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Sun Datacenter InfiniBand Switch 72 Command Reference

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Understanding InfiniBand Commands

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smpquery Command


sminfo Command

Queries the InfiniBand SMInfo attribute.


sminfo [-d][-e] -s state -p priority -a activity [-D][-G][-h][-V][-C ca_name][-P ca_port][-t timeout] smlid|smdr_path



This InfiniBand command conducts a query of the Subnet Manager and outputs the information in a human readable format. The target Subnet Manager is identified in the local port information, or it is specified by the smlid or smdr_path.

Note - Using the sminfo command for other than simple queries might fault the target Subnet Manager.


The following table describes the options to the sminfo command and their purposes:

Sets the debug level. Can be used several times to increase the debug level.
Uses the directed path address. The path is a comma delimited sequence of out ports.
Displays send and receive errors.
Sets the Subnet Manager state:
  • 0 – Not active.

  • 1 – Discovering.

  • 2 – Standby.

  • 3 – Master.

Sets the priority, (0–13).
Sets the activity count.
Uses the port GUID address.
Provides help.
Displays the version information.
Uses the specified channel adapter name.
Uses the specified channel adapter port.
Overrides the default timeout.

The following example shows how to display the SMInfo with the sminfo command.

# sminfo
sminfo: sm lid 25 sm guid 0x21283a8620b0f0, activity count 25950 priority 13 state 3 SMINFO_MASTER
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