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Sun Datacenter InfiniBand Switch 72 Command Reference

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Understanding InfiniBand Commands

ibaddr Command

ibcheckerrors Command

ibchecknet Command

ibchecknode Command

ibcheckport Command

ibcheckportstate Command

ibcheckportwidth Command

ibcheckstate Command

ibcheckwidth Command

ibclearcounters Command

ibclearerrors Command

ibdatacounters Command

ibdatacounts Command

ibdiagnet Command

ibdiagpath Command

ibhosts Command

ibnetdiscover Command

ibnodes Command

ibportstate Command

ibroute Command

ibstatus Command

ibswitches Command

ibsysstat Command

ibtracert Command

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ibcheckstate Command

Displays ports that are LinkUp but not Active.


ibcheckstate [-h][-N][-v][topology|-C ca_name][-P ca_port][-t timeout]



This InfiniBand command is a script that uses the topology file created by the ibnetdiscover command. The script scans the InfiniBand fabric to validate the port logical and physical state, and reports any ports that have a logical state other than Active or a physical state other than LinkUp.


The following table describes the options to the ibcheckstate command and their purposes:

Provides help.
Uses mono mode instead of color mode.
Provides verbose output.
Uses the specified channel adapter name.
Uses the specified channel adapter port.
Overrides the default timeout.

The following example shows how to check the state of all ports with the ibcheckstate command.

# ibcheckstate -v
# Checking Switch: nodeguid 0x0021283a8620b0f0
Node check lid 25:  OK 
Port check lid 25 port 36:  OK 
Port check lid 25 port 35:  OK 
Port check lid 24 port 30:  OK 
Port check lid 24 port 29:  OK 
## Summary: 6 nodes checked, 0 bad nodes found
##          142 ports checked, 0 ports with bad state found

Note - The output in the example is just a portion of the full output.

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