Netra j 2.0 Administrator's Guide

Starting the Netra j Administration Interface

To Prepare For Configuration
  1. Make sure the Netra j software is installed according to procedures. Refer to both the the Netra j 2.0 Installation Guide and README file for instructions.

  2. Complete the Network Computer Configuration Checklist (Appendix A, Network Computer Configuration Form).

  3. Make sure the administrative web server daemon is running:

    % ps -ef | grep httpd 

    The output should contain the following line:

    root pid 1
    0 date 0:03 /usr/lib/httpd
    -config /etc/opt/netra/SUNWnetra/conf/httpd.conf 

  4. Find the path name of the web server document root. This is the root directory of the web server running on port 80 on your system.

    For a description of web server document root, see "Setting the Web Server Document Root".

To Start the Netra j Administration Interface

As part of installation, Netra j creates a Solaris user account called setup that automatically launches HotJava Browser, the browser required to operate HotJava Views Administration pages in the Netra j administration interface. HotJava Views Administration pages use features of the JDK(TM) developer's kit that are not currently supported by industry-standard browsers.

All other Netra j Administration pages can be operated from any industry-standard browser.

  1. Using your default web browser, open the URL http://hostname:81

  2. Log in as setup and type the password setup

  3. If you are opening the Netra j administration interface for the first time, follow the system links to set up system defaults, the administration password, and other parameters.

    Follow the arrow buttons until you have set up all the required parameters.

  4. Click Administration to go to the Netra j 2.0 Main Administration page.

Setting Up Name Services

If your network already provides network information service (NIS) and domain name service (DNS), Netra j will automatically obtain the information it needs from the system files. You can verify this information by clicking Name Service on the Netra j Main Administration page and following the relevant links.

If your system does not have name services, you need to set them up now. See "Name Service Administration " for instructions.

Setting the Web Server Document Root

The web server document root is the means by which the JavaStation client accesses applications such as HotJava Browser and HotJava Views. Once configured, the JavaStation client can access these applications by mounting the application directory or by specifying a URL.

When a user selects an application from a JavaStation, the request is sent to the Netra web server, which contacts the web server where the application actually resides. The Netra web server then loads the application onto the JavaStation.

The web server document root is the root directory of the default web server running on port 80. The documents under this root are accessible to any system connected to the web server (provided the user has permissions). If a file is not under this root directory, it cannot be accessed through the web server.

For example, if you are running Sun WebServer on port 80, the document root is located in /var/http/demo/public. If you copy the file specs.html under the root directory, then any user can access this file using the URL http://hostname.domain/specs.html.

For instructions on setting up the web server document root, see "Web Server Document Root Administration".

If you write an alternate main application to be deployed to JavaStation clients instead of HotJava Browser or HotJava Views, you can add them to the list of default applications through the Netra j Network Computer Server module. See "Client Application Administration".

Defining Boot Server Global Parameters

During the boot sequence, the boot server provide the JavaStation clients with information they need to operate properly. This information is divided into two categories: global parameters and local parameters. Global parameters are the parameters that are used by all JavaStation clients on the network (Table 2-1). Local parameters are defined for each JavaStation individually (Table 2-2).

Table 2-1 Network Computer Global Parameters



NIS Domain Name (optional) 

The NIS or NIS+ domain name in which the network computers reside.  

NIS Server Address(es) (optional) 

The list of host address(es) of NIS or NIS+ servers for the network computers. List of NIS or NIS+ server addresses configured in the network computer server database is displayed.  

DNS Domain Name 

The DNS domain name in which the network computers reside.  

DNS Server Address(es) 

The host address of the DNS server for the network computers. 

Boot Server Address 

The host address of the network computer boot server on the local network. 

Time Server Address 

The IP address of a server supporting the network time protocol (NTP). 

Router Address(es) (optional) 

A list of host address(es) of the routers to be used by the network computers. If not given, JavaOS broadcasts looking for a router.  

List of router addresses configured in the network computer server database is displayed.  

Lease Time (in days) 

The duration (in days) of the IP address lease to the network computer client. A value of -1 specifies an infinite lease. By default, this field is set to 3 days. After this period of time has expired with no DHCP server sending a DHCPACK packet, JavaOS shuts down the networking port.  

Lease Negotiation 

A "Yes" or "No" flag indicating whether lease negotiation is to be performed. If the lease time is set to the value "infinite" (-1), "Yes" has no meaning. 

Network Interfaces 

An access point to a system on a network. Each interface is associated with a physical device. However, a physical device can have multiple network interfaces. 

Input Method Server (optional) 

A server with a language engine to interpret the keyboard input method (for Korean, Chinese, and Japanese languages only). This server must be running a localized version of Solaris. 

Input Method Port (optional) 

The port number of the IIIMP server for the network computer. The IIIMP port number configured in the network computer server database is displayed. 

Time Zone 

Specify the timezone in which the JavaStation clients are locate d. This is a 3-letter field. For example, GMT. If an invalid timezone is specified, the timezone on the JavaStation clients default to GMT.  

By default the timezone specified in the network computer server database is displayed. 

Fonts Server (optional) 

The host address or host name of the fonts server for the network computers. Font server configured in the network computer server database is displayed. Server address is required if the fonts directory is specified.  

Fonts Directory (optional) 

The directory location of the fonts for the network computers. If a fonts server is specified, a fonts directory is required.  

