
#, in slapd.conf 389
-, in change operation 245
::, in LDIF statements 44
\, in parameter values 389
"", in ldapmodify commands 234
'', in ldapsearch 206

access control
  ACI attribute 94
  ACI language syntax 131
  allowing or denying access 98
  anonymous access 101, 115
  bind rules 99
    access at specific time or day 104
    access based on attribute value 103
    access based on authentication method 104
    access from a specific location 104
    Boolean 105
    general access 101
    user and group access 100
  change log and 328
    with LDIF files 131-152
    with Server Console 106-130
  dynamic targets 102
  overview 93
  password protection and 165
  permissions 97
  rights 98
  target DN containing comma and 133, 152
  targeting 95
    attributes 96
    entries 95
    using LDAP search filters 96
    using LDIF 132
access log 256
  configuring 256
  manually disabling 257
  manually rotating 263
  turning off 256
  turning on 256
  viewing 256
access log parameter
  description and syntax 396
  viewing and changing 256
access-control information (ACI) instruction, See ACI instruction
access-control list (ACL)
  glossary entry 533
  overview 94
accesscontrol parameter 413
accessloglevel parameter 403
accesslog-logexpirationtime parameter 398
accesslog-logexpirationtimeunit parameter 398
accesslog-logging-enabled parameter 397
accesslog-logrotationtime parameter 401
accesslog-logrotationtimeunit parameter 402
accesslog-maxlogdiskspace parameter 399
accesslog-maxlogsize parameter 399
accesslog-maxNumOfLogsPerDir parameter 400
accesslog-minfreediskspace parameter 401
account lockout 166, 167, 403
  disabling 166
  enabling 166
  lockout duration 166, 168, 427
  maximum password failures 433
  modifying preferences 166
  parameters 167
  password failure counter 166, 168, 446
  policy 159-168
    modifying 166
    parameters 167
    setting up 166
    overview 166
  setting preferences for 166
  unlocking account 456
account lockout parameter 403
account lockout scheme parameter
  configuring 166
    using LDIF 131
    using Server Console 106
  deleting 113
  editing 113
ACI attribute
  default index for 178
  overview 94
ACI instruction
  bind rules 99
  name 131
  password protection and 165
  permissions 97
  target DN containing comma and 133, 152
  targets 95
ACI language syntax 131-145
  proxied authorization and 153
ACL, See access-control list
aclupg utility, location of 34
  deleting 113
Add rights 99
Administration Server
  functions of 27
  master agents and 376
  master agent 376
    Unix 376
    Windows NT 376
  subagent 376
    configuring 385
    enabling 385
    starting and stopping on Unix 385
AIX SNMP daemon 384
  consumer-initiated replication 344-345
  metaphone phonetic algorithm 172
  searching 170-171
  supplier-initiated replication 342-344
alias dereferencing 210
allidsthreshold parameter 459
allowed attributes
  creating 59
  deleting 59, 61
  editing in object class 60
allowing access 98
  using LDIF 136
anonymous access
  change log restrictions on 328
  defining 147
  LDIF example 147
  overview 101
  Server Console example 115
approximate index
  CPU cycles and 177
  overview 172
  query string codes 172
  when to use 177
approximate search 203
attribute list, glossary entry 533
attribute parameter 403
attribute to be indexed parameter 177, 460
attribute type field (LDIF) 43
attribute value field (LDIF) 43
attribute values
  access based on 103
  adding 250
  deleting 252
  modifying 251
  replacing 250
  syntax 64, 65
  ACI 94
  adding 250
  creating 59
  defining 63
    multiple 250
    using LDIF update statements 252
  deleting from object class 59, 60, 61
  for integrity updates 89
  glossary entry 533
  indexing existing 186
  multi-valued 64, 65
  ntGroupCreateNewAccount attribute 360
  ntGroupDomainId 360
  ntUserCreateNewAccount 360
  ntUserDomainId 359
  OID 64
  searching for 202
  standard 55, 62
  syntax 64, 65
  targeting 96
  user-defined 62
    adding 250
    deleting 252
    modifying 251
    replacing 250
  viewing 62
audit log
  configuring 262
  disabling 262
  enabling 262
  manually disabling 262
  viewing 261
audit log parameter
  description and syntax 404
  viewing and changing 261
auditlog-logexpirationtime parameter 405
auditlog-logexpirationtimeunit parameter 406
auditlog-logging-enabled parameter 405
auditlog-logrotationtime parameter 409
auditlog-logrotationtimeunit parameter 410
auditlog-maxlogdiskspace parameter 406
auditlog-maxlogsize parameter 407
auditlog-maxNumOfLogsPerDir parameter 408
auditlog-minfreediskspace parameter 409
authentication 299, 310
  access control and 104
  certificate-based 303
  glossary entry 533
  LDAP URLs and 475
authentication certificates glossary entry 533
authmethod keyword 144

