Creating and Managing Exalogic vDC Resources

This section contains the following topics:

Logging In As a Cloud User

Log in to the Exalogic Control console as a Cloud User, such as User1, that you created in Creating the Cloud Admin User.

Examining Cloud User's Account Information

After logging in, examine your vDC account as follows:

  1. Log in to the Exalogic Control console as a Cloud User.
  2. In the navigation pane on the left, click vDC Management. Under vDC Accounts, click the name of your account, such as Dept1. The vDC Account dashboard is displayed.
  3. View the vDC dashboard, which is shown in Figure 9-4.

    Figure 9-4 vDC Account Dashboard

    Description of Figure 9-4 follows
    Description of "Figure 9-4 vDC Account Dashboard"
  4. Examine the networks in your vDC account by clicking the Networks tab. You can view the private vNets in your Account and their resource quota and limits.
  5. View the storage information by clicking Storage on the top navigation bar. You can view information about storage resources and quotas in your account, vServer root disks, volumes, and Snapshots.
  6. Examine vServers and Distribution Groups in your account by clicking vServers on the top navigation bar.
  7. Click Server Templates on the top navigation bar to examine the Server Templates available in your account.
  8. Examine incidents in the account by clicking the Incidents tab on the top navigation bar. You can view incidents in your account and alerts.
  9. Examine any current or historical jobs by clicking the Jobs tab on the top navigation bar.

Uploading and Registering a Server Template

Server Templates contain the configuration of an individual vServer with its virtual disk. Templates can be of the format .tgz, .tar or other file types.

You can use HTTP, HTTPS, or FTP protocols to upload Server Templates from any network, including the external EoIB network, that is available to the VM hosting the Enterprise Controller component of Exalogic Control.

You can upload a Server Template to Exalogic Control as follows:

  1. Log in to the Exalogic Control as a Cloud User.
  2. In the navigation pane on the left, click vDC Management.

    Under vDC Accounts, click the name of your account, such as Dept1.

    The vDC Account dashboard is displayed.

  3. Click Server Templates on the top navigation bar.

    The Server Templates available in your account are listed.

  4. Under Server Templates, click the Upload Server Template icon. Alternatively, click Upload Server Template under Operate on the Actions pane.

    The Upload Server Template wizard is displayed, as shown in Figure 9-5.

    Figure 9-5 Identify Server Template

    Description of Figure 9-5 follows
    Description of "Figure 9-5 Identify Server Template"
  5. On the Identify Server Template screen, enter a name and description for the Server Template to be uploaded.

    You can add tags for later identification and search.

  6. Click Next.

    The Specify Server Template Details screen is displayed, as shown in Figure 9-6.

    Figure 9-6 Specify Server Template Details

    Description of Figure 9-6 follows
    Description of "Figure 9-6 Specify Server Template Details"
  7. Select the Image SubType option, and select Template.
  8. Select the Upload Source.

    You can upload a Server Template stored on your local machine, or you can specify the URL of the location.

    To specify a URL, enter the URL in the Server Template URL field.

    Click Next.

  9. Review the summary, and click Upload to upload the Server Template.

    The newly uploaded Server Template is listed under Server Template in the navigation pane on the left.

  10. Click Server Templates on the top navigation bar.

    You should see the newly uploaded Server Template listed.

Making a Server Template Public

To make a server template available to all accounts in the vDC, you must make the template public. Private server templates are available to only the Cloud Users assigned to the account in which the server template was created.

After uploading a server template, complete the following steps to make it public:

  1. Log in to the Exalogic Control as a Cloud User.
  2. Select vDC Management from the Navigation pane on the left side of the page.
  3. Expand MyCloud under vDCs.
  4. Expand Accounts and select your account.
  5. Click the Server Templates tab.
  6. Click the server template you uploaded earlier, and select the Register Server Template icon, as highlighted in Figure 9-7.

