GNOME 2.0 Desktop for the Solaris Operating Environment User Guide

Viewing Files in the View Pane

Nautilus contains viewer components that enable you to display particular types of file in the view pane. For example, you can display the following types of files in the view pane:

To reload the contents of the view pane, choose View -> Reload. To stop loading an item in the view pane, choose View -> Stop.

When you display a file in the view pane, the viewer component might add menu items to the Nautilus menus. The menu items relate to the file type that is displayed. For example, when you display a PNG file, the View menu contains Interpolation, Dither, and other submenus.

Also, when you display some types of file in the view pane, you can use the Nautilus zoom buttons to change the size of the item.