backing up the database 78, 79
backslash, in parameter values 389
base 64 encoding 44
base DN, ldapsearch and 214
binary data, LDIF and 44
bind failures, account lockout and 168
bind rules
  access at specific time or day 104
    LDIF example 151
    Server Manager example 123
  access based on attribute value
    example 140
    overview 103
  access based on authentication method 104
    LDIF example 145
    Server Manager example 126
  access from a specific location 104
    LDIF example 151
    Server Manager example 124
  ACI language syntax 132
  anonymous access 101
    LDIF example 139
    Server Console example 115
    example 145
    overview 105
  general access
    example 139
    overview 101
  group access 103
    LDIF example 140
    Server Console example 119
  LDAP URLs 102
  LDIF keywords for 137
  overview 99
  syntax 100
  user access 102
    LDIF example 138
    parent 102
    self 103
    Server Console example 117
Bind to Server field 29
  directory tree access and 29
  glossary entry 533
Boolean bind rules
  example 145
  overview 105
Boolean operators, in search filters 204
browser glossary entry 534

  specifying maximum entries 281, 468
  specifying size in bytes 467
cache hit ratio 273
  mapping to a DN 304
  password 32
Certificate and Key Directory parameter 410
certificate database
  password 303
certificate-based authentication 303
  replication and 303
certification authority glossary entry 534
CGI glossary entry 534
change log
  access control and 328
  configuring for CIR 327
  configuring for SIR 321
  consumer access to 328
  expiration of entries 82
  referential integrity and 85, 87
  synchronization and 343, 345
change operations 245
  add 250
  delete 250
  replace 250
changelog DB directory parameter 411
changelog DB suffix parameter 412
  add 246
  delete 253
  modify 249
character type 478
check password syntax parameter 412
checking password syntax 164
checking the database schema 56
checkpoint interval 461
  described 301
  list of 301, 417
  selecting 301
ciphertext glossary entry 534
  glossary entry 534
  managing 326-333
CIR agreements
  editing 331
    connection type 331
    consumer 331
    description 331
    name 331
    replicated content 331
    schedule 331
  glossary entry 534
  using to find entries 199
client authentication, replication and 325, 332
code page 477
collation order
  overview 478
  search filters and 216
command line
  monitoring database from 276
  monitoring server from 268
  providing input from 234
command-line scripts 35
  bak2db 36, 81
  db2bak 36, 79
  db2ldif 36
  finding 35
  getpwenc 36
  ldif2db 36
  monitor 36
  restart-slapd 37
  start-slapd 37
  stop-slapd 37
  vlvindex 37
command-line utilities
  certificate-based authentication and 303
  db2index 186
  db2ldif 69
  ldapdelete 240
  ldapmodify 234, 235, 236, 450
  ldapsearch 201-215
  ldif 44
  ldif2db 74, 76, 77
  ldif2index 186
  location of 34
  PATH variable and 35
  start 31
  stop 31
  table of 33
  export 68
  import 72
commas, in DNs 206, 234
  ACI targets and 133, 152
  specifying LDIF entries with 47, 49
  specifying suffix with 45, 46, 50
  using ldapsearch with 215
Compare rights 99
compound search filters 203
configuration files
  location of 37
  slapd.conf 37
  slapd.dynamic_ldbm.conf 37
  slapd.ldbm.conf 183
configuration parameters 387-470
    using Server Console 388
    using slapd.conf 388
  monitoring 267-268, 269, 271
  viewing number of 266
consistency updates 84
consumer server
    for supplier-initiated replication 324
  glossary entry 534
  trust database and 303
consumer-initiated replication
  adding suppliers 331
  change log access 328
  duplicating agreements 331
  glossary entry 534
  managing 326-333
  overview 318
  replication algorithm 344-345
  using SSL 332
continued lines
  in LDIF 43
  in LDIF update statements 245
conventions, in this book 26
converting database to LDIF
  from the command-line 69
  using Server Console 68
copiedFrom attribute 342, 344
counter, password failures 166, 168
country code 479
CPU cycles, index files and 177
creating the directory 50
crypt encryption 165, 443

