Solaris User's Guide

Mail Tool Controls and Menus

The control area, shown in Figure 4-3, has three groups of controls.

Figure 4-3 Mail Tool Control Area


The first four buttons in the top row are the standard Mail Tool menu buttons. The first four buttons in the bottom row are user-defined accelerator buttons, which you can customize to represent any of the items available from the standard menus. The items at the right side of the control area are the Mail File controls. These include the Mail File abbreviated menu button and text field, and the Mail File Move, Copy, and Load menu buttons.

The following sections provide a brief description of each of these controls.

File Menu

The File menu has choices that you use to organize mail messages, print them, or commit changes (such as deleting and sequentially renumbering messages).

The default item of the File Menu is Load In-Box. Selecting this loads your inbox.

View Menu

The View menu has choices for different ways to view messages and move between them, and for finding particular mail messages.

See "Mail Tool View Message Window" for more information about the first three items on the View menu.

The default item of the View menu is Next. When you select Next, the next message is displayed.

Edit Menu

The Edit menu has choices for editing and deleting mail messages and configuring your Mail Tool from the Mail Tool Properties window.

The default item of the Edit menu is Delete. When you choose Delete, the currently selected messages are deleted or the currently viewed messages are deleted if no messages are selected.

Compose Menu

The Compose menu has choices for opening Compose windows from which you can write and send mail messages.

The default item of the Compose menu is New. When you choose New, a new Compose window is opened.

Custom Mail Tool Buttons

The first four buttons on the second row of the control area are custom Mail Tool buttons. You can change these buttons to be any of the items on the File, View, Edit, or Compose menus.

The default items of the custom buttons are Done (from the File menu), Next (from the View menu), Delete (from the Edit menu), and Reply (from the Compose menu). See "Header Window Properties" for information about how to change the items on these custom buttons.

Mail File Text Field and Menus

You use the Mail File text field and abbreviated menu button to create and view mail files, and to store messages into mail files. You use the abbreviated menu button to choose from all your available mail files. See "Mail File Menus" for information on creating and viewing mail files.

Use the last three buttons on the second row of the control area to move or copy selected messages into a mail file, or to view (load) a different mail file. Each of these buttons displays a menu of the most recently used mail files. You can customize this menu to always include particular mail files. See "Mail File Menus" for information on creating and viewing mail files. See "Mail Filing Properties" for information about customizing your mail file menus.

Pop-up Menus

A pop-up menu in the Header pane, called Messages, contains a subset of controls from the File, View, Edit, and Compose menus. Display this menu by moving the pointer anywhere in the Header window pane and pressing the MENU button. Each item on the Messages pop-up menu works the same way as it does when you choose the same item from a menu button.

The text editing panes in the View Message and Compose windows contain a pop-up menu with the standard editing commands from the Text Editor. For a description of the text editing commands, see the chapter Chapter 3, Text Editor.