintaining Order Header and Line Information

Click to jump to parent topicChanging Orders Using the Maintain Stock Request Component

Use the Maintain Stock Request component to access all non-shipped and non-canceled order lines, regardless of where it is in the fulfillment process. This component enables you to view demand lines from all demand sources except WM (work orders from PeopleSoft Maintenance Management). You can view all order lines and modify all unshipped order lines based on change rules and (for sales orders only) your setup in the Demand Change Configuration.

Note. Changes made to a sales order using the Maintain Stock Request component are not updated in PeopleSoft Order Management.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Perform Stock Request Maintenance

Page Name

Definition Name



Maintain Stock Request


Inventory, Fulfill Stock Orders, Stock Requests, Maintain Stock Request

View and modify orders.

Stock Request Maintenance Selection


Click the Search link on the Maintain Stock Request page.

Search for order lines to view or modify. Demand lines matching the search criteria are returned to the Maintain Stock Request page.

Note. If you do not enter criteria, demand lines that have not been depleted or canceled are returned to the Maintain Stock Request page. For best performance, narrow the search as much as possible.

Update Shipping Flags (header level)


Click the Update Shipping Flags link in the Update Fields group box on the Maintain Stock Request page.

Change the settings to apply to the order lines that you selected in the Demand Lines for Update group box of the Maintain Stock Request page. These changes affect how backorders for the order lines are processed (if reservation and backorder rules are not used on the order), when order lines can ship, and their shipping documentation.

Update Shipping Flags (demand-line level)


Select the Update Shipping Flags option on the Go To menu on the Maintain Stock Request page.

Change shipping settings for a specific demand line.

ChartFields Overrides (header level)


Click the Override ChartFields link in the Update Fields group box on the Maintain Stock Request page.

Change the PeopleSoft General Ledger unit, ChartField information, and project information (PeopleSoft Project Costing) for the selected demand lines.

ChartFields Overrides (demand line level)


Select the Override ChartFields option on the Go To menu on the Maintain Stock Request page.

Change the PeopleSoft General Ledger unit, ChartField information, and project information (PeopleSoft Project Costing) for a specific demand line.

Update Quantity


Select the Update Quantity option on the Go To menu on the Maintain Stock Request page.

Change the requested quantity on a demand line.

Override Transfer Prices


Select the Override Transfer Prices option on the Go To menu on the Maintain Stock Request page.

For interunit transfers and interunit expensed issues, use this page to view the current estimated transfer price on this demand line and override a transfer price, markup percentage, and change the zero price option. The transfer price defaults to the material stock request using the transfer pricing default hierarchy. PeopleSoft Cost Management does not support interunit pricing for non-cost items.

Demand Detail


Select the Demand Detail option on the Go To menu on the Maintain Stock Request page.

View additional information about demand lines that appear in the Demand Lines for Update scroll area. If the demand line contains a product kit component, the Kit ID value links to the Kit Display page where you can view details for the entire product kit.

Order Address


Select the Override Address option on the Go To menu on the Maintain Stock Request page.

Modify address information for selected demand lines.

For a return to vendor MSR, this address override cannot be deleted; however, you can change the address. If you change the address on a return to vendor MSR, a warning is displayed since the address on the RTV transaction could be different and could cause PeopleSoft Purchasing to report an incorrect shipping address.

Update Kits


Select the Update Kits option on the Go To menu on the Maintain Stock Request page.

View or change information for this demand line that contains a product kit component. Click the Kit ID link to access the Kit Display page where you can view all the components of this product kit. You can alter the Qty Per Kit field and the OK to Ship Without check box. Altering these values will prevent the Kit Re-Explode process from changing this demand line. Also, if the user changes the Qty Per Kit field on this page, the system adjusts the Quantity Requested field for the demand line accordingly. For example, if the value in the Quantity Requested field was 10, and the value in the Qty Per Kit field changes from 1 per ASY to 2 per ASY, then the value in the Quantity Requested field is automatically changed to 20.

See Working With Product Kits in Order Fulfillment.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMaintaining Stock Requests

Access the Maintain Stock Request page (Inventory, Fulfill Stock Orders, Stock Requests, Maintain Stock Request).

To change individual demand lines, use the fields in the Demand Lines for Update group box or use the pages accessed from Go To field in this group box. Save the page.

