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Master Index Data Manager User's Guide     Java CAPS Documentation
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Master Index Data Manager User's Guide

Related Topics

About the Master Index Data Manager

About Oracle Java CAPS Master Index

About Master Index Applications

Features of Master Index Applications

Functions of the Master Index Data Manager

Learning about MIDM Object Profiles

MIDM Object Profile Components

Source Records

Single Best Record

Survivor Calculator

Source Record and SBR Components in a Master Index

Identification Numbers for each Entity in the Master Index


Local ID

Auxiliary ID

Working with the Master Index Data Manager


Logging in to the Master Index Data Manager

To Log in to the MIDM

Master Index Data Manager Security Permissions

Master Index Data Manager Navigation Tips

Navigating the MIDM Functions

Navigating the MIDM Detail Pages

Logging Out of the MIDM

Using the MIDM Dashboard

Viewing Summary Information From the Dashboard

To View Summary Information

Accessing Reports and Audit Logs From the Dashboard

To Access Reports and Audit Logs From the Dashboard

Performing a Quick Search (EUID Lookup)

To Perform Quick Search

Performing an EUID Comparison Lookup

To Perform an EUID Comparison Lookup

Learning About Object Queries on the MIDM

About the MIDM Search Function

Simple Lookup

Advanced Alphanumeric Lookup

Advanced Phonetic Lookup

EUID Comparison Lookup

The Search Results List

Searching by Ranges on the MIDM

Required Fields on the MIDM

Searching for Object Profiles on the MIDM

Performing an EUID Lookup

To Perform an EUID Lookup

Performing a Local ID Lookup

To Perform a Local ID Lookup

Performing an Alphanumeric Search

To Perform an Alphanumeric Search

Performing a Phonetic Search

To Perform a Phonetic Search

Performing an EUID Comparison Lookup

To Perform an EUID Comparison Lookup

Working with Search Results on the MIDM

Viewing the Results of a Search

Selecting a Profile from the Results List

Sorting the Results of Your Search

Learning About Object Profile Views on the MIDM

Object Profile Details on the MIDM

Source Record Details on the MIDM

Object Profile and Source Record Comparisons

Object Profile Transaction Histories

Object Profile Merge Histories on the MIDM

The Master Index Audit Log

Viewing Object Information on the MIDM

Viewing Object Profiles on the MIDM

To View an Object Profile

Viewing a Source Record on the MIDM

To View a Source Record

Comparing Object Information on the MIDM

Comparing Two or More Object Profiles

Comparing Source Records From Object Profile Views

Comparing Source Records From One Source System

Viewing Transaction Histories on the MIDM

To View a Complete Transaction History For an Object Profile

To View Transaction History Records from the Transactions Page

About Transaction History Search Fields on the MIDM

About Transaction History Results Fields on the MIDM

Transaction History Transaction Types on the MIDM

Viewing a Profile's Merge History on the MIDM

To View an Object's Merge History

Viewing Merged Profiles for an Object Profile

To View Merged Profiles for an Object Profile

Viewing the MIDM Audit Log

To View the Audit Log

About Audit Log Search Fields on the MIDM

About Audit Log Results Fields on the MIDM

Audit Log Functions on the MIDM

Adding an Object Profile on the MIDM

Step 1: Obtain Information about the Object

Step 2: Specify a System and Local ID

To Specify a System and Local ID

Step 3: Specify Parent Object Information

To Specify Parent Object Information

Step 4: Specify Child Object Information

To Specify Child Object Information

Step 5: Save the Object Profile

To Save the Object Profile

Learning About MIDM Maintenance Tasks

Matching Probability Weights

Merging Profiles on the MIDM

Surviving and Non-Surviving Profiles

Source Record Merges

Undoing a Merge

Assumed Matches

Potential Duplicates

Handling Potential Duplicates on the MIDM



Survivor Calculator Overrides

Linking Source Record Fields to the SBR

Locking Field Values in the SBR

Concurrent Users on the MIDM

Modifying Profile Information on the MIDM

Modifying Information in an Object Profile

Modifying Parent Object Information in a Profile

Adding a Child Object to an Object Profile

Modifying a Child Object in a Profile

Deleting a Child Object From a Profile

Modifying Information Directly in a Source Record

Modifying the Parent Object in a Source Record

Adding a Child Object to a Source Record

Modifying a Child Object in a Source Record

Deleting a Child Object From a Source Record

Overwriting SBR Field Values

Locking an SBR Field

Unlocking an SBR Field

Overriding the Survivor Calculator's SBR

Linking an SBR Field to a Specific Source Record

Unlinking an SBR Field From a Source Record

Adding a Source Record to an Object Profile

To Add a Source Record to an Object Profile