    Figure 9-7 Registering a Server Template

    Description of Figure 9-7 follows
    Description of "Figure 9-7 Registering a Server Template"
  7. Click OK in the confirmation screen that is displayed.

    The server template's public field will now read Yes, as shown in Figure 9-8.

    Figure 9-8 Server Template Public Field

    Description of Figure 9-8 follows
    Description of "Figure 9-8 Server Template Public Field"


To make a public template private, select the template in the list, click the Unregister Server Template icon in the toolbar just above the list of templates, and follow the on-screen instructions.

Creating Private vNets

A private vNet is an IPoIB network within the Exalogic fabric that enables secure vServer-vServer communication.

You can create a private vNet in Exalogic Control as follows:

  1. Log in to the Exalogic Control as a Cloud User.
  2. In the navigation pane on the left, click vDC Management.

    Under vDC Accounts, click the name of your Account, such as Dept1.

    The vDC Account dashboard is displayed.

  3. Click Create Private vNet on the Actions pane.

    The Create Private vNet wizard is displayed, as shown in Figure 9-9.

    Figure 9-9 Create Private vNet Wizard

    Description of Figure 9-9 follows
    Description of "Figure 9-9 Create Private vNet Wizard"
  4. In the Name field, enter a name for the private vNet.

    For example, vnet1. Note that the Name field accepts a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and - characters only.

  5. In the Description field, you can enter a description for the private vNet.
  6. Click Next. The Private vNet Configuration screen is displayed.
  7. In the Number Of Elements field, enter the maximum number of vServers that can be part of this vNet. Use the slide bar to set the value.

    The values entered are rounded up to the next value of 2, 6, 14, 30, 62, 126, 254, 510, 1022, 2046, 4094, and 8190. For example, enter 20.


    The slider on this screen gives a set of limited values only. If you enter a value not on the list, the summary displays the next highest number in the list. A private vNet uses n high order bits of the IP address range. With CIDR of 29, three bits are used, which means 8 IP addresses in the range. The highest and lowest values are reserved. Therefore, 6 IP addresses are available to the private vNet.

  8. Click Next.

    The Summary screen is displayed.

  9. Review the summary, and click Finish to create the private vNet.

    After a private vNet is created, you can click the Networks tab on the top navigation bar to verify that vnet1 is listed in the Private vNets section.

    This private vNet can now be used by new vServers created by Cloud Users in this Account.

Creating Distribution Groups

Create a Distribution Group in Exalogic Control as follows:

  1. Log in to the Exalogic Control as a Cloud User.
  2. In the navigation pane on the left, click vDC Management.

    Under vDC Accounts, click the name of your account, such as Dept1. The vDC Account dashboard is displayed.

  3. Click Create Distribution Group on the Actions pane (under Operate on the right).

    The Create Distribution Group wizard is displayed, as shown in Figure 9-10.

    Figure 9-10 Create Distribution Group Wizard

    Description of Figure 9-10 follows
    Description of "Figure 9-10 Create Distribution Group Wizard"
  4. In the Name field, enter a name for the Distribution Group.

    For example, Dept1-distgrp1. Note that the Name field accepts a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and - characters only.

  5. Click Next.

    The Distribution Group Configuration screen is displayed.

  6. In the Number of Elements field, enter a number that defines the number of Oracle VM Servers on which the vServers can be placed.

    The size of the distribution group is limited by the actual number of Oracle VM Servers available in the server pools of the vDC. In the Exalogic vDC, the server pool is configured by Exalogic Control, by default.

  7. Click Next.

    The Summary screen is displayed.

  8. Review the summary, and click Finish to create the Distribution Group.


You cannot specify a distribution group for a set of vServers after vServer creation. For information about associating a vServer with a distribution group while creating the vServer, see step 17 in Creating vServers.

Creating Volumes

Volumes are disk images stored as virtual disks in the Oracle VM Manager repository.

To create a volume, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to the Exalogic Control as a Cloud User.
  2. In the navigation pane on the left, click vDC Management.

    Under vDC Accounts, click the name of your account, such as Dept1. The vDC Account dashboard is displayed.