To change multiple demand lines:

  1. Enter your field changes in the Update Fields group box or on the pages accessed from links in this group box.

  2. Select the Update check box in the Demand Lines for Update group box for the individual demand lines to be updated.

    You can also use the Select All or Deselect All buttons to select demand lines.

  3. Click the Apply to Select button to replace the field values on the selected demand lines with the values entered in the Update Fields group box or on the pages accessed from links in the group box.

  4. Save the page.

The following fields appear for each demand line:

Schedule Date

Changes to the schedule date and time are validated against the source business unit's closure calendar. For demand lines representing interunit transfers, changes to the schedule date may result in changes to the scheduled arrival date, which are also validated against the closure calendar for the destination business unit.

Freight Terms

Identifies how freight charges are captured and billed for the order line. The freight Term code entered for the demand line must be defined for the setID of the PeopleSoft Inventory business unit fulfilling the order. Freight term codes are established on the Freight Terms page. A blank field value is valid.

Ship To

Identifies the ship-to customer ID. This field cannot be changed for return to vendor MSRs.

See Processing Return to Vendor Stock Requests in Demand Fulfillment.

Route Code

Identifies the shipping route and stop (in the adjoining field) to which the order line has been assigned.

Note. If you override the location, ship to, address sequence number, carrier, ship via, or scheduled ship date for a demand line that already has a route assignment, the original assignment is canceled and must be reassigned manually for demand lines assigned to a pick batch ID. For demand lines not assigned to a pick batch ID, the route and stop are reassigned automatically.

Distrib Type (distribution type)

Identifies the department or cost center that is debited or credited for the order line shipment. This value must be a defined distribution type for the setID of the PeopleSoft Inventory business unit fulfilling the order. Distribution types are established in PeopleSoft Cost Management. A blank field value is valid.

Load ID

Identifies the shipping load to which the order is assigned.

Reason Code

Describes the nature and quality of the items. You can only enter a reason code with a reason type of Shipments.

Kit ID

If the demand line contains a kit component, this field displays the product kit ID. Use the link to access the Kit Display page where you can view all the components within the product kit.

See Viewing Product Kit Details.

See Also

Establishing Operation Closure Dates

Assigning Order Lines to Routes

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUpdating Shipping Flags at the Header or Demand Line Levels

Access the Update Shipping Flags page (header level: click the Update Shipping Flags link in the Update Fields group box on the Maintain Stock Request page) or the Update Shipping Flags (demand-line level: select the Update Shipping Flags option on the Go To menu on the Maintain Stock Request page):

Export Shipment

Identifies an order line as an export shipment requiring export shipment documentation. Available only for sales orders and intercompany transfers.

Single Ship Flag

Requires that all demand lines associated with the order number ship simultaneously with the same shipping ID.

Note. This is an order-header level field. If you change this field for a specific demand line, the change propagates to all other lines associated with the order.

Ship Prior to Sched Date (ship prior to schedule ship date)

Allows an order line to ship before its scheduled ship date. Order lines without this option enabled cannot be shipped using the Shipping/Issues component until the current date is equal to the scheduled shipment date.

Allow Item Substitutes

Enables item substitution for an order line during picking. Return to vendor MSRs cannot use item substitutes.

Partial Qtys Can Ship (partial quantities can ship)

Enables part of the requested quantity on an order line to ship. When disabled for order lines requiring soft-reservation processing, the Reserve Materials process (IN_FUL_RSV) and the Shortage Workbench do not soft-reserve any quantity for the order line until the full requested quantity can be soft reserved. When this option is disabled for non-soft-reserved order lines, the system issues a warning if you attempt to ship less than the requested quantity using the Shipping/Issues component.

Partial Orders Can Ship

Enables the Shipping/Issues component to ship order lines individually. When this option is disabled for an order, you cannot ship any order line until all lines in the order have been confirmed as picked. In addition, if this option is disabled, all lines for an order that exist in the same shipping ID must ship together. They must all be marked as Shipped or as Include in Ship ID before you can ship any of them. You can, however, ship order lines in the same order if they belong to different shipping IDs.

Note. This is an order-header level field. If you change this field for a specific schedule line or demand line, the change is propagated to all other lines associated with the order.

Cancel Backorder

Cancels the automatic backordering of a partially fulfilled demand line. If you do not select this option, a backorder is created automatically if there is insufficient quantity to fulfill the order line. If there is insufficient or no quantity and the partial quantity setting is not selected, the entire line is canceled rather than being backordered.

