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Sun Storage Archive Manager 5.3 Configuration and Administration Guide     Sun QFS and Sun Storage Archive Manager 5.3 Information Library
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Document Information


1.  About SAM-QFS

2.  Configuring Storage Devices for Archiving

3.  Performing Additional SAM-QFS Configuration

4.  Creating Parameters Files for Network-Attached Automated Libraries

5.  Checking the Drive Order in Libraries

6.  Populating the Catalog

7.  Managing Automated Libraries and Manually Loaded Drives

Vendor-Specific Library Operational Procedures

How to Start Removable Media Operations

How to Stop Removable Media Operations

How to Turn On an Automated Library

How to Turn Off an Automated Library

How to Load a Cartridge Manually

How to Unload a Cartridge Manually

Labeling and Unlabeling Cartridges

How to Label or Relabel a Tape

How to Label or Relabel an Optical Disc

How to Audit a Volume

How to Audit a Direct Attached Automated Library

Using a Cleaning Cartridge

How to Use a Cleaning Cartridge With a Barcode

How to Use a Cleaning Cartridge Without a Barcode

How to Reset the Number of Cleaning Cycles

How to Limit the Number of Cleaning Cycles

How to Clean a Tape Drive Automatically

How to Clean a Tape Drive Manually

How to Clear Media Errors

How to Remove a Stuck Cartridge From a Drive

Catalog Operations, Importing Cartridges, and Exporting Cartridges

Tracking Exported Media - The Historian

About Importing and Exporting From an Automated Library

How to Import a Cartridge From a Library With a Mailbox

How to Export a Cartridge From a Library With a Mailbox

How to Import a Cartridge From a Library Without a Mailbox

How to Export a Cartridge From a Library Without a Mailbox

How to Enable Load Notification

Using Drives With Encryption Capability

Manually Loaded Drive Operations

How to Load a Cartridge Into a Manually Loaded Device

How to Unload a Cartridge

How To View a Library Catalog

8.  Managing Vendor-Specific Libraries

9.  About Archiving

10.  Configuring the Archiver

11.  Archive Directives (archiver.cmd)

12.  Archive Set Directives (archiver.cmd)

13.  Data Integrity Validation in SAM-QFS

14.  About Releasing

15.  Configuring the Stager

16.  Configuring the Recycler

17.  Advanced SAM-QFS Topics

18.  Using the Sun SAM-Remote Software

Using a Cleaning Cartridge

The SAM-QFS environment supports the use of cleaning tapes if cleaning tapes are supported by the hardware. If a tape drive requests a cleaning, the system automatically loads a cleaning tape.

If your system uses barcoded labels, cleaning tapes must have a VSN of CLEAN or a VSN starting with the letters CLN in the barcode label. Alternatively, you can use the chmed command to mark a VSN as a cleaning tape and set the count. Multiple cleaning tapes are allowed in a system.

Cleaning practices differ from manufacturer to manufacturer. See Chapter 8, Managing Vendor-Specific Libraries to determine whether specialized procedures are recommended for your equipment.

How to Use a Cleaning Cartridge With a Barcode

If the cleaning cartridge is barcoded, you can import it by using the samimport command. This command moves the cartridge from the mailbox to a storage slot and updates the library catalog. In addition, the cleaning media flag is set, and the access count is set to the appropriate number of cleaning cycles, based on the media type. Each time the cartridge is used to clean a drive, the access count is decremented.

  1. Ensure that the cleaning cartridge has a barcode of CLEAN or starts with the letters CLN.
  2. Import the cleaning cartridge into the automated library.
    # samimport eq

    eq specifies the equipment number of the automated library as defined in the mcf file.

    You can also perform this task by using samu or SAM-QFS Manager.

How to Use a Cleaning Cartridge Without a Barcode

If the cartridge is not barcoded, it is not identified as a cleaning cartridge. After you import the cartridge, you must identify it.

  1. Import the cartridge into the automated library.
    # samimport eq

    eq specifies the equipment number of the automated library as defined in the mcf file.

  2. Change the type to a cleaning cartridge.
    # chmed +C eq:slot

    eq specifies the equipment number of the automated library and slot specifies the slot in which the cleaning cartridge has been loaded.

    In the following example, the automated library is equipment number 50 and the cleaning cartridge is in slot 77:

    # chmed +C 50:77
  3. Set the cleaning cycle count.
    # chmed -count count-number eq:slot

    eq specifies the equipment number of the automated library and slot specifies the slot in which the cleaning cartridge has been loaded.

    The following example command sets the cleaning count on the cartridge to 20.