  glossary entry 534
dash, in change operation 245
  backing up 78, 79
  controlling access 93-152
  converting to LDIF
    from the command-line 69
    using Server Console 68
  costs of indexing 175
  creating using LDIF 50
  extending the schema 55-65
  integrity update interval 88
  maintaining relationships 84
  managing with LDIF 67-77
  monitoring from command-line 276-279
  monitoring from server console 271-276
  referential integrity 84
  restoring 80-81, 90
  restoring with replicated entries 81
  schema checking 56
  selecting for monitoring 271
  updating 175, 244
  viewing backend information 271
database backups
  creating 78, 79
  deleting 81
  location of files 79
  online 78, 79
  overview 78
Database Checkpoint Interval parameter 91
database checkpoint interval parameter 461
Database Durable Transactions parameter 92
database durable transactions parameter 463
database files, directory for 463
database parameter 461
database schema
  case sensitivity and 447
  checking 56
  creating new attributes 63
  creating new object classes 58
  defined 450
  deleting attributes 65
  deleting object classes 61
  editing object classes 60
  extending 55-65
  standard 55
  viewing attributes 62
  viewing object classes 57
database server parameters 458-470
  attribute to be indexed 177, 460
  database 461
  Database Checkpoint Interval 91
  database checkpoint interval 461
  Database Durable Transactions 92
  database durable transactions 463
  Database Transaction Log Directory 90
  database transaction log directory 464
  DBdirectory 463
  dynamicconf 37, 462
  maximum cache size 467
  Maximum DB Cache size in bytes 281
  Maximum Entries in Cache 281
  maximum entries in cache 467
  mode 468
  Read-only 272
  read-only 469
  Root DN 448
  Root Password 279
  root password 448
  root password storage scheme 449
  Suffix 83
  suffix 469
  table of 458
Database Transaction Log directory parameter 90
database transaction log directory parameter 464
database transaction logging
  checkpoint interval 91
  described 90
  durable transactions 92
  log file location 90
date format 478
dayofweek keyword 144
DB directory parameter 463
db_home_directory parameter 465
db2index utility
  parameters 186
db2ldif utility
  example of use 71
  exporting LDIF with 69
  parameters 70
debug level, specifying 70, 76, 186, 429
default indexes 178
  attributes 63
  object classes 58
Delete rights 99
  ACI 113
  ACR 113
  attribute values 252
  attributes 250, 252
  attributes from an object class 59, 60, 61
  database backups 81
  entries 253
    database integrity and 84
    synchronization and 360
  LDIF files 77
  multiple attributes 250
  object classes 61
denying access 98
  precedence rule 98
  using LDIF 136
DES cipher 301, 303
directory creation 50
directory server
  international character sets 477
  internationalization and 477
  MIB 378
  monitoring 264-270
    from command line 268
    from server console 264
  monitoring database
    from command line 276
  monitoring from server console 264-268
  performance counters 264-270
  SNMP traps 377
  starting and stopping 30
  supported languages 479
Directory Server Console
  backing up database 78
directory server console, capabilities of 28
Directory Server Entry (DSE), searching 213
Directory Server gateway
  glossary entry 534
  schema checking and 450
directory service glossary entry 534
directory trees
  finding entries in 205
  machine data 346
  mapping to URLs 349
disk space
  access log and 256
  index files and 176
  log files and 263
distinguished names
  for replication 452
  glossary entry 534
  root 448
  specifying local database suffix 469
  synchronization and 368
dn field (LDIF) 42
dn.db2 file 181
dn2id.db2 file 181
DNS alias glossary entry 535
dns keyword 143
Domain Name System (DNS) glossary entry 535
domain, access from specific 104
DSE See Directory Server Entry
durable transactions 92, 463
dynamic parameter changes 37, 462
dynamically creating indexes 183
dynamicconf parameter 37, 462

enabling NT Synchronization Service 435
Encrypted Port Number parameter
  viewing and changing 283
encrypted port number parameter
  description and syntax 416
  crypt 165
  password 165
  replication and 325, 332
  root password 448, 449
  SHA 165
  specifying password storage scheme 443
encryption alias parameter 416
encryption ciphers parameter 417
encryption method, for root password 448, 449
end of file marker 234
enquote_sup_oc parameter 415
    using Directory tab 224-232
    using LDIF update statements 246
  adding using LDIF 235
  cache hit ratio 273
    synchronization and 355, 358
    using LDIF 45-49
  deleting 240-244
    synchronization and 360
    using ldapdelete 240
    using LDIF update statements 253
    using Server Console 233
  finding 205
  maintaining relationships 84
    using Directory tab 224-233
    using Server Console 224-233
  mapping to URLs 349
  modifying 236-254
    synchronization and 361
    using ldapmodify 236
    using LDIF update statements 249
  moving 249
  order of creation 235
  order of deletion 241, 253
  renaming 249
  root 50
  targeting 95
  working with 223-254
entry cache hit ratio 273
environment variables
  overview 35
EOF marker 234
equality index 172
equality search 202
  example 205
  international example 221
Error log
  manually disabling 259
error log
  configuring 259
  manually rotating 263
  specifying 419
  turning off 259
  turning on 259
  viewing 258
Error Log parameter
  viewing and changing 259
error log parameter
  description and syntax 419
errorlog-logexpirationtime parameter 420
errorlog-logexpirationtimeunit parameter 420
errorlog-logging-enabled parameter 419
errorlog-logrotationtime parameter 424
errorlog-logrotationtimeunit parameter 424
errorlog-maxlogdiskspace parameter 421
errorlog-maxlogsize parameter 422
errorlog-maxNumOfLogsPerDir parameter 422
errorlog-minfreediskspace parameter 423
expiration of passwords
  overview 163
  slapd.conf parameter 439
  warning message 164
export command 68
extending the directory schema 55-65

file extension glossary entry 535
file type glossary entry 535
  access log 256
  containing search filters 210
  database backup 79
  dn.db2 181
  dn2id.db2 181
  EOF marker 234
  error log 258
  id2children.db2 181
  id2entry.db2 181
  locating configuration 37
  slapd.conf 37, 388-389, 449
  slapd.dynamic_ldbm.conf 37
  slapd.ldbm.conf 74, 183
  attributes 202
  entries 205
  supported suffixes 213
fonts, in this book 26
format, LDIF 42
  activating 310
  CAs and 308
  defined 307
  disabling 314
  enabling 314
  getting started with 308
  managing 307-314
  PKCS #11 and 308, 309
  specifying options 314
  starting the server 312
  trust database and 308, 309
FORTEZZA cipher 311

