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Sun QFS and Sun Storage Archive Manager 5.3 Installation Guide     Sun QFS and Sun Storage Archive Manager 5.3 Information Library
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1.  About Sun QFS and Sun Storage Archive Manager

What Is Sun QFS?

What Is Sun Storage Archive Manager (SAM-QFS)?

What You Can Do With SAM-QFS

What Is the SAM-QFS Manager?


High Availability File System Configuration Using Oracle Solaris Cluster (HA-QFS)

High Availability Archiving Configuration Using Oracle Solaris Cluster (HA-SAM)

About Shared File Systems and the Linux Client

2.  Planning Your Environment

3.  Preparing for Installation

4.  Release Package Contents, Directories, and Files

5.  Installing Sun QFS and SAM-QFS

6.  Installing and Configuring SAM-QFS Manager

7.  Configuring the File System Environment

8.  Setting Up Mount Parameters and Initializing the File System Environment

9.  Backing Up SAM-QFS Data and Files

10.  Upgrading Sun QFS and SAM-QFS

11.  Uninstalling the SAM-QFS Manager Software

12.  Installing Sun QFS and Sun Storage Archive Manager -- Quick Start

What Is Sun Storage Archive Manager (SAM-QFS)?

The Sun Storage Archive Manager (SAM-QFS) product enables you to archive file system data. The SAM-QFS environment includes a storage and archive manager along with Sun QFS file system software. The SAM-QFS software enables data to be archived to automated libraries at device-rated speeds. In addition, data can be archived to files in another file system through a process known as disk archiving. You can archive the data on an as-needed basis, or you can define policies that determine when data should be archived. You can also set specific schedules for when to archive data. You are presented with a standard file system interface and can read and write files as though they were all on primary disk storage.

In a SAM-QFS configuration, the file system manages the online, nearline, and offline data automatically and in a manner that is transparent to the user or application. Users read and write files to the file system as though all files were on primary storage. In addition, this configuration backs up work in progress continually, automatically, and unobtrusively. Multiple file copies can be archived to many media types in a standard format. This capability minimizes the need for additional backup and provides fast disaster recovery in an effective long-term data storage solution.

The SAM-QFS software archives files by copying the files from online disk cache to archive media. The archive media can consist of disk slices in another file system or removable tape or magneto-optical cartridges in automated or manually loaded storage devices. In addition, the SAM-QFS software automatically maintains online disk space at site-specified usage thresholds. It releases disk space associated with archived file data and restores the files to online disk when they are needed.

The SAM-QFS configuration also includes the following features:

Note - Although you can create and use Sun QFS file systems without the SAM-QFS archiving features, you cannot use the SAM-QFS archiving features without using Sun QFS file systems. As a result, you must follow one of these installation paths:

If you install only the file system and later decide that you want the archiving features, you must uninstall Sun QFS before you install SAM-QFS. Note that any existing file systems are not deleted, and therefore do not need to be rebuilt.

What You Can Do With SAM-QFS

You can perform the following tasks with SAM-QFS: