
FIGURE 1-1small space Publishing and Using a Web Service

FIGURE 1-2small space Web Service and Client (Multitier Model)

FIGURE 1-3small space Web Service and Client (Web-centric Model)

FIGURE 2-1small space New Web Service Wizard

FIGURE 2-2small space Web Service Properties With Context Root Set to StockService

FIGURE 2-3small space Logical EJB Nodes in the Explorer

FIGURE 2-4small space Web Service Operations

FIGURE 2-5small space Environment Entries Dialog Box

FIGURE 2-6small space Add Environment Entry Dialog Box

FIGURE 2-7small space New Web Service Wizard

FIGURE 2-8small space New Web Service Wizard: Select WSDL File

FIGURE 2-9small space New Web Service Wizard: Specify New EJB

FIGURE 2-10small space Web Service and EJB Nodes Generated From WSDL: Explorer View

FIGURE 2-11small space Web Service Hierarchy of Nodes

FIGURE 2-12small space J2EE Application for a Web Service

FIGURE 2-13small space Web Service WAR File Properties With Web Context Set to StockService

FIGURE 2-14small space Application Server Instance for Deployment

FIGURE 2-15small space Stateful Session Bean: Wizard

FIGURE 2-16small space Stateful Session Bean Bean Type Property

FIGURE 2-17small space Explorer View of Business Methods

FIGURE 2-18small space Add New Business Method Dialog Box

FIGURE 2-19small space Web Service Conversational Property

FIGURE 2-20small space Web Service Conversation Initiator and Terminator Method Properties

FIGURE 2-21small space Web Service Test Client Conversational Property

FIGURE 2-22small space Stateful Test Client Welcome Screen

FIGURE 2-23small space UDDI Registries Options

FIGURE 2-24small space UDDI Publish Categories Dialog Box

FIGURE 2-25small space UDDI Categories (Taxonomies)

FIGURE 2-26small space UDDI Publish Identifiers Dialog Box

FIGURE 2-27small space UDDI Add Identifier Dialog Box

FIGURE 2-28small space UDDI Registries Property Editor

FIGURE 2-29small space UDDI Publish New Web Service Dialog Box

FIGURE 2-30small space UDDI Login and Business Information Dialog Box

FIGURE 2-31small space UDDI tModel Selection Dialog Box

FIGURE 2-32small space UDDI Set Categories and Identifiers

FIGURE 2-33small space Start Internal UDDI Registry Server

FIGURE 2-34small space Java WSDP Sample Registry Browser

FIGURE 2-35small space Java WSDP Sample Registry Browser URL Selection

FIGURE 2-36small space Java WSDP Sample Registry Browser With Internal Registry URL

FIGURE 2-37small space Java WSDP Sample Registry Browser Displaying Selected Business

FIGURE 2-38small space Java WSDP Sample Registry Browser Displaying Submissions Tabbed Pane

FIGURE 2-39small space Serialization Classes Property Editor

FIGURE 3-1small space New Client From Local Web Service Dialog Box

FIGURE 3-2small space New Web Service Client Dialog Box

FIGURE 3-3small space Client SOAP Runtime Property

FIGURE 3-4small space Client Documents Node and GenClient Node in Explorer

FIGURE 3-5small space Client HTML Welcome Page

FIGURE 3-6small space Client Sample JSP Page

FIGURE 3-7small space Client SOAP Proxy GenClient Node

FIGURE 3-8small space Client References to Documents, Libraries, and Classes

FIGURE 3-9small space Client WAR File in Explorer (Deployed Web Modules Node)

FIGURE 3-10small space Client WAR File in Explorer (Client Node)

FIGURE 3-11small space Client WAR File Contents

FIGURE 3-12small space Client Welcome Page

FIGURE 3-13small space Client Display of Company Information

FIGURE 3-14small space Client Display of Company Information (SOAP Req uest/Response)

