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Oracle Java CAPS TCP/IP JCA Adapter User's Guide     Java CAPS Documentation
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Document Information

About the TCP/IP JCA Adapter

TCP/IP JCA Adapters Contrasted With TCP/IP eWay Adapters

Installing the TCP/IP JCA Adapter

Installing the Design-Time *.nbm Files for the TCP/IP JCA Adapter

To Install the NetBeans Modules for the TCP/IP JCA Adapter

Setting Up the Runtime Environment for the TCP/IP JCA Adapter

To Install the Global RAR for the TCP/IP JCA Adapter

To Add a Connector Connection Pool for the TCP/IP JCA Adapter

To Add a Connector Resource for the TCP/IP JCA Adapter

Configuring the TCP/IP JCA Adapter

Configuring Runtime Properties of a TCP/IP JCA Adapter Pool

To Configure a TCP/IP JCA Adapter Pool

Configuring Design-time Properties of an Individual TCP/IP JCA Adapter Component

To Configure a TCP/IP JCA Adapter Instance

Using the TCP/IP JCA Adapter in an EJB Project

Designing an EJB Module to Use TCP/IP JCA Adapter Code

To Create an EJB Module Project

To Add a TCP/IP JCA Adapter to an EJB Project

To Use TCP/IP-Specific Sample Code

Configuration Settings for the TCP/IP JCA Adapter

General Outbound Settings

TCPIP Outbound Settings -- Client Connection Establishment

TCP/IP Outbound Settings -- Server Port Binding

TCP/IP Outbound Settings

Envelope Message Settings

Connection Pool Settings

Configuring Design-time Properties of an Individual TCP/IP JCA Adapter Component

This section provides a step-by-step procedure for using the NetBeans IDE to configure an existing instance of a TCP/IP JCA Adapter in an EJB project.

To Configure a TCP/IP JCA Adapter Instance

You will use the NetBeans IDE Projects tab to open the EJB Module project and its Java Collaborations folder, allowing you to edit the configuration properties of an existing TCP/IP JCA Adapter instance.

  1. In the NetBeans IDE, Projects tab, locate the EJB Module project containing the instance you want to configure.
  2. Open the project's Java Collaborations folder.
  3. Right-click the package name and select Edit JCA Activation.
    image:Configuring a TCP/IP JCA Adapter Instance

    The Edit JCA Activation dialog box appears

  4. In the Properties section, click the ellipsis [...] button to the right of Configuration.
    image:Configuring Properties of a TCP/IP JCA Adapter Instance
  5. Make changes as needed to the configuration settings, and then click OK.

    For a list and description of the parameters you can set, see Configuration Settings for the TCP/IP JCA Adapter.