
This manual describes how to install the GT Graphics Subsystem on the SPARCstation 2 or SPARCstation 10.

About this Release of the Manual

This is the third issue of the Hardware Installation Manual for the GT Graphics Subsystem . The primary difference between this issue and the previous issues is the addition of information on installing the GT Graphics Subsystem on the SPARCstation 10.

How to Use This Manual

This manual has seven chapters that walk the first time user step-by-step through the installation, from unpacking to troubleshooting. If you are an experienced user, use this guide as a refresher by turning to the chapter of interest.

Chapter 1, "Selecting a Work Area," contains power and grounding requirements, voltage selection, and tool requirements.

Chapter 2, "Unpacking," describes how to unpack the shipping containers.

Chapter 3, "Installing the GT SBus Adapter Board in a SPARCstation 2," describes how to install the GT SBus Adapter Board in the SPARCstation 2.

Chapter 4, "Installing the GT SBus Adapter Board in a SPARCstation 10," describes how to install the GT SBus Adapter Board in the SPARCstation 10.

Chapter 5, "Installing the Graphics Tower," describes how to install the Graphics Tower, connect it to the workstation and monitor, and power up the system.

Chapter 6, "System Verification," describes how to verify operation of the GT Graphics Subsystem using a simple graphics demonstration program.

Chapter 7, "Periodic Maintenance and Troubleshooting," describes minor maintenance and troubleshooting, including a problem-determination guide and procedures for running the internal self test and SunDiag diagnostics.

Appendix A, "Specifications," contains GT Graphics Subsystem specifications.

Applicable Documents

The following manuals contain topics that may be of interest to anyone who uses the GT Graphics Subsystem:

Description Part Number ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Sun Deskside Expansion Unit Regulatory Compliance Manual  800-5730
SunDiag User's Guide                                      800-3818
GT Standalone Diagnostics Manual                          800-6310


Typographic Conventions

This manual uses a number of typographic conventions:

      When you press the switch, the power goes on.

      Configuration successfully completed.

    This font is also used to represent the lowercase SunOS commands, such as:

      Use the stty command.

    In addition, it is used within text instructions to indicate characters or words that you type. For example:

      At the prompt, type stty.

Cautions and Warnings

The following international symbols appear in this manual when you must perform procedures that could be potentially hazardous to you or to the equipment.

Caution -

If the instructions are not heeded, there is a risk of damage to the equipment.

Warning -

Hazardous voltages are present. If the instructions are not heeded, there is a risk of electrical shock.