Contents Index


Netscape Directory Server Restricted Mode
Netscape Directory Server 4.1 Overview
Prerequisite Reading
What Is in This Book?
Conventions Used in This Book
Chapter 1 Administering Netscape Directory Server
Overview of Directory Server Management
Using the Directory Server Console
Opening the Directory Server Console
Binding to the Directory From Netscape Console
Viewing the Current Bind DN From Netscape Console
Starting and Stopping the Directory Server
Starting the Server with SSL Enabled
Starting the Server in Referral-Only Mode
Using the Command-Line Utilities
Finding the Command-Line Utilities
Setting Environment Variables
Directory Server Command-Line Scripts
Directory Server Configuration Files
Chapter 2 LDAP Data Interchange Format
LDIF File Format
Continued Lines
Base 64 Encoding
Creating Directory Entries Using LDIF
Specifying Organization Entries
Specifying Organizational Unit Entries
Specifying Organizational Person Entries
Defining Directories Using LDIF
    LDIF File Example
Storing Information in Multiple Languages
Chapter 3 Extending the Directory Schema
Overview of Extending Schema
Turning Schema Checking On and Off
Managing Object Classes
Viewing Object Classes
Creating Object Classes
Editing Object Classes
Deleting Object Classes
Managing Attributes
Viewing Attributes
Creating Attributes
Editing Attributes
Deleting Attributes
Chapter 4 Managing Directory Server Databases
Managing Databases Using LDIF
Exporting Databases to LDIF
    Exporting to LDIF Using the Server Console
    Exporting to LDIF From the Command Line
    ns-slapd and slapd Parameters for Exporting Databases
    Database to LDIF Examples
Importing Databases From LDIF
    Importing LDIF From the Server Console
    Importing LDIF From the Command Line
    slapd Parameters Used for LDIF Imports
    LDIF to Database Examples
Deleting LDIF Files
Backing Up and Restoring Your Database
Backing Up Your Database From the Server Console
Backing Up Your Database From the Command Line
Restoring Your Database From the Server Console
Restoring Your Database From the Command Line
Deleting Database Backups
Restoring Databases That Include Replicated Entries
Placing a Database in Read-Only Mode
Setting Suffixes for Your Database
Enabling and Disabling Plug-Ins From the Server Console
Managing the Referential Integrity Plug-in
Managing Referential Integrity From the Server Console
Managing Referential Integrity From the Command Line
Configuring Referential Integrity for Replicated Environments
Changing the Integrity Update Interval
Modifying Which Attributes to Update
Managing Database Transaction Logging
Changing the Location of the Database Transaction Log
Changing the Database Checkpoint Interval
Disabling Durable Transactions
Chapter 5 Managing Access Control
Understanding Access Control
    Targeting a Directory Entry
    Targeting Attributes
    Targeting Using LDAP Filters
    Allowing or Denying Access
    Assigning Rights
Bind Rules
    User and Group Access
    Access From a Specific Machine or Domain
    Access at a Specific Time of Day or Day of Week
    Access Based on Authentication Method
    Boolean Bind Rules
Setting Access Control Using the Server Console
Creating a New ACI
Editing an Existing ACI
Deleting an Existing ACI or ACR
Access Control Usage Examples
    Setting Anonymous Access for Read, Search, and Compare
    Allowing Users to Modify Their Own Directory Entries
    Allowing Users to Change Some of Their Own Attributes
    Granting a Group Full Access to a Suffix
    Granting a Group Rights to Add and Delete Entries
    Allowing Full Access to a Specific Branch Point
    Allowing Access at a Specific Time of Day or Day of Week
    Allowing Updates Only From a Specific Location
    Allowing Access to a Suffix Over SSL Only
    Setting a Target Using Filtering
    Allowing Users to Add or Remove Themselves From a Group
Setting Access Control Using LDIF Files
The ACI Language Syntax
Setting Targets Using LDIF
    Using the target Keyword
    Using the targetattr Keyword
    Using the targetfilter Keyword
Setting Permissions Using LDIF
Setting Bind Rules Using LDIF
    Using the userdn Keyword
    Using the groupdn Keyword
    Using the userdnattr and groupdnattr Keywords
    Using the ip Keyword
    Using the dns Keyword
    Using the timeofday Keyword
    Using the dayofweek Keyword
    Using the authmethod Keyword
    Using Boolean Expressions in LDIF Bind Rules
ACI Usage Examples
    Defining Permissions for All Users
    Defining Anonymous Access
    Defining Permissions for Individual Users
    Defining Permissions for a Group of Users
    Defining Permissions for a Specific Subtree
    Defining Permissions for a Specific Location