  3. Click Storage on the top navigation bar.
  4. Click the Volumes tab.
  5. Under Volumes, click the + icon.

    The Create Volume wizard is displayed, as shown in Figure 9-11.

  6. In the Volume Name field, enter a name for the volume. For example, Volume1.
  7. In the Description field, enter a short description.
  8. Click Next.

    The Volume Configuration screen is displayed.

  9. Select the Shared option if you wish to attach the volume to multiple vServers in the account.

    If you do not select the Shared option, a volume is created for one vServer to use.


    Use shared volumes, with caution. In general, if you are going to mount one partition between multiple vServers, you should allow only one vServer to have read/write access, and use read-only for other vServers.

  10. Define the size of the volume in GB.
  11. Click Next.

    The Volume Summary screen is displayed.

  12. Review the summary, and click Finish to create the volume in your account.
  13. Repeat this procedure to create additional volumes (Volume2, Volume3, and Volume4).


After creating a volume, you must partition the volume using fdisk and create a file system using mkfs on the first vServer to which the volume is attached. On the vServer, the volume appears as a disk (/dev/hdX or /dev/xvdX). After the volume is partitioned and file system created, you must mount it using the /etc/fstab file on the vServer to make the filesystem accessible.

For information about attaching a volume to a vServer, see Creating vServers.

Importing Volumes

If you want to import a volume from an external URL instead of creating a volume, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to the Exalogic Control as a Cloud User.
  2. In the navigation pane on the left, click vDC Management.

    Under vDC Accounts, click the name of your account, such as Dept1. The vDC Account dashboard is displayed.

  3. Click Import Volume on the Actions pane (under Operate on the right).

    The Import Volume screen is displayed, as shown in Figure 9-12.

  4. In the Name field, enter a name for the volume. For example, Volume1.
  5. In the Description field, enter a short description.
  6. In the URL field (mandatory), enter the URL from which the volume is to be imported.
  7. Optional: Select the Shared option, which enables a volume to be used by multiple vServers in the account.
  8. Click Import to import the volume into your account.

Creating vServers

Before you begin creating vServers, ensure that the following prerequisites are fulfilled:

  • Ensure that a vDC account has been created and users assigned to it as described in Establishing Cloud Accounts.

  • Ensure that the vDC account has the required network resources:

    • The required networks must be assigned to the account.

    • There must be sufficient unused IP addresses from the limit that was specified while assigning the networks to the account.

    If the network-related prerequisites are not fulfilled, the Cloud Admin user must update the account, as described in Assigning Networks to an Account.

  • If you want to use a custom vServer Type, ensure that it has been created as described in Creating vServer Types.

  • If you want to use a custom vServer template, ensure that the template has been uploaded to Exalogic Control as described in Uploading and Registering a Server Template.

  • Ensure that the required private vNets have been created as described in Creating Private vNets.

To create a vServer, do the following:


Use only Exalogic Control for creating vServers. Unless explicitly documented, do not use Oracle VM Manager to create vServers. Creating, cloning, deleting, or modifying vServers by using Oracle VM Manager will result in unsupported configurations.

  1. Log in to the Exalogic Control as a user with the Cloud User role.

  2. In the navigation pane on the left, click vDC Management.

    Under vDC Accounts, click the name of your account, such as Dept1.

    The vDC Account dashboard is displayed.

  3. Click vServers on the top navigation bar.


    To be able to create vServers, both the Sun Network QDR InfiniBand Gateway switches must be running. So before proceeding, check—with your Exalogic Systems Administrator—whether both the gateway switches are running.

  4. Under vServers, click the + icon.

    The Create vServer wizard starts.

  5. In the vServer Name field, enter a name for the vServer to be created. For example, vserver1.


    The name of a vServer need not be unique. To identify the Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) of a vServer, see the Domain Name field in the Dashboard tab of the vServer.