general access
  example 139
  overview 101
general server parameters 390-403
  access log 396
  account lockout 403
  account lockout scheme 166
  attribute 403
  audit log 261, 404
  Certificate and Key Directory 410
  changelog DB directory 411
  changelog DB suffix 412
  check password syntax 412
  Encrypted Port Number 283
  encrypted port number 416
  encryption alias 416
  encryption ciphers 417
  enquote_sup_oc 415
  Error Log 259
  error log 419
  Idle Time Out 280
  lockout duration 427
  log level 429
  Look Through Limit 281
  look through limit 466
  max changelog age 430
  max changelog records 431
  Max File Descriptors 280
  maximum password failures 433
  maxthreadsperconn 433
  NLS 434
  NT Synchronization Service enabled 435
  NT Synchronization Service port number 436
  number of passwords to remember 437
  objectClass 438
  orcauto 414
  order of precedence 389
  password change 438, 442
  password expiration 439
  password history 440
  password maximum age 440
  password minimum age 441
  password minimum length 442
  Password Storage Scheme 160
  password storage scheme 443
  Port Number 283
  port number 444
  Referral 348
  referral 444
  reset password failure count after 446
  return exact case 447
  Schema Check 56
  schema check 450
  send warning 451
  Size Limit 280
  size limit 452
  Supplier DN 319
  supplier DN 452
  supplier password 453
  Supplier SSL Clients 320
  supplier SSL clients 453
  threadnumber 454
  Time Limit 280
  time limit 455
  track modifies 455
  unlock account 456
glossary of terms 533-540
greater than or equal to search
  international example 221, 222
  overview 203
groupdn keyword 139
groupdnattr keyword 140
  access control and 100
    LDIF example 140
    Server Console example 119
  access to directory 103
    synchronization and 359
  permissions for 149

hostnames glossary entry 535
HTML glossary entry 535
HTTP glossary entry 535
HTTPD glossary entry 535
HTTP-NG glossary entry 535
HTTPS glossary entry 535

id field (LDIF) 42
id2children.db2 file 181
id2entry.db2 file 181
Idle Time Out parameter
  viewing and changing 280
idletimeout parameter 425
illegal strings, passwords 164
import command 72
importing LDIF
  from the command-line 74
  using Server Console 72
index files
  defaults maintained by directory server 181
  directory for 463
  specifying cache size 467
  approximate 172, 177
  cost of 174-177
  creating 177
    dynamically 183-186
    from Server Console 181
    from slapd.conf 183
  defaults maintained by directory server 178
  dynamic changes to 183-186
  equality 172
  of existing attributes 186
  International 174
  international 174
  managing 169-190
  presence 171, 178
  specifying type 460
  substring 173, 177
  system defaults 178
  system resources and 176
  types of 171
instancedir parameter 425
interaction table 381
international character sets 477
International index
  overview 174
international searches 216-222
  equality 221
  examples 220
  greater than 222
  greater than or equal to 221
  less than 220
  less than or equal to 221
  matching rule filter syntax 217
  substring 222
  using OIDs 218
  character type 478
  collation order 478
  country code 479
  date format 478
  indexing and 174
  language tag 479
  locales and 477
  location of files 434, 478
  matching rule filters 217
  modifying entries 254
  monetary format 478
  object identifiers and 479
  of LDIF files 53
  search filters and 216
  supported languages 477
  supported locales 479
  time format 478
ioblocktimeout parameter 426
IP address glossary entry 535
ip keyword 142

jpeg images 44

language code
  in LDIF entries 53
  list of supported 479
language support 477
  language tag 479
  searching and 216
  specifying using locales 479
language tags
  described 479
  in international searches 219
  in LDIF update statements 254
LDAP clients
  certificate-based authentication and 303
  database schema and 55
  glossary entry 536
  monitoring database with 276
  monitoring server with 268
  using to find entries 199
LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF) 71
  access control keywords
    authmethod 144
    dayofweek 144
    dns 143
    groupdn 139
    groupdnattr 140
    ip 142
    target 133
    targetattr 134
    targetfilter 135
    timeofday 143
    userdn 138
    userdnattr 140
  ACI language syntax and 131
  binary data 44
  converting to
    from the command-line 69
    using Server Console 68
  deleting files 77
  entry format 42
    Organization 45
    Organizational Person 48
    Organizational Unit 46
  example 51
  glossary entry 536
    Maximum DB Cache size in Bytes parameter and 281
    with ldif2db 74
    with Server Console 72
  internationalization and 53
  line continuation 43
  managing databases with 67-77
  reasons for converting to 68
  Server Console and 235
  update statements 244
  using to create directory 50
LDAP search filters
  DNs with commas and 215
  in targets 96
    examples 127, 136
  access control and 102
  components of 471
  described 471-475
  examples 474
  security and 475
  syntax 471
LDAP_BASEDN environment variable 214
ldapdelete utility
  deleting entries 240
  DNs with commas and 234
  example of use 243
  parameters 241
ldapmodify utility 450
  creating multiple entries 235
  DNs with commas and 234
  example of use 240
  location of 34
  modifying entries 236
  parameters 237
  schema checking and 236
  smart referrals and 349
  using with internationalized entries 254
  vs. ldapdelete 236
LDAPReplica object class 346
ldapsearch utility
  base DN and 214
  DNs with commas and 206, 215
  example of use 212
  format 206
  international searches 216
  limiting attributes returned 214
    commonly used 207
    optional 210
    SSL 209
  search filters 201
  specifying files 214
  using 205
  verbose mode 212
LDAPServer object class 346
  specifying entries
    organization 45
    organizational person 48
    organizational unit 47
LDIF entries
  binary data in 44
  commas in 45, 47, 49, 50
  creating 45-53
    Organizational People 48
    Organizational Units 46
    Organizations 45
  internationalization and 53
LDIF files
  continued lines 43
  creating directory using 50
  creating multiple entries 235
  database management and 67
  deleting 77
  example 51
    from the command-line 74
    using Server Console 72
  importing from Server Console 235
  internationalization and 53
  setting access controls 131-152
LDIF format 42
LDIF update statements 244-254
  adding attributes 250
  adding entries 246
  continued lines 245
  deleting attribute values 252
  deleting attributes 252
  deleting entries 253
  format of 245
  functions of 244
  modifying attribute values 251
  modifying entries 249
ldif utility
  converting binary data to LDIF 44
  location of 34
ldif2db utility
  example of use 77
  importing LDIF with 74
  location of 34
  parameters 76
ldif2index utility
  indexing existing attributes 186
  location of 34
length, password 164, 442
less than or equal to search
  international example 221
  syntax 203
less than search
  international example 220
  syntax 203
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)
  glossary entry 536
  managing settings 282
listenhost parameter 426
  defined 477
  location of files 478
  supported 479
localuser parameter 427
locked accounts 166, 167
lockout duration 166, 168
lockout duration parameter 427
log files
  access 396
  change 343, 345
  database transaction 90
  error 419
  location of 263
  manually rotating 263
  monitoring 255-264
  Security Accounts Manager (SAM) 355
  synchronization service event log 366
log level parameter
  description and syntax 429
Look Through Limit parameter
  role in searching algorithm 171
  viewing and changing 281
look through limit parameter
  description and syntax 466