    Defining Permissions Based on the Day of Week or the Time of Day
    Defining Permissions Based on Authentication Method
    Defining Permissions for DNs That Contain a Comma
Overview of Proxied Authorization
Proxied Authorization ACI Syntax
Proxied Authorization ACI Example
Specifying Proxy Authorization Rights On a Target
    Setting Proxy Rights Using the Server Console
    Setting Proxy Rights Using the Command Line
Viewing the Access Control List for a Suffix
Chapter 6 Managing Password and Account Lockout Policies
Managing the Password Policy
Configuring the Password Policy
Password Policy Parameters
    Password Change After Reset
    User-Defined Passwords
    Password Expiration
    Expiration Warning
    Password Syntax Checking
    Password Length
    Password Minimum Age
    Password History
    Password Storage Scheme
Managing the Account Lockout Policy
Configuring the Account Lockout Policy
Account Lockout Policy Parameters
    Account Lockout
    Password Failure Counter Reset
    Lockout Duration
Setting User Passwords
Chapter 7 Managing Indexes
The Searching Algorithm
Types of Indexes
Presence Index
Equality Index
Approximate Index
Substring Index
International Index
Browsing Index
The Cost of Indexing
Slower Database Modification and Creation Times
Higher System Resource Use
Creating Indexes
System and Default Indexes
    System Indexes
    Default Indexes
Standard Index Files
Creating Indexes From the Server Console
Creating Indexes From the Command-Line
    Adding Index Descriptions to slapd.ldbm.conf
    Creating Indexes Using db2index
Removing Indexes
Removing Indexes Using the Server Console
Removing Standard Indexes Using the Command Line
Using Browsing Indexes
Creating Browsing Indexes
Removing Browsing Indexes
Managing All IDs Threshold
Benefits of the All IDs Mechanism
Drawbacks of the All IDs Mechanism
    When All IDs Threshold is Too Low
    When All IDs Threshold is Too High
All IDs Threshold Tuning Advice
Default All IDs Threshold Value
Symptoms of an Inappropriate All IDs Threshold Value
Changing the All IDs Threshold Value
Chapter 8 Finding Directory Entries
Finding Entries Using the Server Console
LDAP Search Filters
Search Filter Syntax
Using Attributes in Search Filters
Using Operators in Search Filters
Using Compound Search Filters
    Boolean Operators
Search Filter Examples
Using ldapsearch
Using Special Characters
ldapsearch Command Line Format
Commonly Used ldapsearch Parameters
SSL Parameters
Additional ldapsearch Parameters
ldapsearch Examples
    Returning All Entries
    Specifying Search Filters on the Command Line
    Searching the root DSE Entry
    Searching the Schema Entry
    Displaying Subsets of Attributes
    Specifying Search Filters Using a File
    Specifying DNs that Contain Commas in Search Filters
    Using Client Authentication When Searching
Searching an Internationalized Directory
Supported Search Types
Matching Rule Filter Syntax
    Matching Rule Formats
    Using Wildcards in Matching Rule Filters
International Search Examples
    Less Than Example
    Less Than or Equal to Example
    Equality Example
    Greater Than or Equal to Example
    Greater Than Example
    Substring Example
Chapter 9 Managing Directory Entries
Managing Entries Using the Server Console
Managing Users, Groups, and Org. Units Using the Server Console
    Adding Users, Groups, and Org. Units Using the Server Console
    Modifying Users, Groups, and Org. Units Using the Server Console
Using the Property Editor to Manage Entries
    Adding Other Types of Entries Using the Property Editor
    Adding an Object Class to an Entry Using the Property Editor
    Removing an Object Class From an Entry Using the Property Editor
    Adding an Attribute Value to an Entry Using the Property Editor
    Adding Values to an Attribute Using the Property Editor
    Removing an Attribute Value From an Entry Using the Property Editor
    Adding an Attribute Subtype Using the Property Editor
Deleting Entries Using the Server Console
Managing Entries Using the Command-Line Utilities
Using Special Characters
Providing Input From the Command Line
Adding Entries Using LDIF
Adding and Modifying Entries Using ldapmodify
    Commonly Used ldapmodify Parameters
    SSL Parameters
    Additional ldapmodify Parameters
    ldapmodify Example
Deleting Entries Using ldapdelete
    Commonly Used ldapdelete Parameters
    SSL Parameters
    Additional ldapdelete Parameters
    ldapdelete Examples
LDIF Update Statements
Adding an Entry Using LDIF
    Using the ldapmodify -a Parameter
Renaming an Entry Using LDIF
    A Note on Renaming Entries
Modifying an Entry Using LDIF
    Adding Attributes to Existing Entries Using LDIF
