GNOME 2.0 Desktop for the Solaris Operating Environment User Guide
 file manager
  assigning actions to files ( Index Term Link )
  bookmarks ( Index Term Link )
  changing backgrounds ( Index Term Link )
  changing permissions ( Index Term Link )
  copying files and folders ( Index Term Link )
  creating folders ( Index Term Link )
  creating symbolic link ( Index Term Link )
  customizing ( Index Term Link )
  deleting files or folders ( Index Term Link )
  displaying folders ( Index Term Link )
  drag-and-drop ( Index Term Link )
  duplicating files and folders ( Index Term Link )
   adding ( Index Term Link )
   introduction ( Index Term Link )
  executing default actions for files ( Index Term Link )
  executing non-default actions for files ( Index Term Link )
  executing other actions for files ( Index Term Link )
  FTP sites
   See FTP sites
  Home location
   See Home location
  icon view
   arranging files in ( Index Term Link )
   illustration ( Index Term Link )
   preferences ( Index Term Link )
   caption preferences ( Index Term Link )
   introduction ( Index Term Link )
   modifying ( Index Term Link )
   stretching ( Index Term Link )
  introduction ( Index Term Link )
  list view
   illustration ( Index Term Link )
   preferences ( Index Term Link )
  managing files and folders ( Index Term Link )
  modifying actions ( Index Term Link )
  modifying appearance of files and folders ( Index Term Link )
  moving files and folders ( Index Term Link )
  navigating ( Index Term Link )
  navigating history list ( Index Term Link )
  opening files ( Index Term Link )
  overview ( Index Term Link )
   desktop ( Index Term Link )
   icon and list views ( Index Term Link )
   icon captions ( Index Term Link )
   introduction ( Index Term Link )
   new windows ( Index Term Link )
   performance ( Index Term Link )
   side pane ( Index Term Link )
   theme ( Index Term Link )
   Trash ( Index Term Link )
   views ( Index Term Link )
  renaming folders ( Index Term Link )
  running scripts ( Index Term Link )
  selecting files and folders ( Index Term Link )
  side pane
   introduction ( Index Term Link )
   preferences ( Index Term Link )
  Start Here location
   See Start Here location
  tabbed panes
   History ( Index Term Link )
   introduction ( Index Term Link )
   Notes ( Index Term Link )
   Tree ( Index Term Link )
   See Trash
  view pane
   See view pane
  viewing files in view pane ( Index Term Link )
   choosing ( Index Term Link )
   introduction ( Index Term Link )
   modifying behavior ( Index Term Link )
   preferences ( Index Term Link )
  window components, showing and hiding ( Index Term Link )
  windows ( Index Term Link )
  zooming in and out ( Index Term Link )
 file types
  adding ( Index Term Link )
  configuring ( Index Term Link )
  editing ( Index Term Link )
 focus, giving to a window ( Index Term Link )
  applications ( Index Term Link )
  desktop ( Index Term Link )
 FTP sites, accessing ( Index Term Link )