machine data 346
machine, access from specific 104
mail accounts
  creating automatically 371
  synchronizing 371
managed device
  managed device-initiated communication 377
  overview 375
managed object 376
management information base, See MIB
Manager tab 279
manual synchronization with NT 370
manually rotating log files 263
master agent
  overview 376
  Unix 376
  Windows NT 376
matchingRule format 218
  using language tag 219
  using language tag and suffix 219
  using OID 218
  using OID and suffix 219
max changelog age parameter 430
max changelog records parameter 431
Max File Descriptors parameter
  viewing and changing 280
maxbersize parameter 432
maxdescriptors parameter 431
maximum cache size parameter
  description and syntax 467
Maximum DB Cache size in bytes parameter
  viewing and changing 281
Maximum Entries in Cache parameter
  viewing and changing 281
maximum entries in cache parameter
  description and syntax 467
maximum password failures parameter
  description and syntax 433
maxthreadsperconn parameter 433
MD5 message authentication 302
  glossary entry 536
  signature 536
MD5 signature glossary entry 536
  controlling amount used 177
  index files and 177
  Maximum DB Cache size in Bytes parameter and 281
messaging server, creating accounts automatically 371
metaphone phonetic algorithm 172
  directory server 378
  location of 378
  netscape-ldap.mib 378
    entries table 381
    interaction table 381
    operations table 379
  overview 376
minimum length of passwords 164
minimum password length 442
mode parameter 468
  attribute values 251
  entries 249
  international entries 254
monetary format 478
  database from command-line 276-279
  database from server console 271-276
  server from server console 264-268
moving entries 249
multiple indexes, cost of 175
multiple search filters 203

nagle parameter 434
Netscape MIBs 378
Netscape NT Directory Synchronization service 354
netscape-ldap.mib 378
  entries table 381
  interaction table 381
  location of 378
  operations table 379
network management station (NMS)
  NMS-initiated communication 377
network settings, viewing and changing 282
new attributes, creating 63
  glossary entry 536
NLS parameter 434
  glossary entry 537
  location of 34
NT Synchronization Service enabled parameter
  description and syntax 435
NT Synchronization Service port number parameter
  description and syntax 436
NTGroup object class 357
ntGroupCreateNewAccount 360
ntGroupDomainId attribute 360
ntsynchusessl parameter 436
NTUser object class 356
ntUserCreateNewAccount attribute 360
ntUserDomainId attribute 359
number of passwords to remember parameter 437

object class
  creating 58
  deleting 61
  editing 60
  glossary entry 537
  name 59
  OID 59
  parent object 59
  standard 55
  viewing 57
object classes
  standard 57
  user-defined 57
object identifier
  glossary entry 537
object identifier (OID) 479
  attribute 64
  in matchingRule 218
  object class 59
objectClass field (LDIF) 42
objectClass parameter 438
  glossary entry 537
OID, See object identifier
online backups
  creating from command line 79
  creating from server console 78
  creating using db2bak 79
operating system environment variables 35
operations table 379
operations, defined 266
  Boolean 204
  international searches and 216
  search filters and 202
  suffix 217
optional attributes
  creating 59
  deleting 59, 61
  editing 60
  editing in object class 60
orcauto parameter 414
organization, specifying entries for 45
organizational person, specifying entries for 48
organizational unit, specifying entries for 46