    Changing an Attribute Value Using LDIF
    Deleting All Values of an Attribute Using LDIF
    Deleting a Specific Attribute Value Using LDIF
Deleting an Entry Using LDIF
Modifying an Entry in an Internationalized Directory
Chapter 10 Managing Your Directory Server
Viewing and Configuring Log Files
Access Log
    Viewing the Access Log
    Configuring the Access Log
Error Log
    Viewing the Error Log
    Configuring the Error Log
Audit Log
    Viewing the Audit Log
    Configuring the Audit Log
Manual Log File Rotation
Monitoring Server Activity
Monitoring Your Server From the Server Console
    General Information (Server)
    Resource Summary
    Current Resource Usage
    Connection Status
Monitoring Your Server From the Command Line
Monitoring Database Activity
Monitoring Database Activity From the Server Console
    General Information (Database)
    Summary Information Table
    Database Cache Information Table
    Database File-Specific Table
Monitoring the Database From the Command-Line
Managing the Root DN
Tuning Performance
Tuning Server Performance
Tuning Database Performance
Managing Network and LDAP Settings
Changing Directory Server Port Numbers
Enabling the Directory Server to use the NT Synchronization Service
Placing the Entire Directory Server in Read-only Mode
Tracking Modifications to Directory Entries
Chapter 11 Managing SSL
Obtaining and Installing Server Certificates
Step 1: Generate a Certificate Request
Step 2: Send the Certificate Request
Step 3: Install the Certificate
Step 4: Trust the Certificate Authority
Step 5: Confirm That Your New Certificates Are Installed
Activating SSL
Setting Security Preferences
Using Certificate-Based Authentication
Creating Certificate Databases for LDAP Clients
Chapter 12 Managing FORTEZZA
What You Need To Do
Step 1: Install the FORTEZZA PKCS #11 Module
Step 2: Create a Trust Database
Activating FORTEZZA
Starting the Server with FORTEZZA Enabled
Starting a FORTEZZA-Enabled Server From the Server Console (Windows NT Only)
Starting a FORTEZZA-Enabled Server From the Command Line
Disabling FORTEZZA
Specifying FORTEZZA Options
Using FORTEZZA With Client Authentication
Chapter 13 Managing Replication
Replication Overview
Managing Supplier-Initiated Replication (SIR)
Configuring Servers for SIR
    Configuring the Supplier DN for SIR
    Configuring the Change Log for SIR
Creating an SIR Agreement
Duplicating an SIR Agreement
Editing an SIR Agreement
Managing Consumer-Initiated Replication (CIR)
Configuring Servers for CIR
    Configuring the Change Log for CIR
    Providing Consumer Access to the Change Log for CIR
Creating a CIR Agreement
Duplicating a CIR Agreement
Editing a CIR Agreement
Removing the Change Log
Initializing Consumers
When to Initialize a Consumer
Online Consumer Creation
    When You Should Use Online Consumer Creation
    How to Use Online Consumer Creation
Manual Consumer Creation
    Converting the Supplier Tree to LDIF
    Importing the LDIF File to the Consumer Server
Monitoring Replication Status
Replication Algorithms
SIR Algorithm
CIR Algorithm
Machine data
Chapter 14 Managing Referrals
Understanding Referrals
Setting Default Referral URLs
Creating and Changing Smart Referrals
Creating Smart Referrals Using the Directory Server Console
Creating Smart Referrals From the Command-line
Chapter 15 NT Directory Synchronization
The Synchronization Service
Synchronization: NT to Directory Server
    How NT Directory Changes Are Discovered
    Creating User Entries
    Creating Group Entries
    Initially Creating Entries
Synchronization: Directory Server to NT
    How Synchronization Occurs
    Creating User Entries
    Creating Group Entries
    Creating Duplicate Entries
    Deleting Entries
    Modifying Entries
    Associating an Existing Directory User with an NT User Account
    Associating an Existing Directory Group with an NT Group
    Dissassociating a Directory User or Group from an NT User or Group
Concurrently Changing Directory Server and NT Account Values
The Synchronization Configuration Tool
About the OK, Cancel, Apply, and Help Buttons
Configuring Synchronization
Configuring Service Settings
Configuring Directory Server Settings
If the Selected UID is Not Unique
Scheduling Synchronization
Manually Performing Synchronization
Configuring Account Details
Surname-based NT Accounts
Starting and Stopping the Synchronization Service
Checking Synchronization Status
Turning Off SSL for the Synchronization Service
Troubleshooting Errors at Synchronization Time
Chapter 16 Managing SNMP
Understanding SNMP
SNMP Overview
    NMS-Initiated Communication
    Managed Device-Initiated Communication
The Directory Server MIB
The Operations Table
The Entries Table