FIGURE 3-15small space Client Input Proxy Server Page

FIGURE 3-16small space kSOAP Client Nodes in the Explorer

FIGURE 3-17small space kSOAP Client Executing In Cell Phone Emulator

FIGURE 3-18small space New Web Service Client Wizard

FIGURE 3-19small space UDDI Registry Selection Dialog Box

FIGURE 3-20small space UDDI Registry Search Dialog Box

FIGURE 3-21small space UDDI Registry Search Types

FIGURE 3-22small space UDDI Registry Search Dialog Box With Matching Businesses

FIGURE 3-23small space UDDI Registry Filter Business Progress Monitor

FIGURE 3-24small space UDDI Registry Select Service

FIGURE 3-25small space UDDI Registry Display Service Details and tModel

FIGURE 3-26small space Explorer View of Web Service and Client That Process Images and Text

FIGURE 3-27small space Client Welcome Page For Image and Text Processing

FIGURE 3-28small space Client JSP Page For the getImage Method

FIGURE 3-29small space Client Display of Image

FIGURE 3-30small space Client Class attWSRPC With Use DataHandler Only Property False

FIGURE 3-31small space Client Class attWSRPC With Use DataHandler Only Property True

FIGURE 4-1small space SOAP Message Handlers Property

FIGURE 4-2small space SOAP Message Handlers Dialog Box

FIGURE 4-3small space SOAP Message Handlers Dialog Box

FIGURE 4-4small space SOAP Message Handlers Set Properties Dialog Box

FIGURE 4-5small space SOAP Message Handlers Add Property Dialog Box

FIGURE 4-6small space SOAP Message Handlers Set Properties Dialog Box

FIGURE 4-7small space Set SOAP Header Dialog Box

FIGURE 4-8small space Set SOAP Header QName Dialog Box

FIGURE 4-9small space Configure SOAP Actor Roles Dialog Box

FIGURE 4-10small space Add SOAP Actor Role Dialog Box

FIGURE 4-11small space Configure SOAP Actor Roles Dialog Box

FIGURE 5-1small space XML Operation Calling Multiple Methods to Fulfill a Client Request

FIGURE 5-2small space XML Operation Source Editor, Showing Complex Input

FIGURE 5-3small space XML Operation Source Editor, Showing Complex Output

FIGURE 5-4small space Input Document Elements Node

FIGURE 5-5small space New XML Operation Dialog Box

FIGURE 5-6small space Select Method Dialog Box

FIGURE 5-7small space Collection of What? Dialog Box

FIGURE 5-8small space Add Method to XML Operation Dialog Box

FIGURE 5-9small space Select Method Dialog Box

FIGURE 5-10small space Add Input Document Element Dialog Box

FIGURE 5-11small space Input Document Element Properties Dialog Box

FIGURE 5-12small space Output Document Element Properties Dialog Box

FIGURE 5-13small space Input Document Element Properties (Default Value)

FIGURE 5-14small space Method Parameter Source Dialog Box

FIGURE 5-15small space Source Editor: (Excluding an Output Element)

FIGURE 5-16small space Method Parameter Source Dialog Box

FIGURE 5-17small space Resolve Object References Dialog Box

FIGURE 5-18small space Resolve Object References Dialog Box With XML Operations

FIGURE 5-19small space Map Parameters Dialog Box

FIGURE A-1small space HTTP Basic Authentication Login Page

FIGURE A-2small space Authentication Dialog Box

FIGURE A-3small space Add Role Dialog Box

FIGURE A-4small space Sun ONE AS Properties

FIGURE A-5small space Mapped Security Roles Dialog Box

FIGURE A-6small space Security Roles Dialog Box

FIGURE A-7small space Edit Application Roles Dialog Box

FIGURE A-8small space Application Server Administrative Tool: Manage Users

FIGURE A-9small space Create Client Trust Store

FIGURE A-10small space Set SSL Trust Store Option

FIGURE A-11small space Application Server Administrative Tool: Manage Certificates

FIGURE A-12small space List Client Trust Store

FIGURE A-13small space Application Server Administrative Tool: HTTP Listeners

FIGURE A-14small space Application Server Administrative Tool: HTTP Listener Properties

FIGURE A-15small space Client Welcome Page: Security Links

FIGURE A-16small space Client Page: Set Trust Store and Trust Store Password

FIGURE B-1small space Deployment Descriptor Final Edit Dialog Box