Localized Resources Server (optional) 

The host address or host name of the localized resources server for the network computers. The server address is required if the localized resources directory is specified.  

Localized Resources Directory (optional) 

The directory location of the localized resources for the network computers. If a localized resources server is specified, this directory is required.  

Login Locales List (optional) 

The list of locales to be presented as choices to the user loging on to a network computer. By default the locales specified in the network computer server database are selected  

JavaOS Command Line (optional) 

A list of definitions of either JavaOS or system properties. A formatted text string that can be delivered by DHCP or other methods. There are no spaces between the option and the value. Different command line options are separated by a space. Exact syntax must be used to specify the command line options. By default, all JavaOS and system properties configured in the network computer server database (using JOScmd1) are displayed.

Table 2-2 Local Parameters



Host Name Prefix 

The host name of any network computer will be generated using the name_prefix. If the IP address of the network computer is, then the generated host name for this computer will be name_prefix-dd.

Starting IP Address 

The initial host address you want to assign to the network computers being set up. If a host address is already used by some other system in the network, that address will be bypassed. 

Number of NCs 

The number of network computers you want to set up. Note that if an IP address is already used in the network, that address will not be used, resulting in one less client that will be set up. 

Enter Lease Time (days) 

The duration (in days) of the IP address lease to the network computer client. A value of -1 specifies an infinite lease. By default, this field is set to 3 days. After this period of time has expired with no DHCP server sending a DHCPACK packet, JavaOS shuts down the networking port.  

Default Application  

The application that will be run on this computer. Views specifies HotJava Views, and browser specifies HotJava Browser. You can add other applications as options to the Default Application list by using the Client Application Administration menu.

Select NC Locale 

The language the user will be using with this network computer. For Asian languages, the input method should also be selected. See Chapter 11, Setting Locales and Adding Fonts for a detailed description on this topic.

Select Keyboard 

Select the keyboard for use with this network computer. Currently, only PS2 keyboards are supported  

Dead Keys Support 

This property controls the behavior of the accent keys ' " ~ and ^ for ISO Latin locales. If this property is enabled, these keys are dead keys. When a dead key is pressed, no value is generated until the NEXT key is pressed. To get a single quote character, press this key twice. If this property is disabled, these keys will generate their expected value.  

Vendor Specific Options 

The DHCP specification enables hardware and software vendors to create their own DHCP options. These options are delivered through the use of the Client Class Identifier option and the Vendor Options option. This field enables you to specify the vendor specific options.  

Be careful when you use this feature; the Netra j administration interface software does not validate the value you enter in this field. If you do not want the login prompt for an application to be run on the network computer, type -djavaos.login=false.

See Chapter 9, Setting JavaOS Properties for additional information.

Before you can set up the JavaStation clients, you must define the global parameters for the boot server. (You will define the local parameters when you set up the JavaStation clients.) If your server is already on the network and is properly configured, Netra j obtains most of the global parameters automatically. To verify this information or to make any changes, refer to the appropriate modules for instructions.

For instructions on defining boot server global parameters, see "Configuring Global Parameters".

Setting Up JavaStation Clients

You can add JavaStation clients to the network in two ways:

There are two ways to add JavaStation clients to the network: using the Network Computer Administration module or using the Network Computer - Quick Setup module. The Network Computer Administration module has an Add function that enables you to set up one JavaStation. Quick Setup enables you to set up many JavaStation clients at one time with identical configurations.Table 2-3 compares each method.

Table 2-3 Comparison of Methods to Add JavaStation Clients to the Network

Network Computer Administration 

Network Computer - Quick Setup 

For adding individual JavaStation clients;you add one JavaStation at a time 

For adding groups of JavaStation clients (with the same configurations) at a time 

You assign IP address 

IP addresses are assigned automatically 

IP addresses can be permanent or leased 

IP addresses are leased 

The two methods handle IP addressing differently. When you use Quick Setup, the assumption is that you are dealing with a large number of JavaStation clients. You are asked to specify a starting IP address and the number of JavaStation clients you want to be configured. Netra j then assigns IP addresses to JavaStationclients in the order it chooses. Also, addresses are leased rather than being assigned permanently.

On the other hand, if you use the Network Computer Administration Add function to configure a single JavaStation, you assign a unique IP address to the JavaStation, and you decide whether that IP address will belong to the JavaStation permanently or for a certain lease time.

After you set up IP addressing, the remaining fields (in both Quick Setup and Network Computer Administration Add) are for setting local parameters.

Once you have set up a JavaStation, either individually or as part of a Quick Setup group, you can go back and modify its original parameters with the Network Computer Administration Modify function.

See "Network Computer Server Administration " and "Network Computers - Quick Setup" for procedures.

HotJava Views Administration

Netra j provides a link to the HotJava Views Administration tool that enables you to configure the HotJava Views application that will be deployed to JavaStation clients. For instructions on accessing HotJava Views Administration, see the procedure "To Access HotJava Views Administration".

Network Computer Operating System Administration

Use this form to update the operating system if you have a new version of the javaos binary. If your network computer has flash memory, the new binary will be stored in flash memory, and will be available for use when the network computer is rebooted or powered on.

Flash memory enables the JavaStation to store the latest version of JavaOS locally in non-volatile memory. Flash memory enables the JavaStation to boot faster. Use the Update Computer Operating System module to reconfigure the existing network environment to the new javaos binary. See "Updating Network Computer Operating System" for procedures.