Frozen Flag

Used by Supply Planning, and can be changed in Inventory or Supply Planning. If it is selected, then Supply Planning will not reschedule or cancel this order. It is a frozen planned order.


Represents interunit transfers between two countries within the European Union and enables the transaction to generate the appropriate intrastat documentation.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicChanging ChartFields for Selected Demand Lines

Access the ChartFields Overrides (header level) page (Click the Override ChartFields link in the Update Fields group box on the Maintain Stock Request page).

Enter new ChartFields to apply to the order lines that you selected in the Demand Lines for Update scroll area of the Maintain Stock Request page.

To create or change an interunit expensed issue, enter a PeopleSoft General Ledger business unit in the Override GL (override general ledger) field.

Note. The business unit defaults established on the Inventory Display Options page govern whether this field appears when you enter the page. This field is available only for internal requests, not for interunit transfers, external requests, or sales orders.

If PeopleSoft Project Costing is installed, you can also enter project assignment ChartFields.

The fields you leave blank on this page are not applied to the selected demand lines. To enter blank ChartField values or project values, use the ChartField Overrides page (demand-line level).

See Also

Defining PeopleSoft Inventory Business Unit Display Options

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicChanging ChartFields for Specific Demand Lines

Access the ChartField Overrides (demand-line level) page (Select the Override ChartFields option on the Go To menu on the Maintain Stock Request page).

To create or change an interunit expensed issue, enter a PeopleSoft General Ledger business unit in the Override GL (override general ledger) field.

Note. The business unit defaults established on the Inventory Display Options page govern whether this field appears when you enter to the page.

If PeopleSoft Project Costing is installed, you can enter or view project assignment ChartFields.

See Also

Defining PeopleSoft Inventory Business Unit Display Options

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUpdating Requested Quantities for Demand Lines

Access the Update Quantity page (Select the Update Quantity option on the Go To menu on the Maintain Stock Request page).

The Quantities group box shows the original quantity of the requested item. Depending on the source and the fulfillment status of the order, you can enter a new requested Quantity for the item on the schedule.

For a return to vendor MSR, you cannot increase the quantity field to be greater than the original RTV quantity less quantities already in process. In addition, any increase in the quantity is not pre-allocated even if the return to vendor MSR contains a pre-allocation.

Demand Line

Indicates whether a backorder has been created. A demand line number greater than 1 represents a backorder.

Qty Requested

The current quantity requested on the demand line. The quantity originally requested appears in the Quantities group box.

Qty Reserved

The quantity soft-reserved by the Reserve Materials process or the online reservations processes for soft-reserved demand lines. For non-soft-reserved demand lines, this quantity is 0.

Qty Picked

The quantity recorded as picked by the Picking Confirmation process (IN_FUL_CONF).

Qty Shipped

The quantity recorded as shipped either with the Shipping/Issues component or a fulfillment engine process.


Displays the current state of the demand line within the fulfillment process.

Reservation Status

Displays information about how the demand line was processed by the Reserve Materials process or the online reservation processes. Indicates if the demand line is still pending reservations, was fully reserved or not, and what reservation rules were met.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicOverriding Transfer Prices for an Interunit Transfer

Access the Override Transfer Prices page (Select the Override Transfer Prices option on the Go To menu on the Maintain Stock Request page).

For interunit transfers and interunit expensed issues, use this page to view the current estimated transfer price on this demand line and override a transfer price, markup percentage, and change the zero price option. The transfer price defaults to the material stock request using the transfer pricing default hierarchy. PeopleSoft Cost Management does not support interunit pricing for non-cost items.

Note. The Allow Price/Markup Overrides check box on the Setup Fulfillment page has no impact on this page.

Transfer Price Overrides group box

Transfer Price Override

Enter an override value for the transfer price. This value is stored in the IN_DEMAND table in the TRANSFER_COST field. The override transfer price is not stored in the IN_DEMAND_TRPC table until after the Depletion process has been run.

Price Markup % Override

Enter an override markup percentage to be used instead of the markup percentage defined in the transfer pricing default hierarchy.

Define the percentage increase to the item's transfer price (or cost) in order to create a new transfer price. For example if you enter a value of 25 in this field and the item cost is 100 USD, then the transfer price is 125 USD. Be sure to enter a 25% markup as 25, not .25.

