

adding input document elements, 1

adding method references to an XML operation, 1

Appendix A, 1

Application Server property, 1


multitier, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

web-centric, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

arrays, 1

assembling a web service, 1

attachments, 1

Authentication property, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6


casting a method return value, 1

classes returned by XML operations

collapsing, 1

expanding, 1

classes returned by XML operations (deprecated)

expanding, 1

client properties

Conversational, 1, 2, 3

Generate Presentation, 1, 2

HTTP Basic Authentication, 1, 2

SOAP Message Handlers, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Soap Runtime, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Source, 1

Use Data Handler Only, 1

Use HTTPS, 1


attachments, 1

creating from a UDDI registry, 1

creating from a web service, 1

creating to test a web service, 1

HTML error page, 1

HTML welcome page, 1


JSP pages, 1

kSOAP, 1

MIDlets, 1

refresh from UDDI, 1

refresh from web service, 1

refresh from WSDL, 1

stateful, 1, 2, 3

wireless, 1


serialization classes, 1

user-defined object types, 1

Context Root property, 1

Conversation Initiator property, 1

Conversation Terminator property, 1

Conversational property, 1, 2, 3, 4



retrieving more or less, 1

returned by XML operation, 1

returning less to client, 1

deleting references, 1, 2

deploying a web service, 1

deployment descriptors

editing, 1, 2

generated for web service, 1

IDE fields propagated to, 1

viewing, 1, 2

development work flow

web service clients, 1

web services, 1, 2

XML operations, 1



adding to XML input document, 1

deleting from input document, 1

excluding from XML output document, 1, 2

including in XML output document, 1

environment entries, 1

Environment Entries property, 1

Environment Entry property, 1

error pages, generating, 1

example applications, 1

execution of XML operations, 1

External Files property, 1


Generate Presentation property, 1, 2

generating runtime classes, 1


handlers, 1

HTTP basic authentication, 1, 2, 3

HTTP Basic Authentication property, 1, 2

HTTPS/SSL authentication and encryption, 1, 2, 3


inherited methods, 1

input document elements

adding, 1

deleting, 1

reordering, 1

Input Document Elements node, 1

instantiating objects at runtime, 1


Javadoc documentation in the IDE, 1


client proxy, 1, 2

client runtime property, 1

version, 1

JSP custom tags, 1

JSP pages, generating, 1

JSP tag library, 1



client front end, 1, 2

client proxy, 1

client runtime property, 1

version, 1

kSOAP clients, 1


Mapped Security Roles property, 1, 2

mapping parameters, 1

method calls in XML operations

adding, 1

deleting, 1, 2

description, 1

order of execution, 1

reordering, 1

Methods node, 1

MIDlets, 1

multitier architecture, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9


object references

resolving, 1

specifying target object, 1


instantiating at runtime, 1

scope of references, 1



mapping, 1

mapping in web service, 1

mapping in XML operation, 1, 2, 3

source type, 1

Parameters node, 1



adding to web service, 1

deleting from web service, 1

resolving, 1

refresh from UDDI, 1

refresh from web service, 1

refresh from WSDL, 1

request-response mechanism, 1

Resolve Object References dialog box, 1, 2

resolving object references, 1

runtime classes, generating, 1


scope of object references, 1


HTTP basic authentication, 1, 2, 3

HTTPS/SSL authentication and encryption, 1, 2, 3

overview, 1

Security Roles property, 1

Serialization Classes property, 1


client front end, 1, 2

client proxy, 1

client runtime property, 1

description, 1, 2

IDE features, 1

JAX-RPC implementation, 1

kSOAP implementation, 1

specification, 1

SOAP Message Handlers property, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

SOAP RPC URL property, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Soap Runtime property, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Source property, 1

starting and stopping the internal UDDI registry server, 1

stateful web services and clients, 1, 2, 3


tag library, 1

target objects

defining new, 1

editing definitions, 1

instantiating objects, 1

resolving references, 1

specifying an object reference, 1

Test Client property, 1



creating a client from a registry, 1

editing the table of registries, 1

internal registry overview, 1

internal registry sample browser, 1

internal registry startup and shutdown, 1

managing default categories and identifiers, 1

overview of IDE features, 1

overview of industry standards, 1, 2

overview of registry usage, 1

publishing a web service to a registry, 1, 2

specification, 1

Use Data Handler Only property, 1

Use HTTPS property, 1, 2

utility methods, static, 1


Web Context property, 1, 2

web service properties

Application Server, 1

Authentication, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Context Root, 1

Conversation Initiator, 1

Conversation Terminator, 1

Conversational, 1, 2, 3

Environment Entries, 1

Environment Entry, 1

External Files, 1

Mapped Security Roles, 1, 2

Security Roles, 1

Serialization Classes, 1

SOAP Message Handlers, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

SOAP RPC URL, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Test Client, 1

Use HTTPS, 1, 2

Web Context, 1, 2

web services

adding operations, 1

architectures, 1

assembling, 1

bottom-up development, 1, 2

creating, 1, 2

creating clients for testing, 1

creating clients from local local service, 1

creating clients from UDDI registry, 1

creating clients from WSDL, 1

deleting references, 1

deploying, 1

description, 1

development work flow, 1, 2

endpoint URL, 1

generating runtime classes, 1

multitier, 1

scope of object references, 1

stateful, 1, 2, 3

test clients, 1

top-down development, 1, 2

web-centric, 1

web-centric architecture, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

welcome page, generating, 1

wireless clients, 1


creating clients, 1

creating web services, 1, 2, 3

description, 1, 2

generating from web service, 1

IDE features, 1

specification, 1


XML operations (deprecated)

adding input document elements, 1

adding method calls, 1

collapsing classes, 1

creating, 1

Data Source pane, 1

deleting method calls, 1, 2

description, 1

development work flow, 1

editing, 1

excluding elements from XML output document, 1

expanding classes, 1

including elements in output document, 1

mapping parameters, 1, 2

reordering input document elements, 1

reordering methods, 1

request-response mechanism, 1

specifying return data, 1

XML Input Format pane, 1

XML Output Format pane, 1

XML output documents

excluding elements, 1

including elements, 1