parent access 102
parent object 59
  parameters 162
  policy 159-168
password change parameter 438, 442
password encryption, types of 443
password expiration parameter 439
password file 32
  glossary entry 537
password history parameter 440
password maximum age parameter 440
password minimum age parameter 441
password minimum length parameter 442
password policies
  account lockout 166, 167
  change after reset 162
  expiration warning 164
  lockout duration 166, 168
  managing 159-168
  modifying 160
  overview 159-165
  password expiration 163
  password failure counter 166, 168
  password history 165
  password length 164
  password storage scheme 165
    overview 165
  setting up 160
  syntax checking 164
  user defined passwords 163
password policy
  parameters 162
password storage scheme
  configuring 165
  overview 159
Password Storage Scheme parameter
  configuring 160
password storage scheme parameter
  description and syntax 443
  account lockout 166, 167
  certificate 32
  changing after reset 162
  encryption of 165
  encryption types 443
  expiration 163, 439
  expiration warning 164, 451
  failure counter 166, 168
  history 165
  illegal strings 164
  lockout duration 166, 168
  managing 159-168
  maximum age 440, 441
  minimum length 164, 442
  modifying preferences 160
  resetting 168
  reusing 165, 440
  root 448
  root DN 279
  setting 168
  setting preferences for 160
  supplier 453
  synchronizing changes with NT 355
  syntax checking 164, 412
  user defined 163
PATH variable 35
PDUs 376
performance counters 264, 271
  Database tab 271
  monitoring the server with 264-270
  Server tab 264
performance tuning 279
  database 281
  server 280
  ACI language syntax 132
  allowing or denying access 98
    using LDIF 136
  assigning rights 98
    using LDIF 136
    for all users 146
    for group of users 149
    for single user 147
  overview 97
  precedence rule 98
  specifying for index files 468
Port Number parameter
  viewing and changing 283
port number parameter
  description and syntax 444
port numbers
  less than 1024 444
  NT Synchronization Service 436
  synchronization service 366
pound symbol, in slapd.conf 389
precedence rule 98
preferences, security 301
presence index
  defaults 178
  overview 171
presence search
  example 204
  syntax 203
protocol data units, See PDUs
protocol glossary entry 537
proxied authorization
  ACI example 154
  ACI language syntax 153
  overview 152-157
  setting from command line 157
  setting using Server Console 155
  specifying targets 155
proxy DN
  defined 153
  uses of 155
proxy DN glossary entry 537
Proxy rights
  description 99
public-key encryption glossary entry 537
pw_change parameter 438
pw_exp parameter 439
pw_history parameter 440
pw_inhistory parameter 437
pw_lockout parameter 403
pw_lockoutduration parameter 427
pw_maxage parameter 440
pw_maxfailure parameter 433
pw_minage parameter 441
pw_minlength parameter 442
pw_must_change parameter 442
pw_resetfailurecount parameter 446
pw_syntax parameter 412
pw_unlock parameter 456
pw_warning parameter 451

quotation marks, in parameter values 206, 234, 389

RAM glossary entry 537
  glossary entry 538
RC2 cipher 301, 302
RC4 cipher 301, 302, 303
Read rights 98
read-only mode 272
Read-only parameter 272
read-only parameter 469
redirection 347
ref attribute 351
referential integrity
  change log and 85, 87
  described 84
  disabling 86
  enabling 86
  replication and 87
  specifying attributes to update 89
  update interval 88
referral object class 351
Referral parameter 348
  role in searching algorithm 170
referral parameter
  description and syntax 444
  suffix parameter and 469
  example 351
  ldapsearch parameter 212
  number of hops 211
  overview 347
  smart 349
  URLs 348
relative distinguished name glossary entry 538
renaming entries
  database integrity and 84
  restrictions 249
replacing attribute values 250
replicated entries, restoring database with 81
  certificate-based authentication and 303-304
  consumer-initiated 318
  glossary entry 538
  overview 318
  referential integrity and 87
  restoring database 81
  SSL and 325, 332
  supplier DN parameter 452
  supplier-initiated 318
replication agreements
  adding a consumer 324
  adding a supplier 331
  creating for CIR 329
  creating for SIR 322
  duplicating 324, 331
  editing for CIR 331
  editing for SIR 324
  glossary entry 538
required attributes
  creating 59
  deleting 59, 61
  editing 60
reservedescriptors parameter 445
reset password failure count after parameter 446
resetting passwords 168
Resource Summary
  viewing 265
resource use, connections 267-268
resource use, monitoring 266-268
restoring database
  using bak2db 81
restoring the database 80-81, 90
result_tweak parameter 447
return exact case parameter
  description and syntax 447
reusing passwords 165, 440
RFC glossary entry 538
  list of 98
  setting using LDIF 136
  glossary entry 538
Root DN parameter
  description and syntax 448
  Suffix parameter and 83
root DN password
  managing 279
root DSE, searching 213
root entry creation 50
Root Password parameter 279
root password parameter 448
root password storage scheme parameter 449
root password, Root DN and 449

