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Sun InfiniBand Dual Port 4x QDR PCIe ExpressModule Host Channel Adapter M2

User's Guide

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Document Information

Using This Documentation

Product Notes

Related Documentation


Access to Oracle Support

Installing the ExpressModule

Install the ExpressModule

ExpressModule Features

ExpressModule Specifications

InfiniBand Interface

PCI ExpressModule Interface

LEDs and Ports


Hardware and Software Requirements

Hot-Swap the ExpressModule (Oracle Solaris)

Hot-Swap the ExpressModule (Linux)

Installing InfiniBand Software on the Oracle Solaris OS

InfiniBand Software for the Oracle Solaris 10 OS

Download the Firmware Flash Update Tool for IB-HCAs (Oracle Solaris 10)

Verify the Installation (Oracle Solaris)

Update the Firmware (Oracle Solaris)

InfiniBand Devices on the Oracle Solaris 10 OS

Installing the InfiniBand Support Software on Linux

InfiniBand Software for Linux

Acquire the BXOFED Software (Linux)

Install the BXOFED Software (Linux)

Internet Protocol Over InfiniBand (Linux)

Verify the Installation (Linux)



Hot-Swap the ExpressModule (Oracle Solaris)

Note - Hot-swapping is not supported with Oracle Solaris 10 10/09. The following procedure is for Oracle Solaris 10 9/10.

Before You Begin

This procedure is for removing and installing an ExpressModule without powering off the system.

  1. Add this line to the /etc/system file:
    set pcie:pcie_disable_ari = 1

    Reboot the system after the modification for the changes to take effect.

  2. Unplumb the ExpressModule:
    # ifconfig ibd(0/1 or 2/3 ...) unplumb
  3. Find the device number as required for hot-swapping:

    Note - The Ap_Id changes from platform to platform. Use the Ap_Id related to the ib/hp type. Refer to the hot-plug/hot-swap procedures in the Solaris 10 documentation collections at:

    The following is an example. The output from your platform could look different.

    # cfgadm
    Ap_Id                          Type         Receptacle   Occupant     Condition
    FEM0                           unknown      empty        unconfigured unknown
    FEM1                           unknown      empty        unconfigured unknown
    PCI-EM0                        ib/hp        connected    configured   ok
    PCI-EM1                        ib/hp        connected    configured   ok
    c2                             scsi-sas     connected    unconfigured unknown
    c3                             scsi-sas     connected    unconfigured unknown
    c4                             scsi-sas     connected    unconfigured unknown
    hca:212800013F2A8A             IB-HCA       connected    configured   ok
    hca:212800013F2A96             IB-HCA       connected    configured   ok
    ib                             IB-Fabric    connected    configured   ok
    usb0/1                         unknown      empty        unconfigured ok
  4. Unconfigure the ExpressModule:
    # cfgadm -c unconfigure  PCI-EM0
  5. Disconnect the ExpressModule:
    # cfgadm -c disconnect PCI-EM0
  6. Remove the ExpressModule from the server.
  7. Install a new ExpressModule.

    See Install the ExpressModule.

  8. Connect the ExpressModule.
    # cfgadm -c connect PCI-EM0
  9. Configure the ExpressModule.
    # cfgadm -c configure PCI-EM0
  10. Plumb the ExpressModule.
    # ifconfig ibdn plumb IP_address up
  11. Verify the installation.

    See Verify the Installation (Oracle Solaris).

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