    # chmed -count 20 50:77

How to Reset the Number of Cleaning Cycles

Cleaning cartridges are useful for a limited number of cleaning cycles. The SAM-QFS system ejects the cartridge when the number of remaining cycles equals zero. Each time a cleaning tape is imported, the cleaning cycle is reset to the highest number of cycles for that type of tape. For example, a DLT cleaning tape has 20 cycles and an Exabyte cleaning tape has 10 cycles. You can view the number of remaining cycles with the samu utility's :v display or by using SAM-QFS Manager.

If automatic cleaning is available but all cleaning cartridges in the automated library have a cleaning cycle count of zero, the drive state is set to off and a message is issued in the SAM-QFS log.

How to Limit the Number of Cleaning Cycles

Certain drive errors can result in the repeated loading of cleaning cartridges until all cleaning cycles are consumed.

Example 7-3 Example

For example, the following command sets the cleaning cycle count to 20 for the cleaning cartridge in slot 77 of the automated library with the equipment number of 50.

# chmed -count 20 50:77

How to Clean a Tape Drive Automatically

Beginning with the Sun Storage Archive Manager 4.4 release, the default setting for software-initiated tape drive cleaning is off. You can enable automatic cleaning in one of the following ways:

  1. Disable the media changer's cleaning feature according to the manufacturer's documentation.
  2. Edit the defaults.conf file to add the following line:
    tapeclean = all autoclean on logsense on

    The logsense option prevents a drive from using expired cleaning media. To use only sense data for determining the status of cleaning media, add the following line to the defaults.conf file:

    tapeclean = all autoclean on logsense off

    Note - When using the auto-cleaning feature that has a library with more than two drives, use at least two cleaning cartridges for each catalog. If not enough cleaning cartridges are available, any drive that requires cleaning is put into a DOWN state.

How to Clean a Tape Drive Manually

When automatic cleaning is not available and the system uses barcodes, you can request that a drive be cleaned at any time.

How to Clear Media Errors


Caution - Removing the error flag can cause problems. If you are uncertain about what caused the error and whether the flag can be removed safely, do not use this procedure. Contact Oracle Technical Support.

When a hardware or software error is encountered on a cartridge, the SAM-QFS system sets the media error flag in the VSN catalog. The media error flag is shown in the samu utility's v display and in SAM-QFS Manager.

You can clear the error to reset the flag and you can then attempt to use the cartridge.

  1. Clear the media error flag on a cartridge.
    # chmed -E media-type.vsn

    Specifies the media type. For a list of valid media types, see mcf(4) in Sun QFS and Sun Storage Archive Manager Reference Manual.
    Specifies the volume serial name (VSN) assigned to the volume.
  2. Update the library catalog with the space remaining information.
    # auditslot -e eq:slot[:partition]

    If the -e option is specified and the media is tape, the remaining space is updated. Otherwise, it is not changed.
    The equipment number of the automated library or manually loaded drive as defined in the mcf file.
    The number of the storage slot in the automated library as recognized in the library catalog. This argument is not applicable to manually loaded drives.
    A side of a magneto-optical disc. The partition must be 1 or 2. This argument is not applicable to tape cartridges.

    For more information, see auditslot(1M) in Sun QFS and Sun Storage Archive Manager Reference Manual.

    You can also perform this task by using the samu utility's :audit command or SAM-QFS Manager.

How to Remove a Stuck Cartridge From a Drive

  1. Turn off the drive in the automated library.
    # samcmd off eq

    eq specifies the equipment number of the drive as defined in the mcf file.

    You can also perform this step by using samu or SAM-QFS Manager.

  2. Turn off the automated library.
    # samcmd off eq

    eq specifies the equipment number of the library as defined in the mcf file.

    You can also perform this step by using samu or SAM-QFS Manager.

  3. Physically remove the cartridge from the drive.

    Be careful not to damage either the cartridge or the drive.

  4. Turn on the automated library and the drive.

    Issue this command once for the drive and once for the library.

    # samcmd on eq

    eq specifies the equipment number of the library and then of the drive as defined in the mcf file.

    If the automated library performs an audit when it is turned on, you are done.

  5. Follow these steps if the automated library does not perform an audit:
    1. Put the cartridge back into its storage slot.
    2. Use the chmed command to adjust the library catalog to set the occupied flag for the damaged tape.
      # chmed +o eq:slot

      Specifies the equipment number of the automated library or drive as defined in the mcf file.
      Specifies the number of the storage slot in the library as recognized in the library catalog. This argument is not applicable for manually loaded drives.

      If you keep the cartridge out of its slot and you want to put it back in later, you must import the cartridge into the automated library.