SASL, See Simple Authentication and Security Layer
  NT synchronization service 370
  checking 56
  creating new attributes 63
  creating new object classes 58
  deleting attributes 65
  editing object classes 60
  extending 55-65
  glossary entry 538
  searching 213
  standard 55
  targets and 96
  viewing attributes 62
  viewing object classes 57
Schema Check parameter
  turning schema checking on or off 56
schema check parameter
  description and syntax 450
schema checking
  attribute parameter and 403
  glossary entry 538
  ldapmodify and 236
  objectclass parameter and 438
  overview 56
  turning on or off 56
schema entry, searching 213
schema rules, defining 438
search filters 201-205
  Boolean operators 204
  contained in file 214
  examples 201, 204
  matching rule 217
  operators in 202
  specifying attributes 202
  specifying file 210, 243
  syntax 201
  using compound 203
  using multiple 203
search operations
  limiting entries checked 466
  limiting entries returned 452
  setting time limits 455
Search rights 99
search types, list of 202, 216
  approximate 203
  equality 202, 205, 221
  example 212
  greater than or equal to 203, 221, 222
  international 216
  international examples 220
  less than 220
  less than or equal to 203, 221
  of directory tree 205
  presence 203, 204
  restricting scope of one-level 181
  restricting scope of subtree 181
  sort criteria 212
  specifying scope 208
  substring 202, 222
searching algorithm, process described 170-171
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
  access control and 105
  certificate password 32
  enabling 299, 310
  Encrypted Port Number parameter 416
  encryption ciphers parameter 417
  glossary entry 538
  replication and 325, 332
  security parameter 450
  server startup and 32
  setting preferences 301
  specifying directory location 410
  certificate-based authentication 303
  Encrypted Port Number parameter 416
  encryption ciphers parameter 417
  LDAP URLs and 475
  setting preferences 301
  specifying SSL directory location 410
Security Accounts Manager (SAM) log file 355
security parameter 450
self access 103
  LDIF example 138
  Server Manager example 116
Selfwrite rights
  description 99
  example 129
send warning parameter 451
  starting with FORTEZZA 312
Server Console
  changing configuration parameters 388
  converting to LDIF 68
  creating indexes 181
  glossary entry 538
  importing LDIF with 72
  monitoring server with 264
  restoring database 80
  setting access controls 106-130
  setting account lockout policies 166-168
  setting password policies 159-165
server console
  capabilities of 28
server daemon glossary entry 538
server parameters
  database 458-470
    attribute to be indexed 177, 460
    database 461
    Database Checkpoint Interval 91
    database checkpoint interval 461
    Database Durable Transactions 92
    database durable transactions 463
    Database Transaction Log Directory 90
    database transaction log directory 464
    DB directory 463
    dynamicconf 37, 462
    maximum cache size 467
    Maximum DB Cache size in Bytes 281
    Maximum Entries in Cache 281
    maximum entries in cache 467
    mode 468
    Read-only 272
    read-only 469
    Root DN 448
    Root Password 279
    root password 448
    root password storage scheme 449
    Suffix 83
    suffix 469
  general 390-403
    access log 256
    access og 396
    account lockout 403
    account lockout scheme 166
    attribute 403
    audit log 261, 404
    Certificate and Key Directory 410
    changelog DB suffix 412
    changelog DBcirectory 411
    check password syntax 412
    Encrypted Port Number 283
    encrypted port number 416
    encryption alias 416
    encryption ciphers 417
    enquote_sup_oc 415
    Error Log 259
    error log 419
    Idle Time Out 280
    lockout duration 427
    log level 429
    Look Through Limit 281
    look through limit 466
    max changelog age 430
    max changelog records 431
    Max File Descriptors 280
    maximum password failures 433
    maxthreadsperconn 433
    NLS 434
    NT Synchronization Service enabled 435
    NT Synchronization Service port number 436
    number of passwords to remember 437
    objectClass 438
    orcautor 414
    password change 438, 442
    password expiration 439
    password history 440
    password maximum age 440
    password minimum age 441
    password minimum length 442
    Password Storage Scheme 160
    password storage scheme 443
    Port Number 283
    port number 444
    Referral 348
    referral 444
    reset password failure count after 446
    return exact case 447
    Schema Check 56
    schema check 450
    send warning 451
    Size Limit 280
    size limit 452
    Supplier DN 319
    supplier DN 452
    supplier password 453
    Supplier SSL Clients 320
    supplier SSL clients 453
    threadnumber 454
    Time Limit 280
    time limit 455
    track modifies 455
    unlock account 456
server root glossary entry 539
Server Selector glossary entry 539
server service glossary entry 538
servers, updating consumers 81
  glossary entry 539
Services Control Panel 31
setting passwords 168
SHA encryption 165, 443
simple authentication 105
Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL), access control and 105
Simple Network Management Protocol, See SNMP
single user, permissions for 147
  glossary entry 539
  managing 318-326
SIR agreements
  editing 324
    connection type 324
    consumer 324
    description 324
    name 324
    replicated content 324
    schedule 324
Size Limit parameter
  role in searching algorithm 170
  viewing and changing 280
size limit parameter
  description and syntax 452
slapd glossary entry 539 file, schema checking and 450
slapd.conf file
  and dynamic changes 37, 462
  changing configuration parameters 388
  creating indexes from 183
  format of 388-389
  location of 37
  overview 37
  root password and 449
  schema checking and 450
slapd.dynamic_ldbm.conf file
  overview 37
slapd.ldbm.conf file 183
  creating indexes using 183
  creating international indexes using 183
  example 184
  international indexes and 183
  ldif2db and 74
slapd.oc.conf file, schema checking and 450
smart referrals
  creating 349
  example 351
  ldapsearch parameter 211
SNMP 375-386
  agents 376
  AIX SNMP daemon 384
  configuring 383-386
  managed device 375, 377
  managed objects 376
  master agent
    overview 376
    Unix 376
    Windows NT 376
    entries table 381
    interaction table 381
    location of 378
    operations table 379
  NMS-initiated communication 377
  overview 375
  SNMP tab 385
    configuring 385
    configuring contact 386
    configuring description 386
    configuring location 386
    configuring master host 386
    configuring master port 386
    configuring organization 386
    enabling 385
    overview 376
    starting and stopping on Unix 385
  tab 385
  traps 377
Solaris, thread concurrency 267, 270
sort criteria 212
special characters, in parameters values 389
  attributes 55, 62
  database schema 55
  object classes 55, 57
standard index files 181
Start at field 370
starting the directory server 30
status, synchronization 372
stopping the directory server 30
styles, in this book 26
  configuring 385
  enabling 385
  overview 376
  starting and stopping on Unix 385
substring index
  CPU cycles and 177
  overview 173
  when to use 177
substring search 202
  international example 222
Suffix parameter
  managing 83
suffix parameter
  commas in DN and 470
  description and syntax 469
  referral parameter and 444
  glossary entry 539
Supplier DN parameter
  configuring 319
supplier DN parameter
  description and syntax 452
Supplier Password parameter
  configuring 320
supplier password parameter
  description and syntax 453
supplier server
    for consumer-initiated replication 331
  glossary entry 539
  restoring database 81
  trust database and 303
Supplier SSL Clients parameter
  viewing and changing 320
supplier SSL clients parameter
  description and syntax 453
supplier-initiated replication
  adding consumers 324
  duplicating agreements 324
  glossary entry 539
  managing 318-326
  overview 318
  replication algorithm 342-344
  using normal bind 320
  using SSL 325
symmetric encryption glossary entry 539
  automatic creation of mail accounts 371
  concurrently changing entries 363
  configuring 365
  directory server to NT 357
    creating entries 358
    creating groups 359
    deleting entries 360
    modifying entries 361
    multiple synchronization services 357
    NTGroup object class 359
    ntGroupCreateNewAccount 360
    ntGroupDomainId attribute 360
    NTUser object class 359
    ntUserCreateNewAccount 360
    ntUserDomainId attribute 359
  disabling 369
  event log file location 366
  manual 370
  NT to directory server 354
    add all users 357
    creating entries 355
    finding changes 355
  NTGroup object class 357
  NTUser object class 356
  scheduling 370
  Start at field 370
  starting and stopping 372
  status 372
  Synchronize every field 370
Synchronization Service
  enabling 435
  port number 436
synchronization service 354
Synchronize every field 370
  ACI language 131-145
  attribute value 64, 65
  bind rules 100
  LDAP URLs 471
  ldapsearch 206
  LDIF update statements 245
  matching rule filter 217
  password 164, 412
  search filter 201
  specifying for attribute name 403
system connections
  monitoring 267-268
system indexes 178
system resources
  cost of indexing 176
  monitoring 266-268