  6. In the Description field, enter a brief description.

  7. In the Number of vServers field, enter the number of vServers to be created. For example, 1.

  8. If you want to enable high availability for the vServer, leave the High Availability Support check box selected; otherwise, deselect it.

    For more information about how vServer high availability works, see Managing High Availability of vServers.

  9. Click Next.

    The Server Template Selection screen is displayed.

  10. Select one of the available Server Templates that you uploaded in Uploading and Registering a Server Template.

  11. Click Next.

    The vServer Type Selection screen is displayed.

  12. Select a vServer Type and click Next.

    The Attach Volumes screen is displayed.

  13. Attach additional volumes, if required, to the vServer by selecting an available volume and clicking the right arrow. For example, attach Volume1.

  14. Click Next.

    The vNet Selection screen is displayed.

  15. If you want to associate the vServer with one or more networks available for the account, select from the available networks.

    After selecting the required networks, click Next.


    • The networks to which you want to associate the vServer must be assigned (by a Cloud Admin user) to the account and the required IP addresses must be provisioned, as described in Assigning Networks to an Account.

    • If the vServer must have access to shares on the ZFS storage appliance, you must select the IPoIB-vserver-shared-storage network and also (later) perform the procedure described in Setting Up Access to the ZFS Storage Appliance for a vServer.

    • If you associate the vServer with two or more EoIB networks, then, for enabling access to the vServer from outside the machine through all the EoIB interfaces, you must configure advanced routing on the vServer, by using (for example) iproute2 or dynamic routing.

    The Assign IP Address screen is displayed because you are creating a single vServer. If you chose to create multiple vServers by specifying the number of vServers, the IP address assignment is skipped. All IP addresses are allocated automatically.

  16. Select an IP address allocation method: static IP, or automatic. If you select static IP, select the required IP address in the IP Address field. If you select automatic, you do not need to enter an IP address; it is selected from IP addresses available for the network.


    If you select the static IP address option, ensure that you have allocated IP addresses for the network. For more information, see Allocating Virtual IPs for an Account

    After assigning an IP address, click Next.

    The Distribution Group Selection screen is displayed.

  17. If necessary, select one of the available distribution groups in which the new vServer should be placed. Note that you cannot assign a vServer to a distribution group after creating the vServer.

    Click Next.

    The vServer Access screen is displayed.

  18. If required, set up access for the vServer by specifying the path to the public key file. Alternatively, enter the public key in the Public Key field.

  19. Click Next.

    The Summary screen is displayed.

  20. Review the summary screen, and click Finish to create the vServer (vserver1).


    If a Create-vServer job is taking a long time, wait till the job either fails or is completed. Do not stop the job. If the job fails, do not run it again. Attempting to stop a job or run it again can corrupt the system, making it difficult to diagnose and recover.

  21. Set the MTU to 64000 for each InfiniBand interface:

    1. Log in to the vServer using SSH as the root user.

    2. Verify the current MTU for bond2 by running the ifconfig command.


      The steps in this procedure use bond2 as an example. This procedure should be repeated for all the InfiniBand interfaces.

      # ifconfig bond2
      bond2     Link encap:InfiniBand  HWaddr
      inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
      RX packets:9 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
      TX packets:7 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
      collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
      RX bytes:504 (504.0 b)  TX bytes:420 (420.0 b)
    3. Append the line MTU=64000 to the ifcfg file corresponding to the bond2 interface:

      # echo MTU=64000 >> /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-bond2
    4. Verify whether the MTU=64000 line was added to the ifcfg-bond2 file:

      # cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-bond2 | grep MTU
    5. Find the slave interfaces for bond2:

      # cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts
      # grep "MASTER=bond2" ifcfg-* | awk -F":" '{print $1}'
    6. Set the mode to connected for both the slave interfaces of the bond2 interface:

      # echo connected > /sys/class/net/ib0.8009/mode
      # echo connected > /sys/class/net/ib1.8009/mode
    7. Perform steps 21.b through 21.f for the other InfiniBand interfaces.