The Interaction Table
Setting Up SNMP
Setting Up SNMP on Windows NT
Setting Up SNMP on Unix
Configuring the AIX SNMP Daemon (AIX Only)
Starting and Stopping the SNMP Subagent on Unix
Configuring SNMP for the Directory Server
Chapter 17 Configuration Parameters
Changing Configuration Parameter Values
Changing Parameter Values Using the Server Console
Changing Parameter Values Using slapd.conf
Changing Parameter Values Using slapd.ldbm.conf
General Server Parameters
Access Log
Access Log Enable Logging
Access Log Expiration Time
Access Log Expiration Time Unit
Access Log Maximum Disk Space
Access Log Maximum Log Size
Access Log Maximum Number of Log Files
Access Log Minimum Free Disk Space
Access Log Rotation Time
Access Log Rotation Time Unit
Account Lockout
Audit Log
Audit Log Enable Logging
Audit Log Expiration Time
Audit Log Expiration Time Unit
Audit Log Maximum Disk Space
Audit Log Maximum Log Size
Audit Log Maximum Number of Log Files
Audit Log Minimum Free Disk Space
Audit Log Rotation Time
Audit Log Rotation Time Unit
Certificate and Key Directory
Changelog DB Directory
Changelog Suffix
Check Password Syntax
Enable Access Control
Enable Online Consumer Creation
Enable Superior Object Class Enquoting
Encrypted Port Number
Encryption Alias
Encryption Ciphers
Error Log
Error Log Enable Logging
Error Log Expiration Time
Error Log Expiration Time Unit
Error Log Maximum Disk Space
Error Log Maximum Log Size
Error Log Maximum Number of Log Files
Error Log Minimum Free Disk Space
Error Log Rotation Time
Error Log Rotation Time Unit
Idle Timeout
Instance Directory
IO Block Time Out
Listen to IP Address
Local User
Lockout Duration
Log Buffering
Log Level
Max Changelog Age
Max Changelog Records
Maximum File Descriptors
Maximum Message Size
Maximum Password Failures
Maximum Threads Per Connection
NT Synchronization Service Enabled
NT Synchronization Service Port Number
NT Synchronization Service Use SSL
Number of Passwords to Remember
Object Class
Password Change
Password Expiration
Password History
Password Maximum Age
Password Minimum Age
Password Minimum Length
Password Must Change
Password Storage Scheme
Port Number
Reserved File Descriptors
Reset Password Failure Count After
Return Exact Case
Root DN
Root Password
Root Password Storage Scheme
Schema Checking
Send Warning
Size Limit
Supplier DN
Supplier Password
Supplier SSL Clients
Thread Number
Time Limit
Track Modification Time
Unlock Account
User-Defined Attributes File
User-Defined Object Class File
Database Parameters
All IDs Threshold
Attribute to be Indexed
Database Checkpoint Interval
Database Configuration File
Database Directory
Database Durable Transactions
Database Transaction Log Directory
Look Through Limit
Maximum Cache Size
Maximum Entries in Cache
Appendix A   LDAP URLs
Components of an LDAP URL
Escaping Unsafe Characters
Examples of LDAP URLs
Appendix B   Internationalization
Identifying Supported Locales
Supported Language Subtypes
Appendix C   UI Reference
Confirmation Preferences Dialog Box
Import Database Dialog Box (Import Command)
Export Database Dialog Box (Export Command)
Settings Tab (Root Node)
Performance Tab (Root Node)
Encryption Tab (Root Node)
Encryption Preferences Dialog Box
SNMP Tab (Root Node)
Manager Tab (Root Node)
Indexes Tab (Database)
New Attribute Dialog Box
Passwords Tab (Database)
Account Lockout Tab (Database)
Performance Tab (Database)
Settings Tab (Database)
Backup Directory Dialog Box
Restore Directory Dialog Box
Object Classes Tab
Create or Edit Object Class Dialog Box
Attributes Tab
Create or Edit Attribute Dialog Box
Matching Rules Tab
Replication Status Tab
Consumer Server Settings Tab
Supplier Server Settings Tab
Replication Agreement Wizard Dialog Box
Agreement Name Dialog Box
Source and Destination Dialog Box
Host Info Dialog Box
Scheduling Dialog Box
Consumer Initialization Dialog Box
Summary Dialog Box
Summary Tab (Supplier-Initiated or Consumer-Initiated Agreements Folder)
Schedule Tab (Supplier-Initiated or Consumer-Initiated Agreements Folder)
Content Tab (Supplier-Initiated or Consumer-Initiated Agreements Folder)
Access Log Tab (Status Tab)
Access Log Tab (Configuration Tab)
Error Log Tab (Status Tab)
Error Log Tab (Configuration Tab)
Audit Log Tab (Status Tab)
Audit Log Tab (Configuration Tab)
Plugins Tabs
Server Tab (Performance Counters)
Database Tab (Performance Counters)
Property Editor Dialog Box
    File Menu Commands (Property Editor)
    Edit Menu Commands (Property Editor)
    View Menu Commands (Property Editor)
Add Object Class Dialog Box
Add Attribute Dialog Box
Search Users and Groups By Filter Dialog Box
Configure New Instance Dialog Box
Subtree Selection Dialog Box

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