  Manager 279
  performance counters 264, 271
  SNMP 385
target keyword 133
targetattr keyword 134
targetfilter keyword 135
  ACI language syntax 131
  attributes 96
  directory entries 95
  DNs containing commas 133, 152
  LDIF keywords for 133
  overview 95
  using LDAP search filters 96
  using LDAP URLs 102
  using LDIF 132
  wildcards and 95
TCP/IP glossary entry 539
terms, in this book 26, 533-540
thread concurrency, on Solaris 267
threadnumber parameter 454
threads, monitoring 267, 269-270
time format 478
Time Limit parameter
  role in searching algorithm 170
  viewing and changing 280
time limit parameter
  description and syntax 455
timeofday keyword 143
track modifies parameter
  description and syntax 455
transaction logging
  checkpoint interval 461
  durable transactions 463
traps 377
Triple DES cipher 301, 302, 303
trivial words 164
tuning performance 279
  database 281
  server 280

  glossary entry 539
Uniform Resource Locators, See URLs
  AIX SNMP daemon 384
  master agent 376
unlock account parameter 456
  glossary entry 540
  LDAP 444, 471-475
  referrals and 348
user access 100
  LDIF example 138
  Server Console example 117
  to child entries 102
  to directory 102
  to own entry 103
    LDIF example 138
    Server Manager example 116
user defined passwords 163
userat parameter 457
user-defined attributes 62
user-defined object classes 57
userdn keyword 138
userdnattr keyword 140
useroc parameter 457
users, account lockout 166, 167, 168
UTF-8 477

  attributes 62

warning, password expiration 164, 451
white space, in parameter values 389
  in international searches 220
  in matching rule filters 220
  in targets 95
Windows NT
  directory server NT synchronization configuration tool 364
  directory server to NT synchronization 357
  master agent 376
  NT to directory server synchronization 354
    schedule 370
  setting up synchronization 365
  synchronizing with directory server 354
Write rights 99

X.500 standard glossary entry 540

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