    8. Stop and start the vServer as described in Stopping vServers and Starting vServers.

    9. After the vServer starts, log in again to the vServer using SSH as the root user.

    10. Run the ifconfig command for each InfiniBand interface, and verify that the output of the command displays MTU:64000, as shown in the following example for bond2 and its slave interfaces:

      # ifconfig bond2 | grep MTU
      # ifconfig ib0.8009 | grep MTU
      # ifconfig ib1.8009 | grep MTU

Stopping vServers

To stop a vServer, do the following:


Do not use the xm destroy command or Oracle VM Manager to stop a vServer. Use only Exalogic Control.

  1. Log in to the Exalogic Control as a Cloud User.
  2. From the navigation pane on the left, click vDC Management.
  3. Under vDCs, expand your cloud such as MyCloud.
  4. Expand Accounts.
  5. Expand the name of your account, such as Dept1. All the vServers in the account are displayed.
  6. Select the vServer you wish to stop. The dashboard of the vServer is displayed.
  7. From the actions pane on the right, click Stop vServer. Wait till the job succeeds in the jobs pane.

Starting vServers

To start a vServer, do the following:


Do not use the xm create command or Oracle VM Manager to start a vServer. Use only Exalogic Control.

  1. Log in to the Exalogic Control as a Cloud User.
  2. From the navigation pane on the left, click vDC Management.
  3. Expand your cloud, such as MyCloud.
  4. Expand Accounts.
  5. Expand the name of your account, such as Dept1.

    All the vServers in the account are displayed.

  6. Select the vServer you wish to start.

    The dashboard of the vServer is displayed.

  7. From the actions pane on the right, click Start vServer. Wait till the job succeeds in the jobs pane.

Managing High Availability of vServers

This section describes how high availability (HA) for guest vServers works and can be managed in a vDC running on Exalogic. In this context, HA is the ability to automatically restart vServers that may be affected by an unexpected outage such as a vServer crash or a compute node failure. This feature is available starting from release of the Exalogic Elastic Cloud Software.


Currently, high availability for Exalogic Control VMs is not supported. For information about restoring failed Exalogic Control VMs, contact Oracle Support.

This section contains the following topics:

How High Availability Works for Guest vServers

Figure 9-13 is a flowchart depicting how the vServer HA feature works.


You must ensure that there are sufficient CPU and memory resources on compute nodes in the vDC for a successful migration of the vServers affected by an unexpected outage. If none of the compute nodes has sufficient resources, the failed vServer is not migrated.

Figure 9-13 Guest vServer High-Availability Process

Description of Figure 9-13 follows
Description of "Figure 9-13 Guest vServer High-Availability Process"

Description of the HA Flow for Guest vServers

  1. If an HA-enabled vServer crashes, the failed vServer is restarted automatically on the same compute node.

    However, if the compute node on which the vServer was originally running has failed or does not have enough resources, the vServer is started on the next active compute node in the same server pool. Note that, if there are no active compute nodes in the server pool, the failed vServer is not started.

  2. If the compute node on which a failed vServer is restarted already hosts any vServer that belongs to the same distribution group as that of the restarted vServer, an alert is displayed for the account to which the distribution group belongs in the Incidents tab of Exalogic Control.

    To resolve this distribution-group violation, the Cloud User should stop the vServer and then start it again as described in Stopping vServers and Starting vServers. The vServer is then restarted on a compute node that does not host any vServer from the same distribution group. If such a compute node is not available, the vServer is not started.

Enabling and Disabling High Availability for Guest vServers

HA for guest vServers is enabled by default when the vServers are created. If the vServers fail, they are automatically restarted on the same compute node, or migrated to a different compute node if the original node is down, as described in How High Availability Works for Guest vServers.

If required, the Cloud User can, while creating vServers, disable HA, as described in Creating vServers.

Migration of vServers to a different compute node (if the original node is down) can be disabled and re-enabled by Cloud Users by using the Disable vServer HA and Enable vServer HA actions in Exalogic Control, as shown in Figure 9-14.


