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Sun ONE Integration Server B2B, ECXpert 3.6.2 Installation Guide

List of Procedures

To verify that your system is properly configured on Solaris

To verify that your system is properly configured on Windows

To create a tnsnames.ora file

To configure and restart the LDAP server on Solaris

To configure and restart the LDAP server on Windows

Step One: Begin the installation

Step Two: Enter User and Group ID

Step Three: Secure Trading Agent Configuration information

Step Four: Configure Partner Agent Server

Step Five: Configure Database and Mailserver settings

Step Six: Drop Existing Database Tables

Step Seven: Load the New Database

Step Eight: Initialize Certificates

Step Nine: Clean up Files

Step Ten: Complete the Installation

To configure the Sun ONE Web Server

To set the BDGHome environment variable

To start the ECXpert Administration Server

To use the Billing Code feature

To edit the obj.conf file

To edit the magnus.conf file

To set the BDGHOME variable

To use the Billing Code feature

To install the Windows FTP server service

To submit the test Input_810.txt document

To upgrade to current ECXpert on Solaris

To log out and shut down ECXpert

To set up and test your database connectivity

To back up your existing ECXpert database

To back up important files from your current ECXpert installation

To upgrade to current ECXpert in Windows

To back up your existing ECXpert database

To log out and shut down all ECXpert services

To check database connectivity

To back up your existing ECXpert database

To back up important files from your current ECXpert installation

To reinstall ECXpert

To configure shared memory and semaphores

To create an Oracle user

To set environment variables

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