Note. Both a transfer price override and a price markup percentage override can be applied to the same demand line. The markup percentage is applied on top of the transfer price.

Transfer at Zero Price Over.

Select to ship interunit transfers at zero cost. The source business unit records a loss for the entire cost of the shipped items. This feature enables you to ship promotional or sample items at no cost to the destination business unit. The default value comes from the transfer pricing default hierarchy, but you can override the returned value for each line of the material stock request.

Total Price

Displays the transfer price calculated for the overrides entered in this group box.

Estimated Transfer Price group box

The Estimated Transfer Price group box applies to an interunit MSR or an interunit expensed issue. Any value displayed here is an estimate, since the transfer price is calculated during the Deplete On Hand Qty (Depletion) process.

Estimate Transfer Price

Click this button to calculate the current estimated transfer price based on the transfer pricing default hierarchy.

Estimated Transfer Price

Displays the estimated transfer price for one unit of the item. This value displays after you have clicked the Estimate Transfer Price button.

Estimated Total Price

Displays the estimated total transfer price for this demand line by multiplying the estimated transfer price by the quantity requested. This value displays after you have clicked the Estimate Transfer Price button.

Transfer Price Details

Click this link to display the Transfer Price Details page where you can view the estimated transfer price broken out by cost elements. This page is populated after you have clicked the Estimate Transfer Price button.

See Also

Managing Interunit Transfer Pricing and Additional Costs

Click to jump to parent topicCanceling or Holding Orders Within PeopleSoft Inventory

Using the Cancel/Hold Stock Requests component you can cancel or hold unshipped orders from any source except PeopleSoft Order Management. For sales orders, use the PeopleSoft Order Management system to cancel or hold orders.

When you cancel an order or demand line:

Warning! An order cancellation cannot be reversed. Once canceled in PeopleSoft Inventory, an order line cannot be fulfilled and can be purged from system tables.

A hold temporarily halts fulfillment processing for the order line. Depending on when the hold is applied, it either prevents the order line from being released for picking or stops the order line from shipping until the hold is removed. You can apply or remove holds on all material stock requests using the Cancel/Hold Stock Requests component, except order lines representing a return to vendor MSR. You can only cancel these orders.

Canceling or Holding Sales Orders

All changes to sales orders, including cancellations and changes to hold status, should be initiated from PeopleSoft Order Management. When you cancel a sales order or schedule using the Order Entry Form component in PeopleSoft Order Management, all order or schedule lines are automatically canceled, including any backorder lines. If any part of the order or schedule cannot automatically be canceled in PeopleSoft Inventory, the system generates a message indicating that the order must also be canceled in PeopleSoft Inventory. Use the Cancel/Hold Stock Requests page to cancel these sales orders.

When the Allow Shipment option is selected, PeopleSoft Inventory still allows shipment of the order if you do not cancel it using the Cancel/Hold Stock Requests page. When the Put On Hold option is selected, the system automatically puts the order on hold in PeopleSoft Order Management and prevents it from being shipped in PeopleSoft Inventory. You can also prevent the sales order from being confirmed on the Material Picking Feedback page by selecting the Check on Hold option on the Setup Fulfillment page.

Holds for sales order lines can be applied or removed only in PeopleSoft Order Management. You can change the hold status of a sales order in PeopleSoft Order Management until the order is shipped in PeopleSoft Inventory.

Adjusting Financial Sanctions Screening

Use the Cancel/Hold Stock Requests page to review, add, or remove hold codes from the Financial Sanctions Screening function. The hold codes for financial screening must be defined on the Hold Codes page. Hold codes can be automatically applied to MSRs by the Screen For Denied Parties process (SCM_FSS).

See Validating Financial Sanctions.

Canceling or Holding Orders Released to a WMS or TMS

If your PeopleSoft Inventory business unit is integrated with a warehouse management system (WMS) or a transportation management system (TMS), then order lines are sent to the third-party WMS or TMS applications. If you cancel or hold an order in the PeopleSoft system and that order has already been released to a WMS or TMS application, then the change is not sent to the third-party application. You must enter the cancellation or hold manually in the WMS or TMS application.