Deactivating a Profile or Source Record

Deactivating an Object Profile

Deactivating a Source Record

Reactivating a Profile or Source Record

Reactivating an Object Profile

Reactivating a Source Record

Working with Potential Duplicate Profiles on the MIDM

Finding Potential Duplicate Profiles on the MIDM

To Find Potential Duplicates

About Duplicate Records Search Fields on the MIDM

Merging Potential Duplicate Profiles

To Combine Duplicate Profiles From the Comparison Page

Resolving Potential Duplicate Profiles on the MIDM

To Resolve Potential Duplicate Profiles From the Results List

To Resolve Potential Duplicate Profiles From the Comparison Page

Unresolving Potential Duplicate Profiles on the MIDM

To Unresolve Potential Duplicate Profiles From the Results List

To Unresolve Potential Duplicate Profiles From the Comparison Page

Working with Assumed Matches on the MIDM

Finding Assumed Matches on the MIDM

To Find Assumed Matches

About Assumed Matches Search Fields

About Assumed Match Results Fields on the MIDM

Reversing an Assumed Match on the MIDM

To Reverse an Assumed Match

Combining Object Information on the MIDM

Merging Object Profiles on the MIDM

To Merge Object Profiles

Merging Source Records on the MIDM

To Merge Source Records

Unmerging Object Information on the MIDM

Unmerging Object Profiles on the MIDM

To Unmerge Object Profiles

Unmerging Source Records on the MIDM

To Unmerge Two Merged Source Records

Learning About MIDM Reports

MIDM Production Reports

MIDM Activity Reports

Configuring MIDM Reports

Masked Data and MIDM Reports

Running MIDM Reports

To Run Reports From the MIDM

About Report Search Fields on the MIDM

About Oracle Java CAPS Master Index

Oracle Java CAPS Master Index provides a flexible framework to allow you to create matching and indexing applications called master index applications. It is an application building tool to help you design, configure, and create a master index application that will uniquely identify and cross-reference the business objects stored in your system databases. Business objects can be any type of entity for which you store information, such as customers, patients, vendors, businesses, hardware parts, and so on. Oracle Java CAPS Master Index allows you to define the data structure of the business objects to be stored and cross-referenced. In addition, you define the logic that determines how data is updated, standardized, weighted, and matched in the master index database.

The following topics provide additional information about Oracle Java CAPS Master Index, the master index applications created by Oracle Java CAPS Master Index, and the Master Index Data Manager (MIDM).

About Master Index Applications

The applications created by Oracle Java CAPS Master Index are enterprise-wide master index applications that maintain the most current information about the objects in your business enterprise. A master index application creates a single, consistent view of all object data by providing an automatic, common identification process regardless of the location or system from which the data originates. Object profiles from various locations are cross-referenced using an enterprise-wide unique identifier (EUID) assigned to each profile by the master index application. By creating EUIDs, a master index application can identify many types of participants, such as customers, employees, contacts, and so on.

The identification and general information for all objects is centralized in one shared index. A master index application is designed specifically to support scattered business locations and disparate information systems across an enterprise, as well as various applications from multiple vendors. Maintaining a centralized database for multiple systems enables a master index application to integrate data throughout the enterprise while allowing local systems to continue operating independently. A master index application makes it easy to find information that was previously scattered among multiple systems.

Features of Master Index Applications

The components of the master index applications you create are highly configurable, allowing each master index application to be customized for your specific data processing needs. Primary features of a master index application include the following:

Functions of the Master Index Data Manager

While a master index application cleanses data automatically as it is entered through external system messages or through the MIDM, there are instances where it cannot be determined automatically whether two object profiles truly match one another. In these cases, manual review through the MIDM is needed to verify the status of the two profiles and then to possibly join two potential duplicate profiles or separate two profiles that were automatically joined. The MIDM provides additional functions to help you maintain the data you store.

Using the MIDM, you can perform the following activities.