The state of the Enable vServer HA or Disable vServer HA items in the Actions pane indicates whether HA is currently enabled for a vServer. If Enable vServer HA is clickable, then HA is currently disabled for the vServer. If Disable vServer HA is clickable, then HA is currently enabled for the vServer. In addition, in the vServers tab of any account, you can view the HA state of a vServer by clicking the Status icon corresponding to the vServer.

Viewing Networks Attached to a vServer

To view all the networks of a vServer, do the following:

  1. In the navigation pane on the left, click vDC Management.
  2. Under vDC Accounts, expand the name of your account, such as Dept1.

    All the vServers in the account are displayed.

  3. Select the vServer (for example, vserver2) for which you wish to view attached networks.

    The vserver2 dashboard is displayed.

  4. Click the Network tab.

    The list of networks of vServer is displayed.

    Figure 9-15 vServer Networks

    Description of Figure 9-15 follows
    Description of "Figure 9-15 vServer Networks"

Viewing Volumes Attached to a vServer

To view the volumes attached to a vServer, do the following:

  1. In the navigation pane on the left, click vDC Management.
  2. Under vDC Accounts, expand the name of your account, such as Dept1.

    All the vServers in the account are displayed.

  3. Select the vServer (for example, vserver2) for which you wish to view attached volumes.

    The vserver2 dashboard is displayed.

  4. Click the Storage tab.
  5. Click the Volumes tab.

    The list of volumes attached to the vServer is displayed.

Attaching Volumes to a vServer

You can attach a volume to a vServer as follows:

  1. Log in to the Exalogic Control as a Cloud User.
  2. In the navigation pane on the left, click vDC Management.
  3. Under vDC Accounts, expand the name of your account, such as Dept1. All the vServers in the account are displayed.
  4. Select the vServer (for example, vserver2) to which you wish to attach a volume. The vserver2 dashboard is displayed.
  5. From the actions pane on the right, click Stop vServer. Wait till the job succeeds in the jobs pane.
  6. From the actions pane on the right, click Attach vServer Volumes. The Attach vServer Volumes wizard is displayed.
  7. Select the volume you wish to attach to vserver2.
  8. Click the right arrow icon.
  9. Click Next. The confirmation screen is displayed.
  10. Click Finish. Wait till the job succeeds in the jobs pane.
  11. From the actions pane on the right, click the Start vServer button to restart the vServer.

Detaching Volumes from a vServer

You can detach a volume from a vServer as follows:

  1. Log in to the Exalogic Control as a Cloud User.
  2. In the navigation pane on the left, click vDC Management.
  3. Under vDC Accounts, expand the name of your account, such as Dept1. All the vServers in the account are displayed.
  4. Select the vServer (for example, vserver2) from which you wish to detach a volume. The vserver2 dashboard is displayed.
  5. From the actions pane on the right, click Stop vServer. Wait till the job succeeds in the jobs pane.
  6. From the actions pane on the right, click Detach vServer Volumes. The Detach vServer Volumes wizard is displayed.
  7. Select the volume you wish to detach from vserver2.
  8. Click the right arrow icon.
  9. Click Next. The confirmation screen is displayed.
  10. Click Finish. Wait till the job succeeds in the jobs pane.
  11. From the actions pane on the right, click the Start vServer button to restart the vServer.

Creating a Snapshot from a Volume

This section describes how to create a snapshot from a volume attached to a vServer. It contains the following topics:

Creating a Snapshot from a Volume (EECS 2.0.4.x.x or Earlier)

In EECS release 2.0.4.x.x (or earlier), you can create a snapshot from a volume attached to a vServer, as follows:

  1. Log in to the Exalogic Control as a Cloud User.
  2. From the navigation pane on the left, click vDC Management. Under vDC Accounts, click the name of your account, such as Dept1.

    The vDC Account dashboard is displayed.