See Also

Understanding Warehouse Management Systems

Placing Sales Orders on Hold

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Cancel or Hold Stock Requests

Page Name

Definition Name



Cancel/Hold Stock Requests


Inventory, Fulfill Stock Orders, Stock Requests, Cancel/Hold Stock Requests

Perform cancellations, apply holds, or release holds for material stock requests. Also, if needed, you can cancel sales orders that were previously canceled in PeopleSoft Order Management.

Stock Request Cancel/Hold Order Selection


Click the Search link on the Cancel/Hold Stock Requests page.

Define search parameters for retrieving orders.

Order Search Criteria


Click the Additional Search Criteria link on the Stock Request Cancel/Hold Order Selection page.

Search for a specific order number, line, or schedule.

Order Details


Click the Details link on the Cancel/Hold Stock Requests page.

Perform cancellations or change the hold status for specific demand lines associated with an order.



Click the Sort button on the Order Details page.

Specify how to list the demand lines on the Order Details page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCanceling and Applying Holds for Material Stock Requests

Access the Cancel/Hold Stock Requests page (Inventory, Fulfill Stock Orders, Stock Requests, Cancel/Hold Stock Requests).

Select All and Deselect All

In the Cancel group box, click these buttons to mark all orders (except those on hold) as canceled.

In the Hold group box, click these buttons to mark all orders (except those marked for cancellation) as on hold.

In the Update Req group box, click these buttons to indicate that all quantities from all orders sourced from a purchase requisition in PeopleSoft Purchasing should be used to update the corresponding open requisitions when the lines are canceled.


Click this link to perform cancellations or change the hold status for specific demand lines associated with an order.


Marks the order for cancellation. You must save the page to implement the cancellation. After saving, all demand lines associated with the orders marked for cancellation with a fulfillment status of Canceled. Any quantity reserved or allocated to the associated demand lines is released.

Note. If you are canceling an order that includes a kit on one of its order lines, you must cancel each of the components in the kit individually. Use the Stock Requests Inquiry page to view the status of each of the components. You can cancel any components of the kit that have not yet been picked, that have been picked, or that are not yet shipped. If the component has shipped, it cannot be canceled.


Places the order on hold, preventing unshipped demand lines associated with the order from being picked or shipped. You can also enter a Hold Code. To remove a hold on an order, deselect the check box.

You cannot apply or remove holds for order lines representing return to vendor MSRs or sales orders from PeopleSoft Order Management.

Update Req

Updates quantities on an open requisition when you are canceling orders or demand lines sourced from PeopleSoft Purchasing. This option is available only if PeopleSoft Purchasing is installed.

Hold Code

Enter a code to describe why the line is being held. Hold codes are established on the Hold Codes page

See Also

Creating Online Orders Using Express Issue in PeopleSoft Inventory

Placing Sales Orders on Hold

Using Purchase Order Sourcing

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCanceling and Holding Specific Demand Lines

Access the Order Details page (Click the Details link on the Cancel/Hold Stock Requests page).

Unshipped demand lines and shipped return-to-vendor demand lines associated with the order appear in the scroll area. Depending on the order source, you can select one of the following options for each demand line:

Select All and Deselect All

In the Cancel group box, click these buttons to mark all demand lines (except those on hold) as canceled.

In the Hold group box, click these buttons to mark all demand lines (except those marked for cancellation) as on hold.

In the Update Req group box, click these buttons to indicate that all quantities from all demand lines sourced from a purchase requisition in PeopleSoft Purchasing should be used to update the corresponding open requisitions when the lines are canceled.

Sort button

Click to access the Sort page, where you can specify how to sort demand lines on the order.


Marks the demand line for cancellation. You must save the Cancel/Hold Stock Requests page to implement the cancellation. After saving, demand lines are given a fulfillment status of Canceled, and quantities reserved or allocated to demand lines are released.

Update Req

Updates quantities on an open requisition when you are canceling orders or demand lines sourced from PeopleSoft Purchasing. This option is available only if PeopleSoft Purchasing is installed.


Places the demand line on hold, preventing it from being picked or shipped. You can enter a Hold Code to indicate why the demand line is being held. You create hold codes using the Hold Codes page. To remove a hold on a demand line, deselect the check box.

You cannot apply or remove holds on demand lines from orders representing return to vendor MSRs or sales orders from PeopleSoft Order Management.

See Also

Creating Online Orders Using Express Issue in PeopleSoft Inventory

Placing Sales Orders on Hold

Using Purchase Order Sourcing