  3. Click vServers on the top navigation bar.
  4. Under vServers, select a running vServer and click the Stop vServer icon (red icon) to stop the vServer.
  5. From the navigation pane on the left, click vDC Management. Under vDC Accounts, click the name of your account, such as Dept1.

    The vDC Account dashboard is displayed.

  6. Click Create Snapshot on the Actions pane (under Operate on the right).

    The Create Snapshot wizard is displayed, as shown in Figure 9-16.

    Figure 9-16 Snapshot Details

    Description of Figure 9-16 follows
    Description of "Figure 9-16 Snapshot Details"
  7. In the Snapshot Name field, enter a name. For example, enter Vol1_snapshot.
  8. In the Snapshot Description field, enter a brief description.
  9. Click Next.

    The Volume Selection screen is displayed.

  10. Select the volume for which you want to take a snapshot. For example, select Volume1.

    Note that the time taken to create a snapshot can vary depending on the size of the volume.

  11. Click Next.

    The Summary screen is displayed.

  12. Review the summary, and click Finish to create a snapshot.
  13. From the navigation pane on the left, click vDC Management. Under vDC Accounts, click the name of your account, such as Dept1.

    The vDC Account dashboard is displayed.

  14. Click vServers on the top navigation bar.
  15. Under vServers, select the previously stopped vServer and click the Start vServer icon (green arrow) to restart the vServer.

Creating a Snapshot from a Volume (EECS 2.0.6.x.x)

In EECS 2.0.6.x.x, you can create a snapshot from a volume attached to a vServer, as follows:

  1. Log in to the Exalogic Control as a Cloud User.
  2. From the navigation pane on the left, click vDC Management.
  3. Under vDC Accounts, click the name of your account, such as Dept1.

    The vDC Account dashboard is displayed.

  4. Click vServers on the top navigation bar.
  5. Under vServers, select a running vServer and click the Stop vServer icon (red icon) to stop the vServer.
  6. From the navigation pane on the left, click vDC Management. Under vDC Accounts, click the name of your account, such as Dept1.

    The vDC Account dashboard is displayed.

  7. Click Storage on the top navigation bar.
  8. Click the Volumes subtab.
  9. Select the volume for which you want to take a snapshot. For example, select Volume1.

    Note that the time taken to create a snapshot can vary depending on the size of the volume.

  10. Click the Launch Create Snapshot Wizard button.

    The Create Snapshot wizard appears.

  11. In the Snapshot Name field, enter a name. For example, enter Vol1_snapshot.
  12. In the Snapshot Description field, enter a brief description.
  13. Click Create.

    The snapshot is created.

  14. From the navigation pane on the left, click vDC Management. Under vDC Accounts, click the name of your account, such as Dept1.

    The vDC Account dashboard is displayed.

  15. Click vServers on the top navigation bar.
  16. Under vServers, select the previously stopped vServer and click the Start vServer icon (green arrow) to restart the vServer.

Creating a Volume from a Snapshot

To create a volume from a snapshot, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to the Exalogic Control as a Cloud User.
  2. In the navigation pane on the left, click vDC Management. Under vDC Accounts, click the name of your account, such as Dept1. The vDC Account dashboard is displayed.
  3. Click Storage on the top navigation bar.
  4. Click the Snapshots tab.
  5. Click the Create Volume from a Snapshot icon (this icon is below the Snapshots section title). The Create Volume from a Snapshot wizard is displayed.
  6. In the Volume Name field, enter a name for the volume.
  7. In the Volume Description field, enter a brief description.
  8. Click Next. The Snapshot Selection screen is displayed.
  9. Select a snapshot for which you want to create a volume. For example, select Vol1_snapshot.

    Note that the time taken to create a volume can vary depending on the size of the snapshot.

  10. Click Next. The Summary screen is displayed.
  11. Review the summary, and click Finish to create a volume.

Logging Out of Exalogic Control

After completing the above tasks, log out of Exalogic Control. The Logout link is in the right hand top corner of the Exalogic Control BUI.